The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet 23: FEBRUARY 2004 – February 2004
The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet 23: FEBRUARY 2004
ISSN 1445-4319 (print version), ISSN 1445-4327 (online version)
AUSSFBULL: This Bullsheet will be the last to be distributed by direct email
and also the first to be distributed by bouncing off a mail list. The Yahoo!
Mail list AUSSFBULL has been set up to enable the Bullsheet to be sent out to
the recipients and for the recipients to send news to the editor. All the
current Bullsheet subbers should have received email from Yahoo! A few minutes
before writing this (on 2 February) the membership of AUSSFBULL was 60 so
quite a few of the 105 Bullsheet subbers have not yet joined.
This list won't be run like a regular mail list. All the subbers except for
the moderators will be set to receive "special messages" only. Special
messages must be sent by someone with moderator status. We will send the
Bullsheet as a special message, and we may also send updates or any other
information that can't wait for the next Bullsheet to go out. Anyone writing
to AUSSFBULL: we the moderators will get your mail and we'll reply to it
through either Edwinafan or our own mail accounts. Any questions about the
above: please email me (Ted) on or Edwinafan on . The AUSSFBULL web page is To post to the list (bounces to the
moderators) send mail to . To subscribe to the list,
send blank email to . To unsubscribe, send
blank email to . The list owner can be
contacted at , but for the foreseeable future
that will be Edwinafan, so you can also write to .
Please note:
Snail mail recipients please disregard this.
This email Bullsheet was edited by Ted Scribner. Edwina has more eye surgery
to be done, but she and hopes to be back for the next Bullsheet. Meanwhile,
please bear with me. Apologies for errors and omissions.
AUNTY AXED THE GOONS: Well, they've been gracing the airwaves now for almost
50 years and each show has probably been played back something like 20 times,
so I suppose it had to come to an end, but some people will miss the weekly
dose of The Goons, brought to you through ABC Radio National. There's still
plenty of Goon resource left on the internet and several of the better Goon
Shows have been released as CDs, so I can't see them dying utterly, not while
there are still people around who laughed at them in the past and want to
laugh again.
DAVID L RUSSELL's gleanings:
David L. Russell sends us press clippings of media news. Material from these
clippings can now be viewed at and .
The following are a few exerpts:
LORD OF THE RINGS: RETURN OF THE KING has burst upon the world and local movie
scene. From the Herald Sun on 27 December:
Roadshow Films national marketing manager Phil Oneile said the Lord of the
Rings films had become a Boxing Day tradition. The
film is expected to break Australian box office records. The first
instalment took more than $4 million in its first day in Australia and
the second took $5.2 million.
It picked up four Golden Globes: best drama, best director (Peter Jackson),
best original musical score (Howard Shore) and best original song., and it
appears set for a similar swag of Oscars.
CATCHY HORROR LOOMS: Sarah Michelle Gellar will star in The Grudge. a remake
of a Japanese horror movie about a lethal curse that spreads from person to
person like a virus.
POTTER GOLD FOR ATKINSON: Mr Bean star Rowan Atkinson is to play Evil Lord
Voldemort in the next Harry Potter movie. He is tipped to become the wizards'
arch enemy in the movie of the fourth J.K. Rowling book Harry Potter and The
Goblet 0f Fire.
ALONG CAME A SPIDER: You'll have to wait until July 1 to see the finished
product, but here are a few sneak peeks at Spider-Man 2. Tobey Maguire
reprises his role as Peter Parker/Spidey despite almost missing out because of
back problems The villain in this instalment is Alfred Molina, playing Dr
Octopus, a multi-tentacled baddy. Sam Neill was originally under consideration
for the role.
The next time HUGH JACKMAN crosses our screens, he'll be in long-haired,
monster-slayer mode. He is in the throes of shooting Van Helsing, the
reworked, seminal opus celebrating Bram Stoker's legendary monster-slayer's
hunt for Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Wolf Man.
Lots more on the web page.
