Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet – December 2002
Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet
Number 9, December, 2002
ISSN 1445-4319 (print version), ISSN 1445-4327 (online version)
Rumour has it that Peter Jackson and co may be considering a fourth LOTR movie
- going for a a prequel in the form of The Hobbit.
WRITER'S DREAM DESTINY: An article by Mercedes Florez on Australian author,
Fiona McIntosh and the success of her 3 fantasy novels, Betrayal, Revenge and
Destiny, was published on page 45 of the Sydney Sunday Telegraph, 24th
November, 2002.
WHICH IS BEWITCHED? An article by Shaunagh O'Connor on Terry Pratchett's
success with his Discworld novels, was published on page 29 of the Herald Sun
Weekend (Melbourne) on Nov 16th, 2002. (Reported by David L. Russell.)
editors of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, joined Visions anthology
editor, Stephen Thompson on a panel discussing the small press market in
Australia at the Brisbane Festival held over the weekend 22-24 November.
Clarion South conveners, Grace Dugan and Kate Elthem joined novelist Craig
Bolland and academic Kathleen Jennings to discuss genre politics and if
speculative fiction belonged in the gutter.
SCIENCE FICTION WEB SITE: Public Servant, occasional actor, computer whiz and
long-time media fan, Paul Kennedy drew our attention to his very useful
website at A useful feature of this
web site is a classifieds section where fans looking for, or selling. videos
of hard-to-get TV shows can place their adds.
AWARD WINNING Romanian writer OVISU BUFNILA ( has sent
us a short story called "Slow Universe".
WHOVENTION have announced that PETER DAVIDSON is also attending as GOH (See
full details under "Conventions")
TASMANIAN READERS AND WRITERS FESTIVAL will feature resident Tasmanian spec
fic writers Dirk Flinthart and Tansy Rayner Roberts as well as Sean Williams,
Cory Daniells, Marianne De Pierres and Maxine McArthur. The Festival will take
place in March, 2003. (Details supplied by Tansy Rayner Roberts)
ALAN STEWART continues to confound us by covering the events of two years in
one fanzine. Maybe that's why it's called THYME? Issue 135 spanning Nov 2001
to Nov 2002 arrived safely,
MSFC. The Melbourne science Fiction Club meets most Friday nights 8-11pm at
St David's Church Hall, 74 Melville Rd, West Brunswick, Friday 6th Dec, BBQ
STARWALKING (Melb) Christmas party on Dec. 7th,
Uniting Church, crn Doncaster East Rd & Whitehorse Rd, Mitcham, Vic. From 6.30
pm. Adults $12 (Children under 15 $7)
MSFC: Friday 13th December . Last official meeting for the year.
MSFC Sar 14th Dec from noon onwards, Christmas Party at Fairfield Park,
Fairfield. BYO everything, especially sunscreen.
ENTERPRISE This Victorian-based Star Trek fan club will wind up after 8 active
years with a BBQ Christmas party in Cheltenham Park, Cheltenham, Vic on Sat
14th December. More details at (reported on The
Comm Centre)
MULTIVERSE EVENTS: You can reserve tickets by emailing then check
THE LORD OF THE RINGS : THE TWO TOWERS Thurs 26 December. 7pm Hoyts Chadstone
Chadstone shopping Centre, Melb. Two sorts of seats available: LaPremier
Seats ($21.50) offers wide seats, unlimited tea, coffee, coke and popcorn) and
standard seats ($12.50. Children $9.50)
STAR TREK:NEMESIS:Premier January 16th, 2003.
MSFC MEETINGS 2003. Friday 10th January, informal dinner and discussion at
Yarraville Hotel, Yarraville from 7pm. Friday 17th January, First official
MSFC meeting doe 2003 in St David's Hall, West Brunswick. (Thanks to James
Allen for MSFC details.)
STARWARS, THE MAGIC OF MYTH EXHIBITION. Powerhouse Museum, Sydney until Feb 2,
2003.Displaying costumes, props, models and 2 full-sized ships from Ep. 2 Visit for full details.
"Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog it's too dark to
read" - Groucho Marx
Roberts recently announced via e-mail that the AustrAlien Absurdities:
anthology (published by Agog! Press, May 2002) has almost sold out. There are
no plans to do a second print run Remaining stock (approx 40 copies) still
available for purchase. Postal orders may be directed to C. McKenzie, PO Box
87A, South Strathfield, NSW 2136. $24 including postage ($19.95 + $1 postage
for each copy after the first), cheques and money-orders payable to 'C.
