The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet – August 1 2002
The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet
ISSUE 5, AUGUST 1, 2002
ISSN 1445-4319 (print version) ISSN 1445-4327 (online version)
Jonathan Strahan recently announced on the Eidolist "... I am maintaining an
Australian SF news weblog at [the
webmaster couldn't reach that site but found it at ] If you have any news or
information, I'd love to hear from you at" (This
is a very good site, and I've incorporated several items from it into this
month's Bullsheet, but don't take my word, go check it out for yourselves! -
"Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog it's too dark to
read" - Groucho Marx
MACHINATIONS: an anthology of Ingenious Design. Book Launch: The second
Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild anthology, "Machinations", is being
launched at Marcus Clarke Center, ANU, Canberra, from 12:00 noon, Saturday
10-Aug-2002 (in association with the Phenomenon, gaming convention, q.v.) All
interested parties are cordially invited. Copies of Machinations will be
available for $16.95. Contributors get one free copy. Mail orders: send cheque
or postal order for $18.95 (inc postage) to
PO Box 98
Latham. ACT. 2615
or e-mail
TERRY DOWLING'S 1990 collection "Rynosseros" (the first of the Rhynosseros
trilogy) will be published by Bill Congreve's MirrorDanse books in September.
(reported on "Coode Street")
the following bookshops around Australia: Supernova and Magic Circle
Bookshops, Perth, Pulp Fiction, Brisbane, Infinitas Bookshop, Parramatta, and
Galaxy Bookshop Sydney, Dee's Books and Comics, Canberra & Slow Glass Books,
Melbourne. Issue 2 is currently being printed and will be available soon.
Subscription, submission, and advertising details: see Andromeda Spaceways'
AUREALIS MAGAZINE Issue 29, available for $12.50 send cheque or money order to
Chimaera Publications, PO Box 2164 Mt. Waverly, VIC, 3149, or fax 03 9504
1517, or phone 03 9504 1516 for credit card purchases. The Aurealis web site
ORB Speculative Fiction issue3/4 Available for $19.95 from Orb Publications,
PO Box 1621, South Preston,Vic. 3072.
AustrAlien Absurdities, an anthology of humorous SF & fantasy Available from
PO Box 87A, South Strathfield, NSW, 2136
AGOG! Fantastic Fiction, an anthology of Fantastic Fiction, PO Box U302,
University of Wollongong, NSW, 2522.(Price $24.95 postage paid I think -
Remaining copies of Chuck McKenzie's SF comedy novel, Worlds Apart are being
sold by his publisher for the special price of $10 including postage in
Australia. Send cheques/money orders made out to Hybrid Publishers to PO Box
52, Ormond, Vic. 3204
Kaaren Sutcliffe has 2 fantasy novels, The Pegasus Touch, and The Scales for
sale at $30 for the pair (plus postage? - Edwina) from
Irrepressible Press
4 Sunnybar Dr
Ph 02 6299 6875. (
Beverly Paine has a new Australian YA action packed SF mystery novel called
"The Chimaera Conspiracy" published through Greater Glider Press ( ) Details of the book also available at . (Sorry Bev, we missed this one earlier!)
Antipodean SF issue 52 is expected to soon be up on or soon now
(Antipodean and Bullsheet seem to run to similar deadlines.- Edwina)
XUAN XUAN: Colin Sharpe recently announced a new Manga magazine, Xuan Xuan,
seeking artists and writers for fantasy, romance and SF work. Full details
available at
(New! Thanks to Bruce Gillespie for helping us out by providing the following
fanzine reviews! Hopefully this will be a regular Bullsheet feature)
Send fanzines for review to
Bruce Gillespie
59 Keele Street
Collingwood VIC 3066
or by email to It might also be polite to send copies to
Edwina and Edwin, the editors of the Bullsheet [send the to Edwina's address -
see end of the Bullsheet]. Unless its editor says otherwise, I presume that
each fanzine reviewed is available for 'the usual': traded fanzines, letters
of comment, written and art contributions or, from the truly desperate, money.
This column began because I thought it odd that my fanzine SF Commentary was
awarded this year's Ditmar Award for Best Fanzine while several other
contenders either lost or did not even make the nominations list.
