Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet – November 2002
Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet
ISSN 1445-4319 (print version), ISSN 1445-4327 (online version)
Movie memorabilia from the estate of the late Robert Johnson was auctioned in
Sydney over the weekend of 19/20 October. Bob Johnson regularly held Star Trek
marathons in Sydney from the late 1970's through to the 1990's. After starting
at an IOOF hall, a permanent theatre at Anzac House was used for many years.
When that venue was sold and redeveloped, Bob bought the Encore Cinema where
he continued to screen Star Trek episodes as well as other shows and movies
from his collection. Star Trek marathons were a meeting point for Star Trek
and other fandom interests in Sydney for many years.
FANATICS WHO DEFY GRAVITY, an article by Neil Wiseman, reporting on the 21st
Conquest Convention in Brisbane was published on pg 58 of the Sunday Mail on
October 6th, 2002. (Thanks to Eric Lindsay for forwarding us a copy of the
A BEASTLY CAUSE, an article by Shaunagh O'Connor highlighting a literary lunch
with Cecilia Dart-Thornton, and the author's work to raise funds for Sumatran
elephants, was published on pg 29 in the Herald Sun Weekend on Sept 21, 2002 ,
(Thanks to David L. Russell for forwarding this article)
THE TRICK OF MAGIC, an article by Daniel Hoy looking at the work of visiting
author Raymond Feist was published in the Herald Sun Weekend on Oct 19. Of
note is a quote from Feist saying how he loved to visit Australia, because
he's treated like royalty here. (Thanks to David L. Russell again)
Garry Dalrymple has launched the Sydney Science Fiction Meetings List. To
subscribe to this, e-mail
HORROR GROUP: Marty Young (e-mail,, ph. 0403 810 412
) would like to make contact with Horror Groups around Australia with a view
to eventually holding an annual Australian Horror Conference.
THE PLAY'S THE THING! Richard Womack (channelling through Chuck McKenzie) has
announced that at least 4 original SF or Fantasy Australian plays will be
performed at Conflux, the 2004 Natcon to be held in Canberra. If writers are
interested in submitting plays, they should be no longer than 10 minutes
performance time. Full details available at .
MAXINE MCARTHUR has a new web page.
SEAN WILLIAMS has also been named as Guest of Honour at the Multiverse Amanda
Tapping Day, Sat Nov 16th. (See full listing under "Conventions")
HHG FOR THE BIG SCREEN. Karey Kirkpatrick (Screenwriter who wrote Chicken Run)
is to co-adapt the screen play of The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. Adams
wrote his own deature adaption . (Reported on The Comm Centre. The Bullsheet
compiler / editor has been hearing variations of a HHG movie story
for at least 20 years.)
ZEERA TURNS 1. Sydney based science fiction author Naomi Hatchman (who has
appeared in Eidolon, Aurealis, and recently in Bill Congreve's "Passing
Strange" anthology) has an online comic strip called 'Zeera: the Space
Pirate'. It has just celebrated it's first birthday and is still going strong.
Check it out to see contributions from various people, including the two week
alternative Zeera storyline by Sydney based author Ben Peek, which spends time
making fun of Kenny Baker, Star Trek, producers, and midgets in general. link:
"Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog it's too dark to
read" - Groucho Marx
Barrow, Mikal Trimm, Sean McMullen, Peter Friend, T.Rex, Jim C. Hines, Simon
Haynes and Tom Holt, poetry by Bruce Boston, Jeff Van der Meer & Stephen D.
Rogers has been distributed to subscribers, and will be distributed to
bookshops soon. NEW postal address. Now PO Box 100, Miles, QLD, 4415 check for more updates.
EIDOLON BACK. Australian SF magazine Eidolon is preparing to make a comeback.
