The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet #145 – June 16 2000

A maundering newszine produced for the Australian National
Science Fiction Association by Marc Ortlieb, P.O. Box 215, Forest
Hill, Vict, 3131, AUSTRALIA (e-mail:

Postal subscriptions $6-00 for ten.(Cheques made out to Marc
Ortlieb please. Stamps accepted). Available for items of gossip.
E-mailed direct, a once off $10 fee.  Free copy from aus.sf on
Internet or at

Paul Collins notes that two of his books, Tales from the
Wasteland which he edited, Cyberskin, which he wrote, will be
launched at Borders in South Yarra on June 25th Peter Nicholls
and Russell Blackford will be performing the launches and there
will be readings by Jenny Pausacker, Archie Fusillo and Lucy
Sussex. Attendance is by invitation. Further details are
available from Kate Farrar 02-8248 0839

Lucy Zinkiewicz  notes "results from the 'Sense of Community in
Science Fiction Fans' study, conducted at Aussiecon 3, are now
available at: The first
page covers background to the study, with a link at the bottom of
the page to the results page. Queries about the results etc can
also be sent to

Russell B. Farr notes "The second issue of Ticonderoga On-line
for this year went on-line on June 1 2000, featuring the first
ever fiction publication by Alinta Thornton, interviews with
Simon Brown and Sean Williams, and an editorial that pays tribute
to ten years of Eidolon Magazine."

Damien Broderick has a review of the fourth edition of Arthur C.
Clarke's Profiles of the Future in The Weekend Australian Review
3-4/6/2000. Murray McLachlan sent a copy of The Emerald Hill
Times-The Melbourne Weekly May 31-June6 2000 which, in an article
about people who dress up in funny clothes follows the Fluffy
Love Institute of Royal Titillation (Flirt), with the Varangian
Guard ("It's more than a hobby. It's a lifestyle") and
Multiverse. The Multiverse part is illustrated by a photo of
"Space cadet Derek Screen" (I rather preferred the lady in the
fluffy bikini illustrating the Flirt section...) In Ansible 155,
Dave Langford notes "Greg Egan won the Kurd Lasswitz Prize for
Distress, as 1999's best foreign novel in German translation.
(Bernhard Kempen topped the Best Translation category for his
efforts on the same book.)" Merv Binns noted the name of one
Lewis Morley in the credits of Mission Impossible 2.

	Elaine Walker notes "A Touch of Strange [Perth SF Bookshop] is
closing. It has been operating for over 10 years, and it is with
regret that we close its doors. However the harsh financial
realities have made themselves clear to us, and unless there is a
miracle, (or someone actually wanting to take it on themselves)
we cannot continue to trade, the GST is just the straw that broke
the camel's back.
	We are therefore attempting to sell off as much of the remaining
stock as possible to you before we close, so for this week until
Saturday the 17th, all books will be at 50% off. You can attempt
to haggle for better deals with Ghoti if you buy a big stack...
	After that we'll be disposing of the remaining stock how we can,
but the shop itself will not be open. Some orders in via email
after that we will see if we can fill, (provided easy pickup or
delivery can be arranged).

	The Following came from Lloyd & Yvonne Penney via a couple of
	"Lloyd and I received a postcard today from Brent Kresovich
reminding us of the World Wide Party. Here's what he had to say:
	' World Wide Party #7. On 6/21/00 at 21:00 your time.  Raise a
glass to your chums in the Papernet around the world.  Have a
party, do a one-shot zine, prepare and post mail-art, or
whatever.  The idea is get a wave circling the planet celebrating
friends in the zine scene and connecting everyone in the Papernet
by a common activity.  Write to me how you celebrated:  B.
Kresovich for the clerisy. P.O.Box 404 Getzville, NY 14068-0404
	This world wide party is not limited to fanzine fans but to
anyone in fandom.  Lloyd and I have been toasting world wide
fandom in this manner for several years now.  We do so because of
all the friends we have  around this globe.  We toast those who
have gone to the big convention in the sky, those who are ill we
wish them health, etc, etc.  We would like to see others do the
same and by all means let Brent know about it.
	So for now, let's toast fandom because without it we wouldn't
have the two inch phone book that we have today.
	So wherever you are on June 21 at 9PM just stop and think about