Conspicuously absent from this year's Ditmar Award nomations list were the two
best Australian fanzines of the last few years: John Foyster's eFNAC and Chris
Nelson's Mumblings from Munchkinland,.eFNAC, edited by John Foyster, Did eFNAC fail to reach the nominations list because it
is available only in electronic form? To download it, you need to email this
year's Chandler Award winner John Foyster at, ask John
for eFNAC's Web site and the code you need to unlock download this Adobe
Acrobat (.PDF) fanzine once you reach the Web site. Once you download the
latest issue, you can read it on your screen without needing to print it. (I
refuse to read any fanzine on screen, so I print out each issue.) Once you
have gone to such trouble, you feel that you have earned your issue, and by
ghod you're going to enjoy it. Most issues are enjoyable, although recently
John has begun writing about the contents of rather elderly SF magazines. This
might try the patience of some younger readers. More enjoyable are the
innumerable fan photos, most of them from the collection of Allan Bray, and
John's commentary on the photos. Even more enjoyable, in a hair-raising way,
have been John's thoughts on being part of the medical system since September
2001, when he suffered what seemed like a stroke. After much medical
examination, it was found that he was suffering from a small brain tumour, for
which John has undergone treatment. Since September, John has continued to
produce issues of eFNAC whenever possible, without reduction of quality. eFNAC
is the one fanzine you must download.
MUMBLINGS FROM MUNCHKINLAND No. 19, May 2002. 20 pp. A5, offset. Chris Nelson,
PO Box 1571, Apia, Samoa, (snail mail: PO Box 1571,
Apia Samoa)
Chris Nelson's Mumblings from Munchinland is now the only West Australian
fanzine being published in Samoa . Until recently, it was the only West
Australian fanzine being published in Tasmania. Mumblings is short, terse,
attractive to the eye, and published regularly. The great strength of issues
during recent years has been Chris Nelson's documentation of Australian fan
history. He has interviewed Bill Veney, Bert Castellari and Graham Stone,
Sydney fans who joined before World War II, and has kept in touch,
astonishingly, with Don Tuck. (Tuck, one of Australia's few Hugo winners,
seemed to vanish from fannish sight in 1975.) I wish Chris could have taken
part in the Timebinders stream of ConVergence, the recent Australian national
convention, as his comments would have complemented Merv Binns's photo
gallery. Since Chris is now living in Samoa, he's holding conventions
(admittedly with very small numbers of attendees, all with the surname of
'Nelson') and commenting on life in his own entertaining manner. Write to
Chris for a copy.
I've tried to stick to fanzines received during June and July, but that's
difficult. Some people have sent me their fanzines when they heard I was
writing this column, so I had better not ignore them.
DIVERSE UNIVERSE No. 12, June 2002. 20 pp. plus index to first 12 issues. A4,
offset. Geoff Allshorn and Miriam English for Spaced Out Inc, PO Box 363,
Preston VIC 3072. Electronic version (plus all back issues) available from or info@spacedoutinc
Diverse Universe and Solar Spectrum, both published by Spaced Out Inc, 'the
gay/lesbian SF Club of Victoria', received more nominations than SF Commentary
for the Ditmar Award ballot, but didn't win this time. I was a bit annoyed
that I had never heard of them before, and had not heard about Spaced Out Inc.
Thanks to ConVergence, I now have some idea who Geoff and Miriam are, and now
they have sent me a copy of Diverse Universe. I still haven't seen Solar
Spectrum, which is advertised as a fiction anthology, and is only available
for $10 a copy, and therefore (according to my definition) not a fanzine.
Diverse Universe is a natty little clubzine, with a layout rather similar to
an earlier incarnation of the Melbourne SF Club's Ethel the Aardvark. News
items (mainly about forthcoming television programs - phooey!) are mixed with
editorial statements, a page of justified self-congratulation for their shared
Ditmar Award for the club's Spaced Out Web site, several very short stories,
and a useful interview with Joe Haldeman, who was a Guest of Honour at
ConVergence. (Did you know that The Forever War was rejected by eighteen
publishers before being accepted by the nineteenth?) I don't think Diverse
Universe is yet a great fanzine, because it tells us next to nothing about the
individual editors and contributors. It doesn't even give details of Spaced
Out meeting dates and times. Perhaps I missed seeing such detail on the Spaced
Out Web site, from which you can download all past issues.
pp. A4. colour covers. Bill Wright, Flat 4, 1 Park Street, St Kilda, VIC 3182;
or through ANZAPA, c/o David Grigg, 11 Ellendale St, North Balwyn VIC 3104
Bill Wright's Interstellar Ramjet Scoop is the fanzine that I thought would
win the Ditmar Award at ConVergence. It looks a lot better than anything I can
do, it appears much more regularly (six times a year), and it's more
entertaining than a mere Gillespiezine. But Bill didn't distribute copies
widely enough to snare the second preferences he needed to topple SF
Commentary (350 copies per issue). The only guaranteed method of obtaining
your copy is to be a member of ANZAPA (the Australian and New Zealand Amateur
Publishing Assocation, see address above), which itself is the location of 25
of the best fanzines appearing in Australia at the moment. Bill does
distribute copies of IRS outside ANZAPA, but in a random way.
