The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet 30 – September 2004
The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet 30
September 2004
ISSN 1445-4319 (print version), ISSN 1445-4327 (online version)
The Official Chuck McKenzie Infosite with lots of underlined words,
bold fronts, colours, self-indulgent links, and nude photographs.
(I'm still looking for those! - Edwina)
GARTH NIX's book, Mister Monday, received an honour (book) in the
Children's Book Council Awards. (Reported by Sue Bursztynski)
MULTIVERSE,a Melbourne SF social group that disbanded a few months
ago notes that it recently donated 2 bikes ($400) for the 3AW Bikes
for Christmas appeal.
synopsis of book and film, with nine new songs and a LOTR nonsense
from Martin Pearson.2 CD set. Costs $40 for 1set, 2 sets, $70, 3
sets $90. E-mail, or post a cheque or
money order to Martin Pearson PO Box 2373, Richmond South VIC 3121
Thumbnail review: This 2 CD set was recorded in front of a live
audience of Martin Pearson fans, many of whom have heard this
performance before, and aren't at all adverse to a bit of audience
participation as Pearson narrates and sings his way through the LOTR
classic. Think Folk music meets filking. Think late at night at a
really good con when everyone's feeling mellow and one of the guest
speakers is holding court and leaving everyone in stitches, and you
get the idea. Much of this month's Bullsheet was compiled while this
CD was playing in the background.
DAVID L. RUSSELL's Newspaper clippings can be found at:
"Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog it's too
dark to read"- Groucho Marx
ALLEN & UNWIN publishers, have announced a new hub of speculative
fiction, First Meridian, which supplies you with news on Gollancz and
Bloomsbury authors and publishing, as well offers to members,
competitions, screensavers, a monthly newsletter, a list of sf
booksellers Australia-wide and much more.To sign up for First
Meridian membership, go to
HOBGOBLIN BOOTS, a new comic fantasy novelette by Tansy Rayner
Roberts, set in the Mocklore Empire, has just been published as a
chapbook by Scrybe Press. Should soon be available at,,,,
Lisa's Lair,, Barnes & Noble (online),, eBay, (and, BiblioOz and others.
The ebook version will follow soon, and will also be available from
Fictionwise as well as many of the above vendors. If any Australian
booksellers are interested in stocking Hobgoblin Boots, please
contact Nathan Barker, owner/editor of Scrybe Press and Kayleighbug
Books, at
HELLBOY. Benjamin Szumskyj is looking for a couple of scholarly, well
researched, in-depth essays on the Mignola written works to make up
13 essays needed for a new book..
Please e-mail
from: Susie Hawes, Eugie Foster, Liz Williams, Ben Cook, Patrick
Mullarkey, Bren MacDibble and Mark Healy, Stuart Barrow and Mark
Bruckard. Edited by Zara Baxter. Available from SF bookshops around
Australia, or direct from PO Box 127, Belmont, WA.6984 (story
submitters please note that the slush-o-matic will be undergoing a
transdimensional service over the next few weeks, so responses might
be a bit slower than usual.)
ANTIPODEAN SF No. 75 featuring short,short stories (500 words) by
Shaun A. Saunders, Lee Carlon, Jason Balmer, David Shanahan, Nathan
Burrage, Khristopher Lee Hembury, Meg Fox, Martin J. Livings, Jason
Fischer and Niall Keegan, can be viewed at
VISION, the magazine of the Vision writers group, Queensland, latest
issue containing articles, poetry, fiction and reviews can be viewed
ROBERT HOOD and BILL CONGREVE are offering their books, ImmaterialL
Ghost Stories, and Epiphanies of Blood:Stories of Desperation and
Thirst for $30 including post. Contact Bill Congreve ,
WE WOULD BE HEROES: a collection of previously published short
stories by Robert N Stephenson, email altair-australia@altair- for full details. The deadlines for submissions for
Altair's "In The Time Of Robots" and "Time Travel" anthologies have
been extended until early 2005.
SIMULACRUM: The Magazine of Speculative Transformation is seeking
fiction, non-fiction and poetry submissions for its first anniversary
issue. to be published in November 2004.
Submissions can be sent to Lynne Jamneck, Editor Simulacrum Magazine (Reported by Marianne de
CORRECTION: Canberra Science Fiction Guild (CSFG) now has an on-line
bibliography of fiction from CSFG members available at That's one l in Polack, not
two as published last issue.