"I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set I go
into the next room and read a book" - Groucho Marx
The top ten speculative fiction books by recent sales at Dymocks, queried on 2
February, are:
1. Myrren's Gift - Fiona Mcintosh
2. Silmarillion - J.R.R. Tolkien
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Making of the Movie Trilogy - Brian Sibley
4. The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
5. The Hobbit Illustrated Edition - J.R.R. Tolkien
6. Fool's Fate - Robin Hobb
7. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Visual Companion - Jude Fisher
8. The Complete Book Of Dragons - Earnest Drake
9. The Lord of the Rings 3-in-1 (film tie-in) - J.R.R. Tolkien
10. Crossroads of Twilight - Robert Jordan
This query can be run at any time by going to
ORBITAL BURN. A novel by Adrian Bedford of Western Australia
(, published by Edge Science Fiction
and Fantasy Publishing, Canada, appears to be receiving acclaim. The
publisher's website ( gives
the following comment: "As a scientist, I was thrilled that the science part
of the book is believable. As a reader, I was even more pleased that the
science adds to the story and doesn't overwhelm what is primarily a story
about human interaction." - Trish Amundrud from Vancouver, BC. It can be
ordered from the publisher or Amazon. Currently it is not yet available in
Australian bookshops.
NYLON ANGEL, a novel by Marianne de Pierres, is now available in bookshops.
The official launch in Queensland will be Friday 13 February, 6.30 pm at
Dymocks Brisbane (Lower Ground), Cnr Queen & Edward Sts Brisbane QLD. See
X, Y, Z, T: DIMENSIONS OF SCIENCE FICTION, by Damien Broderick .Broderick
draws upon his skills as both critic and novelist to analyze science fiction
of the last two decades, and its earlier roots. The book proposes sf as a
distinctive form of writing, the extreme narrative of difference. While
concentrating on exciting work published in the USA and Britain, Broderick
does not neglect his own country's contributions. His critical voice is wry,
entertaining and occasionally scathing. It can be bought on line at
(He didn't tell us whether it's in the shops (he himself is currently in the
USA on a writing grant)
AGOG! SMASHING STORIES: Agog! press is pleased to announce a third anthology
of new fantastic fiction, launch date: Easter 2004 at Swancon 2004. The aim of
agog! Smashing Stories is, as it was for the first two anthologies, to bring
together exciting, compulsively readable stories in the fantastic genres of
SF, horror and general fantasy. The central criteria are quality, excitement
and fun. We want stories which engage the imagination, maintain a thrilling
pace, and rocket the reader into an astounding world of speculative
imagination. Think of the sort of excitement once generated by the pulp SF
magazines! More on
RYNOSSEROS STORIES ARE ALL PUBLISHED: There was some question by at least one
poster to the Eidolist whether more stories about Tom Rynosseros would be
forthcoming. I too had the impression that Terry Dowling was planning to
publish a fourth book, a sequel to Rynosseros, Blue Tyson and Twilight Beach,
to be called Rynemonn. Not so. In personal conversation with Terry at
Infinitas on 31 January I learned that, apart from the group of three stories
in Forever Shores, which were collectively titled "Rynemonn", all others were
published individually, and there is no plan to collect them into one book. If
you are a Rynosseros completist you might need to see Terry, unless some well
informed person in the publishing business (eg Bill Congreve) can tell you.
NEW ANTHOLOGY: planned: An Alternate Time, Edited by Robert N Stephenson &
(and someone who want to do some form of internship). Submissions opening Feb
20 and closing post date August 31. Original alternate history/time or time
travel stories or variations thereof. The main premise of the story will need
to be time based in some way; not a simple time jump and a general story, the
time element must be integral to the work. Story length, a minimum of 3500
words and a maximum of 8000 words. Anthology length will be 80 000 words -
strict. All work needs to be previously unpublished. Payment is still being
set, but it will be a minimum of $70 per story at this stage. A website with
full guideline will be available soon.(posted to the Eidolist by Robert N
NOVELS BASED ON "THE PRISONER": Powys Media has announced the publication of a
series of novels based on Patrick McGoohan's enigmatic 1967 SF TV series "The
Prisoner", to be released quarterly beginning in late spring 2004. Jonathan
Blum, Rupert Booth, Robert Sheckley, and Lance Parkin are among the novelists
contributing to the series. Six books are currently planned.
