The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet – July 2002
The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet
Issue 4, July, 2002
ISSN 1445-4319 (print version) ISSN 1445-4327 (online version)
NO NEWS ISN'T GOOD NEWS! Friends, Romans, Bullsheet readers, don't forget to
send us your news for the Bullsheet! Professional & personal news items welcome.
"Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog it's too dark to
read" - Groucho Marx
Issue 1 of ASIM was successfully launched at ConVergence and is currently
being distributed to specialty bookshops around Australia such as Pulp Fiction
in Brisbane, Slow Glass Books in Melbourne, Infinitas Bookshop in Parramatta,
and Galaxy Bookshop in Sydney. Issue 1 is $6.95 and features stories by Chuck
McKenzie, Dave Luckett, Lyn McConchie, Stanislaw Wiatrowski, Bruce Boston,
Trent Jamieson, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Rick Kennett, Stephen Dedman, Cat
Sparks, Michael Davidson,& Ian Nichols. It also contains a science column by
Jeff Harris, magazine and book reviews, and an interview with new Australian
author, Josephine Pennicott
ASIM recently called for more Australian contributors. Production of Issue 2
is well underway, and advertising for that issue closes on 7th July.
For subscription, submission, and advertising details, see
AUREALIS ISSUE 29 is also out now, and currently being distributed to
specialty SF bookshops around the country. It includes "Little Yellow Pill" by
Richard Harland, "Father Muerte and the Thief" by Lee Battersby, "Lucy, Lucy"
by Shane Brown, "Bad things Happen To Good People" by Cory Daniells &
"Catflap" by Chuck McKenzie. You can buy the magazine direct from the
publishers for $12.95 including postage within Australia. Send cheque or money
order to Chimaera Publications, PO Box 2164 Mt. Waverly, VIC, 3149.
ORB Speculative Fiction issue3/4 was released to coincide with ConVergence. It
includes fiction by Mina Athanasopoulos, Lee Battersby, Liz Macintyre, Chris
McMahon, Sophie Masson, Darrell Pitt, Paul A. Taylor, Colin Clark, Aaron
Sterns & Bill Greer as well as an article by Edwina Harvey. For $19.95
Available from Orb Publications, PO Box 1621, South Preston, Vic. 3072,
AustrAlien Absurdities, an anthology of humourous SF & fantasy featuring
stories introduction from Tom Holt, an article from Robin Pen, and fiction
from Sean Williams & Simon Brown, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Marco Nero, Allan
Price, Robbie Matthews, Aidan Doyle & Colin Jacobs, Kristen . Allender, Scot
Snow, Dave Luckett, Robert Hood, Les Petersen, Trent Jamieson,Chuck McKenzie,
Edwina Harvey, Niall Doran, Chris McTrustry, Cathy Cupitt, Richard Womack,
Tony Plank, Martin Livings, Jack Woodhams, Rob Riel, Tom Dullemond & Ion
Newcombe. $24.95 including postage from Chuck McKenzie, PO Box 87A, South
Strathfield, NSW, 2136
AGOG an anthology of Fantastic Fiction, featuring introduction by Sean
Williams, and fiction by Claire McKenna, Deborah Biancotti, Dirk Flinthart,
Chuck McKenzie, Leigh Blackmore, Terry Dowling, Stephen Dedman, Richard
Harland, Trent Jamieson, Marianne De Pierres, Ben Peek, Brendan Duffy, Paul
Haines, Tony Plank, Tracey Rolfe, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Damien Broderick,
David Carroll, Keith Stevenson, Geoffrey Maloney, Rick Kennet, Kate Orman,
Simon Brown, Kyla Ward, Robert Hood, Jessica Vivien, Robin Pen& Michael Barry.
Available fromAgog! Press, PO Box U302, University of Wollongong, NSW,
2522.(Price $24.95 postage paid I think - Edwina)
Chuck McKenzie (who is a very funny man) recently announced that remaining
copies of his SF comedy novel, Worlds Apart are being sold by his publisher
for the special price of $10 including postage in Aust. Send cheques/money
orders made out to Hybrid Publishers to PO Box 52, Ormond, Vic. 3204
Kaaren Sutcliffe has 2 fantasy novels,The Pegasus Touch, & The Scales for sale
for $30 for the pair (plus postage? -Edwina) from irrepressible press, 4
Sunnybar de, Queanbeyan. Ph 02 6299 6875. (
Antipodean SF issue 51 featuring short,short stories by Richard Kerslake, Owen
Godfrey, Lincoln Donald, Nicole R. Murphy, Paul Ryan, Alinta Thornton, Ann
Zimmerman and Ovidiu BUFNILA are now is now up on or
GALAXY BOOKSHOP (222 Clarence St Sydney): has China Mieville in August, and
Raymond Feist in September. As well as Terry Pratchett.
INFINITAS BOOKSHOP (Shop 5 No. 1 Horwood Place Parramatta,
Infinitas has a discussion group which meets at 7pm on the first Thursday of
the month.
SLOWGLASS BOOKS: 305 Swanston Street Melbourne, 3000 Vic.