If Bill Wright printed and distributed 350 copies of each issue of IRS, he
would win the Ditmar every year. He puts together an aromatic mixture of
brilliant computer graphics by Ditmar (Dick Jenssen), winner of this year's
Ditmar for Best Fan Art; photographs; and artwork purloined from all over the
Web; and cooks them together with his own unique humorous style (I enjoyed the
article about St Kilda); funny articles by writers such as Stefan who write
only for IRS; and Bill Wright's mailing comments, which might or might not
make sense to a non-ANZAPA member. IRS is one of Australia's essential
fanzines; write to Bill for a copy, or (repeat that advertisement!) join ANZAPA.
VILE TEMPTRESS! No. 2, August 2001. 30 pp + cover. A4.Zara Baxter, 108 6th
Avenue, Berala NSW 2141.
I met Zara Baxter very briefly at Aussiecon III, then thought she had
disappeared from sight, especially as I didn't see her at ConVergence this
year. Then out of the blue came Vile Temptress! 2, which is that rarest of all
creatures - a fannish fanzine from New South Wales. I was really impressed by
Zara's article 'How to Tell If You're a Fan', which includes perceptions such
as 'One does not attend cons because one wants to see the Guests of Honour'
and 'Reading, watching and discussing science fiction do not - repeat, not -
make one a fan.' Zara's conversion from neo-fan (at Aussiecon III) to fan
makes quite moving reading; I trust that many of the wannabe writers who
attended ConVergence will also feel the divine touch of fannish conversion.
Zara includes lively convention reports from Swancon 26 and the first Freecon,
four contributions to her 'My First Encounter with Fandom' section, a short
story, and photos of lots of people I've never met or met only once. I trust
that Zara is just about to publish Issue 3.
VALLEITY No. 1, June 2002. 18 pp. A4. Damien Warman, 400 W. 35th St., Apt 106,
Austin TX 78751, USA
How many years do prominent Adelaide fans Damien Warman and Juliette Woods
need to stay in America before Velleity also migrates? For the time being,
it's the only Australian fanzine being published in Texas. In 'Astroboy',
Damien tells the story of how he became an astronomer. English fan (and recent
visitor to ConVergence) Claire Brialey ('Careless Talk Costs Fanzine
Articles') tells why fans are like British parliamentarians ('For the sake of
argument, you might think of the House of Commons as con-runners and the House
of Lords as fanzine fans)'. Claire should know, as she works at the British
House of Commons. Nick Falkner raises a glass to South Australian wineries and
wine areas in his 'The Irregular Diary of a Winemaker'. Newish British fan Max
tells us about 'Corflu-Feel the Love'. This is a pleasantly personal view of
the most recent Corflu, the convention for fanzine fans. Velleity is well
written, well edited, and short enough to read over dinner.
VISION, Nos. 9 (June 2002) and 10 (July 2002). Each is 12 pp. A4. Available
for the usual, or $20 annual subscription: Stephen Thompson, 26 Mitchell
Street, Brisbane QLD or
Two issues in less than a month! This makes Vision just about the hottest
fanzine in Australia at the moment, and surely a contender for next year's
Ditmar Award for Best Fanzine. Vision started out as the magazine of a
writers' group, but recently editor Stephen Thompson has extended its scope.
He's trying to make it into a wide-ranging fanzine with general material, as
well as advice and help for writers, and the occasional piece of fiction. The
layout has improved greatly in these two issues.
I found No. 9 more interesting than No. 10, but that could be because Stephen
says nice things about my fanzines and prints an article of mine ('Why I
Publish Fanzines'). There's much else of interest, including writers' tips and
advertisements, includes Grace Dugan's report on Convergence, Stephen's
editorial, and articles by Rogert Hoge and Kate Eltham.
I must dispute Kate's definition of 'fanfiction', which to me is 'fiction
written by fans about other fans, including the whole ethos of fandom'. The
new type of fanfiction ('fanfic'), Kate tells me, is fiction that 'embodies a
fan's desire to be part of the world she loves so much, be it Buffy, Dr Who or
the setting of any fantasy novel'. No wonder I've missed out on fanfic, since
I have little interest in fantasy and none in SF on TV.
