The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet 16 – July 2003
The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet 16
JULY 2003
ISSN 1445-4319 (print version), ISSN 1445-4327 (online version)
ASHFIELD ASTROBOY SAVED! The 1.9 metre fibreglass sculpture of Astroboy
created by Sean Cordeiro that stands in his front yard in Ashfield
(reported in last month's Bullsheet.) has been saved after Ashfield
Mayor, Mark Monanno declared his support for the statue and asked
council not to take any further action to have it removed. ( Sunday
Telegraph, 1 June. Spotted by Edwina.)
SPACE ADVENTURES, the company that brokered space missions for two
millionaire businessmen, announced on June 19 that it's secured a
contract with the Russian Aviation & Space Authority for the first
privately funded flight into space. Travel will be on a Soyuz
spacecraft that it has commercial rights to operate, docking with the
International space station. The mission is planned for early 2005,
departing from Kazakhastan. The flight is limited to 2 seats, each seat
costing the occupant $A30 million. (Ummm, I think I'll wait until they
introduce economy class. - Edwina) (reported on
THE MUSEUM OF BRISBANE, opening in October, will have "Bite the Blue
Sky: Brisbane Beginnings" as its first exhibition. Qld-based writers
group, Vision, was approached to find a suitable short story by running
a competition among its members. SHANE BROWN won $500 for his story,
"Brisbane 2404" which will be on display at the exhibition, with free
copies of the story available to an expected 75,000 atendees. Kate
Eltham's story, "Ruben's Beanstalk", and Chris Quin's story "The Last
Voyage of Vicki-Lyn" were highly commended, and the museum has asked
all three authors to give readings of their stories during the
exhibition. (Reported by Robert Hoge.)
Birthday celebration. Planned for September or October. Chris Coman is
looking for expressions of interest, and to make contact with people
who have had an association with the club. Chris can be e-mailed at
CONFLUX recently announced that Hugo Award-winning author, HARRY
TURTLEDOVE will be a special guest at the convention. (See full details
in the convention section.)
MARC ORTLIEB writes that as part of his progressive gafiation, he's
pulling the plug on his Vicnet web site,
at the end of August. Like the original Bullsheet this site, which
includes listings of SF Calender of Events, Australian SF Awards, SF
Bookshops, Fanzines, Newsgroups, Fan Clubs, Fan Funds, & Australian SF
Foundation has provided an invaluable reference resource for fans
through the years. Ted Scribner has indicated that he has no intention
of taking the site over, but is anyone else willing to give Marc's
comprehensive site a new home? Any volunteers who would like to take
selected parts or all of Marc's Vicnet website can contact him on
BOB EGGLETON AND MARIANNE PLUMRIDGE are working on the forthcoming
animated movie, The AntBully, produced by Tom Hanks' Playtone Pictures
via Warner Brothers Studio. Fellow SF & Fantasy artists Don Maitz and
Fred Cambino are also working on the film.
Congratulations to SUE ISLE, who has received an ArtsWA "New Concepts"
book grant.
SIMON OXWELL contacted us to say the Tin Duck awards on the web version
of the Bullsheet incorrectly listed "Raw Cordial" as winner of "Best
WA Non-Professional Production in any Medium" when in fact the winner
was "Borderlands: That which Scares Us" (convention convened by Anna
Hepwoth, Simon Oxwell and Grant Watson.) There was some confusion when
the award winners were first listed on the Eidolist (where we sourced
our information originally). The monthly Bullsheet newsletter for May
contained the corrected version of the list, however the uncorrected
version was left on the web version of the Bullsheet due to an
oversight by the webmaster. Ted has since corrected the Bullsheet web
site. Our apologies to Anna, Simon and Grant
Just in case you missed it, (We may have off-world readers after all)
The 5th HARRY POTTER novel, Order of the Pheonix was released on 21st
June, amid unprecedented publicity. It was reported in the Sydney Daily
Telegraph on Tuesday 24th June that a printing error left approx 10,000
copies of the book sold in Australia and New Zealand missing 49 pages.
The defective copies have pg 577 following pg 144, and pg 193 following
pg 624. 750,000 copies were distributed through 2000 retail outlets in
Australia and New Zealand.
