Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet 15 – June 2003
Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet 15
1445-4319 (print version), ISSN 1445-4327 (online version)
WE'VE BEEN HIT; DEFENCE SHIELDS UP, MR SULU: In the past few weeks, the
Bullsheet address database has been hit by the klez virus. As a result, you
may have been receiving e-mails supposedly from us. PLEASE NOTE that we DO NOT
send out attachments to The Bullsheet, and please keep your anti-virus
programs up to date.
ASTROBOY IN ASHFIELD: a 1.9 metre fibreglass sculpture of Astroboy created by
Sean Cordeiro that stands in the front yard of his leased alma Rd, Ashfield
house, has had a removal order slapped on it because it exceeds council's
regulations for height of such garden adornments by 90cm. A petition has been
signed by 90 local residents to keep the statue in place. The sculpture, which
has been displayed in 10 art exhibits in the Sydney area, originally was
displayed in Ashfield with a large red rocket, which has since been removed th
the side of the property. (Page 13, Sunday Telegraph 25/5/03, also on the
channel 7 news, 6pm, same date. Spotted by Edwina.)
ABOUT US, a program aired on SBS,: featured Peter Nicholls, academic author,
critic, editor and broadcaster, hailed as the world's foremost authority on
science-fiction, at 8.30, Friday 2 May. (Spotted by David L Russell, also
relayed by Zara Baxter on the Eastcoasts SF list..)
A MIND FOR FACT, A WHIM FOR FICTION was a tribute to the life of John Maxwell
Foyster written by John Baxter, that apapeared on pg 40, under the "This Life"
section of the Sydney Morning Herald on Mon, May 5. (reported by Anne Devrell.)
STAR TREK (The Classic Series) was presented with the Pop Culture Award at the
TV Land Awards, that were aired in the States on March 12 March. (reported by
Anne Devrell.) NOT ONLY BLACK AND WHITE. Issue 66, May 2003 of this magazine
offers four articles of fannish interest: pp 12-13, British Fantasy
illustrator John Bolton has a short article and 3 pieces of his artwork., pp
22-25, Trainspotting Director, Danny Boyle talks about his new zombie movie
called "28 Days Later", pp 100-101 an extract from William Gibson's latest
novel, 'Pattern Recognition'. P108 James Marsters (Spike from Buffy) was asked
8 questions by Kenneth Hubbard. (Reported by David L. Russell.)
FAB RESULTS AT AUCTION: A brief article on how original Thunderbirds puppet
heads were saved from going to the rubbish dump 30 years ago, were recently
sold at auction in London raising $285,000Aus approx.) (Herald-Sun, 10 May,
2003, reported by David L. Russell.)
JOE 90 HOLLYWOOD BOUND. Short article reporting that Disney is hoping to turn
Joe 90 into a blockbuster movie. ( Herald-Sun, 10 May, 2003, reported by
David L. Russell)
A PUKKA POMS CD Brief article about recently released CD featuring rare voice
recordings of 45 British literary greats including J.R.R. Tolkien & H. G.
Wells. Net link: . (Herald-Sun, 10 May, 2003, reported by David
L. Russell)
GREED IN THE GENES: A review by Shaunagh O'Connor of Margaret Atwood's new SF
novel, Oryk and Crake (Herald-Sun, 17 May, 2003, reported by David L. Russell)
KERRIE THE CURRATOR aka Sydney fan Kerrie Dougherty, featured on the TV show,
Sydney Weekend on Sat 17 May. With a dalek ominously in the background, Kerrie
promoted "SpecialFX: New secrets behind the screen", a new display at the
Sydney Powerhouse Museum until 21 July. For more details on the display see
ANGEL SPIKED: Warner Brothers has renewed Angel for a fifth season. James
Marsters (Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer) will be joining the show while
Charisma Carpenter who plays Cordelia, is not expected to be a 5th season
regular. Other characters from Buffy may also make guest appearances on Angel.