The main item in No. 10 is Cat Sparks' accurate and comprehensive survey of
the current small press scene. She hits the mark when she writes: 'Imagine
going to the ice-cream parlour only to discover that you can't get 21 flavours
any more because it has been determined by a team of marketing experts that
chocolate, vanilla and boysenberry are the best sellers. What about
hokey-pokey?' This is exactly the message I received from HarperCollins when I
asked why that company had not released in Australian Paul McAuley's recent
novel The Secret of Life. Because they didn't think it would sell well! It was
on the Clarke Award shortlist, but Australians are not allowed to buy it!
Extend this principle to Australian SF and you can see why the small press
publishers are currently beavering away. Beware, however. We at Norstrilia
Press did it all in the seventies and eighties, made no money, and had to give
up in 1985.
Other contributors to No. 10 include Geoff Skellams, Theresa King, Dirk
Flinthart and Lee Battersby 'having a rant', Karin Hannigan with another
ConVergence report, plus book reviews and market information.
REVIEW ZINE No. 51, February 2001. html, approx. 19 pp.Susan Batho, 6 Bellevue
Road, Faulconbridge NSW 2776
Review Zine appeared in my email, a year and a half after the official
release date, but I had thought I was trading fanzines with Susan Batho. I'm
not sure if No. 52 is available yet. Most of No. 51 comprises short book
reviews, but Susan also reviews Slashcon 2000. The main interest of this
fanzine is that Susan has the longest record for continuous fan activity in
New South Wales apart from that her ex-husband Ron Clarke, and Eric Lindsay
and Jean Weber, who have now moved to northern Queensland. As we found out at
ConVergence, Susan is one of the few people who can tell you what happened
around Sydney since the early seventies, so I hope she writes much fan history
in future issues.
Kim Huett, Flat 29, 63 Pearson Street, Holder ACT 2611
I don't know how available is A Bright Particular Star, or even whether you
need to send money to gain a copy. Enquire from Kim Huett at the above
address. If he has any spare copies, you will find yourself reading an
anthology of some of the best fan writing of the last twenty years: that of
Lucy Huntzinger. In a useful introduction, Kim tells us that Lucy entered
fandom in 1981 in Seattle, and has since lived all around the United States,
as well as taking extensive overseas trips (including her DUFF trip to
Australia in 1987). Her most famous fanzine was Rude Bitch, co-edited with
Avedon Carol in the eighties. The pieces in A Bright Particular Star
concentrate on Lucy's travels, but don't reach back further than 1988. Since
1996, Lucy has published only though her Web zine Aries Moon (which I've never
stumbled across). A Bright Particular Star is a beautiful piece of fanzine craft.
ETHEL THE AARDVARK No. 103, July 2002. 20 pp. A4. Emilly McLeay, for the
Melbourne Science Fiction Club, PO Box 212, World Trade Centre, Melbourne VIC
3005.Magazine subscription: $15. Club membership: $25 (singles), $35
(household), $35 (overseas)
I'm not sure whether any copies of Ethel the Aardvark are available for 'the
usual'; however, I did trade fanzines with Ethel for several years before I
joined the Club, and each issue has letters from all over the world. Emilly
McLeay has taken over from Sean Paul Smith, and is gradually solving the
problem of Fitting Everything Into 20 Pages. In the previous issue, I could
not tell who had written which article, but in the July issue the layout is
accessible and good-looking. This issue of Ethel contains so much material
that's impossible to list everything. Damien Christie reviews Star Wars II
(for those who are interested), Steve Cooper writes an excellent comprehensive
review of Turner Award winner Maxine McArthur's first and second novels, Time
Future and Time Past; Danny Heap takes over the lash-the-fans role recently
vacated by Terry Frost, telling us the agonising behind-the-scenes tales of
putting together ConVergence (it was a huge success, but might have failed);
Ted McArdle reviews franchise books; and there is lots of news (including this
year's DUFF results), plus a healthy letter column. I expect Ethel to return
to the Ditmar nomination list next year.
Bruce Gillespie, 23 July 2002
You can also browse Eric Lindsay's on-line fanzine, "Gegenschein", the index
to which you will find at The latest
edition appears to be 92, which is at
GALAXY BOOKSHOP (222 Clarence St Sydney; ):For
book signings, they have coming up:
Juliet Marillier on Thursday August 15 at 6pm
Kate Forsyth on Thursday August 22 at 6pm
China Miéville on Wednesday 28 August at 5.30 pm
Raymond Feist on Sunday 22 September at 11 am
Terry Pratchett on Tuesday 19 November at 11.30 am.
