The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet – March 2003
The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet
ISSUE 12 -MARCH 2003
ISSN 1445-4319 (print version), ISSN 1445-4327 (online version)
Most recent update: 02/24/2003 19:32:53
Powerhouse Museum, was interviewed on ABC 702 at approx 7.30am on 14 Feb where
he said that in the only time the exhibit had been shown outside America, it
proved so successful that the season was extended until the end of February
(It was originally scheduled to close on 2 February). He also said George
Lucas was so impressed with the interactive elements of the display developed
by the museum (hold a light sabre, hear your voice like Darth Vader's, and use
the Force to raise Luke's ship from the swamp) that he was interested in
buying them.
JUSTIN ACKROYD from Slow Glass Books has been named as one of this year's
World Fantasy Award judges. (Reported by Robert Hoge on the Eidolist.)
ERIC JENNINGS ( is an artist currently living in
Perth and specialising in SF art. Check his web site at .
OVIDU BUFNILA recently announced his new web site at
COLIN STEELE will be a guest speaker at a conference called "DEATH OF THE
7th and 8th at the National Maritime Museum, Darling Harbour, Sydney, under
the auspices of the National Scholarly Communications Forum. Cost: $240.
SF T-SHIRT AUCTION AT SWANCON. (Perth, Easter, 2003) In memory of his late
wife, Perth writer Lee Battersby has spent the past year collecting 60
signatures of writers, illustrators, actors and SF luminaries around the
world, including Fred Pohl, Joe Haldeman, Larry Niven, Terry Pratchett, Sean
Williams & Sean McMullen. This T-shirt will be auctioned at Swancon, with the
proceeds being donated to The Asthma Foundation of Western Australia (Lee's
wife was asthmatic). More details, a full listing of signatories and pictures
of the T-shirt can be found at ,
or contact Lee on (Lee also recently had a fire in his
kitchen, and had to move out of his home).
HORROR WRITERS ASSOCIATION Australian Chapter. Marty Young
( writes that the proposed Australian chapter needs
a list of local publishers and magazines that handle horror. Contact Marty if
you have publishing details to pass on.
STARBUCK A GIRL: The remake of the cult SF show, Battlestar Galactica will
feature a female Starbuck, played by Katee Sackhoff. (I found Dirk Benedict
was easier on the eye - Edwina) British actor Jamie Bamber will play Apollo
(Reported on the Comm Centre)
BUFFY (STILL) A GIRL. When Buffy star Sarah Michelle Gellar departs Buffy the
Vampire Slayer to pursue a movie career, Eliza Dushku will reportedly fill her
shoes while maintaining her character, the moody Faith, allowing Gellar to
occasionally reprise her role of Buffy. (UK Express newspaper, reported on the
Comm Centre.)
ALBUS DUMBLEDORE STILL A MAN. Despite rumours that Ian McKeller would be
offered the role, 62 year old Irish-born actor Michael Gambon will play
Professor Albus Dumbledore in the next Harry Potter movie after the death of
Richard Harris who played the character in the first two Harry Potter
movies.(Sydney Sunday Telegraph, Feb 23, pg.48)
"Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog it's too dark to
read"- Groucho Marx
PATRICIA MCKILLOP'S novel, Winter Rose, was released by Penguin in Feb.
$16.95. The ISBNs: 1904233074. (Reported by Bill Congreve on the FANTASTIC
mailing list.)
GAMES WORKSHOP GROUP, PLC, announced the formation of BL Publishing . They
have added the Black Flame imprint to their Black Library imprint covering
novels, graphic novels, the Warhammer Monthly comic and Inferno magazine. BL
is securing the rights to publish novels based of SF, Fantasy and Horror
properties held by New Line Cinema.
BLAKE TEMPLETON has a new novel out called "The Dare Island Enigma." based
around the discovery of a dangerous looking animal that is reported to the
Society for the Search for Unknown Animals. To get more details, or to buy
this book, see .
13 HORRORS is a limited edition Horror anthology to be launched at the 13th
Annual World Horror Convention, Kansas, USA. A trade paperback copy available
for US $19.95 from PO Box 36212 Kansas City MO 64171-6212 or e-mail
JUSTINE LARBALESTIER's book, "Battle of the sexes in science fiction" has been
listed on the Locus website as one of their '15 Top SF & Fantasy Anthologies,
Collections, Non fiction books, and Art books of 2002'. The link to the list
is on the Locus front page. (Reported by Bill Congreve on the FANTASTIC
mailing list.)