Copies are also available from specialty bookshops including Slow Glass
(Melb), Infinitas & Galaxy (Syd), Ellison Hawker (Tas) and Pulp Fiction (Bris)
AUREALIS ISSUE 30 is now available. Published in October, it features fiction
by Mina Athanasopoulos, Jeremy Davies, Neil Halliday, George Ivanoff, Trent
Jamieson, Maxine MacArthur, Helen Patrice, Cat Sparks, Brian Herbert and Kevin
J. Anderson. Non-fiction by Bill Congreve, Sarah Endacott & Anthony Oakman,
Anthony Fordham, Van Ikin and Lucy Sussex. Check the Aurealis website for subscription details. (Reported on Coode St, Review).
ANTIPODEAN SF issue 55 featuring short, short stories from Steve Duffy, Brent
Lillie, Nigel P. Read, Trent Jamieson, Cat Sparks, Eleanor Reed, Edward
Vesterberg, David McAlinden, Dennis Taillefer and Sheri Huber can be viewed at or
ZEERA TURNS 1. Sydney based science fiction author Naomi Hatchman (who has
appeared in Eidolon, Aurealis, and the anthology "Passing Strange") has an
online comic strip called 'Zeera: the Space Pirate'. It has just celebrated
it's first birthday and is still going strong. Check it out to
see contributions from various people, including the two week alternative
Zeera storyline by Sydney based author Ben Peek, which spends time making fun
of Kenny Baker, Star Trek, producers, and midgets in general. Link:
SONYA HARTNETT has won the Guardian's Children's Fiction Prize for her YA
novel, Thursdays Child. The same novel was awarded the Aurealis Award in 2000
in the YA category.
FOLCC BOOK SALES. The Friends of Linda Cox Chan has sold its first book ($2)
to raise money for Juvenile Diabetes! The following are still looking for
homes:(NB: All prices quoted will include postage. Discounts if you buy more
than 1 item. Crux Vol 4, features Michael Hailstone, Eric Harries Harris, Paul
Collins, Rick Kennett $3, New Eyes Vol 1, features Robert Luxford, Peter
Jones, Steven Crawley $3, New Eyes Vol 2, features Geoffrey Maloney, Robert
Luxford, $3, Under Magellenic Clouds 2, features Geoffrey Maloney, Elvis
Gladztone, Ken Rawlinson $3
CHUCK MCKENZIE, (who has never let Juvenile Diabetes stand in the way of his
dreams) has kindly donated an autographed copy of his humorous SF novel,
WORLDS APART to the book sale. We're offering it for $10, including postage
within Australia.(This would make a great Christmas present!)
TANSY RAYNER ROBERTS has offered an autographed copy of her books SPLASHDANCE
SILVER and LIQUID GOLD. (Both now out of print and hard to get). $10 each
including postage within Australia. (More good ideas for Christmas!)
To buy these items, or if you want to donate a book to the scheme e-mail
Edwina Harvey at Or snail mail to 12 Flinders St,
Matraville, 2036. So far we've raised $2
GALAXY BOOKSHOP (222 Clarence St Sydney) In case I'm not the last person in
Sydney to know this, Galaxy should be moving to new premises just a few doors
down from Abbey's Bookshop in York St either in early or late December, (i.e.
to work around the Christmas rush.) (From Edwina who heard it while standing
in a long queue at the Terry Pratchett book signings recently. Three cheers
for the Galaxy staff who kept the queue fed and watered!)
INFINITAS BOOKSHOP (Shop 5 No. 1 Horwood Place Parramatta,
Infinitas has a discussion group which meets at 7pm on the first Thursday of
the month at about 7 pm. Infinitas also has a writers' group led by Bill
Congreve. You can email Bill Congreve at the Infinitas email address.
SLOW GLASS BOOKS Formerly of 305 Swanston Street Melbourne, 3000 Vic. Slow
Glass is now being run as a mail-order shop. For a catalogue write to GPO Box
2709X, Melbourne Vic, 3001 or see
KNOWN SPACE BOOKS: First Floor, 108 Gawler Place, Adelaide, SA 5000. Tel: (08)
8223-4304 Open: 12:00-6:00 Wednesday-Thursday; 12:00-10:00 Friday; 12:00-6:00
Saturday New and used books related to science fiction, film and TV.
OTHER BOOK SHOPS: We are keen to report news from other SF bookshops around
Australia, as the Bullsheet is read Australia-wide..