They are also hoping to organise Cecelia Dart Thornton for a signing in October.
INFINITAS BOOKSHOP (Shop 5 No. 1 Horwood Place Parramatta, ):Infinitas has a discussion group which meets at 7pm on
the first Thursday of the month at about 7 pm. The August topic will be "You
see me here, you see me there. Teleportation, Stargates etc in SF."
On Sunday, 25th August at 1 pm Infinitas will host a book launch party for new
publications from Mirrordanse Books, and AGOG! Press including Immaterial by
Robert Hood and AustrAlien Absurdities edited by Chuck McKenzie & Tansy Rayner
Roberts, as well as the first edition of Agog! Edited by Cat Sparks. All Welcome!
Raymond E. Feist will also be visiting Infinitas on Sunday 22 September at 2pm
to sign copies of his new book, "Tales of the Silver Hawk"
Infinitas also has a writers' group (indeed it was that group under the
leadership of Bill Congreve, that provided the material for the anthology
"Passing Strange" that has been launched recently). More details when they
come to hand. You can email Bill Congreve at the Infinitas email address.
SLOW GLASS BOOKS: 305 Swanston Street Melbourne, 3000 Vic. Phone: (03) 9639 1511 Fax:
(03) 9639 1511.
KNOWN SPACE BOOKS: First Floor, 108 Gawler Place, Adelaide, SA 5000. Tel: (08)
8223-4304 Open: 12:00-6:00 Wednesday-Thursday; 12:00-10:00 Friday; 12:00-6:00
Saturday New and used books related to science fiction, film and TV. Also
comics and magazines. Now receiving American imports weekly.
[ote: I (EAS) am a co-manager of the "Known Space" website,, a reporitory of information on the works of SF writer
Larry Niven, whose "Known Space" stories are among his best known. There is no
connection between this and the Known Space bookshop.]
[ "PS" to the above. At the last Niven mail list monthly IRC chat, Larry was
there and I asked him if he knew about Known Space Books. He said he'd never
heard of it. Oh well ... one man's future history is someone else's bookshop.]
We are keen to report news from other SF bookshops around Australia. For Marc
Ortlieb's list see:
FAN FUND for AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND (FFANZ) 2003 RACE. Paul Ewins recently
announced Nominations are now open for the 2003 FFANZ trip from Australia to
Auckland for Emoticon 2003 (Easter, 2003) Nominations close on August 31, and
voting will take place until October 31, 2002. Nominations are open to anyone
currently a resident of Australia who was active in fandom prior to 6 June,
2002. Each nomination must be signed by the nominee and accompanied by a
donation of $10 (AUD) to FFANZ. Each nominee must also have the signed support
of 1 fan currently residing in NZ, and two fans residing Australia, The
nominee should provide a written platform of 100 words or less for the ballot,
and an optional photo. Nominations should be sent to Paul Ewins, 4 Coval Crt,
Vermont Sth, Vic. 3133. Australia.
SCIENCE FICTION WRITERS OF EARTH. The annual competition for unpublished SF
writers: Details and entry forms for the 2002 SFWoE Awards are available at, or Australian entrants can send an SASE to Rob
Riel, (Picaro Press)PO box 853 Warners Bay, NSW 2282. (e-mail:
[webmaster note: the above url does not work. Anyone wanting information soon
should email Rob Riel. I will endeavour to get a working url asap]
Congratulations to Lee Battersby, whose story, "Carrying the God" placed 3rd
in the 2001 L Ron Hubbard Awards. (as reported on CoodeStreet)
Congratultions also to Sydney-based artist, Nick Stathopolous, whose work,
Dragon Study #1, has been nominated in the category of "Best
MonochromeUnpublished work" section of the Chesley Awards. (Reported on Coode
Keeping the congratulations ball rolling, Bob Eggleton was voted second in the
recent Locus awards for art, and Shaun Tan was voted tenth. (Rreported on
Coode Street)
Congratulations to Sue & Robert Hoge on the arrival of baby Imogen Elizabeth
Hoge, born Sunday 21 July.(Reported on the Andromeda Spaceways mailing list)
Congratulations to author Garth Nix and Pan McMillan Australia editor Anna
McFarlane who became parents of Thomas Henry Nix on Thursday 11 July 2002
(Rreported on Coode Street).