DAVID DUCHOVNY will make his writing/editing debut with a movie called
"The House of D". He will also co-star in the movie with Tea Leoni and
Robin Williams. (Reported on The Comm Centre 124)
GILLIAN ANDERSON is the female lead, in a new movie called "My Scorpion
Soul" PETER O'TOOLE will also star in the movie. (Reported on The Comm
Centre 124)
British commercial & video directing team, Hammer & Tongs will produce
the feature film based on The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy. (The
Comm Centre 124)
MORE TALES OF ALIENS is a short article reporting the 5th and 6th Alien
films are being written and actress Sigourney Weaver is keen to reprise
her role of Ripley. Pg 6, Herald Sun, Sat 7th June. (Spotted by David
L. Russell.)
The WEA Sydney Film Society (72 Bathurst St, Sydney. Ph 9476 4770) will
be showing classic SF & Horror films including Cat People, The Leopard
Man and I Walked with a Zombie on Sun 20 July, Fritz Lang films The
Testemament of Dr Mabuse and Beyond Reasonable Doubt on Sun Oct 26.
Contact the WEA for further details. (Reported by Leigh Blackmore.)
"Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog it's too dark
to read"- Groucho Marx
DAMIEN BRODERICK & RORY BARNES' novel, "The Hunger of Time" has been
published with Fictionwise com at (It's currently their
leading title.)
This is a full-length version of their previous YA title, "Stuck in
Fast Forward." (Reported by Damien Broderick.)
KATE FORSYTHE gets a mention in the "Out This Month" pg 28 Herald Sun
Weekend, 14 June.for her new mainstream book FULL FATHOM FIVE, written
under the name of Kate Humphrey. (Published through Flamingo.)
(Reported by David L. Russell.)
KIRSTEN BISHOP's novel, "Etched City" has been bought by Macmillan, UK.
Kirsten also reported that was selling the American edition
of her novel at 30% off. (Reported on the Eidolist.)
MARIANNE de PIERRES new book, Nylon Angel, can be pre-ordered via a
link on her web site, (Reported on the
HAL SPACEJOCK 2: written by Simon Haynes, is available through the
following bookshops around Australia: WA: Dymocks Carousel shopping
Centre, Collins Booksellers, Southlands Shopping Centre, Willetton,
Supernova Books, Willian St, Perth, Angus & Robertson Armadale. ACT:
Dymocks Tuggeranong & Belconnen. NSW: Galaxy Bookshop, Infinitas
Bookshop and Dymocks Bookshop, George St, Sydney. It can also be bought
on line through the Australian Online Bookshop,, Dymocks Online, http//
and Project Pulp,
PAUL KIDD has published a new book called "Fey" ISBN 0-9750378-0-3.
Available for $19.95 in person, or $23 postage paid within Australia.
To purchase copies contact Ken McCaw, 56 Helm St, Maddington, WA 6109,
or e-mail him Some copies are also available from
Cat Sparks.
AUREALIS 31 is published and currently being distributed. It features
fiction from Robert Hood, Anthony Fordham, Steve de Beer, Greg Guerin,
and Patricia O'Neill plus non-fiction from Dr. Patricia L O'Neill,
Anthony Fordham, Jack Dann, Dirk Strasser interviewing Peter McNamara,
Van Ikin interviewing Cameron Rodgers and reviews from Bill Congreve.
Order from their website, , or fax credit
orders on 03 9504 1517.
REDSINE, Trent Jamieson's prize-winning horror publication, is reported
to be in hibernation while looking for a new publisher. Copies of
issues 7-10 still available from, or, or (Reported on the ASIM-admin list)
ANTIPODEAN SF ISSUE 61 presents 10 flash (500 words or less) SF stories
from GL Schmitt, Richard Pitchforth, Shaun A. Saunders, Rob Bleckly,
Tony Plank, Lyn Triffitt, Gary Dean, Daniel Stephensen, Paul Mineef and
Michael Lohr. Online at Editor, Nuke, has
recently announced that he's planning to release a second print
anthology soon. Nuke also announced the launch of the AntiSF Awards to
be decided at the end of each publication year starting with 2002. The
winner will receive $30. He'd also like to construct a special page
listing all the authors who've had their first story published with
Antipodean SF. If you got your first writing break with AntiSF, please
contact Nuke,
PIFFLE – the fanzine of the Uni of Western Australia Science Fiction
Association, has returned after a 2 year absence. Piffle 2003.I has
contributions from Bradley McGrath, Chris Coman, Colm Kiely, Jen
McCutcheon, Jeremy G. Byrne, Lily Chrywenstrom, Marcia Bauer, M.