Electronic copies (PDF) of the GUFF 2001 ballot are available
(formatted for 8-1/2x11" paper)  (formatted for
A4 paper)

	Adele L Carr reports some changes to the Stargate Convention.
Their guests are now Teryl Rothery, Peter Williams and Tony
Amendola. "Christopher Judge was originally scheduled to appear
but due to other acting commitments he is unable to attend. For
more information, or to book,  just call the BOBW Line on (02)
9453 0290."
	Eric Lindsay is promoting a four-convention set in Australia-New
Zealand in June 2002, starting with the NZ NatCon, followed by
the Australian NatCon (Convergence), then Corflu (a fanzine fans'
convention) to be held in Melbourne if we win the bid, and lastly
a relaxacon in Airlie Beach. PDF copies of a flyer describing all
this are available from:  (formatted for
8-1/2x11" paper)  (formatted for
A4 paper)


1800s Gaming Convention June 29 to July 2 2000 Collingwood
Education Centre Victoria Special Guest Shane Lacey Hensley

BOBW  9 
Stargate July 1st & 2nd 2000  Sydney Guests: Teryl Rothery,
Peter Williams and Tony Amendola   (02)
9453 0290.

CHICON 2000 
The 58th World Science Fiction Convention August 31 to September
4, 2000 - Hyatt Regency Chicago IL GsoH Ben Bova, Bob Eggleton,
Jim Baen, Bob and Anne Passovoy, Toastmaster: Harry Turtledove
$US135.00 for residents of North America $US150.00 rate for bona
fide residents of other continents P. O. Box 642057, Chicago IL
60664, fax: 312-946-3779

October 6 to 8 2000 Brisbane Convention Centre GPO Box 1376
Brisbane 4001.

BOBW 10 
Babylon 5/Crusade October 14th & 15th 2000Sydney Guests:Tracy
Scoggins, Peter Woodward Maggie Egan David Allen Brooks   (02) 9453 0290.

a relaxacon 17-19 November, 2000  The Country Comfort Motel, Port
Stephens N.S.W.. Membership $20 Accommodation $57 per night per
person Edwina Harvey by  e-mail at or by
snail mail c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville. 2036

10-11 February 2001 Auckland New Zealand
$7 entry  Guests tba

40th Australian National Science Fiction Convention April 12-16
2001. GsoH Rosaleen Love, Marilyn Pride, Lewis Morley, Kate Orman
and Sue Ackerman The Rydges Hotel Perth. P.O. Box 162 Nedlands
W.A. 6909.Attending $60 until June 4; $80 after that. $100 at the
door. Supporting $20 P.O. Box
162 Nedlands W.A. 6909

May 20, 2001 GoH James Marsters (Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
ocp Lidcombe Catholic Club Sydney.FSF Members $50 Non-members
$70. email or

The 2001 New Zealand National SF Convention Auckland.

The 59th World Science Fiction Convention  August 30 to September
3, 2001 The Pennsylvania Convention Center & Philadelphia
Marriott Hotel GsoH Greg Bear, Stephen Youll, Gardner Dozois,
George Scithers Toastmaster: Esther Friesner. Attending $135
until 30/4/2000 then $145 Supporting  $US40 Millennium Philcon
Post Office Box 310 Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006-0310 U.S.A.