Issue 31 will appear at the end of 2002, and they are accepting stories for
issue 33, expected to be published in time for the Natcon, Swancon, at Easter
2003. The magazine is being revived by an extended committee consisting of
Anna Hepworth, David Cake, Grant Watson, Jeremy G. Byrne, Jodie Hunter, Sandra
Norman, Sarah Nicholson, Sarah Xu, Simon Oxwell, Stephen Dedman and Tess
Williams. (from an official Press Release passed on by Nigel Read)
RICK KENNETT has two horror books currently available: 13 - A Collection of
Ghost Stories. Jacobyte Press. ISBN 1 74053 064 0, and No. 472 Cheyne Walk
(with AF Kidd) ISBN 1-55310 037-9. Published by Ash Tree Press. (Reported by Sarah Endacott on
the Eidolist)
THE DAWN OF MAN is a new SF novel by Elbert Lewis Jr, ISBN 0-595-18587-8. 391
pages. In it, "Australia becomes a battlefield in an interstellar war for
domination of Earth." This book can be purchased direct through, (Barnes & Noble) and . Cost US$20.95
FOLCC BOOK SALES The Friends of Linda Cox Chan has sold its first book ($2) to
raise money for Juvenile Diabetes! The following are still looking for homes:
(NB: All prices quoted will include postage. Discounts if you buy more than 1
item. Crux Vol 4, features Michael Hailstone, Eric Harries Harris, Paul
Collins, Rick Kennett $3, New Eyes Vol 1, features Robert Luxford, Peter
Jones, Steven Crawley $3, New Eyes Vol 2, features Geoffrey Maloney, Robert
Luxford, $3, Under Magellenic Clouds 2, features Geoffrey Maloney, Elvis
Gladztone, Ken Rawlinson $3 To buy these mags, or if you want to donate a book
to the scheme e-mail Edwina Harvey at We'll keep you
posted on how much money we raise, and hope you'll support us.
CHUCK MCKENZIE, (who has never let Juvenile Diabetes stand in the way of his
dreams) has kindly donated an autographed copy of his humorous SF novel,
WORLDS APART to the book sale. We're offering it for $10. (This would make a
great Christmas present!)
TASMANIAN SPEC FIC WRITERS GROUP: The Invisible College meet once a month for
critting, writing & other vaguely social activities. E-mail
for more details.
ANTIPODEAN SF No 54 currently available at .
CLARION SOUTH. An intensive writers' workshop, to be held in Brisbane for 6
weeks over Jan-Feb 2004, has announced Terry Dowling, Jack Dann and Lucy
Sussex are confirmed tutors. Full details available at .
AUSTRALIAN WRITERS' WEB: Updated by Tony Plank, this useful web site can be
found at .
REDSINE 9 including fiction by Kim Westwood, Shane M Brown, L.H. Maynard&
M.P.N Sims, Robert N. Stephenson and others, is currently available. Order
direct from the publisher, also available through and (Barnes and Noble) in the USA.
FABLES AND REFLECTIONS WEBSITE. Lily Chrywenstrom reported to the Eidolist
that The Fables and Reflections website is now up at
The website has the table of contents & front covers for Issues 1, 2 and 3,
the submission guidelines, a list of places that you can find Fables and
Reflections, and some Australian SF links (including the Bullsheet - thanks,
One thing which the website doesn't have (yet) is the submissiondeadline for
Issue 4, which is February 15th 2003.
Issue 3 of Fables came out in September at Borderlands. See the website, or
email Lily, , for info on how to get a copy.
GALAXY BOOKSHOP (222 Clarence St Sydney, ).
David Lynton reports that Terry Pratchett will be signing on Tuesday 19
November at 11.30 am.
INFINITAS BOOKSHOP (Shop 5 No. 1 Horwood Place Parramatta, ):
SEAN WILLIAMS will be at Infinitas from 11am on Saturday 9 November, signing
his new books "Echoes of Earth" and "Storm Weaver and the Sand"
SLOW GLASS BOOKS: previously at 305 Swanston Street Melbourne, 3000 closed its
doors on 26th October. From 12 November Justin will be running Slow Glass as a
mail order catalogue. To join the mailing list see . (Reported on the Comm Centre)
There are of course many problems connected with life, of which some of the
most popular are Why are people born? Why do they die? Why do they want to
spend so much of the intervening time wearing digital watches? - Douglas Adams
VALE: CRAIG MILLS (1955-2002): Craig Mills died early on October 15 in his
home in Daly City, California. He worked at night, and his wife Dorrie found
him on the floor of his office. He had evidently suffered a heart attack. He
published four fantasy novels, beginning with The Bane of Lord Caladon (Del
Rey, 1982) As reported on the SFWA news pages (thanks to Joyce Scrivner for
advising us).