Nikolai Chrulew, Paul Smith, Sarah O'Keefe, Sophia Papaelias, Sophia
Ambrose, Tommo Eitelhuber &Tom Lynch. 88 pgs. $5 in person, or $6.50
posted. Contact Chris Coman, to purchase a copy.
FABLES AND REFLECTIONS is now also available to buy through at
(this will be handy for anyone overseas wanting to purchase Fables and
Reflections. For Australian buyers, it's cheaper to buy the zine direct
from Lily. e-mail
FOLCC BOOK SALES. The "Friends of Linda Cox Chan" aim to raise money to
donate to Juvenile Diabetes Society of Australia by selling donated
books. (Tally is currently $22). "Honor Harrington: Flag in Exile, and
Honor Harrington: The Honor of the Queen, both by David Weber. $6 each,
including postage
within Australia (Thanks to Anne Devrell for donating these books)
Magazines still desperately looking for homes are: Crux Vol 4, features
Michael Hailstone, Eric Harries Harris, Paul Collins, Rick Kennett $3,
NewEyes Vol 1, features Robert Luxford, Peter Jones, Steven Crawley $3,
New Eyes Vol 2, features Geoffrey Maloney, Robert Luxford, $3, Under
Magellenic Clouds 2, features Geoffrey Maloney, Elvis Gladztone, Ken
Rawlinson $3 (Prices include postage within Australia)To buy tor donate
books/mags e-mail Edwina Harvey at or snail mail
Edwina, c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville, NSW 2036.
COLLINS SUPERSTORE. Level 2, Broadway Shopping Centre, Cnr Broadway and
Bay St, Sydney. Leigh Blackmore, who runs the SF section of this store
recently called for any small press publishers, or authors with small
press editions, who do not currently have stock with Collins, Superstore
Broadway to contact him as Collins wants to support titles produced
GALAXY BOOKSHOP: 143 York St Sydney.
INFINITAS BOOKSHOP (Shop 5 No. 1 Horwood Place Parramatta,
Infinitas has a discussion group which meets at 7pm on the first
Thursday of the month.Infinitas also has a writers' group lead by Bill
SLOW GLASS BOOKS: a SFmail order catalogue. To join the mailing list
write to GPO Box 2708X , Melbourne Vic 3001 or see Email: Phone: (03) 9639
1511 Fax: (03) 9639 1511.
RAVEN BOOKS: Secondhand book service specialising in supernatural &
occult books. "From the Vault" catalogues are issued irregularly. If
you'd like to be added to this mailing list, write to Leigh Blackmore,
Raven Books,PO Box A281, Sydney South NSW 1235.
KNOWN SPACE BOOKS: First Floor, 108 Gawler Place, Adelaide, SA 5000.
Tel: (08) 8223-4304
Open: 12:00-6:00 Wednesday-Thursday; 12:00-10:00 Friday; 12:00-6:00
Saturday New and used books related to science fiction, film and TV.
Also comics and magazines. Now receiving American imports weekly.
entry fee
(Free if the entrant or their school is a ASIM subscriber) Sections for
Art, poetry and short stories (5,000 words or less.) for under 16's and
under 21's. First Prize, publication in the magazine including payment
and subscription. 2nd and 3rd prizes also offered. (these do not
include cash payment). Entries close
on July 31st. See or send an SASE to PO
BOX 495, Chinchilla, QLD, 4413 for entry forms and full entry details,
BORDERLAND – Trilogy writing competition. Held in conjunction with
Borderlands – Trilogy convention. (See also "Conventions") Stories
should be based on the theme of "trilogy." $50 for first prize winner,
and shortlisted authors published in the convention book. Closing date
1 August. For details see
"SCIENCE FICTION WRITERS OF EARTH" The 2003 competition is now open to
any SF writer who has yet to sell a piece of work.
