Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet – January 2003
Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet
Issue 10, January, 2003
ISSN 1445-4319 (print version), ISSN 1445-4327 (online version)
PREVIOUS BULLSHEETS are now available on the website
AUSSIECON 3 VOLUNTEERS REUNION. If you were a volunteer who helped with the
con there will be a reunion buffet dinner on 17th January at the William
Angliss Conference Centre, 5th floor, 555 Latrobe St, Melbourne. Please RSVP
Rose Mitchell by e-mail ( or phone ( 03 9388 9953, or
0419 540 160) by 10th January.
ROSE MITCHELL is also looking for photos from Aussiecon 3 for a photographic
display "in the New Year" If you have photos contact Rose by e-mail
( or phone ( 03 9388 9953, or 0419 540 160)
SPECULATIONS is a new radio program from ArtSoundFM 92.7 in Canberra in early
February. It will highlight SF, fantasy, mahikal realism and horror, news
interviews and reviews. Check out their web site at
SARA DOUGLASS' new novel , Hades Daughter was reviewed by Shaunagh O'Connor in
the Herald Sun Weekend, Saturday December 14th 2002, pg 28. (Reported by David
L. Russell)
ROCKET MAN, an article by Sacha Molitorisz about the "THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO!"
movie that starts screening at Sydney's Valhalla Theatre from Jan 2, 2003, was
reported in the Sydney Morning Herald, Metro section for 20-26th December.
(Spotted by Edwina)
FARSCAPE FAREWELL, Jean Prescott talks to Gigi Edgley about the fourth season
of FARSCAPE finally making it to air in Australia after being "
the back shelves" by Channel 9. Page 2, "Seven Days" supplement. Sydney
Telegraph 26/12/02
LEARNING TRICKS OF THE TRADE ON MATRIX is an article by Darren Devlyn looking
at Clayton Watson's work on "The Matrix Reloaded" and "The Matrix Revolutions"
Page 3, "Seven Days" supplement, Sydney Telegraph 26/12/02
AT THE HELM FOR LORD OF ALL BATTLES is an article by Michael Body looking at
the work of ANDREW LESNIE, who worked on the digitising special effects for
"The Two Towers" Pgs 6&7 "Seven Days" supplement, Sydney Telegraph 26/12/02.
(There's also a review of the movie and Disney's Treasure Planet in the same
section.) (Spotted by Edwina)
New Anime Film, SPIRITED AWAY was launched at 35 cinemas around Australia on
12th December for a 5-8 week season. The film has been dubbed for showing in
the larger theatre chains, but subtitled versions can be seen at Nova Cinema,
Melbourne, and Chauvel Cinema, Sydney. A web-site of cinemas showing the movie
is at (Reported on the Comm Centre)
SPIDER MAN co-creator Stan Lee received the Lifetime Achievements Award
presented by the New York City Comic Book Museum on Nov 9th (Reported on the
Comm Centre)
WILL SMITH has been contracted to star in the movie, "I ROBOT", an adaptation
of the 1940's Isaac Asimov short story collection to be produced by Fox.
Reported by Rod McLeod on Eastcoast list. A link to the full story is at
AUREALIS AWARDS NOMINATIONS: SF NOVEL: Blue Silence by Michelle Marquardt,
Transcension by Damien Broderick, Echoes of Earth by Sean Williams and Shane
Dix. SF SHORT STORY Lucy, Lucy by Shane M Brown, Walk to the Full Moon by
Sean McMullen, Late Returns by Shane M. Brown, The Imperfect Instantaneous
People Mover by Geoff Maloney, Within Twilight by Chris McMahon. FANTASY NOVEL
The Novice, by Trudi Canavan, The Gift by Alison Groggan, Hades Daughter by
Sarah Douglass, Crippled Angel by Sara Doiuglass, Blood by Tony Shillitoe,
The Storm Weaver and the Sand by Sean Williams, HORROR NOVEL, The White Body
of Evening by A.L. McCann, Shadows Bite by Stephen Dedman, The Gift by Alison
Groggon, Daughter of the Dark by Louise Cusack HORROR SHORT STORY: Within
Twilight by Chris McMahon, Les Autres by Adam Browne, What the Tide Brings by
Claire McKenna, Oracle by Kim Westwood, Wastelands by Stephen Dedman. YOUNG
ADULT NOVEL Fireworks and Darkness by Natalie Jane Prior, the Hand of Glory
by Sophie Masson, Mum, Me and the 19yj C by David McRobbie, the Starthorn Tree
by Kate Forsythe. CHILDRENS LONG FICTION; Eglantine by Catherine Jinks,
Rhianna and the Dogs of Iron by Dave Luckett, In the Garden of Empress Cassia
by Gabrielle Wang, Lily Quench and the Treasure of Mote Ely by Natalie Jane
Prior. CHILDREN'S SHORT FICTION, "The Golden Udder" by Terry Denton, "Tashi
and the Haunted House" by Anna Fienberg and Kim Gamble, The Two Natalies by
Justin dAth, In the Blink of an Eye by Andrew Chapman, and Old Ridley by Gary
Crew & Marc McBride:
The winners will be announced at the 8th Aurealis Awards Ceremony, Basement
Lecture Theatre, RMIT building 94, 23-27 Cardigan St, Sth Carlton, Melb on Fri
28th March, 2003
How many people asked for a SEGWAY HUMAN TRANSPORTER for Christmas? Being
sold "exclusively through AMAZON.COM," you can order now, and delivery
supposedly starts in March, 2003.