KIRSTEN BISHOP reported on the Eidolist, " My first novel, 'The Etched City',
has been published. It's a fantasy about exile, love, and transformative
magic..An extract, picture of the cover and ordering information, can
be found at: It is on sale online and in some
independent bookshops in the US, but currently there is no Australian
distribution. If you live in the Melbourne area, you can purchase copies
directly from Kirsten by e-mailing her directly: .
BORDERLANDS: Simon Oxwell wrote to the Eidolist: "The first edition of
"Borderlands", a new journal of Australian science fiction, fantasy and
horror will be launched at SwanCon in April 2003.Editorial committee member,
Jodie Hunter, said "Borderlands will be an edgy, modern genre journal with
high content standards. Our mission is to provide readers with an exciting and
provocative range of short stories, novellas and non-fiction." Borderlands
will be a tri-annual publication, providing a permanent platform for
Australian speculative fiction writers. Borderlands will be available through
subscriptions and in selected book stores. The journal will also be provided
in a downloadable format, which will be launched at a later date. Borderlands'
experienced committee are all based in Western Australia and include: Stephen
Dedman, Simon Oxwell, Sandra Norman, Grant Watson, Sarah Xu, David Cake, Jodie
Hunter and Anna Hepworth. Writers and artists are welcome to contact
Borderlands Press for submissions guidelines. For further information: Simon
Oxwell, Email: Jodie Hunter, Publicity, Email: . Swancon website:
HUGE MONSTERS: Robert Hood and Robin Pen are editing an anthology with the
working title of DAIKAIJU! It will be a collection of original stories about
giant monsters -- not dinosaurs (unless mutated into even bigger forms) and
not just slightly oversized insects, but huge, physics-defying creatures
inspired by (but not based on) famous Japanese film creations such as Godzilla
and Gamera. The anthology will be published by Agog! Press in 2005. We want
good and unusual stories -- takes on the daikaiju genre that cross over into
intriguing and imaginative areas. Mere city-stomping will not be enough. Full
guidelines availableat: or through
the editors, PO Box U302 University of Wollongong NSW 2522 Australia Email: .
address of Ideomancer is .
AGOG! Terrific Tales. This second anthology edited by Cat Sparks will feature
stories from Sean Williams, Scott Westerfeld, Janeen Webb, Kaaron Warron, Kyla
Ward, Lucy Sussex, Tracey Rolfe,
Kate Orman, Martin Livings, Chris Lawson, Sue Isle, Robert Hood, Dirk
Flinthart, Brendan Duffy, Marianne De Pierres, Jack Dann, Adam Browne, Simon
Brown, Leigh Blackmore, Deborah Biancotti, Lee Battersby. Full details on This anthology will be
launched at Swancon at Easter.
ANDROMEDA SPACEWAYS has changed postal address again. It's now PO BOX 495,
Chinchilla, QLD, 4413. Issue 5 is out now containing stories by Monissa
Whiteley, John Borneman, Sue Bursztynski, Wendy Laharnar, Patrice E. Sarath,
Kirsty McDermott, Angela Boord and Sue Isle.
DARK ANIMUS #2, edited by James Cain, is now available for sale from (Copies also seen for sale at Infinitas Bookshop,
VISIONS NEW WEB SITE; Brisbane spec. fiction writing group "Visions" has a new
website at .
AUSTRALIAN WRITERS' WEB: Updated by Tony Plank, this useful web site can be
found at .
ROR 2003. Writers on the Road (ROR) , a professional development workshop,
will be held on 4-7 April at the Varuna Writer's Centre (Katoomba)
Participants are Marianne de Pierres, Rowena Cory Lindquist, Trent Jamieson,
Tansy Rayner Roberts, Michael Barry, and Maxine McArthur. For more information
ANTIPODEAN SF The current edition of this e-mag is available at .
CLARION SOUTH. An intensive writers' workshop, to be held in Brisbane for 6
weeks over Jan-Feb 2004, has announced its Final Three Tutors: Nalo Hopkinson,
US editor David G. Hartwell, and Brisbane horror/fantasy novelist Kim Wilkins
round out the complement of tutors across the six weeks. Each tutor will be in
residence at Clarion South for one week, leading critique session and having
one-to-one consultations Full details available at (Reported by Robert Hoge.) Clarion has also
recently been awarded a $15,000 grant. (Reported on the Eidolist.)