Steam Engine Time Returns. Born in the fevered minds of Paul Kincaid,
Maureen Kincaid Speller and Bruce Gillespie during Aussiecon 3 in
September 1999, the 'transworld' sercon
fanzine Steam Engine Time is back on track, now jointly edited by
Bruce Gillespie (head honcho) and Jan Stinson (sidekick). It will be
published twice a year (for starters),
with the next issue scheduled for December 2004. Available first in
electronic form on Printed copies will be available to
subscribers, fanzine traders, and correspondents. Letters and
contributions welcome, and should be sent to Bruce Gillespie:
Email:, Snail mail: 59 Keele St., Collingwood, VIC
3066, Australia
Or Jan Stinson: Email: Snail mail: PO Box 248,
Eastlake, MI 49626-0248, USA.For either e-mail address, please
include 'SET' somewhere in the subject line.
MERV BINNS perzine, Out of the Bin is available from PO Box 315,
Carnegie, Vic, 3163.. Merv's publication may soon also be available
via e-mail.
FOLCC BOOK SALES. "Friends of Linda Cox Chan" aim to raise money to
donate to Juvenile Diabetes Research, Australia by selling donated
books. A cheque for $86 has been forwarded to the Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation. New Tally: $0
Books looking for new homes: "Honor Harrington: The Honor of the
Queen," by David Weber, "Harm's Way" by Colin Greenland, "Virtual
Girl" by Amy Thomson, "The Magic and the Healing" by Nick
O'Donohoe, "Arthur" and "Merlin" by Stephen Lawhead, "An Echo In
Time" and "The Ancient Future" by Traci Harding, "Silver Wolf" by
Alice Borchardt, To buy books e-mail Edwina Harvey at or snail mail Edwina, c/- 12 Flinders St,
Matraville, NSW 2036. *Make cheques payable to Edwina Harvey please,
FOLCC is an informal entity.) Anyone wanting to donate directly to
JDRF- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation can do so via PO Box
2038, South Melbourne, VIC 3205.Their web site is
COLLINS SUPERSTORE. Level 2, Broadway Shopping Centre, Cnr Broadway
and Bay St, Sydney. Leigh Blackmore, who runs the SF section of this
store recently called for any small press publishers, or authors with
small press editions, who do not currently have stock with Collins,
Superstore Broadway to contact him as Collins wants to support titles
produced locally.
GALAXY BOOKSHOP: 143 York St Sydney.
Book signing TERRY PRATCHETT November 9th from noon.
INFINITAS BOOKSHOP ( Shop 22, Civic Arcade, 48-
50 George St, Parramatta.
FARENHEIT SF & Fantasy Bookshop cnr Bourke & William St, Melbourne.Ph
03 9600 4674, email CRIME INK: 150
William St (Crn Bourke &William, Ph 03 9600 4674, e-mail
COLLECTED WORKS: Nicholas Building, 37 Swanston St Melbourne. (Cnr of
Flinders Lane) Ph 03 9654 8873; E-mail
Reported to be a good place to find mediaeval, Arthurian and Gothic
KNOWN SPACE BOOKS: First Floor, 108 Gawler Place, Adelaide, SA 5000.
Tel: (08) 8223-4304 Open: 12:00-6:00 Wednesday-Thursday; 12:00-10:00
Friday; 12:00-6:00 Saturday New and used books related to science
fiction, film and TV. Also comics and magazines. Now receiving
American imports weekly.
SLOW GLASS BOOKS: a SF mail order catalogue. To join the mailing list
write to GPO Box 2708X , Melbourne Vic 3001 or see Email: Phone: (03) 9639
1511 Fax: (03) 9639 1511.
RAVEN BOOKS: Second hand book service specialising in supernatural &
occult books. "From the Vault" catalogues are issued irregularly. If
you'd like to be added to this mailing list, write to Leigh
Blackmore, Raven Books, PO Box A281, Sydney South NSW 1235.
BBB – BRING BRUCE BAYSIDE is a specialized fan fund aimed at raising
funds to get Bruce Gillespie to Corflu and Potlatch conventions in
2005. Donations can be made (In $US) to American administrators Joyce
and Arnie Katz, PMB 152 330 S. Decatur Blv, Law Vegas, NV 89107.