Jonathan Blum and Rupert Booth are co-writing the first novel, titled "The
Prisoner's Dilemma". Blum has just been shortlisted for a second time for the
Aurealis Award for Best Australian SF Novel, for his book "Fallen Gods"
(available from Telos Publications at He and his
wife Kate Orman also topped the "Doctor Who Magazine" poll for best Doctor Who
novel in 1998. Booth is a writer-actor known for a number of surrealist short
The second book, "The Other", is by Lance Parkin, who topped the "Doctor Who
Magazine" poll for best novel in 1996, 1997, and 2001. One of the breakout
stars of the "Doctor Who" range, his work in prose and television also
includes the forthcoming novel "Warlords of Utopia" (Mad Norwegian Press, ). (the foregoing posted by Jonathan Blum)
Further information is available at Powys Media's website, or .
FOREVER SHORES: This important anthology of Australian fantasy is now on sale
in bookshops throughout Australia. Edited by Peter McNamara and Margaret
Winch, stories by Damien Broderick, Leanne Frahm, Marianne de Pierres,
Isobelle Carmody, Russell Blackford, Rosaleen Love, Ben Peek, Terry Dowling,
Alexander James, Tim Richards, Carmel Bird, Trudi Canavan, Lucy Sussex, Robert
N. Stephenson, Edward Burger, Michael Pryor. Published by Wakefield Press.
SOUTHERN BLOOD: A new anthology of horror by Australian writers. Edited by
Bill Congreve. Cover art by Nick Stathopoulos. Should be available at a
bookshop near you, but see
ANDROMEDA SPACEWAYS INFLIGHT MAGAZINE: The current issue is 10, edited by
Monissa Whiteley. Stories by Lee Battersby, Lucinda Cane, Paul Marlowe, Paul
Martens, Margaret Pearce, Frank Tuttle, Ruth Nestvold, Leslie Claire Walker
and Poetry by Mikal Trimm. Issue 11, coming soon, is edited by Lyn Triffit.
Issue 12 - hurry and get better, Edwina! More at
GEGENSCHEIN: Eric Lindsay's web fanzine Gegenschein 98 is now available at
TICONDEROGA ONLINE RESUMES: Following a hiatus of over three years,
Ticonderoga Online will resume publishing fiction on 15 March, 2004. Ticonderoga Online will publish two
Australian stories six times per year, and will be edited by Lee Battersby,
Russell B. Farr, Liz Grzyb and Lyn Triffitt. "We want bizarre, gonzo stories;
SF in the tradition of Howard Waldrop, Jack Womack, Tom Reamy, and Alfred
Bester. We want stories that make us as excited as the first time we read "San
Diego Lightfoot Sue" or "Night Of The Cooters"," said Lee Battersby. The
webzine will also publish reviews and the editors are presently working on
acquiring the services of several columnists to offer a unique reading
experience. Ticonderoga Online will stress quality content over production
values, and while paying for fiction, be completely free of charge to read.
The website will be taking shape over coming months with the first full issue
of the webzine going live on 15 March 2004. Full guidelines and further
information available at the website. For more information contact Russell B.