(Reported by Julian Warner on Eidolist...and we're wondering if this is the
perfect solution for fans who want to go to two cons on the same weekend? -
It was recently announced in The Comm Centre that Multiverse had donated
$2,000 to the Victorian branch of the RSPCA, raised from their functions
through the year.
Thanks to Les Robertson and David L. Russell who snail mailed us Christmas
cards, and to Ovidiu Bofnila, Dallas Jones and Jack Dwyer who e-mailed us
Christmas greetings.
"Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog it's too dark to
read" Groucho Marx
ZEATON is a new book by PHILIP RAINFORD. It is "the story of the nature of
time and reality. A ten-year old boy and a present day secret agent caught up
in a wild trip to the beginning of the universe."
The book is published by Lifeplan Management Services. (ABN 72 005 894 075)
and distributed by Dennis Jones & Associates Pty Ltd 19a Michellan Crt,
Bayswater, VIC 3153. Phone 03 9720 6761. (NB No details of the cost of the book
were forwarded with the press release information, though it does state that
the author is available for interviews or other promotional activities - Edwina)
Chicago writer Deon C Sanders issued a press release on Friday 13th December
announcing his first horror novel, Miss Mary Weather: A Southern Nightmare.
(ISBN 158851837X)
AUSTRALOZ, Michael Connolly announced he is currently seeking Australian
writers and illustrators for his new e-zine. It can be viewed at
being distributed. It features fiction by Darren Goosens, Robbie Matthews,
Russell McNair, Jette Bronson, Jim C. Hines, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Martin
Owton and Miriam Robertson, Karen Roberts, Dave Luckett, Alison Venugoban,
Phoebe Wray, A.J. Weaver, Edwina Harvey, Barbara Davies, Brendon Carson and
Simon Hayes. Poetry by Stuart Barrow, Robbie Matthews, and non-fiction by Jeff
Harris, Edwina Harvey and Tehani Croft.
IDEOMANCER UNBOUND has been released, featuring stories from Stephen Dedman,
Robert Hood, Cat Sparks, Deborah Biancotti, Claire McKenna and Jack Dann among
others. Full details available at (Reported on eastcoastssf)
LITERATURE COMPETITION: Robert Hoge reported on the eastcoasts e-mail list
that Griffith Uni is offering $10,000 in prize's in a new literary
competition that closes mid-January. Stories entered should be 1,000-3,000
words. Entry fee $35, but copyright remains with the author. Further
information available at
JACK DANN is conducting a 2 day master class entitled "Writing the Fabulous"
at the Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers Centre (WA) on 26-27 July, 2003
Cost of the course is $350. Prospective participants to submit story samples
prior to the Master Class in order to determine who will be admitted. Please
contact the centre to register: (Address submissions to?) Margot Lowe.
Co-ordinator. Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers Centre, 11 Old York Rd,
GREENMOUNT 6058 WA. Ph 08 9294 1872 or look at
(Reported by Tracey Rolfe on the eidolist)
FOLCC BOOK SALES. The Friends of Linda Cox Chan aims to raise money to donate
to Juvenile Diabetes Society of Australia by selling donated books.
autographed copies of their books to this cause, but also donated the postage
of these books to the recipients. As a result our total money raised for JD is
now $22.
Magazines still looking for homes are: Crux Vol 4, features Michael Hailstone,
Eric Harries Harris, Paul Collins, Rick Kennett $3, New Eyes Vol 1, features
Robert Luxford, Peter Jones, Steven Crawley $3, New Eyes Vol 2, features
Geoffrey Maloney, Robert Luxford, $3, Under Magellenic Clouds 2, features
Geoffrey Maloney, Elvis Gladztone, Ken Rawlinson $3 (Prices include postage
within Australia)To buy tor donate books/mags e-mail Edwina Harvey at, or snail mail Edwina c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville, NSW
AUSTRALIAN WRITERS' WEB: Updated by Tony Plank, this useful web site can be
found at .