MANNA - BREAD OF HEAVEN writing competition for Christian authors.
$1000 first prize. Entries close 15 October, 2003. Send a SASE to PO
BOX 844 Warners Bay NSW 2282 for entry form.
There are of course many problems connected with life, of which some of
the most popular are Why are people born? Why do they die? Why do they
want to spend so much of the intervening time wearing digital watches?-
Douglas Adams
AILING: Peter McNamara has a brain tumour.
DEATHS: Monica Nelson, mother of Perth writer, Lee Battersby, died of
Gant's tumour – a rare form of cancer – on 16th June. She is survived
by her husband, Ray, 2 sons and 5 grandchildren. (Our condolences to
Lee and his family.)
MELBOURNE SCIENCE FICTION CLUB, 74 Melville Road, West Brunswick 3055.
Friday 4th July: All You Can Eat American Food and trivia night. Friday
11 July, Board & Card games night. July 18th Night Market. July 25th
Annual General Meeting – come along and vote! (reported by James
SFSA (Science Fiction in South Australia):
SFSA is a fan club for generic Sci-Fi fans to gather, communicate, and
generally make a nuisance of themselves in a controlled environment.
The SFSA have 2 regular meetings per month. The regular club meeting is
held at the Adelaide High School on the third Saturday of the month
starting at 3pm, until 10pm. Cost $3 members, $4 non-members. A social
gathering is (incorporating the South Australian Dr Who club) is held
on the First Saturday of the month, at the Buckingham Arms hotel,
Walkerville, starting at 7pm, until approximately 10pm.
SYDNEY FUTURIANS: Meetings in room 1615 (floor 16) of the Tower Block,
The University of Technology, Broadway, Sydney, at 7 pm, usually on the
third Friday of the month. Meetings are scheduled for 18 July, 15
August, but check
or phone Garry Dalrymple after 7 pm on (02) 9718 5827 for updates.
SYDNEY SOUTHERN SF&F GROUP: Meetings are scheduled for the year and
dates / nature of meeting are on Phone Brad
Row on 9580 4369 for more details.
MULTIVERSE EVENTS: Upcoming Multiverse movie premiers are 3rd July,
Charlie's Angels 2, Hoyts Chadstone Shopping Centre. 7pm. Adult tickets
$12.50, children $9.50. 14th July: FREE ADVANCED SCREENING of
TERMINATOR 3 (on a first come, first served basis) Anderson Victoria
Gardens Cinema, Richmond. 17th July, TERMINATOR 3 screening Hoyts
Cinema, Bourke St, Melbourne. Adult tickets $12.50, children $9.50:
You can reserve tickets by emailing then
Sat 26th July, Annual Inter-club Bowling Day, Chadstone AMF 10 Pin
Bowl. 12 noon start. $18.50 includes 3 games, shoe hire. Followed by
dnner at Pancake Parlour after.
day speculative fiction writing workshop. Friday 4th July to Wednesday
9th July, 2003. Brisbane Girl's Grammer School. Brisbane city. $550
(extra cost if you need to hire a computer) Tutors include Kim Wilkins,
Marianne de Pierres, Louise Cusack and Cory Daniels. Contact Cory
Daniels (Rowena Cory Lindquist) on 07 3893 2959 or email (reported by Cat Sparks on the Eidolist)
FEAST OF STARS: held in conjunction with Envision, Dymocks Macarthur
Chambers, cnr of Queen & Edward Sts, Brisbane, is having a "Feast of
Stars" dinner on Friday 4th July 6 for 6.30 pm. Guest Speakers Kim
Wilkins, Cory Daniells, Marianne de Pierres, Paul Brandon & Karen
Brooks. $15 (or $12 for Envision attendees.) (Reported by Kate Eltham
on the Eidolist)
POPULAR WRITING FESTIVAL 5th & 6th July, NSW Writers Centre, Rozelle
Hospital grounds, will feature Caiseal Mor, Traci Harding, Ian Irvine,
& Richard Harland speaking on Fantasy and Writing for Young Adults on
Saturday morning, with Caiseal Mor, Traci Harding, Richard Harland and
Kate Forsyth speaking on fantasy on Sunday morning Other panels to do
with writing & publishing being run throughout both days. Phone 9555
9757 or e-mail
JACK DANN is conducting a 2 day master class at on 5-6 July at the ACT
Writers Centre, Gorman House, Ainslie Avenue, Braddon ACT. Cost $144
for members of the writing centre and $180 non members. Contact
Anne-Maree Britton on 62629191.