REDSINE 10 is currently available. Order direct from the publisher or or
(Barnes and Noble) in the USA. Locally, Bill Congreve also has copies of
issues 7-10 for sale. Contact Bill at for details.
Aphelion Webzine wrote: The February issue of Aphelion just went online. This
issue is respectfully dedicated to Mrs. Heinlein, who passed away last month,
and to the crew of Columbia. The URL for Aphelion is:
FOLCC BOOK SALES. The "Friends of Linda Cox Chan" aim to raise money to donate
to Juvenile Diabetes Society of Australia by selling donated books. (Tally is
currently $22). "Honor Harrington: Flag in Exile, and Honor Harrington: The
Honor of the Queen, both by David Weber. $6 each, including postage within
Australia (Thanks to Anne Devrell for donating these books) Magazines still
desperately looking for homes are: Crux Vol 4, features Michael Hailstone,
Eric Harries Harris, Paul Collins, Rick Kennett $3, New Eyes Vol 1, features
Robert Luxford, Peter Jones, Steven Crawley $3, New Eyes Vol 2, features
Geoffrey Maloney, Robert Luxford, $3, Under Magellenic Clouds 2, features
Geoffrey Maloney, Elvis Gladztone, Ken Rawlinson $3 (Prices include postage
within Australia)To buy tor donate books/mags e-mail Edwina Harvey at or snail mail Edwina, c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville, NSW
SF COMMENTARY 78. The latest issue of Bruce Gillespie's fanzine is A4, 82
pages long, has a full colour cover and features a tribute to Wynne Whiteford,
who passed away last year, a synopsis of ConVergence, and many reviews and
letters of comment. (As well as an index. I was impressed when I found that -
Edwina) available for "The Usual" (Letters of Comment, articles, reviews, art
etc, or trade with other fanzines) or $35 for a 5 issues subscription payable
to Gillespie and Cochrane Pty Ltd , post to 59 Keele St Collingwood Vic 3066.
Also available in .pdf format - email Bruce at for details.
STEAM ENGINE TIME, ISSUE 3, 2001, jointly edited by Bruce Gillespie, Paul
Kincaid and Maureen Kincaid Speller (28p.) is also available from Bruce at the
above address. Issue 3 features articles by Gregory Benford, Russell
Blackford, Christopher Priest, Dave Langford, Kev McVeigh, Paul Kincaid &
Bruce Gillespie.
MUMBLINGS FROM MUNCHKINLAND - The only West Australian fanzine published in
Samoa. Jan 2003, looks at Robert Heinlein's story "Jerry is a Man" , and the
Haldeman Diaries (Pt One) recapping Joe Haldeman's holiday in Samoa in May
2002.16 pgs, card cover, A5 format. Published by Chris Nelson PO Box 1571,
Apia, Samoa. (This one reminds me of John Tipper's long defunct fanzine,
Metaluna. - Edwina)
COLLINS SUPERSTORE. Level 2, Broadway Shopping Centre, Cnr Broadway and Bay
St, Sydney. Leigh Blackmore reports Collins is planning a special SF evening
in mid-April with overseas and local authors. There will also be a 10%
discount on SF books purchased during this event.
GALAXY BOOKSHOP: 143 York St Sydney. David Lynton reports that GARTH NIX will
be in the store at 6pm on Thursday 13 March, signing copies of his new book,
INFINITAS BOOKSHOP (Shop 5 No. 1 Horwood Place Parramatta, ):
Infinitas has a discussion group which meets at 7pm on the first Thursday of
the month. Infinitas also has a writers' group. Indeed it was that group under
the leadership of Bill Congreve that provided the material for the anthology
"Passing Strange", published in mid 2002 by Agog Press. You can email Bill
Congreve at or the Infinitas email address.
SLOW GLASS BOOKS: Formerly of 305 Swanston Street Melbourne, 3000 Vic. Slow
Glass Books is now a mail order catalogue. To join the mailing list write to
GPO Box 2709X Melbourne Vic 3001 or see . Email: Phone: (03) 9639 511 Fax: (03) 9639 1511.