Farr at
FOLCC BOOK SALES. The "Friends of Linda Cox Chan" aim to raise money to donate
to Juvenile Diabetes Research, Australia by selling donated books. Many thanks
to Geoff Allshorn who recently donated $20 to the FOLCC fund in Linda's
memory. Our tally for the year is currently $30. Anyone wanting to donate
directly to JDRF- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation can do so via PO Box
2038, South Melbourne, VIC 3205.Their web site is New
books looking for new homes: "Unicorns" ed Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois;
"AustrAlien Absurdities" ed Chuck McKenzie and Tansy Rayner Roberts; "Dr Who,
The Scripts: Galaxy 4" - William Emms, ed. John McElroy; "Dr Who Blue Box" -
Kate Orman. For previously listed books see previous email Bullsheet or web
Bullsheet. $6 each, including postage within Australia. Discounts for buying
more than one book. Thanks to Anne Devrell, Julie Townsend, James Allen and
David L. Russell for donating books. To buy books e-mail Edwina Harvey at or snail mail Edwina, c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville, NSW
MINOTAUR Pop Culture Megastore 121 Elizabeth St,
Melbourne 3000 Phone (03) 9670 5414 Fax: (03) 9670 7670 Email:
COLLINS SUPERSTORE. Level 2, Broadway Shopping Centre, Cnr Broadway and Bay
St, Sydney. Leigh Blackmore, who runs the SF section of this store recently
called for any small press publishers, or authors with small press editions,
who do not currently have stock with Collins, Superstore Broadway to contact
him as Collins wants to support titles produced locally.
GALAXY BOOKSHOP: 143 York St Sydney.
INFINITAS BOOKSHOP (Shop 5 No. 1 Horwood Place Parramatta, New owner Tim Martin has a web page under construction
at . Keep watching - it's planned as an online
shopping facility.
GASLIGHT BOOKS: a specialty bookshop in Canberra for readers of crime, mystery
and detective fiction, and science fiction, fantasy and horror. Email: Telephone or fax: ( 02) 6239 3633 Location: Unit
10, 83 Wollongong Street, Fyshwick ACT Correspondence to: PO Box 267, Fyshwick
ACT 2609 Australia
FARENHEIT SF & Fantasy Bookshop cnr Bourke & William St, Melbourne.Ph 03 9600
4674, email Books freighted in from America
weekly, happy to mail order requests.
CRIME INK: 150 William St (Crn Bourke &William, Ph 03 9600 4674, e-mail Offer a monthly catalogue, happy to do mail order requests.
KNOWN SPACE BOOKS: First Floor, 108 Gawler Place, Adelaide, SA 5000. Tel: (08)
8223-4304 Open: 12:00-6:00 Wednesday-Thursday; 12:00-10:00 Friday; 12:00-6:00
Saturday New and used books related to science fiction, film and TV. Also
comics and magazines. Now receiving American imports weekly.
SLOW GLASS BOOKS: a SF mail order catalogue. To join the mailing list write to
GPO Box 2708X , Melbourne Vic 3001 or see Email: Phone: (03) 9639 1511 Fax: (03) 9639 1511.
RAVEN BOOKS: Second hand book service specialising in supernatural & occult
books. "From the Vault" catalogues are issued irregularly. If you'd like to be
added to this mailing list, write to Leigh Blackmore, Raven Books, PO Box
A281, Sydney South NSW 1235.
AUREALIS AWARDS SHORT LIST. See the web Bullsheet. The winners will be
announced at Swancon in 2004.
FFANZ Election.. The successful candidate will be from New Zealand and will
attend Conflux in April 2004. FFANZ, the Fan Fund of Australia and New
Zealand, was established in 1982 to encourage closer ties between fans in
Australia and New Zealand. The two countries play host to trans-Tasman guests
on alternate years. Voting has now closed. Results will be announced when
CONFLUX WRITING COMPETITION: The competition will close on Feb 28.. Open
theme, all areas of speculative fiction –horror, SF & fantasy - welcome, 3,000
words maximum. Winning entry to be published in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight
Magazine. Entry to the competition is free to members of the convention, and
$5 for non-members. For more information e-mail, or
by snail mail PO Box 85, Sussex Inlet, NSW 2540.
PETER MCNAMARA ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS: Judged by Richard Harland: The Peter
McNamara Achievement Award for 2003 Short List is (In Alphabetical order):
Bill Congreve, Jack Dann, Van Ikin, Lucy Sussex..The winner will be announced
at ConFlux, either just before or just after the Ditmars. Presentation by
Richard Harland. Posted by Robert N. Stephenson to the Eidolist. More details
will be put on the web Bullsheet.