GALAXY BOOKSHOP David Lynton wrote: At present the Galaxy move to York St,
just a few doors up from Abbey's bookshop is anticipated to be on 27 December
INFINITAS BOOKSHOP (Shop 5 No. 1 Horwood Place Parramatta, Infinitas has a discussion group which meets at 7pm on
the first Thursday of the month at about 7 pm. Infinitas also has a writers'
group (indeed it was that group under the leadership of Bill Congreve.
SLOW GLASS BOOKS: Formerly of 305 Swanston Street Melbourne) Slow Glass is now
running as a mail order catalogue. To join the mailing list write to GPO Box
2709X Melbourne Vic 3001 or see Email: Phone: (03) 9639 1511 Fax: (03) 9639 1511.
OTHER BOOKSHOPS: As the Bullsheet is read all around Australia (and
internationally) we are keen to report news from other SF bookshops around
There are of course many problems connected with life, of which some of the
most popular are Why are people born? Why do they die? Why do they want to
spend so much of the intervening time wearing digital watches?- Douglas Adams
MARRIAGES: This edition of Bullsheet appears to have gone off without a hitch.
BIRTHS: The Bullsheet seems to have gone off without a hatch as well. Looks
like fandom is still practicing Zero Population Growth.
GLENN JOHN MCQUEEN: a pixar animator who worked on Toy Story, Toy Story 2, A
Bugs Life and Monsters Inc died on Oct 29 of melanoma in Berkely California.
He was 41, and is survived by his wife, 4 year old daughter, two sisters and
parents. (Reported on "The Comm Centre" - originally reported in Variety
MSFC. Friday 10th January 2003: informal dinner and discussion at Yarraville
Hotel, Yarraville from 7pm.
Friday 17th January: First official MSFC meeting for 2003 in St David's Hall,
West Brunswick. (Thanks to James Allen for MSFC details.)
STARWALKING Inc holds meetings at the
Lidcombe Catholic Workmen's Club (24 John Street, Lidcombe, opposite Lidcombe
Railway Station) Check the website for details of the next meeting.
SYDNEY FUTURIANS: Meet in room 1615 of the Tower Block, The University of
Technology, Sydney, at 7 pm. Information: phone Garry Dalrymple after 7 pm on
(02) 9718 5827. for details. Or check Ted's Sydney Futurians mirror web page,
SYDNEY SOUTHERN SF&F GROUP: No January meeting, but info about 2003 meetings
will be posted at
when available.
MULTIVERSE MOVIE PREMIERS: You can reserve tickets by emailing then check STAR TREK
NEMESIS: Feb 6th, Greater Union Theatres Russell St, Melbourne..
THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO!: Valhalla Cinema, Glebe, (Sydney) from 2nd January.. Also
playing at the Astor Theatre, Chapel St, St. Kilda (Melb) 19-27 January.
STARWARS, THE MAGIC OF MYTH EXHIBITION. Powerhouse Museum, Sydney until Feb 2,
2003.Displaying costumes, props, models and 2 full-sized ships from Ep. 2 Visit for full details.
STAR TREK FILM MARATHON: March 9th Westgath Theatre , 89 High St, Northcote,
VIC. See all 10 ST Movies. Session starts wth free brekkie at 6.45 am and
starts at 7.30am No prices set as yet but Multiverse members get a discount.
(reported on the Comm Centre)
GoH = Guest of Honour, OCP = Other Commitments Permitting, tba= to be announced.
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS 17. Stargate. Jan 11-12. See or phone 02
6259 1619 for full details.
TASCAPE 2003: Annual BBQ for FarScape fans. Maroubra Beach 12.00pm, 19 January
2003 (but events also on Saturday 18 January): Free, but raffle tickets sold
to pay for meat. No guarantees, but some of the cast and crew have been
invited and may attend. Check for
full details, or contact Debbie Phali,
ROSWELL CONVENTION January18th & 19th 2003. Tickets $77 for one day or $142
for both days. Contact or write to PO Box 1569
North Ryde NSW 2113
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS 18. Feb 15-16 . GoHs Kevin Sorbo, Lisa Ryder, Sean
McMullen, Ian Irvine., e-mail or phone
02 6259 1619
20th ANNIVERSARY The A-TEAM CONVENTION. March 1-2 2003, Bournemouth, England.