RAVEN BOOKS: Second hand book service specialising in supernatural & occult
books. "From the Vault" catalogues are issued irregularly. If you'd like to be
added to this mailing list, write to Leigh Blackmore,
Raven Books, PO Box A281, Sydney South NSW 1235.
KNOWN SPACE BOOKS: First Floor, 108 Gawler Place, Adelaide, SA 5000. Tel: (08)
Open: 12:00-6:00 Wednesday-Thursday; 12:00-10:00 Friday; 12:00-6:00 Saturday
New and used books comics and magazines related to science fiction, film and TV.
OTHER BOOKSHOPS We are keen to report news from other SF bookshops around
SCIENCE FICTION WRITERS OF EARTH 2002 Award. This annual, international award
for budding SF writers was won by Australian for the first time.
Congratulations to Julie Waight, who took out first prize for her story, "The
Overcoat." Julie's story will be published on the SFWOE website The 2003 competition is now open to any SF writer
who has yet to sell a piece of work.
DUFF Race 2003. As reported by Irwin Hirsh on the East Coast SF mail list, the
Eidolist and the
Ozfan-History mail list, Naomi Fisher and Pat Molloy wrote: The 2003 Down
Under Fan Fund (DUFF) race has concluded. Congratulations to Guy and Rosy
Lillian, the new North American DUFF delegates!
They will be attending the Natcon: Swancon, in Perth at Easter.
SMEG RADIO , a radio show dedicated to SF fantasy and TV radio programs, goes
to air through the community radio station 2RRR FM (Ryde Regional Radio), 88.5
MHz, every Wednesday from 6.30 to 8 pm. The program is run by Peter Bryant and
Abe Killian who recently announced: We are starting a new segment on the show
(our first new one in six years). The segment will be an opportunity for
local clubs and organisations to get some free publicity and promote your
event on the show. We don't see this as a one-off, we would like to be able to
have people back on a semi-regular basis to promote events or meetings. We
also intend to improve our 'what's on' segment, so any meetings or conventions
will be promoted on a fairly regular basis. We are putting a 'new talent'
section into our show and website. The aim of this will be to give new
writers, artists, animators, performers etc a chance to get their work known
to the wider audience, but also through our website and eventually being able
to use our influence with the major publishers to forge a link between these
new writers and the acquisition editors or the like they need! We have been
promoting and interviewing local writers for many years and through our book
reviewer, Bill Congreve, are starting a new writers' showcase fortnightly."
Web page: Email: or
Postal Address: Smeg Radio, PO Box 644 Gladesville NSW 1675. Phone number
(during the show only): 9816 2938
SPECULATION is a new radio program from ArtSoundFM 92.7 in Canberra. The first
program went to air on Thursday, 13th Feb, and it will feature on the second
Thursday of the month from now on. It highlights SF, fantasy, "magickal"
(sic) realism and horror, news interviews and reviews. Check out their web
site at . For more information, email
Lilitu Babalon at . Reported on Eidolist by Lilitu
Babalon ( )
There are of course many problems connected with life, of which some of the
most popular are: why are people born? why do they die? why do they want to
spend so much of the intervening time wearing digital watches? - Douglas Adams
MARRIAGES: Yet again this issue of the Bullsheet went off without a hitch.
BIRTHS: No hatches either. ZPG still being practiced by fandom.
AILING: JOHN FOYSTER Long time active fan John Foyster's condition continues
to decline .John was diagnosed with a brain tumour in late 2001. He has passed
the mean survival time (8 or 9 months) for this kind of tumour. His doctor has
advised against surgery as it might increase his survival by one or two
months, but has a high risk of leaving him partly paralysed. A course of
chemotherapy appears to have done no good in stopping the growth of the
tumour, and it was decided there would be no further chemotherapy treatment..
Bruce Gillespie posts letters from John Foyster and Yvonne Rousseau to the
Eidolist and Eastcoast SF list for forwarding as they become available.
RECOVERING: Robbie Matthews was sent back to hospital for several days to have
antibiotic treatment after his broken arm became infected. He's back home now,
DEATHS: JOHN TOLKIEN: The eldest son of The Lord of the Rings author JRR
Tolkien has died at the age of 85. Father John Tolkien, heir to the
multi-million family estate, died after a 50-year career with the Catholic
church in the Midlands. (reported by The Tolkien Society)
BILL SMITH: Ex-pat Australian fan, who was active in Sydney from the 70's into
the 90's, recently sucuumbed to cancer. *Reported by Bruce Gillespie on the
Eidolist 25 February.)