Donations in $A can be to Bill Wright, Unit 4 1 Park St, St. Kilda
VIC 3182. It was recently reported that the fund had raised $3,500.
GUFF: The race for the "Get Up and over Fan Fund" – to get an
Antipodean fan up to Interaction, the 2005 Worldcon in Scotland
(q.v.) is now open Nominees must post a $25 bond by 30 September.
Full details available on
DEATHS: FAY WRAY, the Hollywood actress who thought her agent was
offering her a role with Cary Grant when she was told she was going
to act with "the biggest star in Hollyood" only to find out her role
was to monkey around with King Kong, died Aug. 9th, aged 96.
Writer, ALINTA THORNTON is currently undergoing chemotherapy,
following surgery for breast cancer. You can check out Alinta's
progress through her blog:
OFF THE RAILS: Edwina Harvey currently enduring her second dose
of 'flu in 3 weeks. The next "grease and oil change" (removal of the
oil in the left eye) that was due to take place on 27th August has
been postponed. Looking at possibly combining the next two operations
(as I'm wearing out fast!)
MELBOURNE SCIENCE FICTION CLUB, Meet most Friday nights at 74
Melville Road, West Brunswick 3055. E-mail:
Meetings for Sept.3rd Sept:Trivia and food. Pasta and Italian
quizine. Sept 10, Russell Blackford discusses I, Robotand
intelligence design. Sept 17, Cross-overs in SF and fantasy. Sept 24,
video appreciation night Abre los oijos (Open Your Eyes). Visitors
always welcome. Club newsletter, Ethel the Aardvark 113, now out. New
contributors welcome. For more information contact Annual membership to the MSFC is $25 single, or
$35 for a family (two or more.). For further details on the MSFC see
SPACED OUT: a science fiction club for gays, lesbians and associated
communities. $5 joining fee, then $20 annual membership. ($15
concession.) payed to Space Out Inc. PO Box 363, Preston, Vic.
3072.Non-profit SF club offering monthly meetings, "Diverse Universe"
newsletter and "Solar Spectrum" annual anthology.
SFSA (South Australian Dr Who fan club) is also a generic science
fiction club with two regular meetings each month. Annual membership
rises to $15 . The regular club meeting is held at the Adelaide High
School from 3pm-10pm on the 3rd Saturday of the month. See for full details or write to PO Box 3227,
Rundle Mal.l, SA 5000.Reported by Martin Dunne.)
The Doctor Who Club of Australia (DWCA) Membership $16 within Aust.
provides 6 issues of Data Extract, membership pack, access to the
club's member-only internet mailing list, discount prices on a wide
range of merchandise (including some club-exclusive items), discount
admission prices to club events and functions (including Whovention,
discounts at selected retail outlets for Doctor Who merchandise. For
more information contact Dwayne Bunney - or 0416 269 726 or check
QUEST The long-running Queensland Star Trek club is still going
strong. Anyone interested in finding out more can contact the club at
PO BOX 2084, Brisbane, QLD. 4001 ((Reported by Kevin Sheehan.)
The Brisbane Babylon 5ers has been going for about 4 years. Their
website is at (Reported by Erica Sharp,
president of the Brisbane Babylon5ers )
SYDNEY FUTURIANS: Meetings in room 1615 (floor 16) of the Tower
Block, The University of Technology, Broadway, Sydney, at 7 pm on
Sept 17, Oct 15, Nov 19, Dec 17..The Sydney Futurians are looking to
affiliate with students and staff members of UTS. Check or phone Garry
Dalrymple after 7 pm on (02) 9718 5827 for updates.
SYDNEY SOUTHERN SF&F GROUP: New meeting arrangements will be posted
to the web site or e-mail
Bradley Row, or phone 9580 4369
SKYWALKING: holds meetings af the
Lidcombe Catholic Workers Club, 24 John St, Lidcombe, opposite
Lidcombe Railway station on the third Sunday of some months.
Attendence costs $8 members, $10 nonmembers.
IMAGES OF THE BEATLES: Until Sep 5th, Lower Sydney Town Hall. Entry
$8. Features limited edition Beatles photos, including cels from
Yellow Submarine, for sale. A smaller number of Rolling Stones, Jimi
Hendrix and Marilyn Monroe photos also on display and for sale.