(Reported on the SF Weekly newsletter, relayed to Bullsheet by Julie Townsend.)
BOOKS & PERIODICALS "Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog
it's too dark to read"- Groucho Marx
DAMIEN BRODERICK reports his book about the Singularity, "THE SPIKE" is to be
translated into german. The publication rights have been acquired by the
German publisher Rowohlt. Publication is expected near the start of 2004.
WILLIAMS AND DIX ACE NEWS. Sean Williams and Shane Dix have sold a pair of
as-yet-untitled SF novels to Ginjer Buchanan at Ace via agent Richard Curtis.
The books will appear as "Sean Williams with Shane Dix". (Coode St News)
NEXT CSFG ANTHOLOGY Donna Hanson wrote to the CSFG mail list: that she and
Maxine McArthur intend to co-edit the next CSFG anthology, with a working
title, "Encounters." It is expected that work will begin on this proposed
anthology when the current CSFG anthology, "Elsewhere" is launched.
eidolist that he has been invited to co-edit an anthology of winners of the
Locus Award with Charles Brown for HarperUS and HarperAustralia. He will also
be co-editing Science Fiction: The Best of 2003 (ibooks) with Karen Haber.
This is the third in the series, which first appeared in 2001. Jonathan
writes: "I am looking for stories from all branches of science fiction: space
opera, military sf, hard sf, theoretical stuff, just about anything that
however loosely meets the definition of 'science fiction'. If in doubt, send
it. This is a reprint anthology so I am only reading material published in or
about to be published during the year 2003. Submission deadline for stories is
1 October 2003. Anything sent after this deadline will reach me too late. If a
magazine you edit will be coming out by December 31st 2003 you can send me
galleys or manuscripts so that I can judge the stories in time. Email
submissions aren't encouraged, but if timing is tight email me to check. When
sending me material please put YEAR'S BEST SF on the envelope.Jonathan Strahan
PO Box 544, Mt Lawley WESTERN AUSTRALIA, AUSTRALIA 6050 or Jonathan Strahan
c/ WorkSafe, 5th Floor, 1260 Hay Street, West Perth WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6006,
AUSTRALIA ***Please do not send a SASE. If I choose a story you will be
informed. If you want to confirm that I've received something, enclose a
self-addressed-stamped postcard and I will let you know the date it arrived.
For stories that appear on the web, please send me (or have the publisher send
me) print-outs of your story."
AUREALIS 31, has been delayed due to their printer relocating to new premises.
It is expected to be published either late May or early June. Editor Keith
Stevenson sent out a call (admittedly in early May) for anyone living around
Moorabbin, Vic who would like to help in the production of the magazine to
e-mail him ( Aurealis also has a new web address:
DARK ANIMUS #3 James Cain wrote to the Eidolist: Dark Animus #3 is out, and
all subscriber copies have been posted. Available in Galaxy and Infinitas
bookshops in Sydney and Parramatta, or online at
Featuring fiction by Darrell Pitt, Cat Sparks, Bram Stoker winner Mike Arnzen,
Lawrence Schimel and Billie Sue Mosiman, Steven Manchester, Tim Curran, Kevin
L.Donihe & Pugnacious Jones, Josh Rountree and newcomer Gary Hernandez. Plus
some amazing poetry and of course artwork by Aussies Les Petersen, Cat Sparks,
Regina Brewster, and Heesco Khosnaran, among others.
DAVID HEARNE reports that a sample of his novel, "Ruminations of a Wayfarer
Pts I & II", as well as original short stories by him can be viewed at
Canadian Horror magazine, wrote to tell us that submissions are now open for
the August 1 issue. Poems and demented nursery rhymes as well as horror flash
(short) fiction, as well as stories to a maximum of 2,000 words sought.