Melbourne Science Fiction Club, 74 Melville Road, West Brunswick 3055.
Friday 7th March: Buffet and Trivia Night 8.00 to 11.00pm. Danny Heap is
running a Trivia Quiz. Jess is doing another of her food night specials.
Friday 14th March: Merchant Night and Auction. 8.00 to 11.00 pm to raise
funds for the MSFC, tonight people will come along, get a table and sell SF
fannish and non-fannish items. Costs $5 for rental of a table or 10%
commission on auction items sold. Everybody welcome to come, browse and BUY.
Friday 21st March: The Long view. A look at the far future. Where will we be
in a hundred thousand or a
million years from now? Will we recognize ourselves?
STARWALKING Inc holds meetings at the
Lidcombe Catholic Workmen's Club (24 John Street, Lidcombe, opposite Lidcombe
Railway Station) on the third Sunday of some months. Check the website for
details of the next meeting. They run from 12 noon to 5 pm. Attendance costs
$8 for members and $10 for non-members.
SYDNEY FUTURIANS: Meetings in room 1615 (floor 16) of the Tower Block, The
University of Technology, Broadway, Sydney, at 7 pm, usually on the third
Friday of the month. Meetings are scheduled for 21 March, 11 April, 16 May,
20 June, 18 July, 15 August, but check or phone Garry Dalrymple
after 7 pm on (02) 9718 5827 for updates.
SYDNEY SOUTHERN SF&F GROUP: Meetings are now scheduled for the year and dates
/ nature of meeting are on Phone Brad Row on
9580 4369 for more details.
AUSTRALIAN COSTUMERS' GUILD. (Vic). Open event at Werribee Park Mansion on
March 29. Meet on the grounds at approx 11am. Park admission fees Adults
$10.60, children $6.40. Check or e-mail (Reported on the Comm Centre.)
MULTIVERSE EVENTS: You can reserve tickets by emailing
then check the Multiverse website
MULTIVERSE "DAREDEVIL" movie premier. March 19, Hoyts Cinema, Bourke St,
Melbourne. 6.30 session. Tickets $12.50 adults and $9.50 children. Reserve
tickets by
OTHER MULTIVERSE PREMIERS, April 17: The Core; April 30: X-men 2. More on the
Multiverse website.
STAR TREK FILM MARATHON: March 9th, Westgath Theatre, 89 High St, Northcote,
VIC. See all 10 ST Movies. Session starts with free brekkie at 6.45 am and
screening starts at 7.30am. No prices set as yet but Multiverse members get a
discount. (reported on the Comm Centre)
TASMANIAN READERS AND WRITERS FESTIVAL will feature resident Tasmanian spec
fic writers Dirk Flinthart and Tansy Rayner Roberts as well as Sean Williams,
Cory Daniells, Marianne De Pierres and Maxine McArthur. The Festival will take
place on 21 March to 6 April 2003, in the State Theatre, North Hobart, and
other venues. Web site
SUPANOVA Pop Culture Expo, April 5th -6th, 2003, with Gohs Jenny Baker, Sean
Schemmel (Dragonball Z), John Romita Jr (Spiderman, Hulk, Uncanny X-men) Debbi
DerryBerry (Jimmy Neutron) & Lisa Ortiz (Pokemon) Wharf 8, Sydney. Phone
organizer Daniel Zachariou on 0412 026 797, or e-mail or
write to 33 Moondah Rd, Alfreds Oint NSW 2234. Web site at (Reported on Comm Centre.) Admission: $20 for a 2
day pass or $11 per day, but the ticket, which must be purchased from
Ticketek, has an additional $1.50 booking fee. Alternatively you can pay at
the door - that costs $13.50 per day.
SF DAY AT PERTH LIT FEST for High School Students Terri Sellen wrote to the
Eidolist: On Thursday, April 3, there is to be an SF day at a Perth Lit Fest
for high school students and we are looking for volunteers to help out. So, if
you are interested in helping out at a Lit Fest - booths, panels,
presentations or demonstrations - or if you want to test your Swancon
material on a brand new audience :), could you drop me a line, please?
( ).