JACK DANN is to conduct a 2 day master class entitled "Writing the
Fabulous" at the Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers Centre (WA) on
26-27 July 2003. Cost of the course is $350. Prospective participants
to submit story samples prior to the Master Class in order to determine
who will be admitted. Please contact the centre to register: (Address
submissions to?)Margot Lowe,Co-ordinator, Katharine Susannah Prichard
Writers Centre11 Old York Rd GREENMOUNT 6058 WA.Ph 08 9294 1872 or look
at (Reported by Tracey Rolfe on the Eidolist)
CYPHER: A new movie starring Jeremy Northam & Lucy Liu opens nationally
on 14th August. Check their web site for
more details.
This film is a "just over the horizon" SF/Spy film that starts off
being an art film and ends as an action film. It features a sleek
futuristic helicopter, and a few other impressive "bells and whistles".
I'd rate it 6/10 - Edwina.
GALACTIC JURISPRUDENCE: a workshop on the Law and Science Fiction/
Fantasy. Queensland College of Arts, Southbank, Brisbane. Sat 27th
Sept. Traci Harding will deliver the intergalactic keynote address.
Subthemes include "Ethics of the Intergalactic Good.", "Android Rights
and Responsibilities." And "The Thing as Legal Entity." Proposals for
papers accepted until 15 July and should be e-mailed to, and (reported by
Robert Hoge..)
MAGIC CASEMENTS: A Festival of Speculative Fiction presented by The New
South Wales Writers' Centre in association with Krenon. (Ted Scribner
and Garry Dalrymple apparently.) New South Wales Writers' Centre,
Rozelle, Sydney, 13-14 September 2003.
STAR WALKING (VIC) SF Trivia Night. Preston Club, 407 Bell St, Preston.
Also 20th Anniversary Return of the Jedi Banquet October 25th. Rydges
of Carlton, Swanston St, Carlton, Melbourne.from 6pm. Formal or costume
dress. $55 for 3 course meal (drinks excluded) Check for ull details.
GoH = Guest of Honour, OCP = Other Commitments Permitting, tba= to be
CONTINUUM 11-13 July 2003, Cato Conference
Centre, 489 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. Guests: Kate Forsyth, Chris
Lawson. Invited guests: Nick Stathopoulos, Lewis Morley and Marilyn
Pride. Membership: paid prior to 4th July, $100 full, $70 concession,
$25 Child (5-12 years at time of purchase and accompanied by a paying
adult). Day rates (paid prior to 4th July) $30 Fri/ $50 Sat/$50 Sun. At
the door prices: $150 full, $120 concession, $25 Child. Day m/ships:
$50 Friday, $80 Sat, $70 Sun. For more information contact,
DWARFCON Gaming Con. in
Melbourne on the (July 11-13).??? (Or was it Queens Birthday Weekend?)
BORDERLANDS – Trilogy. The third, and final convention from the
Borderlands Team, Anna Hepworth, Simon Oxwell & Grant Watson. August 23
– 24, Emerald Hotel, 29 Mount St, Perth. GoH's Simon Brown and Dave
Luckett. Also running a short story competition, closing 1 August.
Winner and shortlisted authors to be published in the con book and
paid $50. Memberships $60, and $50 student/ oncession. Day memberships
also available. Check (NB
Borderlands convention series is not to be confused with the magazine
of the same name.)
TORCON III The 61st World Science Fiction Convention will be held over
August 28-September 1, 2003 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
GsoH: George R. R. Martin, Frank Kelly Freas, Mike Glyer. Toastmaster:
Spider Robinson and GoHst of Honour:Robert Bloch the spirit of Toronto
Enquiries: P.O. Box 3, Station A, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5W 1A2
Attending Membership: $US115; Supporting Membership: $US40; Email: Website:
BOBW: LORD OF THE RINGS CONVENTION: 20-21 September. The Rydges
Lakeside Hotel, Canberra. GoH's Bruce Hopkins, Craig Parker, Sarah
McLeod & Brad Durif (OCP). Memberships from $135 Check Best of Both
Worlds web site,
Catholic Club. GoH's Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) and David Prowse (Darth
Vader) (OCP) Costs: FoSF Members $60 per day, Non-members $75 a day.