Payment and author bios are given on publication. Check their web site for other horror info, links to
editors and writers see
13 HORRORS ANTHOLOGY: The limited edition, autographed harback copy has almost
sold out, with only 50 left for sale for US $75. Paperback copies (US $19.95)
are also selling well. To purchase a copy, e-mail Jim Loehr,
AUSTRALOZ issue 1 has been launched and can be viewed at Editor Michael Connolly reports that he is now
seeking submissions for the next issue due out in August.
SFSA #12 , on the theme of Artificial Intelligence will be distributed from 21
June. The publication is available through membership to the SFSA, or through
swap, or for sale for $2. Contact Martin Dunn,, or PO Box
3227, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, SA, 5000 for more details.
FABLES AND REFLECTIONS NEW POSTAL ADDRESS. Lily Chrywenstrom reported to the
Eidolist that the postal address for Fables and Reflections has changed to PO
Box 979, Woden ACT 2606 See the website,, or email Lily, for
info on how to get a copy.
ANTIPODEAN ISSUE 60 presents 10 flash (500 words or less) SF stories from G.L
Schmitt, Richard Kerslakem Shaun A. Saunders, Tim Cadmen, Robert J. Miller,
Julie Ingleton, Darren Johnsonm Michael A. Amzen, Tim Thompson and Peter Gilet
on line at
CLARION SOUTH has opened a Yahoo e-mail group for anyone interested in news,
gossip and support. See
FOLCC BOOK SALES. The "Friends of Linda Cox Chan" aim to raise money to donate
to Juvenile Diabetes Society of Australia by selling donated books. (Tally is
currently $22). "Honor Harrington: Flag in Exile, and Honor Harrington: The
Honor of the Queen, both by David Weber. $6 each, including postage within
Australia (Thanks to Anne Devrell for donating these books) Magazines still
desperately looking for homes are: Crux Vol 4, features Michael Hailstone,
Eric Harries Harris, Paul Collins, Rick Kennett $3, NewEyes Vol 1, features
Robert Luxford, Peter Jones, Steven Crawley $3, New Eyes Vol 2, features
Geoffrey Maloney, Robert Luxford, $3, Under Magellenic Clouds 2, features
Geoffrey Maloney, Elvis Gladztone, Ken Rawlinson $3 (Prices include postage
within Australia)To buy tor donate books/mags e-mail Edwina Harvey at or snail mail Edwina, c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville, NSW
OUT OF THE BIN is a monthly perszine from MERV BINNS, PO BOX 315, Carnegie,
Vic, 3163. The April issue of this zine farewells John Foyster, gives reviews
of several movies Merv's seen, and outings.Merv's been on of late. Great illo
of a garbage bin flying through space as Merv's letterhead designed by Ditmar.
(Available for trade, and/or on editorial whim? I'm guessing - Edwina For
details you can e-mail, or snail mail as above.)
Merv's personal memoirs of the MSFC club from 1952-1970 also available.
Contact Merv as above, for details.
NO AWARD #3. Russell B. Farr recently announced submissions are open for issue
3 of his zine. Plans are to publish issue 3 of No Award, in time for Continuum
convention. (11-13 July, Melbourne). He is looking for: "Send me anything
offbeat, unusual, thought-provoking. Recipes, rants, drawings, reviews, heck
fiction would be fine. Anything you think is good but wouldn't expect anyone
to pay you actual money for." To send submissions, or get more information
about No Award e-mail
COLLINS SUPERSTORE. Level 2, Broadway Shopping Centre , Cnr Broadway and Bay
St, Sydney. Leigh Blackmore, who runs the SF section of this store announced
proudly presents A Celebration of Australian Science Fiction with special
author guest, Terry Dowling, including launch of new books from Agog Press
and MirrorDanse. Wed. 4 June, 6 - 8pm. The evening will start with a short
story reading from Terry Dowling, followed by a discussion panel of
Independent and Major Publishers, which in turn will be followed by a launch
and signing session for Rynosseros and The Man Who Lost Red by Terry Dowling,.