STARWALKING Inc, , holds meetings at the
Lidcombe Catholic Workmen's Club (24 John Street, Lidcombe, opposite Lidcombe
Railway Station) on the third Sunday of some months. Check the website for
details of the next meeting. They run from 12 noon to 5 pm. Attendance costs
$8 for members and $10 for non-members.
SYDNEY FUTURIANS: Meet in room 1615 of the Tower Block, The University of
Technology, Sydney, at 7 pm. Note: at this stage there is unlikely to be a
December meeting. Further information: phone Garry Dalrymple after 7 pm on
(02) 9718 5827.
SYDNEY SOUTHERN SF&F GROUP: Meeting at Brad's place. The topic for discussion
will be books exchanged at the September meeting. As a back-up we will also be
discussing science fiction music (as distinct from filks), so if you have some
CDs, please bring them along. For more info phone Bradley Row on 9580 4369 or
email him on . The web page is .
MULTIVERSE EVENTS: For latest info, see website: or
e-mail .
For a more comprehensive "list of lists", see Jeremy Byrne's new page . This includes some contacts which are not strictly
mail lists but which offer a service of information emailed regularly to
subscribers. The Bullsheet is among these.
FANTASTIC: This mail list is run under the auspices of the Centre for Medieval
Studies and the Research Institute for Humanities and the Social Sciences at
the University of Sydney. The description of the nature and aims, as given on
their web page, is:
" 'Fantastic' is the Fantasy and Science Fiction network aimed at engendering
a sense of community amongst scholars in the field of FSF in Australia and
overseas. It is intended to facilitate discussion between academics, students
and writers in the field, and to encourage the sharing of information about
conferences, resources, events and anything else of related interest."
To find out more, or to join the list, visit their website at .
"SYDNEY TREK", "Bringing Star Trek fans together". All welcome. More
information at
EAST COAST SF : SF related
activities on the East coast of Australia.
NATCONS : To discuss the future of the
Australian National Science Science Fiction Convention (and the associated
Ditmar Awards).
OZFAN-HISTORY : A group sharing
nfo on the history of Australian science fiction fandom:
documents,commentaries, directories, locations of repositories, and so on.
Mainly for Australians; others welcomed.
Australian Pulp SF magazine: "Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine"
WHOVENTION : A mailing list to keep
Doctor Who fans posted on upcoming conventions, run by the Doctor Who club of
Australia See also .
THE EIDOLIST a general purpose sf discussion list. Send "Subscribe eidolist"
message in the body of the letter (and nothing in the subject field) to
RETURN TO A FORBIDDEN PLANET: Presented by the Windmill Theatre co. 25 Oct- 8
Nov. Cranbourne Community Theatre, Brunt St, Cranbourne. Tickets $21 adults.
Ph (03) 9795-0175 for details (reported on the Comm Centre)
BUFFY the VAMPIRE SLAYER SYMPOSIUM. The symposium will be held at The
University of Melbourne, Prince Phillip Theatre, Thursday 21st November,
9:30am - 6pm.
HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS. Thurs Nov 28, 7pm. Hoyts Chadstone,
Chadstone shopping centre. Melb. You can reserve tickets by e-mailing then check
LORD OF THE RINGS : TWO TOWERS Thurs 26 December. 7pm Hoyts Chadstone ,
Chadstone shopping Centre, Melb. You can reserve tickets by emailing then check
STARWARS, THE MAGIC OF MYTH EXHIBITION. Powerhouse Museum, Sydney until Feb 2,
2003.Displaying costumes, props, models and 2 full-sized ships from Ep. 2
Visit for full details.
(GoH - Guest of Honour, OCP - Other Commitments Permitting, tba - to be announced)
Abbreviated listing. We will be publishing a full listing 3-4 times a year to
save space. Full listing available on the Bullsheet web page
CARTER , Lidcombe Catholic Workmen's Club on Sunday 10th November, 2002.
Tickets are $75 for FSF members and $85 for non-members. (Booking & handling
fee of $2 per ticket) They can be booked on line at or
by phone: (02) 9523 8385 Make cheques and money orders payable to Friends of
Science Fiction and post to: Friends of Science Fiction PO Box 797 Fairfield.