BRISBANE WRITERS FESTIVAL: 27TH Sep- 3 Oct. Many panels, talks etc
free of charge. For full details see:
National Young Writers' Festival (NYWF) September 30 - October 4,
Newcastle, NSW, want to hear from young writers wanting to attend
and get involved with the Festival programming. The festival covers
all forms of writing, from zines and comics to hip-hop, blogging
(online journals) and fan fiction as well as more traditional forms
of writing such as poetry, journalism, film, theatre, novels and
short stories. There will be competitions, live performances, reading
and creative sessions, production workshops, online forums, panel
discussions and collective art projects at various venues throughout
Newcastle's "cultural precinct", in the heart of the city. Entry is
free to most events. Interested people are encouraged to contact the
NYWF organisers by emailing or phone
(02) 4927-1475. You can also refer to last year's website (reported on the Eidolist)
CONQUEST conventions and other Brisbane Star Trek events can be found
VORTEX: SF Events also happening in Brisbane, can be found at
The Doctor Who Club of Australia In Association with The Powerhouse
Museum present THE MAESTROS - An Audience With Doctor Who & Blake's 7
Composers Tristram Cary & Dudley Simpson Sunday November 14th 2004
10.30am - 4.30pm Coles Theatre Powerhouse Museum Corner Harris &
MacArthur Streets, Ultimo Sydney. Special screenings will be shown
and merchandise will be on sale. Admission: DWCA and Powerhouse
Museum Members - $15 (Quote your member number when booking,
membership card must be presented to claim your ticket). General
Public $20. Bookings via the Powerhouse Museum on 02 9217 0600
(Credit cards accepted). LIMITED SEATING For more details visit or the Powerhouse Museum website:
The Doctor Who Club of Australia presents ReCon Rebuilding the past /
Awaiting the future A DWCA Day Event Drummoyne RSL Club Victoria
Road, Drummoyne 11am – 6pm Admission – DWCA Members $7 Non-Members
$10 for more information:Website – Email – Or write to – ReCon, GPO Box 2870,
Sydney, NSW, 2001 Recons Website –
CLARION SOUTH 2005 (Jan 3-Feb 11 2005, Brisbane. Will have Sean
Williams, Ellen Datlow, Michael Swanwick, Margo Lanagan, Ian Irvinne
and Scott Westerfield as tutors. Total cost of attending Clarion
South will be $2,539, this includes tuition and accommodation for 6
weeks. Scholarships available. For further details see
GoH = Guest of Honour, OCP = Other Commitments Permitting, tba= to be
FRIENDS OF SCIENCE FICTION: 11 September. One day event starring
John Rhys Davies. Other guests also invited. . For more details phone
FSF 02 9523 8385, or e-mail, or send an sase
to Friends of Science Fiction PO Box 797 Fairfield, NSW. 1860.
The Hub Productions will be hosting a one day convention with John
Rhys Davies on Sept 12th at Carlton Crest Hotel, 65 Queens Rd,
Melbourne. Ph.03 9703 1979, or e-mail
NB John Rhys Davies will also appear at Supanova, Brisbane and
Armageddon (Wellington, NZ) around the same time as the above
FIRST CONTACT CONVENTIONS present A Day with the Sisko's. 1 day Star
Trek Convention. Sunday 3 October. Rydges Hotel, Melbourne. GoH's
Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko) and Penny Johnson Jerrold (Capt. Cassidy
Yates Sisko).Memberships: First Class: $195, Business Class: $145.
Cocktail party $55. Full details at or phone 03 9873 0231
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Lord of the Rings convention 20-21 November, The
Chifley on Northbourne, Canberra. Guests and full details available
SMOFCON 3-5 December 2004. Washington, DC USA. Wyndham Hotel. (n.b.
SMOF stands for "Secret Masters of Fandom") SMOFCON is an annual
convention about organising SF conventions. Full details are
available on The San Francisco SF Conventions Inc
has recently established a fund to grant 2 scholarships of US $500 to
help potential convention organisers attend SMOFCON. While these
scholarships are open to anyone, applicants must show how attending
SMOFCON will assist the Bay Area SF group. (San Francisco, USA)
SciNut Conventions is holding a Lord of the Rings con in Melbourne in
March 2005. Some LOTR actors (no principal actors) and technical
people attending as GoHs. Con organisers currently calling for people
to run panels. E-mail (Relayed to Bullsheet by
Tony Plank).
CONSENSUALITY – Swancon XXX. Perth, WA. Easter, March 24-28 2005.