And now the news you've all been waiting for...The harp owned by Harpo Marx that
was auctioned on e-bay recently sold for (US) $32,900 (Unfortunately Edwina's
saleable body parts don't amount to that much.) : - (
[your webmaster is still boggling at the inference that she went around the
traps and got three quotes]
Ted Scribner recently called for expressions of interest in resurrecting
Syncons (Sydney SF conventions) on the Eastcoast e-mail list. There have been
signs of support from a number of Sydney (and Canberra?) fans. Check then, if you want to be
a part of it, email Ted at and he'll put you on a list
of people-to-talk-to-each-other-about-a-Syncon.
The following pieces of information come courtesy of Multiverse's , "The Comm
Centre" No. 87.
SPIELBERG DOESN'T SAY NEIGH. Stephen Spielberg & Kate Capshaw have donated
(US)$12 million to save the Sullivan Canyon Riders Club in Los Angeles. The
money will preserve 8.3 acres of land used by horse riders from being sold to
PATRICK STEWART was "a breath away" from quitting his role of Captain Picard
because of a row over his salary before the new Star Trek movie, Nemesis,
started filming. Nemesis is due for a 1st January Australian release.
Apparently LOTR: THE TWIN TOWERS has the Battle for Helm's Deep running
uninterrupted for 45 minutes.
[your webmaster is wondering how long the Battle of the Pelennor Fields will run]
For information on New South Wales clubs, societies etc, see Ted Scribner's
web page For information on
other clubs, societies etc see Marc Ortlieb's web page
"SYDNEY TREK", "Bringing Star Trek fans together". All welcome. More
information at
WHOVENTION A mailing list to keep
Doctor Who fans posted on upcoming Australian conventions, run by the Doctor
Who club of Australia especially Whovention conventions including the
forthcoming Whovention 2003. More information at
activities on the East Coast of Australia.
NATCONS To discuss the future of the
Australian National Science Science Fiction Convention (and the associated
Ditmar Awards).
OZFAN-HISTORY A group to share
information regarding the history of Australian science fiction fandom:
documents,commentaries, directories, locations of repositories, and so on.
Mainly for Australians; others welcomed.
and distribution of a new, Australian Pulp SF magazine: "Andromeda Spaceways
Inflight Magazine" (ASIM)
THE EIDOLIST is a general purpose sf discussion list based in Western
Australia but it does not confine its discussions to that state.The Eidolist
was set up by the management of The Eidolon. It is run with "Majordomo"
software and the list server can be addressed at or To subscribe to the eidolist, send mail to either of
these addresses, with no sig and no subject in the letter and the message
subscribe eidolist in the body of the letter.Once subscribed, the listmember
may send messages to
NOVA MOB MEETING: The next meeting of the Nova Mob will be held at Andrew
McCrae and Sarah Marland's house, 145 Blyth St, East Brunswick. Date: Weds 7
August 2002 at the usual time of 8.00pm. A serious critical paper on SF that
is presented at the meeting, and discussion follows.
The "Age" Melbourne Writers' Festival. August 23 to September 1 The full
program was published in The Age, Sat, 27th July. Details also available on
The following (at least) guests are relevant to sf&f:
China Miéville, Kerry Greenwood (primarily a mystery writer), Sean McMullen,
Sean Williams, Cecilia Dart-Thornton
The following (at least) sessions are relevant to sf&f, mostly fantasy.
Saturday 24 August:
Merlyn Theatre, 2pm: Spotlight on China Miéville. Sean Williams talks to
leading British science-fiction writer winner of the Arthur C. Clarke award
and shortlisted for this year's prestigious Hugo Award, author of King Rat,
Perdido Street Station and, most recently, The Scar: China Miéville. Session
sponsored by Pan Macmillan.
Sunday 25 August
Merlyn Theatre, 2pm: Other Worlds. To create a convincing environment in which
the reader can immerse themselves is a fine art; discussing exactly how they
achieve this will be Matthew Reilly, Cecilia Dart-Thornton, Sean McMullen,
China Miéville and, as chair, Sean Williams. Session sponsored by Pan Macmillan.
Beckett Theatre, 12 noon This Blessèd Plot. Matthew Reilly, China Miéville and
Maureen McCarthy, in a look at whether plot is more important than character
in their best selling fiction. Chaired by The British Council's Simon Gammell.
Tower, 10am The Writers' Voice. Readings by Jane Watson, Cecilia
Dart-Thornton, Rachael Treasure and Anna Funder.