There are of course many problems connected with life, of which some of the
most popular are Why are people born? Why do they die? Why do they want to
spend so much of the intervening time wearing digital watches? - Douglas Adams
JACOB LEO WESSELY was born at 6.58 pm on Tuesday November 12, 2002, First
child to Tehani Croft and David Wessely. (Tehani balanced expecting Jakob with
editing Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine Issue 4, which is due out a few
weeks after the baby was -Edwina)
JONATHAN HARRIS: The flamboyantly fussy actor who portrayed the dastardly,
cowardly antagonist Dr. Zachary Smith on the 1960's sci-fi show "Lost in
Space," died from a blood clot in his heart while receiving therapy for a
chronic back problem. He was 87.
Harris also worked with Pixar Animation Studios in recent years, supplying the
voice of Manny the preying-mantis magician in "A Bug's Life" and the elderly
doll repairman in "Toy Story 2."
CHARLES SHEFFIELD: SF author Charles Sheffield, born 1935, died on 3rd
November of brain cancer. More about Charles Sheffield on the SFWA site at (From Locus Online news log for 3
November 2002)
JOHN MEREDYTH LUCAS, who wrote for classic television series such as the
original Star Trek, Night Gallery, Planet of the Apes and the Six Million
Dollar Man, as well as movies and documentaries, died on October 19 in Los
Angeles of leukaemia. He was 83 (Reported on The Comm Centre.).
CONDOLANCES to James (Jocko) Allen, whose father passed away on 8th November.
James' father was instrumental in finding the MSFC its current home in the St
David's church hall in West Brunswick when it had to find new premises for
meetings in the 1980s.
ANDRE NORTON is reported to be gravely ill. She was admitted to hospital and
her spirits are low. Please send cards and letters to Andre Norton, 114
Eventide Drive Murfreesboro TN 37130 You may send e-cards to Andre Norton
e-mail Address:
(The webmaster received this from Joyce Scrivner, though it was apparently
ultimately sourced from the newsgroup rec.arts.filk)
DAMIEN WARMAN is recovering from a recent operation to remove a tumour.
Updates on his welfare are being posted by Bruce Gillespie via Eidolist and
Eastcoasts, and can also be found on
GoH = Guest of Honour, OCP = Other Commitments Permitting, tba= to be announced.
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS 17. Stargate. Jan 11-12. See or phone 02
6259 1619 for full details.
TASCAPE 2003: Annual BBQ for FarScape fans. Maroubra Beach 12.00pm, 19 January
2003 (but events also on Saturday 18 January): Free, but raffle tickets sold
to pay for meat. No guarantees, but some of the cast and crew have been
invited and may attend. Check for
full details, or contact Debbie Phali,
ROSWELL CONVENTION January18th & 19th 2003. Tickets $77 for one day or $142
for both days. Contact or write to PO Box 1569
North Ryde NSW 2113
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS 18. Feb 15-16 . GoHs Kevin Sorbo, Lisa Ryder, Sean
McMullen, Ian Irvine., e-mail or phone
02 6259 1619
20th ANNIVERSARY The A-TEAM CONVENTION. Maech 1-2 2003, Bournemouth, England,
TML is a nonprofit organization. More information at the website:
WHOVENTION 2003 4th - 6th April, 2003. The Carlton Crest Hotel, 169-179
Thomas St, Sydney (Close to Central Station) Family, concession and childrens
rates available. Discounts for DWCA members Check Bullsheet web page or for full details.Make cheques and money
orders payable to "Whovention" (not Whovention: 2003). Send payments to:
Whovention: 2003 Membership PO Box 148 Gladesville NSW Please provide a
photocopy of age/concession card for child/concession Please note that due to
mail box collection and banking co-ordination it may take up to 2 weeks for
your cheque to be presented.
GOH's: FIFTH DOCTOR PETER DAVISON Peter has also ppeared on All Creatures
Great and Small, A Very Peculiar Practice and At Home with the Braithwaites.
Also WENDY PADBURY *Zoe Herriott, one of the most popular companions),: Jason
Haigh-Ellery (producer of the Big Finish Doctor Who and Benny audios)
EMOTICON 2003 New Zealand's NatCon, Auckland Dates: 18th - 21st April 2003
(Easter weekend).Three confirmed literary guests: Diane Duane, Peter Morwood
and Lois McMaster Bujold. The committee is also looking for a media guest and
have confirmed Mary Maclachlan as the Fan Guest of Honour. Email: or write to Malcolm Fletcher, Consultant DBA SQL
Services Ltd, 104-106 Customs St West, PO Box 3631, Auckland. Website:
SWANCON 2003 (Swancon 28). 17-21 April. Kings Hotel, Perth. GoHs Lynn Flewelling
& Tony Shillitoe. Details at It's also the Natcon.