Email: Phone: (03) 9639 1511 Fax: (03) 9639
1511.Recently had Joe Haldeman, and Trudi Canavan in for signings. Current
news can be found at
The 2002 Australian Science Fiction Achievement Awards (aka the Ditmars) are
for works created in 2001 by Australians. The Awards were presented at the
Awards Ceremony at ConVergence.
Neither the Best Australian Artwork nor the William Atheling Jr Award for
Criticism or Review received enough nominations to appear on the final ballot.
There was one clear nomination in the Best Australian Fan Achievement
Category, but, on request from the nominee, that has been transferred into the
Fan Production-Other Category. Further information about the nomination
process may be found in the ConVergence P.R. Details on the voting and a
complete list of nominees may appear in a ConVergence post-con report.
BEST AUSTRALIAN NOVEL (25 nominees 50 nominations) "Lirael" by Garth Nix
(Allen & Unwin)
BEST AUSTRALIAN SHORT FICTION (20 nominees 54 nominations) Joint winners:
"Absolute Uncertainty" by Lucy Sussex in F&SF (April 2001) and "The Diamond
Pit" by Jack Dann, in Jubilee (Harper Collins)
BEST AUSTRALIAN COLLECTED WORK (9 nominees 30 nominations) Earth is But a Star
by Damien Broderick (UWA Press).
BEST FAN WRITER (15 nominees 23 nominations): Bruce Gillespie.
BEST FAN ARTIST (10 nominees 30 nominations): Dick Jenssen.
BEST AUSTRALIAN FAN PRODUCTION - Fanzine (21 nominees 42 nominations)
SF Commentary by Bruce Gillespie.
BEST AUSTRALIAN FAN PRODUCTION - Other (10 nominees 30 nominations):
Joint winners:Spaced Out Website ( by Geoff &
Miriam, and
Mitch? 2 Tarts of the New Millennium by Anthony Mitchell
Dirk Strasser & Stephen Higgins for editing and production of Aurealis over so
many years.
BEST NEW TALENT (2 nominees 10 nominations) Cat Sparks
For more details visit Ditmars_02.html and
THE A. BERTRAM CHANDLER AWARD:The A. Bertram Chandler Award is offered in
recognition of a lifetime contribution to Australian Science Fiction. The
award was presented, at ConVergence, to John Foyster who was, however, unable
to be present to receive it owing to ill health.
FAN FUND for AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND (FFANZ) 2003 RACE.Paul Ewins recently
announced Nominations are now open for the 2003 FFANZ trip from Australia to
Auckland for Emoticon 2003 (Easter, 2003) Nominations close on August 31, and
voting will take place until October 31, 2002.
Nominations are open to anyone currently a resident of Australia who was
active in fandom prior to 6 June, 2002. Each nomination must be signed by the
nominee and accompanied by a donation of $10 (AUD) to FFANZ. Each nominee must
also have the signed support of 1 fan currently residing in NZ, and two fans
residing Australia, The nominee should provide a written platform of 100 words
or less for the ballot, and an optional photo. Nominations should be sent to
Paul Ewins, 4 Coval Crt, Vermont Sth, Vic. 3133. Australia.
SCIENC FICTION WRITERS OF EARTH. Annual competition for unpublished SF writers
.Details and entry forms for the 2002 SFWoE Awards are available at, or Australian entrants can send an SASE to Rob
Riel, (Picaro Press)O box 853 Warners Bay, NSW 2282. (e-mail
Is the Universe Made for Life? We still don't understand how life got going on
earth. Was the solar system and beyond made for life? If so, how did life get
started? Four leading researchers give a picture of where we are in the quest
to discover our true place in the universe. A panel discussion not to be
missed! Friday 5 July 2002, 6.30pm Venue: Seymour Centre, City Road,
University of Sydney Cost: $16.50 members, $19.50 non-members (inc GST)
Bookings:CallThe Australian Museum Society (02) 9320 6225 or book via the net
Multiverse ( is running the following events:
*MEN IN BLACK II preview. Wednesday 3rd July, 7pm. Hoyts Cinema, 140 Bourke
St, Melbourne.
*BLADE 2 preview. Thursday 11th July, 6.30pm. Hoyts, Chadstone Shopping
Centre, Melbourne.
10 Pin Bowling Comp. Saturday 27th July, 1pm-5pm, Chadstone 20pin Bowling
Centre. Cost $21 for 3 games, shoe hire, small drink & chips.
Bookings can be made for any of the above events by e-mailing
WILLIAM SHATNER'S FULL MOON FRIGHT NIGHT is scheduled to begin on the Sci-Fi
channel, and Shatner is said to "personally re-enact" some gruesome moments
from "not quite Oscar caliber" films.
The original CAPTAIN KIRK Captain's chair is currently up for sale on e-bay
Estimated price is
$US 80-150,000 (Gee, and I thought a harp used by Harpo Marx was out of my
league at $18,600! - Edwina)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is rumoured to be remade with an all-star cast
to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the show in 2003.
(Taken from the COMM Centre, Multiverse's electronic newsletter)
ConVergence, the Natcon for 2002 has been and gone, but your Bullsheet editors
are still trying to get to the bottom of the great "regurgitated" frog
mystery. Anyone got any clues?