Sunday 1 September
Merlyn Theatre,10am: Mythologies. Briar Grace-Smith, Marina Warner and Rachel
Elior discuss how myth has shaped their writing with, as chair, Judith
AUSTRALIAN COSTUMERS GUILD BALL. 24TH August. 3 course meal and costume
parade. See
http// for full details.
FANTASTIC FICTIONS: medieval & modern A One-Day Symposium at the University
of Sydney Friday 27th September 2002, Women's College. Speakers include:
Professor Brian Attebery, authors Terry Dowling, Sophie Masson & Scott
Westerfeld and researchers in the area of fantasy and science fiction
literature from around Australia
The symposium offers serious critical comment and debate on a hitherto
neglected area of study: the fantastic in literature (medieval and
contemporary), film, television, art, and other media. Among the topics under
discussion will be the sources, influences, and concerns of fantastic fictions
and its relevance to the modern world. The presentations will highlight the
history of fantasy and science fiction, the connections between the fantastic
past and present in
the development of both genres, as well as the contemporary forms of fantasy
and science fiction. Registration: $25/$15 before 14th September, or $30/$20
afterwards (includes GST, lunch & refreshments). Further information and
registration form available at the conference
website: Or enquiries
to:Melissa McMahon, Events and Projects Officer Research Institute of
Humanities and Social Sciences (RIHSS) Woolley Building A20 University of
Sydney NSW 2006 Tel: (02) 9351 5344 Fax: (02) 9351 5700
STARWARS, THE MAGIC OF MYTH EXHIBITION. Powerhouse Museum, Sydney from 18th
September, 2002 to Feb 2, 2003.Displaying costumes, props, models and 2
full-sized ships from Ep. 2 Visit for full details.
GoH = Guest of Honour, OCP = Other Commitments Permitting, tba= to be
Phenomenon This is the annual roleplaying convention in Canberra. It will be
held at the ANU on the 9-11 August 2002. It will consist of 7 sessions (You
don't have play all sessions) and a banquet on Saturday Night. Rego is at 6pm
Friday and the 1st session will be at 7pm Friday. For more details see
(The Machinations launch (CSFG's latest offering) will be held there on
Saturday at lunch.)
NB Edwinafan would like to hear from other gamers who are organising cons. We
know you're there. Please drop us a line with info on your upcoming cons.
CON JOSÉ The 60th World Science Fiction Convention, August 29 to September 2,
2002 at San José McEnery Convention Centre. GoH's: Vernor Vinge, David Cherry,
Bjo & John Trimble, Ferdinand Feghoot. Toastmaster: Tad Williams. Enquiries:
P.O. Box 61363 Sunnyvale CA 94088-1363 U.S.A. Email: Web: Attending membership currently A$350. Supporting
membership: A$60.
Australian agent: (to pay for membership in Australian currency you must apply
to the Australian agent) Rose Mitchell, PO Box 1212k Melbourne Vic 3001Cheques
payable to "60th World Science Fiction Convention".
[Your webmaster will be attending this con - that's if he survives the
previous week. I've just discovered that, apart from being the "capital of
Silicon Valley", San José is also near the centre - oops - center of the
California wine producing areas of Napa, Sonoma and numerous smaller ones.
Reports on my return. I might even mention the con!]
Note: Rose is also the Australian agent for the GLASGOW IN 2005 WORLDCON BID
which is currently selling pre-supporting, ( AUS$35) and "friends of" (
AUS$165) memberships. Contact Rose for more details .
The site for the 2005 Worldcon will be voted on at Con Jose.
BORDERLANDS: That which scares us. Guests: Eddie Campbell, Stephen Dedman.
Saturday, September 7th and Sunday, September 8th, 2002 Emerald Hotel, 24
Mount Steet, Perth Western Australia Cost: Both Days: $60 Standard $50
Concession * Saturday: $35 Standard $30 Concession * Sunday: $30 Standard $25
Concession The website is, and the committee can be
emailed at . Ph: (+618) 9331 516, or write
to 14 Simons Street Coolbellup, 6163, WA.
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS BABYLON 5 October 26 & 27, 2002. GoHs Bruce Boxleitner and
Jerry Doyle. Check their website: for further details.
Lidcombe Catholic Workmen's Club on Sunday 10th November, 2002. Tickets are
$75 for FSF members and $85 for non-members. (Booking & handling fee of $2 per
ticket) They can be booked on line at or by phone: (02) 9523
8385 Make cheques and money orders payable to Friends of Science Fiction and
post to: Friends of Science Fiction PO Box 797 Fairfield. NSW 1860
November 16th. 9am-6pm, Ella Latham Theatre, Royal Children's Hospital,
Flemington,: Members of Multiverse clubs - $50, non club members - $60,
Children under 15 - $20 A ticket order form is up on the web page now for you
to print off and send back to us with payment. if you wish to pay by
installments you can - just ask! If you have any questions, please feel free
to contact us at You don't need to be a
member of Multiverse or a Multiverse club to attend these Multiverse events.