NAFF: The fourth National Australian Fan Fund,, to assist fans traveling
across Australia to attend the National SF Convention, seeks to assist the
winning fan's travelling expenses to Conflux, the Natcon in Canberra in 2004.
Nominations have now closed. Voting is open until 29 February, 2004. There is
just one candidate. You can vote for Jon Swabey or "hold over the award".
GUFF: This year's Going Under Fan Fund was won by Pat McMurray who will be
visiting Australia (and possibly also New Zealand) to attend conventions and
fannish events in 2004. (reported by Jean Hollis Weber.)
There are of course many problems connected with life, of which some of the
most popular are Why are people born? Why do they die? Why do they want to
spend so much of the intervening time wearing digital watches? - Douglas Adams
No births reported.
RECOVERING: EDWINA HARVEY has recovered well from the vitrectomy on her left
eye last December. Unfortunately, she experienced heamoraging in the right eye
early in the new year and will have to undergo a similar operation on that eye
in the near future, with other operations to both eyes to follow.
CHUCK MCKENZIE had eye surgery on 18th November. He says more surgery is
needed but it's not desparately urgent.
DEATHS: Norman Talbot, 8 January 2004. Russell Blackford wrote:
Norman Talbot was born in 1936 in Suffolk, England, and came to Australia in
1963 to teach English at the University of Newcastle; he retired in 1993 with
the rank of Associate Professor. He was a prominent Australian poet, a
wonderful scholar, a great friend to the community of science fiction and
fantasy writers (and the author of several stories of his own), and a truly
kind and generous man. The most recent of his many awards was the Broadway
Poetry Prize at the 2002 Australian Poetry Festival.
MELBOURNE SCIENCE FICTION CLUB. MSFC meets every Friday, starting at 8pm, at
St David's Church Hall, 74 Melville Rd, Brunswick 3055. This is close to Stop
36 of the No. 55 tram leaving from William St. For more information, e-mail
David Cook, Or see the web page Events now scheduled to April.
SPACED OUT: a science fiction club for gays, lesbians and associated
communities. $5 joining fee, then $20 annual membership. ($15 concession.)
payed to Space Out Inc. PO Box 363, Preston, Vic. 3072.Non-profit SF club
offering monthly meetings, "Diverse Universe" newsletter and "Solar Spectrum"
annual anthology.
SFSA (South Australian Dr Who fan club) is also a generic science fiction club
with two regular meetings each month. Annual membership rises to $15 on
January 1 2004. The regular club meeting is held at the Adelaide High School
from 3pm-10pm on the 3rd Saturday of the month. A social gathering is held on
the first Saturday of each month.
SYDNEY FUTURIANS: Meetings in room 1615 (floor 16) of the Tower Block, The
University of Technology, Broadway, Sydney, at 7 pm. Check or phone Garry Dalrymple
after 7 pm on (02) 9718 5827 for updates.
SYDNEY SOUTHERN SF&F GROUP: Convenor Brad Row will be absent from September to
December. New meeting arrangements will be posted to the web site when available.
There will be a planning meeting at Brad's place on the second Saturday in
February. For more details phone Brad (A.H.) on 9580-4369.
MULTIVERSE EVENTS: Upcoming Multiverse movie premiers: Derek still appears to
have future movie premieres on hold. See for
MAGIC CASEMENTS II: Following the success of Magic Casements last September,
Irina Dunn, the Director of the New South Wales Writers' Centre, has plans for
a second similar event on Saturday 6 March 2004. The event will get under way
at 10 am and will comprise seven panels (in two concurrent sessions) plus a
seminar conducted by Terry Dowling. It will conclude around 7 pm after a
"flash fiction sprint" contest in which writers will read their "flash
fiction" (under 500 words) stories (3 minute time limit) and be judged by a
panel who will award a prize to the best. Attendance at all events but the
workshop is free; the seminar will cost $15. Entry in the flash fiction
contest will cost $5. Catering is done by the NSWWC staff - coffee, tea, wine
and beer are available all day and lunch is available around the middle of the
day. More details will be published in the February edition of "Newswrite" the
NSWWC's monthly magazine. You can contact Irina Dunn or her staff at PO Box
1056, Rozelle NSW 2039, Phone (02) 9555 9757, email There is now a tentative programme at
GoH = Guest of Honour, OCP = Other Commitments Permitting, tba= to be announced.