MAGIC CASEMENTS: A Festival of Speculative Fiction, presented by The New South
Wales Writers' Centre in association with Krenon (Ted Scribner). New South
Wales Writers' Centre, Rozelle, Sydney, 13-14 September 2003. Speculative
Fiction - Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror This Festival of Speculative
Fiction will endeavour to gather local writers and readers, to discuss the
current and possible future directions of their art, its position with regard
to other written fiction and to media sf, and the relationships between its
various genres. More details to follow soon. Specific queries: email Website:
GoH- Guest of Honour, OCP = Other Commitments Permitting, tba= to be announced.
20th ANNIVERSARY The A-TEAM CONVENTION. March 1-2 Bournemouth, England. GOH
Dirk Benedict. More information at the website:
WHOVENTION 2003: 4th to 6th April 2003 , The Carlton Crest Hotel Sydney 169
to 179 Thomas Street, Haymarket.(close to Railway Square (Central Station) and
Chinatown, About 15 minutes from the airport.
Confirmed guests are now Wendy Padbury, Janet Fielding, Jason Haigh-Ellery and
Dudley Simpson. *Peter Davidson won't be attending due to work commitments)
This convention will celebrate 40 years of Doctor Who. panels, auctions,
merchandise plus a real life-size Police Box and the Daleks! Day Rate:$95.
When booking you membership please indicate which day (Sat or Sun) you wish to
attend. If you do not have a preference for either day then please tell us
this so we can allot you a day to attend. This will help us to balance the
number of people attending on both days. No discount applies for the Day Rate.
Additional guests may not appear on both days and that day members will be
subject to autographing restrictions. Full membership paid by end of March
$170, "At Door" rate of $180. A $10 discount applies for members of the DWCA,
children and concession holders.Family rates are available on application.
Registration forms can be printed out from:
. Make cheques and money orders payable to "Whovention" (NOT "Whovention
2003"). Send payments to: Whovention: 2003 Membership PO Box 148 Gladesville
NSW Please provide a photocopy of age/concession card for child/concession
membership rate Please note that due to mail box collection and banking
co-ordination it may take up to 2 weeks for your cheque to be presented
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS 18 April 19 & 20, 2003 Melbourne, Australia Guests
(OCP):Marina Sirtis - Counselor Troy (Star Trek TNG) Mira Furlan - Delenn
(Babylon 5), Claudia Christian - Susan Ivanova (Babylon 5) Michael Hurst -
Iolaus (Hercules: The Legendary Journeys), Ryan (Andromeda) Tony Amendola -
Bra'tak, (Stargate SG-1) Gil Gerard - Buck Rogers (Buck Rogers in the 25th
Century) Erin Grey - Wilma Deering (Buck Rogers in the 25th Century) **
Cocktail Party ** Banquet ** Two 1-Day Conventions ** Wrap Party ** See e-mail or phone 02 6259 1619 for full
SWANCON 2003 (Swancon 28, Australian Natcon 2003.). 17-21 April.(Easter) Kings
Hotel, Perth. GoHs Lynn Flewelling & Tony Shillitoe. Details at
EMOTICON 2003 New Zealand's NatCon, Auckland. 18th - 21st April 2003 (Easter
Three confirmed literary guests: Diane Duane, Peter Morwood and Lois McMaster
Bujold. The committee is also looking for a media guest and have confirmed
Mary Maclachlan as the Fan Guest of Honour.
Email or write to Malcolm Fletcher, Consultant
DBA SQL Services Ltd, 104-106 Customs St West, PO Box 3631, Auckland. Website:
CENTURIES DATE: 22-24 April 2003 VENUE: Humanities Research Centre, ANU,
Canberra. Convenors: Jane Goodall and Christa Knellwolf. This conference will
offer a focused discussion of the heated debates between respectable
scientific experimentation, revolutionary pseudo-science, quackery, amateurish
dabbling, and religious orthodoxy. International speakers, public displays of
experiments; the cultural meanings of dissection; the conflicts between
theology and astronomy, geology and biology; the revolutionary relevance of
electricity; and many more. For more information and for online registration,
see .
The conference is accompanied by a reenactment of historical arguments
entitled Electrifying Scientists: Wed. 23 April, 5.30, National Library of
Australia, Canberra. Please contact Jane Goodall or Christa
Knellwolf with any questions and queries.