February 15-18 2002 Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre
$A50Daily Admission $100 until Dec 31st 2000; $A130 Jan 1st 2001
- Dec 31st 2001 $160 Jan 1st 2002 - Feb 15th 2002 The Australian
Costumers' Guild PO Box 322 Bentleigh Vic 3204

41st Australian National Science Fiction Convention June 7  - 10
2002  GsoH  Joe Haldeman, Sean Williams Lucy  Sussex, Gay
Haldeman and Race Mathews Toastmaster Jack Dann Cato Conference
Centre Melbourne Web:-

The 60th World Science Fiction Convention August 29 to September
2, 2002  San José McEnery Convention Centre GsoH Vernor Vinge,
David Cherry, Bjo & John Trimble, Ferdinand Feghoot Toastmaster
Tad Williams. P.O. Box 61363 Sunnyvale CA 94088-1363 U.S.A. Attending $A150.
Supporting $A50.

GoH = Guest of Honour
O.C.P. = Other Commitments Permitting
tba= to be announced. 

Note that there is an annual calendar available on the Vicnet SF
web site at

	Lee MacAulay  reminds me of the CIA (Curtin Imagination
Association) a Western Australian Role Playing Club Email: Lee MacAulay
	Lucy Sussex notes the following two changes to the Nova Mob
schedule July 5th Chris Deere on Doris Lessing August 2nd Bruce
Gillespie on sf biography and autobiography
	The MSFC is running a Collectables Fair on July 8th, usual place.
Here's a chance for you to flog off some of those very rare
unsigned copies of [Insert an Australian Author's Name Here]'s


SKYFORCE SYDNEY July 23 12:00pm to 5:00pm Lidcombe Catholic
Workmen's Club 24 John Street, Lidcombe


STARGATE:SG1 June 18  Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St Brisbane

BUFFY June 25 Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St Brisbane

QUEST July 9 Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St Brisbane GPO Box
2084 Brisbane Qld 4001

BRISBANE DR WHO CLUB July 23 Red Cross Centre, 409 Adelaide St
Brisbane P.O. Box 10308, Adelaide St, Brisbane, Qld 4000

CONQUEST August 6   Red Cross Centre 409 Adelaide St Brisbane GPO
Box 1376 Brisbane Qld 4001


CRITICAL MASS July 5 2000  Damien Warman "Crypt-Analysis:
_Cryptonomicon_ and _Feersum Endjinn_" PO Box 3355, Rundle Mall,
Adelaide, SA 5000


MSFC June 16  SF Books translated to the screen - successful or
not? June 23 Hugo Nominations - Discussion on the noms, What are
the Hugos all about, how general fandom can be involved. June 30
Mark Newbrook - Linguistics Professor,  How alien languages have
evolved?8:00 pm St. David's Uniting Church Hall, 74 Melville
Road, West Brunswick P.O. Box 212 World Trade Centre Melbourne

FRIDAY NIGHT MOB  June 16 ANZAPA DistributedJune 23 , June 30
6:00-7.30pm. Informal eating and nattering. Myers Cafeteria

ENTERPRISE  June 24  Winter Olympics  P.O. Box 466 World Trade
Centre Melbourne 3005 0418 56 1701

AUSTREK  July 1 2000 2 pm Design the next Star Trek Series St
Mark's Church Hall Cnr Canterbury & Burke Rds, Camberwell GPO Box
5206AA Melbourne 3001

NOVA MOB July 5  Chris Deere on Doris Lessing 13 Frederick St

SKYFORCE 2000 August 12 1:00 to 5:00pm Charles Pearson Theatre
ERC University of Melbourne P.O. Box 427 Northcote Vic 3070


SWANCON 2001 ICE SKATING July 1 2000 1.00pm Mirrabooka Ice Rink

THE GAMERS' GUILD July 2 LAN Party St. Joachims Hall 122
Shepperton Rd, Victoria Park (08)9418-7453 or