Dirk Benedict GoH. More information at the website:
WHOVENTION 2003, 4th - 6th April. The Carlton Crest Hotel, 169-179 Thomas St,
Sydney (Close to Central Station)Family, concession and children's rates
available. Discounts for DWCA members Check Bullsheet web page or for full details. Make cheques and
money orders payable to "Whovention" (not Whovention: 2003). Send payments to
Whovention: 2003 Membership PO Box 148 Gladesville NSW Please provide a
photocopy of age/concession card for child/concession. Please note that due to
mail box collection and banking co-ordination it may take up to 2 weeks for
your cheque to be presented.
BOBW 20, 4th -5th April, 2003, GOH's Marina Sirtis, Mira Furlan, Claudia
Chiistenson, Gil Gerard. Ron Grey. See or phone 02 6259 1619
for full details.
EMOTICON 2003 New Zealand's NatCon, Auckland Dates: 18th - 21st April 2003
(Easter weekend).Three confirmed literary guests: Diane Duane, Peter Morwood
and Lois McMaster Bujold. The committee is also looking for a media guest and
have confirmed Mary Maclachlan as the Fan GoH. Email or write to Malcolm Fletcher, Consultant DBA SQL
Services Ltd, 104-106 Customs St West, PO Box 3631, Auckland. Website:
SWANCON 2003 (Swancon 28). 17-21 April. Kings Hotel, Perth. GoHs Lynn
Flewelling & Tony Shillitoe. Details at It's also the
GENGHIS CON 2 For more info keep watching The
organisers can be contacted at They also have a forum
which you can read about and join at
TORCON III The 61st World Science Fiction Convention will be held over August
28-September 1, 2003 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. GsoH: George R.
R. Martin, Frank Kelly Freas, Mike Glyer. Toastmaster: Spider Robinson and
GoHst of Honour: Robert Bloch the spirit of Toronto Worldcons. Enquiries P.O.
Box 3, Station A, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5W 1A2
Attending Membership: $US115; Supporting Membership: $US40; Email:
CHRONOPOLIS - Swancon 29 Perth, Western Australia Easter weekend Thu 8 to Mon
12th April 2004 Shay Telfer, Convenor. Details to follow.
CONFLUX 43rd Australian National Science Fiction
Convention, 23-26 April 2004. GoH's: Award winning authors Greg Benford and
Sean McMullen. Fan Guest of Honour: Karen Herkes Panels, workshops and other
activities focus on science fiction, fantasy and horror themes. Also role-play
gaming, live SF oriented theatre, dealers' room, art show and filking. Special
events include the Ditmar Awards (Australian SF achievement awards) and an
Anzac Day dawn service. Cost: currently $110. Children and students at reduced
rates. Instalment plan available. A deposit of $20 secures you the current
rate. Voting membership only $5. Contact: all enquiries should be directed to: Address: PO Box 903, Belconnen, ACT 2616 Tel: 0418
540 160; Fax: 02 6242 5776 Convenor: Vanessa Jacobsen - email: Publicity Manager: Rose Mitchell - email:
CONTOUR 2004 May 31 to June 3 2004, Rotorua. Proposed as New Zealand's 25th
National Science Fiction Convention. Email:
Worldcon) 4-8 August 2005. GoH's: authors Christopher Priest, Robert Sheckley
and Jane Yolen, critic and fanzine editor Greg Pickersgill and veteran
Scandinavian fan Lars-Olov Strandberg. Membership for the weekend costs £75 or
$115 until Easter 2003: write to Interaction at UK: 379 Myrtle Road,
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S2 3HQ USA: PO Box 58009, Louisville, Kentucky
Check for further details or e-mail
TASMANIA BID FOR 2005 NATCON: Tansy Rayner Roberts wrote We have a yahoo!
list, so people can email me ( or Monissa ( if
they want to be part of the Thylacon 2005 experience.
SYNCON 200?. Ted Scribner recently called for expressions of interest in a
Syncon (Sydney SF convention possibly to be held in 2006. If you're interested
in making this idea a reality contact Ted at , or
browse at
OTHER USEFUL LINKS: Marc Ortlieb has many useful links on his SF page at:
Ted Scribner's Australian SF&F home page is:
and his list of SF oriented groups in NSW is at
The deadline for submission of material for inclusion in the February
Bullsheet (#11) is 25th January. Send your news e-mail to,
or snailmail to Edwina Harvey c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville NSW, 2036.
Visit Celestial Cobbler ceramics.:
For regular updates to the Bullsheet see or the mirror site at
You can also get a free direct e-mail subscription by sending a request to
For people with restricted or no internet access, or who prefer the printed
paper format, annual snail mail subscriptions are available within Australia
for 20 x 50cent stamps (or $10) sent to Edwina Harvey c/- 12 Flinders St
Matraville NSW 2036 Australia
Happy New Year!!!!
For no sufficiently explained reason this Fanzine still supports The
Minneapolis in '73 WorldCon Bid!