GENGHIS CON 2 For more info as it comes to hand, keep watching The organisers can be contacted at They also have a forum which you can read about and
join at
CSF CON III No details as yet, Best guess for the time seems to be some time
in May 2003.
TORCON III The 61st World Science Fiction Convention will be held over August
28-September 1, 2003 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. GsoH: George R.
R. Martin, Frank Kelly Freas, Mike Glyer. Toastmaster: Spider Robinson and
GoHst of Honour: Robert Bloch the spirit of Toronto Worldcons. Enquiries P.O.
Box 3, Station A, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5W 1A2
Attending Membership: $US115; Supporting Membership: $US40; Email:
CHRONOPOLIS - Swancon 29 Perth, Western Australia Easter weekend Thu 8 to Mon
12th April 2004 Shay Telfer, Convenor Details to follow.
CONFLUX 43rd Australian National Science Fiction
Convention, 23-26 April 2004. Guests of Honour: Award winning authors Greg
Benford and Sean McMullen. Fan Guest of Honour: Karen Herkes Panels, workshops
and other activities focus on science fiction, fantasy and horror themes. Also
role-play gaming, live SF oriented theatre, dealers' room, art show and
filking. Special events include the Ditmar Awards (Australian SF achievement
awards) and an Anzac Day dawn service. Cost: currently $110. Children and
students at reduced rates. Instalment plan available. A deposit of $20 secures
you the current rate. Voting membership only $5. Contact: all enquiries should
be directed Address: PO Box 903, Belconnen, ACT
2616 Tel: 0418 540 160; Fax: 02 6242 5776
Convenor: Vanessa Jacobsen - email: Publicity
Manager: Rose Mitchell - email:
CONTOUR 2004 May 31 to June 3 2004, Rotorua. Proposed as New Zealand's 25th
National Science Fiction Convention. Email:
team has successfully bid to host the World Science Fiction Convention
("Worldcon"), the premier international science fiction event. 4-8 August
2005. Guests of honour will be award-winning authors Christopher Priest,
Robert Sheckley and Jane Yolen, critic and fanzine editor
Greg Pickersgill and veteran Scandinavian fan Lars-Olov Strandberg. Membership
for the weekend costs £75 or $115 until Easter 2003: write to Interaction at
UK: 379 Myrtle Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S2 3HQ
USA: PO Box 58009, Louisville, Kentucky 40268-0009
email or see our website at for further details.
TASMANIA BID FOR 2005 NATCON: Tansy Rayner Roberts wrote: We have a yahoo!
list, so people can email me ( or Monissa ( if
they want to be part of the Thylacon 2005 experience.
SYNCON 200?. Ted Scribner recently called for expressions of interest in a
Syncon (Sydney SF convention possibly to be held in 2006. If you're interested
in making this idea a reality contact Ted at , or
browse at
OTHER USEFUL LINKS: Marc Ortlieb has many useful links on his SF page at:
Ted Scribner's Australian SF&F home page is:
and his list of SF oriented groups in NSW is at
Australian Writers Web maintained by Tony Plank can be found at
The deadline for submission of material for inclusion in the January Bullsheet
(#10) is 25th December. Send your news e-mail to, or
snailmail to Edwina Harvey
c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville NSW, 2036.
N.B. SNAIL-MAILER BULLSHEET SUBSCRIBERS: The January Issue of Bull may arrive
a little late, unless of course it arrives a bit early, or possibly we'll
surprise you all and it will arrive on time! :-). (No radical changes
expected for e-mail subscribers, hangovers permitting)
We'd like to take this opportunity to wish all our readers a joyous holiday
season, and a safe and peaceful new year.
Visit Celestial Cobbler for all your specialist ceramics needs::
For regular updates to the Bullsheet see or the mirror site at
You can also get a free direct e-mail subscription by sending a request to
For people with restricted or no internet access, or who prefer the printed
paper format, annual snail mail subscriptions are available within Australia
for 20 x 50cent stamps (or $10) sent to Edwina Harvey c/- 12 Flinders St
Matraville NSW 2036 Australia (NB Auspost is increasing stamp prices in the
New Year. Current snail mail subscribers, don't panic. There's no change to
your current subscription.).
For no sufficiently explained reason this Fanzine still supports The
Minneapolis in '73 WorldCon Bid!