NSW 1860
Sean Williams also GoH. Saturday November 16th.9:00am - 6:00pm, Ella Latham
Theatre, Royal Children's Hospital,Flemington, Vic. Members of Multiverse
clubs - $50, non club members - $60, Children under 15 - $20. Contact for ticket purchase details
STARGATE SG1 - VORTEX CON 1st December, 2002. GoH's Don S. Davis and Teryl
Rothery. web site . Postal address: GPO Box
2004Brisbane, 4001
TASCAPE 2003.Annual BBQ for FarScape fans. Free, but raffle tickets sold to
cover cost of food. BYO drinks & water pistols. Maroubra Beach 12.00pm, 19
January 2003 (but events also on Saturday 18 January): No guarantees, but some
cast and crew from FarScape have expressed an interest in attending. Check for full details or contact Debbie
ROSWELL CONVENTION January 18th & 19th 2003. Tickets One day $77, two days
$142 Fox Studios, Sydney. Contact: email or write
to Roswell Convention PO Box 1569 North Ryde NSW 2113
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS 18. Feb 15-16. GoHs: Kevin Sorbo, Lisa Ryder, Sean
McMullen, Ian Irvine. Web: , mail: ,
phone (02) 62591619
EMOTICON 2003 New Zealand's NatCon, Auckland. Dates: 18th - 21st April 2003
(Easter weekend). Three confirmed literary guests: Diane Duane, Peter Morwood
and Lois McMaster Bujold. The committee is also looking for a media guest and
have confirmed Mary Maclachlan as the Fan Guest of Honour. Email: or write to Malcolm Fletcher, Consultant DBA SQL
Services Ltd, 104-106 Customs St West, PO Box 3631, Auckland. Website:
SWANCON 2003 (Swancon 28) Aus Natcon. 17-21 April.(Easter) Kings Hotel, Perth.
GoHs Lynn Flewelling & Tony Shillitoe. M/ship $120 . Details at .
GENGHIS CON 2 The organisers can be contacted at .
or .
CSF CON III Canberra, May 2003 (?) (We're still waiting for details - Eds)
TORCON III 2003. The 61st World Science Fiction Convention will be held over
August 28-September , 2003 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. GsoH:
George R. R. Martin, Frank Kelly Freas, Mike Glyer. Toastmaster: Spider
Robinson and GoHst of Honour: Robert Bloch the spirit of Toronto
Worldcons.Enquiries: P.O. Box 3, Station A, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5W
1A2Attending Membership: $US115; Supporting Membership: $US40;Email Website: .
20th ANNIVERSARY The A-TEAM CONVENTION March 1-2, 2003, Bournemouth, England.
TML is a nonprofit organization More information at the website .
WHOVENTION 2003 . 4th to 6th April
2003 The Carlton Crest Hotel Sydney. The convention will celebrate 40 years of
Doctor Who. Tiered Rates. Children, Adult and Family Rates, member discounts,
Check for full details, or e-mail for full details or snail mail: PO BOX 148 Gladesville
NSW 2111.
Whovention 2003 is pleased to announce that Wendy Padbury has agreed to attend
our convention. Wendy played Zoe Herriot, companion to the second Doctor, from
Wheel in Space to War Games plus she made a cameo appearance in Five Doctors.
We can also announced that Big Finish producer Jason Haig-Ellery will also be
Marc Ortlieb's Science Fiction Information page:
Ted Scribner's SF&F home page is: and
his list of SF oriented groups in NSW is at .
The deadline for submission of material for the December Bullsheet (#9) is
25th November.
Send your news e-mail to, or snail mail to Edwina Harvey
c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville NSW, 2036.
A full and updated version of the Bullsheet is available on the web at: or the mirror site
You can also get a free direct e-mail subscription to the Bullsheet by sending
a request to For people with restricted or no internet
access, or who prefer the printed paper format, annual snail mail
subscriptions are available for 20 x 45c postage stamps to Edwina Harvey c/-
12 Flinders St Matraville NSW 2036 Australia.
Visit Celestial Cobbler:
For no sufficiently explained reason this Fanzine still supports The
Minneapolis in '73 WorldCon Bid ( )!