Emerald Hotel, Perth Membership $75 until 1/5/04 GoH Charles de Lint,
Special Guest Grant Watson, Fan Guest Anna Hepworth, E-mail Conveners Stephen Dedman and Elaine Kemp.
Progress Report One for Swancon XXX is now available online at
CONFLUX 2: Fri 22 April – Sun 24th April, 2005. GoH Jennifer Fallon,
Special Guests Terry Dowling and Maxine McArthur. Conflux website
( will not be updated until the end of June, but e-
mail for more information. (Reported by Rose
CONCLAVE: 30 Sept- 3 October, 2005. Adelaide, SA. It is hoped that
this will be an annual SA convention. Guests and prices yet to be
announced. E-mail, and
(requested that you e-mail both addresses.) Co-conveners, Fiona
McIntosh, Todd Rowlands & Jay Watson. (Reported by Fiona McIntosh.)
THYLACON IV. National SF con for 2005. Hobart, Tasmania. 10-13 June,
2005 (Queens Birthday Long weekend in many states.) Attendence rates
$120. Australian GoH Marianne de Pierres, Fan GoH Merv Binns. Hobart
Midcity Hotel. Accom $105 single/double, $135 tripple. For full
details see or write to Thylacon PO Box 345 Kingston
TAS, 7051 To join the Thylacon e-mail list send a subscribe message
CONTINUUM 3.15-17 July 2005. GoH's Richard Harland, Neil Gaiman,
Poppy Z. Brite Fan GoH James Allen. Membership $110.
(Concession/Student $80) GPO Box 603, Melbourne, Vic 3001. or e-mail
Interaction, the 2005 Worldcon will be held at the Scottish
Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow over the weekend of 4-8
August 2005.GoHs Christopher Priest, Robert Sheckley and Jane Yolen,
critic and fanzine editor Greg Pickersgill and veteran Scandinavian
fan Lars-Olov Strandberg. Australian Agent, Ted Scribner, can be
contacted at or 12 Richmount St, Cronulla,
NSW 2230.
CASCADIA con is the Nasfic (North American SF) con for 2005. (Nasfics
are held in the USA in years when the Worldocn is held outside the
USA). 1 – 5 September, 2005, Seattle, Washington. Goh's Fred
Saberhagen, Liz Danford, Kevin Standlee, Toni Weisskopf. Full
information on
FIDDLER'S GREEN, a Sandman convention (in the US) GoH's Neil Gaiman,
Karen Berger, Todd Klein, Charles Vess, Caitlin R Kiernan. PO Box
527, Grand Blanc, MI 48480-0527 USA. E.mail: or see-
CONJURE. National SF convention, Brisbane, 2006. More details to
follow, or check
LA CON IV, the 64th Worldcon. 23-27 August, 2006. Anaheim Convention
Centre, Hilton & Marriott hotels, Anaheim. Goh's Connie Willis, James
Gurney, Howard De Vore, Frankie Thoman. Current membership prices
appear to relate to the number of patches you have – which won't be
of much relevance unless you were at Torcon this year. See the
Bullsheet web site for full details. New members can e-mail, Postal address LA Con c/- S.C.I.F.I. inc, PO Box
8442, Van Nuys, CA, 91409. USA.
Ted Scribner's Australian SF&F home page is:
and his list of SF oriented groups in NSW is at
Coode St Review lists Australian publishing news and achievements by
Australian writers
updated by Tony Plank.
For links to books, movies and television shows see John Tippers
The Bullsheet is available as a FREE e-mail subscription by
subscribing to the AUSSFBULL mailing list by sending a blank e-mail
to ( Alternatively, if you'd
prefer to talk to a human, send an e-mail to
The Bullsheet web page, which is updated throughout the month can be
found at and we're happy to
trade with other e-mail zines.
The Bullsheet is also available as a snail-mail subscription for
20x50 cent stamps (or $10) sent to Edwina Harvey c/- 12 Flinders St,
Matraville, 2036.
Send your news e-mail to, or snail mail to Edwina
Harvey c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville NSW, 2036.
Visit Celestial Cobbler for custom made ceramic craft with a SF &
Fantasy bent. Special events: Birthdays, New Babies, Anniversaries,
Special messages, etc commemorated on a hand crafted mug or plate.
For no sufficiently explained reason this Fanzine still supports The
Minneapolis in '73 Worldcon Bid