The evening will conclude with a signing session for The Wonder Years,
Immaterial and Agog: Terrific Tales. Collins will offer guests and customers
10% off all SF stock on the night. For further details phone Collins Bookshop
on (02) 9211 7749
GALAXY BOOKSHOP: 143 York St Sydney. new
store is downstairs from street level. The Dragon skeleton is back, and
there's a great mural as you walk down the stairs into the shop proper
INFINITAS BOOKSHOP (Shop 5 No. 1 Horwood Place Parramatta, Infinitas has a discussion group which meets at 7pm
on the first Thursday of the month.Infinitas also has a writers' group lead by
Bill Congreve. SLOW GLASS BOOKS: a SFmail order catalogue. To join the mailing
list write to GPO Box 2708X (Please note, this has been previously listed in
the Bullsheet as Box 270*9*X – apologies to Justin for the misprint. )
Melbourne Vic 3001 or see Email:
Phone: (03) 9639 1511 Fax: (03) 9639 1511.
RAVEN BOOKS: Secondhand book service specialising in supernatural & occult
books. "From the Vault" catalogues are issued irregularly. If you'd like to be
added to this mailing list, write to Leigh Blackmore, Raven Books,PO Box A281,
Sydney South NSW 1235.
KNOWN SPACE BOOKS: First Floor, 108 Gawler Place, Adelaide, SA 5000. Tel: (08)
8223-4304 Open: 12:00-6:00 Wednesday-Thursday; 12:00-10:00 Friday; 12:00-6:00
Saturday New and used books related to science fiction, film and TV. Also
comics and magazines. Now receiving American imports weekly.
ARTHUR C CLARKE AWARD The following was posted to the "Fantastic" mail list by
Maureen Kincaid Speller:Forwarding this from: Paul Kincaid Date: Sun, 18 May
2003: "I am delighted to announce that the 2003 Arthur C Clarke Award has been
presented to Christopher Priest for THE SEPARATION. The Award is for the best
science fiction novel receiving its first British publication in 2002.
Competition for this year's award was particularly strong, and all the novels
on the shortlist deserve high praise.The shortlist was: KIL'N PEOPLE by David
Brin, LIGHT by M. John Harrison,THE SCAR by China Miéville, SPEED OF DARK by
Elizabeth Moon
(Free if the entrant or their school is a ASIM subscriber) Sections for Art,
poetry and short stories (5,000 words or less.) for under 16's and under 21's.
First Prize, publication in the magazine including payment and subscription.
2nd and 3rd prizes also offered. (these do not include cash payment). Entries
close on July 31st. See or send an SASE to PO
BOX 495, Chinchilla, QLD, 4413 for entry forms and full entry details,
"Science Fiction Writers of Earth" The 2003 competition is now open to any SF
writer who has yet to sell a piece of work. www.flashnet/~sfwoe/
MANNA - BREAD OF HEAVEN writing competition for Christian authors. $1000 first
prize. Entries close 15 October, 2003. Send a SASE to PO BOX 844 Warners Bay
NSW 2282 for entry form.
HATCH, MATCH & DISPATCH There are of course many problems connected with life,
of which some of the most popular are Why are people born? Why do they die?
Why do they want to spend so much of the intervening time wearing digital
watches?- Douglas Adams
MARRIAGES: 18 May 2003: Matthew Dockrey and Michelle Hansard, see Matthew and Michelle live in or near
Seattle, Washington, USA and are involved in computing related work. Matthew
is 25 and Michelle is 30. Matthew is a Larry Niven fan, among the longest
standing active members of the Larry Niven mail list.
BIRTHS: Oliver "Ollie" William Barry, first son to Michael Barry and Rosalind
Knox born 1043hrs Sunday 18 May. Weight: 4190 grammes (9lb 4oz in the old
money), Length 52 cm (approx. 21 in). (Reported on the CSFG list by the proud
father.) AILING:Peter McNamara has a brain tumour and is not expected to
live long.