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS 21: Lord Of The Rings Convention: March 13 & 14, 2004,
Rydges Lakeside Hotel (on London Circuit), Canberra, Australia. Dominic
Monaghan - Meriadoc "Merry" Brandybuck (Lord Of The Rings Movie Trilogy),
David Weatherley - Barliman Butterbur (Fellowship of the Ring), Jørn Benzon -
Rúmil, Elf of Lothlorien (Fellowship of the Ring), various others (TTT, ROTK),
Craig Parker - Haldir, Elf of Lothlorien (Fellowship of the Ring, The Two
Towers). Further guests to be announced soon. Cocktail Party, Banquet, Two
1-Day Conventions, Wrap Party. More details on
CHRONOPOLIS - Swancon 29 Perth, Western Australia. Easter weekend Thu 8 to Mon
12th April 2004 Venue: Parmelia Hilton. GoH's: Chris Dickinson, John Long. Fan
GoH: Emma Hawkes. Shay Telfer, Convenor. or
FRIENDS OF SCIENCE FICTION: presents Corin Nemec, 24 April
2004. 'Jonas Quinn', Stargate SG-1 (and many other roles). For more details
see the website or phone (02) 9523 8385, email or
write to Friends of Science Fiction, P O Box 797 Fairfield, NSW 1860
CONFLUX: 43rd Australian National Science Fiction Convention, 23-26 April
2004. Guests of Honour: Greg Benford and Sean McMullen. Special Guest, Harry
Turtledove. Fan GOH's Karen Herkes UPDATES: Rose Mitchell recently reported
that details for the Conflux art show and a short story competition will soon
be posted on the convention web site. Attending membership currently $143.
Students (including secondary school students) and Concession rates: $77.
Primary school students and younger admitted free. Supporting memberships $44.
rates. All enquiries should be directed to: Postal
Address: PO Box 903, Belconnen, ACT 2616. (Please
note that the Anzac Day weekend is a long weekend –i.e. Holiday Monday – in
all states of Australia except Victoria and Tasmania.)
CONTOUR 2004 New Zealand's 25th National Science Fiction Convention. REVISED
DATES: Easter 2004, not May 31 to June 3 2004 as previously published. GoH's
Harry Turtledove & Greg Benford. Princes Gate Hotel & Rotorua Convention
Centre, Rotorua. Attending membership $70(NZ$) or $40 (NZ) supporting. Web
site Email: PO Box
74-93 Market Rd, Auckland, New Zealand.
NOREASCON 4: The 62nd World Science Fiction Convention. September 2-6 2004,
Boston, Massachusetts. Pro Guests of Honor: Terry Pratchett, William Tenn. Fan
Guests of Honor: Jack Speer, Peter Weston. Registration rate through Feb. 29,
2004: $180 Attending, $145 Conversion to Attending, $35 Supporting, $105 Child.
Enquiries to: Noreascon Four P.O. Box 1010 Framingham, MA 01701 Fax:
617-776-3243 Email: Web:
FRIENDS OF SCIENCE FICTION: presents John Rhys-Davies, 'Gimli'
in all three Lord of the Rings movies, 11 September 2004. For more details see
the website or phone (02) 9523 8385, email or write to
Friends of Science Fiction, P O Box 797 Fairfield, NSW 1860
CONSENSUALITY – Swancon XXX. Perth, WA. Easter 2005. Conveners Stephen Dedman
and Elaine Kemp.