ROSWELL CONVENTION Presents Majandra Delfino (Maria Deluca
from the TV Show "Roswell") This con has been postponed to a date to be fixed.
We'll post details as we hear them (the 2 Eds) Contact details:Roswell
Convention PO Box 1569 North Ryde NSW 2113 Alternately, contact
RoswellForums @ or visit @
20th ANNIVERSARY The A-TEAM CONVENTION March 1-2, 2003.Bournemouth, England.
More information at the website:
EMOTICON 2003 New Zealand's NatCon, Auckland. Dates: 18th - 21st April 2003
(Easter weekend) Three confirmed literary guests: Diane Duane, Peter Morwood
and Lois McMaster Bujold. The committee is also looking for a media guest and
have confirmed Mary Maclachlan as the Fan Guest of Honour.
Email: or write to Malcolm Fletcher, Consultant
DBA SQL Services Ltd, 104-106 Customs St West,PO Box 3631, Auckland. Website:
SWANCON 2003 (Swancon 28). Details at It's also the
Natcon. Special discount memberships are available until July 31.
GENGHIS CON This mysterious con is to be held in Perth at some time during
2003. For more info as it comes to hand, keep watching The organisers can be contacted at They also have a forum which you can read about and
join at
TORCON III The 61st World Science Fiction Convention will be held over August
28-September 1, 2003 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. GsoH: George R.
R. Martin, Frank Kelly Freas, Mike Glyer. Toastmaster: Spider Robinson and
GoHst of Honour: Robert Bloch the spirit of Toronto Worldcons.Enquiries:P.O.
Box 3, Station A, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5W 1A2 Attending Membership:
$US115; Supporting Membership: $US40;
Email: Website:
CHRONOPOLIS - Swancon 29 Perth, Western Australia Easter weekend Thu 8 to Mon
12th April 2004 Shay Telfer, Convenor Details to follow.
CONFLUX 2004 Natcon, Canberra. ACT. Chifley Hotel, Anzac Day Long Weekend. The
web page is at
CONTOUR 2004 May 31 to June 3 2004, Rotorua. Proposed as New Zealand's 25th
National Science Fiction Convention. Email:
UK in 2005 (Worldcon bid) Glasgow, 4-8th August,2005. Dates intended to
overlap with school summer holidays and the Edinburgh Festival & Military
Tattoo.see for more information. Rose Mitchell is Australian
Agent. "Friend of" membership AUD$165, Pre-supporting AUD$35. Mail to Rose
Mitchell, GPO Box 1212K, Melbourne, Vic. 3001, e-mail
SYNCON 200? (Tentatively 2006 [perhaps, Edwina. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps...]).
Ted Scribner recently called for expressions of interest in a Syncon (Sydney
SF convention - v.i.) possibly to be held in 2006. If you're interested in
making this idea a reality contact Ted at , or browse
[Oh, btw, if anyone should write to me and say something to the effect that we
haven't yet had 199 Syncons he/she shall be mercilessly flamed on eastcoastsf
- webmaster.]
NEXT BULLSHEET The deadline for submission of material for inclusion in the
September Bullsheet (#6) is 25th August. Send your news e-mail to or snail mail to Edwina Harvey c/- 12 Flinders St,
Matraville NSW, 2036.
NB, there might be a minor delay in getting e-mailed subs of the Bullsheet out
next month...Ted will be attending the Worldcon, leavinng the Technologically
Inept One (Edwina) to e-mail out the newsletter.
The Bullsheet's web site is and a mirror site is at These sites are regularly updated through the
month (except for next month when the webmaster is traveling to the Worldcon,
which is now).
You can also be put on the list for free direct e-mail subscription by sending
a request to
For people with restricted or no internet access, or who prefer the printed
paper format, annual snail mail subscriptions are available in Australia for
20 x 45c postage stamps to cover postage and printing. Also available
snail-mail to overseas subscribers in exchange for postage stamps. Write
to:Edwina Harvey c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville NSW 2036 AUSTRALIA.
For a range of hand-made SF and fantasy ceramic products visit Celestial
For no sufficiently explained reason this Fanzine still supports The
Minneapolis in '73 WorldCon Bid!