MELBOURNE SCIENCE FICTION CLUB, 74 Melville Road, West Brunswick 3055. Friday
6th June, Trivia quiz ($3) and Indian food night ($6.50), or $8 for trivia
night and Indian dinner. All meetings from 8pm - 11pm. (reported by James Allen.)
SFSA (Science Fiction in South Australia): SFSA is a
fan club for generic Sci-Fi fans to gather, communicate, and generally make a
nuisance of themselves in a controlled environment. The SFSA have 2 regular
meetings per month. The regular club meeting is held at the Adelaide High
School on the third Saturday of the month starting at 3pm, until 10pm. Cost $3
members, $4 non-members. A social gathering is (incorporating the South
Australian Dr Who club) is held on the First Saturday of the month, at the
Buckingham Arms hotel, Walkerville, starting at 7pm, until approximately 10pm.
SYDNEY FUTURIANS: Meetings in room 1615 (floor 16) of the Tower Block, The
University of Technology, Broadway, Sydney, at 7 pm, usually on the third
Friday of the month. Meetings are scheduled for 20 June, 18 July, 15 August,
but check or phone Garry
Dalrymple after 7 pm on (02) 9718 5827 for updates.
SYDNEY SOUTHERN SF&F GROUP: Meetings are scheduled for the year and dates /
nature of meeting are on Phone Brad Row on
9580 4369 for more details.
MULTIVERSE EVENTS: You can reserve tickets by emailing then check June 12,
Bulletproof Monk, 26th June, The Hulk. Check for
premier details.
speculative fiction writing workshop. Friday 4th July to Wednesday 9th July,
2003. Brisbane Girl's Grammer school. Brisbane city. $550 (extra cost if you
need to hire a computer) Tutors include Kim Wilkins, Marianne de Pierres,
Louise Cusack and Cory Daniels. Contact Cory Daniels (Rowena Cory Lindquist)
on 07 3893 2959 or email (reported by Cat Sparks on the
JACK DANN is conducting a 2 day master class at on 5-6 July at the ACT Writers
Centre, Gorman House, Ainslie Avenue, Braddon ACT. Cost $144 for members of
the writing centre and $180 non members. Contact Anne-Maree Britton on 62629191.
JACK DANN is to conduct a 2 day master class entitled "Writing the Fabulous"
at the Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers Centre (WA) on 26-27 July 2003.
Cost of the course is $350. Prospective participants to submit story samples
prior to the Master Class in order to determine who will be admitted. Please
contact the centre to register: (Address submissions to?)Margot
Lowe,Co-ordinator, Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers Centre11 Old York Rd
GREENMOUNT 6058 WA.Ph 08 9294 1872 or look at
(Reported by Tracey Rolfe on the eidolist)
SYDNEY SCIENCE FICTION WEEKEND (SSFW). (previously known as Freecons) Garry
Dalrymple recently wrote that "instead of a fourth Museum Freecon this year,
there will be a "2003 Sydney SF Weekend" on June 21 – 22 at the Discovery
Centre, level 2, Australian Museum, William St, Sydney. No entry charge. The
web site is at Or e-mail, mail PO BOX 2, Bexley North. 2207, or
phone 02 9718 5827.
Garry Dalrymple also writes "I would welcome any suggestions of things to
discuss or to start at the 2003 SSFW that could be carried through to the
Magic Casements event to be considered by a larger (and less fannish?)
audience." MAGIC CASEMENTS: A Festival of Speculative Fiction presented by
The New South Wales Writers' Centre in association with Krenon. (Ted Scribner
and Garry Dalrymple apparently.) New South Wales Writers' Centre, Rozelle,
Sydney, 13-14 September 2003.
CONVENTIONS GoH = Guest of Honour, OCP = Other Commitments Permitting, tba= to
be announced.
CONTINUUM 11-13 July 2003, Cato Conference
Centre, 489 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. Guests: Kate Forsyth, Chris Lawson.