THYLACON IV. National SF con for 2005. Hobart, Tasmania. 10-13 June, 2005
(Queens Birthday Long weekend in many states.) Supporting membership currently
available for $25 until 30 July, rising to $35 after then. (Supporting
memberships can be upgraded to attending memberships at any time for the price
of attending membership when the supporting membership was purchased.)
Attending membership $95 (Children under 12 $35) For membership forms e-mail, or write to Thylacon PO Box 345 Kingston TAS, 7051 To
join the Thylacon e-mail list send a subscribe message to: Their web site is
Interaction, the 2005 Worldcon will be held at the Scottish Exhibition and
Conference Centre in Glasgow over the weekend of 4-8 August 2005.GoHs
Christopher Priest, Robert Sheckley and Jane Yolen, critic and fanzine editor
Greg Pickersgill and veteran Scandinavian fan Lars-Olov Strandberg.
Australian Agent, Ted Scribner (that's me, folks), can be contacted at or 12 Richmount St, Cronulla, NSW 2230. Full attending
membership is now $250.
TOLKIEN 2005 : THE RING GOES EVER ON, Celebrating 50 years of The Lord of the
Rings. 11-15 August 2005,Aston University, Birmingham, England. First call for
papers. To mark the 50th anniversary of the publication of The Lord of the
Rings, The Tolkien Society announces a major international conference and
convention combining scholarship, celebration and commemoration. Expressions
of interest and proposals should be sent (no deadline) to Dr Bob Davis,
University of Glasgow, St Andrew's Building, 11 Eldon Street Glasgow G3 6NH,
UK. Email: More info at
CASCADIA con is the Nasfic (North American SF) con for 2005. (Nasfics are held
in the USA in years when the Worldocn is held outside the USA). 1 – 5
September, 2005, Seattle, Washington. Goh's Fred Saberhagen, Liz Danford,
Kevin Standlee, Toni Weisskopf. Full information on
LA CON IV, 64th Worldcon, 23-27 August, 2006. Anaheim Convention Centre,
Hilton & Marriott hotels, Anaheim. Goh's Connie Willis, James Gurney, Howard
De Vore, Frankie Thoman. Agent, Ted Scribner (that's me, folks), can be
contacted at or 12 Richmount St, Cronulla, NSW 2230.
Full attending membership is AU$170, supporting and child Memberships: AU$75.
For more info e-mail, Postal address LA Con c/- S.C.I.F.I.
inc, PO Box 8442, Van Nuys, CA, 91409. USA. The website is
OTHER INFORMATION RESOURCES: Ted Scribner's Australian SF&F home page is: and his list of SF oriented groups in
NSW is at (Ted Scribner will
try to update it soon). Coode St Review lists Australian publishing news and
achievements by Australian writers .
Sadly, Marc Ortlieb's web pages seem to have gone. I know that he has sent
copies to various persons but I don't think that they have made it back to the
SPECULATIVE FICTION MARKETS: (formerly Australian Writers' Web) lists Australian and overseas markets and resources
for Australian writers. Maintained and updated by Tony Plank. (Great graphics,
and a great resource.)
For links to books, movies and television shows see John Tipper's homepage:
The Bullsheet is available as a FREE e-mail subscription, (Send a request to and we're happy to trade with other e-mail zines. If you
want to receive the Bullsheet snail mail, we ask that you forward 20x50 cent
stamps (for subs within Australia) to help cover printing and postage costs of
an annual subscription.
NEXT BULLSHEET: The deadline for submission of material for inclusion in the
March 2004 Bullsheet (24) is 25th February. Send your news e-mail to (preferred) or, or snail mail
to Edwina Harvey c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville NSW, 2036.
Visit Celestial Cobbler for custom made ceramic craft with a SF & Fantasy
bent. Special events: Birthdays, New Babies, Anniversaries, Special messages,
etc commemorated on a hand crafted mug or plate.
For no sufficiently explained reason this Fanzine still supports The
Minneapolis in 1973 con bid ( ).