(Reported by Kim Selling on the "Fantastic" mail list)
FRIENDS OF SCIENCE FICTION: 17-18 May. Lidcombe Catholic Workmen's Club, 24
John St, Lidcombe, NSW.GOHS Tom Lenk & Danny Strong (Andrew and Jonathan in
Buffy, and Anthony Montgomery (Travis Mayweather in Enterprise.) FSF members
$I76 for both days, $88 for one day. Non-FSFS members, $99 per day. Check for details. Phone book 02 953 8385, post: Friends of
Science Fiction, PO Box 797 Fairfield NSW I860.
CONTINUUM: 11-13 July 2003, Cato Conference Centre, 489 Elizabeth Street,
Melbourne. Guests: Kate Forsyth, Chris Lawson. Invited guests: Nick
Stathopoulos, Lewis Morley and Marilyn Pride.Membership:
Full Membership $80 (paid before 30 April 2003): Student (13-16 years at time
of purchase) or Concession Card Holder: $50 Child (5-12 years at time of
purchase and accompanied by a paying adult): $25 Sue Ann Barber (Continuum
Program Coordinator) wrote to the East Coast SF list: Continuum, a SF
convention based in Melbourne was launched on January 17th and we are now
seeking submissions of ideas for panels and presentations. If you have any
ideas that could possibly be developed into programme items, send a reply to . The programme is in its very early stages and we
are quite open to a number of suggestions and ideas. A large number of the
people involved in the running of this convention were involved in the highly
successful ConVergence 2002 so were hoping to make it just as enjoying and as
entertaining. .
GENGHIS CON 2 For more info as it comes to hand, keep watching .
TORCON III The 61st World Science Fiction Convention will be held over August
28-September 1, 2003 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. GsoH: George R.
R. Martin, Frank Kelly Freas, Mike Glyer. Toastmaster: Spider Robinson and
GoHst of Honour: Robert Bloch the spirit of Toronto Worldcons.
Enquiries: P.O. Box 3, Station A, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5W 1A2Attending
Membership: $US115; Supporting Membership: $US40; Email:
CHRONOPOLIS - Swancon 29 Perth, Western Australia Easter weekend Thu 8 to Mon
12th April 2004
Shay Telfer, Convenor. Details to follow.
CONFLUX: 43rd Australian National Science Fiction Convention, 23-26 April
2004. Guests of Honour: Award winning authors Greg Benford and Sean McMullen.
Fan Guest of Honour: Karen Herkes. Panels, workshops and other activities
focus on science fiction, fantasy and horror themes. Also role-play gaming,
live SF oriented theatre, dealers' room, art show and filking. Special events
include an Anzac Day dawn service. Cost: currently $110. Children and students
at reduced rates. Instalment plan available. A deposit of $20 secures you the
current rate. Contact:, or see
. Postal Address: PO Box 903, Belconnen, ACT 2616 Tel: 0418 540 160; Fax:
02 6242 5776
CONTOUR 2004 May 31 to June 3 2004, Rotorua. Proposed as New Zealand's 25th
National Science
Fiction Convention.Email: .
Interaction, will be held at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in
Glasgow over the weekend of 4-8 August 2005, along with many local hotels.
Around 5,000 members are expected to attend the event, . Guests of honour
Christopher Priest, Robert Sheckley and Jane Yolen, critic and fanzine editor
Greg Pickersgill and veteran Scandinavian fan Lars-Olov Strandberg. Membership
costs £75 or $115 until Easter 2003: write to Interaction at 379 Myrtle Road,
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S2 3HQ, UK. Interaction recently launched an
on-line registration service at their web site .
INTERACTION's AUSTRALIAN AGENT is Rose Mitchell. You can contact her re
Interaction by email: or c/- GPO Box 1212K Melbourne,
VIC 3001
OTHER USEFUL WEB SITES Marc Ortlieb's site at
Ted Scribner's Australian SF&F home page at: and his list of SF oriented groups in
NSW at .
The Bullsheet is available as a free monthly e-mail newsletter. Send a request
to For snailmail subscriptions send $10 or 10 x 50 cent
stamps to 12 Flinders St, Matraville, 2036.
NEXT BULLSHEET The deadline for submissions for the April Bullsheet (#13) is
25th March. Send your news e-mail to , or snail mail to
Edwina Harvey c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville NSW, 2036.
Visit Celestial Cobbler:
Updates to The Bullsheet are posted at and
For no sufficiently explained reason this Fanzine still supports The
Minneapolis in '73 WorldCon Bid!