Invited guests: Nick Stathopoulos, Lewis Morley and Marilyn Pride. Membership:
full paid prior to 30 April 2003): $80 Student (13-16 years at time of
purchase) or Concession Card Holder: $50Child (5-12 years at time of purchase
and accompanied by a paying adult): $25,
DWARFCON Gaming Con. in
Melbourne on the Queens Birthday weekend (July 11-13).
TORCON III The 61st World Science Fiction Convention will be held over August
28-September 1, 2003 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. GsoH: George R.
R. Martin, Frank Kelly Freas, Mike Glyer. Toastmaster: Spider Robinson and
GoHst of Honour:Robert Bloch the spirit of Toronto Worldcons. Enquiries: P.O.
Box 3, Station A, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5W 1A2 Attending Membership:
$US115; Supporting Membership: $US40; Email: Website:
INTENSICON a one day gaming con held at Melbourne
University sometime in December.
CHRONOPOLIS - Swancon 29 Perth, Western Australia Easter weekend Thu 8 to Mon
12th April 2004 Venue: Parmelia Hilton. GoH's: Chris Dickinson, John Long.
Fan GoH: Emma Hawkes.Shay Telfer, Convenor, lily Chrywenstrom secretary.
CONFLUX 43rd Australian National Science Fiction
Convention, 23-26 April 2004. Guests of Honour: Greg Benford and Sean
McMullen. Fan GOH's Karen Herkes Cost: currently $110. Children and students
at reduced rates. Instalment plan available. A deposit of $20 secures current
rates. Voting membership only $5.All enquiries should be directed to: Postal Address: PO Box 903, Belconnen, ACT 2616 Tel:
0418 540 160; Fax: 02 6242 5776 Convenor: Vanessa Jacobsen - email: Publicity Manager: Rose Mitchell - email:
CONTOUR 2004 May 31 to June 3 2004, Rotorua. Proposed as New Zealand's 25th
National Science Fiction Convention. Email:
CONSENSUALITY – Swancon XXX. Perth, WA. Easter 2005. Conveners Stephen Dedman
and Elaine Kemp.
THYLACON IV. National SF con for 2005. Hobart, Tasmania. 10-13June, 2005
(Queens Birthday Long weekend in many states.) Supporting membership currently
available for $25 until 30 July, rising to $35 after then. (Supporting
memberships can be upgraded to attending memberships at any tume for the price
of attending membership when the supporting membership was purchased.)
Attending membership $95 (Children under 12 $35) For membership forms e-mail, or write to Thylacon PO Box 345 Kingston TAS, 7051 . To
join the Thylacon e-mail list send a subscribe message to:
Interaction, the 2005 Worldcon will be held at the Scottish Exhibition and
Conference Centre in Glasgow over the weekend of 4-8 August 2005.GoHs
Christopher Priest, Robert Sheckley and Jane Yolen, critic and fanzine editor
Greg Pickersgill and veteran Scandinavian fan Lars-Olov Strandberg. ROSE
MITCHELL, the Aus agent for Interaction wrote that attending memberships will
rise from 1 June. Memberships available through Rose via GPO BOX 1212K
Melbourne, VIC 3001 or e-mail
Other Info sources: Marc Ortlieb's Australian Science Fiction Information
page: Ted Scribner's Australian SF&F home
page is: and his list of SF oriented
groups in NSW is at Coode
St Review:
The Bullsheet is available as a FREE e-mail subscription, (Send a request to and we're happy to trade with other e-mail zines. If you
want to receive the Bullsheet snail mail, we ask that you forward 20x50 cent
stamps (for subs within Australia) to help cover printing and postage costs of
an annual subscription.
NEXT BULLSHEET: The deadline for submission of material for inclusion in the
July Bullsheet (16) is 25th June. Send your news e-mail to, or snail mail to Edwina Harvey c/- 12 Flinders St,
Matraville NSW, 2036.
Visit Celestial Cobbler:
For no sufficiently explained reason this Fanzine still supports The
Minneapolis in '73 Worldcon Bid