The 60th World Science Fiction Convention, August 29 to September 2, 2002 at
San José McEnery Convention Centre. GoH's: Vernor Vinge, David Cherry, Bjo &
John Trimble, Ferdinand Feghoot. Toastmaster: Tad Williams. Enquiries:P.O. Box
61363 Sunnyvale CA 94088-1363 U.S.A.
Email: Web:
Attending membership currently A$350. Supporting membership: A$60.
Australian agent: (to pay for membership in Australian currency you must apply
to the Australian agent) Rose Mitchell GPO Box 1212k Melbourne Vic 3001
Cheques payable to "60th World Science Fiction Convention".
Rose is also the Australian agent for the GLASGOW IN 2005 WORLDCON BID which
is currently selling pre-supporting, and "friends of" memberships.
BORDERLANDS: That which scares us. GOH's Eddie Campbell, Stephen Dedman
September 7th and Sunday, September 8th, 2002. Emerald Hotel, 24 Mount Steet,
Perth Western Australia M/ship:Both Days: $60 Standard, $50 Concession,
Saturday: $35 Standard $30 Concession Sunday: $30 Standard, $25 Concession
The website is, and the committee can be emailed at Phone (+618) 9331 516, or write to 14 Simons
Street Coolbellup, 6163, WA.
ROSWELL CON (Previously advertised here for Saturday, 13th July) This con has
been postponed to a date to be fixed. GoH Majandra Delfino (Maria Deluca from
the TV Show "Roswell")
Ming Johanson announced (on the Eastcoasts list) "... it has been postponed
because of the actress having commitments elsewhere (grumble)... We are not
canceling, just postponing to a later date that we are currently getting
confirmed. If anyone who did buy tickets doesn't wish to come or is unable to
come at a later time, refunds on tickets are available. Please email me to let
me know. ( do not send money to the organiser until
the date is announced. Venue: Hotel Inter-Continental, 117 Macquarie Street,
Sydney NSW 2000 Tickets: $77* (includes $2 per ticket postage & handling)
Details will be made available on or write to:Roswell Convention PO Box 1569 North Ryde NSW 2113
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS BABYLON 5 October 26 & 27, 2002. GoHs Bruce Boxleitner and
Jerry Doyle. Check their website for further details.
CARTER Lidcombe Catholic Workmen's Club Sunday 10th November , 2002.
Tickets are $75 for FSF members and $85 for non-members (plus a $2 booking and
handling fee) Book on lne at or by phone (02) 9523 9385. Or
write to Friends of Science Fiction, PO Box 797 Fairfield, NSW 1860.
Saturday, November 16th, 2002 9:00am -6:00pm Ella Latham Theatre, Royal
Children's Hospital, Flemington Rd, Parkville, Melbourne. Members of
Multiverse clubs - $50, non club members - $60, Children under 15 -
$20TICKETS: A ticket order form is up on, or e-mail.
EMOTICON 2003 New Zealand's NatCon, Easter, Auckland. Email:
SWANCON 2003 Swancon 2003 committee, please contact us! Neither of us know
anything about it!
GENGHIS CON This mysterious con is to be held in Perth at some time during
2003. As yet neither the venue nor the date has been determined more
precisely. For more info as it comes to hand, keep watching The organisers can be contacted at They also have a forum which you can read about and
join at
TORCON III The 61st World Science Fiction Convention will be held over August
28-September 1, 2003 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. GsoH: George R.
R. Martin, Frank Kelly Freas, Mike Glyer. Toastmaster: Spider Robinson and
GoHst of Honour: Robert Bloch the spirit of Toronto Worldcons.
Enquiries: P.O. Box 3,Station A, Toronto,Ontario Canada M5W 1A2
Attending Membership: $US115; Supporting Membership: $US40; Email:
CHRONOPOLIS - Swancon 29 Perth, Western Australia Easter weekend Thu 8 to Mon
12th April 2004 Shay Telfer, Convenor Details to follow.
CONFLUX Australian SF Natcon. Chifley Hotel, Canberra. Anzac Day long
weekend, 2004. Details will be posted at
CONTOUR 2004 May 31 to June 3 2004, Rotorua. Proposed as New Zealand's 25th
National Science Fiction Convention. Email:
For more Australian SF information check Marc Ortlieb's page:
and the linked pages, and Ted Scribner's page
The deadline for submission of material for inclusion in the August Bullsheet
(#5) is 25th July. Send your news e-mail to, or snail mail
to Edwina Harvey c/- 12 Flinders St,Matraville NSW, 2036.
Visit Celestial Cobbler:
To send news to the Bullsheet, or to subscribe to get the Bullsheet free by
e-mail, send a message to
The Australian SF Bullsheet is also available in paper format. If you wish to
receive it this way, we ask you to forward 20x 45 cent stamps (to help with
printing and postage) for a 12 issue subscription to 12 Flinders St,
Matraville. NSW. 2036.
For no sufficiently explained reason this Fanzine still supports The
Minneapolis in '73 WorldCon Bid!