Phone Bookings 02 9523-8385, on-line bookings:
BOBW 20 (?) STARGATE CONVENTION. 14-16 November. The Rydges Lakeside
Hotel, Canberra. GoH's Michael Shanks, Dan Shea, Douglas Arthurs and
Peter Williams. (OCP) Memberships from $135 Check Best of Both Worlds
web site,
FoSF LORD OF THE RINGS CON. Sat 22 November, Lidcombe Catholic Club.
GoH John Rhys-Davies.(Gimli/ Treebeard, LOTR) (OCP) Costs: FoSF Members
$80, Non-members $98. Phone Bookings 02 9523-8385, on-line bookings:
DAYCON: Proposed one day con to be held in the Sydney CBD, possibly in
November 2003. For more details, contact
INTENSICON a one day gaming con held at
Melbourne University
sometime in December.
CHRONOPOLIS - Swancon 29 Perth, Western Australia Easter weekend Thu 8
to Mon 12th April 2004
Venue: Parmelia Hilton. GoH's: Chris Dickinson, John Long. Fan GoH:
Emma Hawkes.Shay Telfer, Convenor, Lily Chrywenstrom secretary.
CONFLUX 43rd Australian National Science Fiction
Convention, 23-26 April 2004.
Guests of Honour: Greg Benford and Sean McMullen. Special Guest, Harry
Turtledove. Fan GOH's Karen Herkes Cost: currently $110. Children and
students at reduced rates. Instalment plan available. A deposit of $20
secures current rates. Voting membership only $5.All enquiries should
be directed to: Postal Address: PO Box 903,
Belconnen, ACT 2616 Tel: 0418 540 160; Fax: 02 6242 5776 Convenor:
Vanessa Jacobsen - email: Publicity Manager: Rose
Mitchell - email:
CONTOUR 2004 May 31 to June 3 2004, Rotorua. Proposed as New Zealand's
25th National Science Fiction Convention. Email:
CONSENSUALITY – Swancon XXX. Perth, WA. Easter 2005. Conveners Stephen
Dedman and Elaine Kemp.
THYLACON IV. National SF con for 2005. Hobart, Tasmania. 10-13June,
2005 (Queens Birthday Long weekend in many states.) Supporting
membership currently available for $25 until 30 July, rising to $35
after then. (Supporting memberships can be upgraded to attending
memberships at any tume for the price of attending membership when the
supporting membership was purchased.) Attending membership $95
(Children under 12 $35) For membership forms e-mail, or write to Thylacon PO Box 345 Kingston TAS,
7051 To join the Thylacon e-mail list send a subscribe message to:
Interaction, the 2005 Worldcon will be held at the Scottish Exhibition
and Conference Centre in Glasgow over the weekend of 4-8 August
2005.GoHs Christopher Priest, Robert Sheckley and Jane Yolen, critic
and fanzine editor Greg Pickersgill and veteran Scandinavian fan
Lars-Olov Strandberg.
NB: TED SCRIBNER has taken over the role of Australian Agent. He can be
contacted at
Other Info sources: Marc Ortlieb's Australian Science Fiction
Information page: (closing 28th
Ted Scribner's Australian SF&F home page is:
and his list of SF oriented groups in NSW is at
Coode St Review:
The Bullsheet is available as a FREE e-mail subscription, (Send a
request to and we're happy to trade with other
e-mail zines. If you want to receive the Bullsheet snail mail, we ask
that you forward 20x50 cent stamps (for subs within Australia) to help
cover printing and postage costs of an annual subscription.
NEXT BULLSHEET: The deadline for submission of material for inclusion
in the August Bullsheet (17) is 25th July. Send your news e-mail to, or snail mail to Edwina Harvey c/- 12 Flinders
St, Matraville NSW, 2036.
Visit Celestial Cobbler:
For no sufficiently explained reason this Fanzine still supports The
Minneapolis in '73 Worldcon Bid