	Barb de la Hunty notes "Announcing: A Fannish Archive (of sorts) 'A Fannish Archive' is a
lucky dip of photographs of Australian Fandom over the last
twenty years. Some of these friends are no longer with us. All of
us have aged. The images are an attempt to share and relive a
bunch of happy memories with those who were there, and to depict
some of the legendary and occasionally notorious people and
events for the Fans who have followed after us. If you see
someone you know on these pages, let them know. A lot of people
have no photos of themselves from this period and might like to
see this stuff.
	The images are copyright, and may not be used or reproduced
elsewhere without permission.
	It is a private archive, and I make my own rules about what I
show. I'll change the layout, format and graphics whenever I feel
like it. I will post new images on a weekly basis until I get
sick of it, run out of time or server space, or get run out of
town. There is no rhyme or reason to my selections. I will
consider emailed requests for a particular event, subject or
person, but I make no promises, as the collection of images is
large and only partly catalogued. This will be a "G" rated site:
I choose to not show any images which I consider should not be in
the public domain. If you have a problem with any of the images
on these pages, let me know.
	The majority of these images were taken by me, Barb de la Hunty,
or Geoff Jagoe. However, there may also be images in here taken
by Mark Denbow, Steve Gunnell, or Bob Ogden, as we've
collaborated on a variety of photographic projects over the
years. If I've overlooked a credit, let me know.
	Your comments and suggestions are welcome. I've only guessed at
some of the dates, and relied on memory to identify the guilty
parties. If you can shed some light on any of the captions,
please drop me a line.
	These pages are all my own work, and all my own fault. Comments,
suggestions, questions and flames should be directed to me at:

	PS I've added two more pages making a total of six pages and 48
images. If you can supply any of the names and dates which are
marked by an 'Unknown' or a '?', I would be very grateful. So
often, I know exactly who the person is, but just can't pull
their name from my memory."

	Stephen Rees reports that Ebony McKenna, author of Gravity's
Force has a Website at:


Jean Weber notes "The online version of WeberWoman's Wrevenge is
now located at:
Issue 54 (February 2000) is available in both HTML and PDF
versions. Issue 55 (June 2000) should be posted by mid-June in
both HTML and PDF; the paper copies are being printed. Issues 52
(June 1998) and 53 (February 1999) are on the website in HTML
versions only, but I hope to make PDF copies available later.


GEGENSCHEIN 87 & 88 Eric Lindsay P.O. Box 640 Airlie Beach Qld

WEBER WOMAN'S WREVENGE 54 Jean Weber P.O. Box 640 Airlie Beach
Qld 4802

REVIEWZINE #50 (July 1999. Australia Post is getting slower!)
Susan Batho P.O. Box 517 Springwood NSW 2777

VANAMONDE 353-357 John Hertz 236 S. Coronado St No 409 Los
Angeles CA 90057 USA

BOGUS 4 Sandra Bond 46 Stirling Rd London N22 5BP U.K.


FANS ACROSS THE WORLD NEWSLETTER 99 June 2000 B. Wilkinson, c/o
15 Manor Drive, Southgate, London, N14 5JH, Great  Britain

THE PAPER SNARL  issue #12 or

ANSIBLE 155 Dave Langford, 94 London Road, Reading, Berkshire,
RG1 5AU, UK. Fax 0705 080 1534. ISSN 0265-9816. E-mail To receive _Ansible_ monthly via e-mail, send
a message to containing the sole text:
subscribe ansible (Subject line irrelevant.)

Bullsheet #146			June 27 2000.
Hugo Awards			July 31 2000
ANZAPA 196			August 4 2000 
Swancon 2001 Short Films	August 20 2000
James White Award		August 23, 2000
Chandler Award Nominations	September 30 2000
GUFF 2001			November 13 2000

This Fanzine Supports The Minneapolis in '73 WorldCon Bid The
Toronto in 2003 WorldCon Bid. and the Australia in 2007 WorldCon
Bid Warman & Woods for GUFF!


Guy Lillian notes "Joe Mayhew, a fine artist, a dear fella, and a
good friend, passed away this morning at 9 o'clock. (June 10)
Those of you who believe I know will pray for him, and let's all
lift a proud glass in his name."