The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet 37 – April 2005
The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet 37
April 2005
ISSN 1445-4319 (print version), ISSN 1445-4327 (online version)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US: This month the Australian Science Fiction
Bullsheet turns 3.
THE LORD OF THE RINGS exhibit at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, has
been extended until 3rd April.
THYLACON recently called for people who would like to participate on
panels or give presentations at the convention.
THYLACON QUIZ NIGHT, Monday 11th April from 8pm at the New Sydney
Hotel, Bathurst St, Hobart. Come and share a night of fun, mayhem and
madness in support of Thylacon.
Congratulations to CLAIRE McKENNA who has made the top 50 of the
Project Greenlight competition ( a
project to write and produce a short film. Clair's proposal was the
only SF movie in the competition.
KEITH STEVENSON has a new website at
COLLINS SUPERSTORE, Broadway, Sydney is having a SF book sale. Leigh
Blackmore assures us there will be plenty of specials available well
into April.
The HITCH HIKERS GUIDE MOVIE will open in Australia on 28th April. 12
hours before it premiers in other parts of the world. James Allen
reported that (HHG executive producer) Robbie Stamp's talk in
Melbourne went very well, with many Melbourne fans attending to hear
him speak. Robert Jan will be making copies of his interview with
Robbie Stamp available in the near future. (Reported by James Allen.)
Hairston received their first Older Writers Grant to help her
professional writing career.
UFP GALAXY INTERNATIONAL is a Star Trek fan group offering free
membership. The group appears to be "dedicated to the dream
Roddenberry gave us for humanity, and the need for us to be involved
in our communities to work towards that dream." Their website is at
"Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog it's too
dark to read"- Groucho Marx
INFLUX: is a new novel by Queensland-based author, J.C. Jones. A NASA
engineer detects unidentifiable signals on the moon. Something is
moving on the surface of the moon, slowly but surely dismantling the
equipment the crew of Apollo 12 left there 35 years earlier.320pgs.
ISBN 1-931095-92-2 (e-book) and 1-93109593-0 (p/back) US$15.95.
Silver Lake Publishing. See. You can also
find details about the book at
RETRIBUTION AND OTHER REACTIONS: a decade of SF and Fantasy, is an
anthology of new and reprinted short stories by Derek Smith available
through Equilibrium Books . See
KATHRYN DEANS' book, Shimmer, will be released by Pan MacMillan on 1
May. The ISBN is 0330 421743. Retail $14.95:
DAMIEN BRODERICK reports that his new critical book, "Ferocious
Minds" is to be released by Borgo/Wildside within the next few days.
His next SF novel, Godplayers, will be published by Thunder's Mouth
Press, New York, in May. Damien also reports that he received a
Distinguished Scholarship Award for the International Conference on
the Fantastic in the Arts in Florida last week,
TERRY DOWLING's books, Blue Tyson and Twilight Beach are available
for $12.95 (including postage) from Bill Congreve, MirrorDanse Books, E-mail
Beasley, and featuring stories by Constance Cooper, Dirk Flinthart,
Mark Patrick Lynch, Gillian Polack, Lyn Triffitt and Jason D Wittman
available direct through, by subscription,
or through specialty bookshops around Australia.
ASIM T-shirts are now available for $20 each including postage within
Australia. Contact Edwina ( for colour
and size availability.
ANTIPODEAN SF No. 82 featuring short,short stories (500 words) from
David Shanahan, Jason Fischer,, Michael Macdermid, Lea Greenaway,
Shaun A. Saunders, Peter van der Male, Lee Moan, Wesley Parish, John
Craig and John Libertus can be viewed at or
ENVISION has a publication for sale containing fiction from Jason
Nahrung, Kaaren Sutcliffe, Rick Kennett, Lynne Green, Nea Beauville,
Michele Cashmore, Robin Thomas, Maree Kimberley, DA Soukup, Julia
Masterton, Andrea Fuller, Kathryn Allen, Mark Curtis, Melissa J
Sargent and Chris McMahon, as well as industry insights from the
professionals who have spoken at the first two workshops. Copies
available from Pulp Fiction in Brisbane and via Fantastic Visions
Media, PO Box 1394, Toowong, Qld. 4066 and the web site: Cost: $7.95 (plus postage)
DAIKAIJU! GIANT MONSTERS: The new anthology edited by Robert Hood and
Robin Pen, featuring stories by Chris Barnes, David Carroll, Terry
Dartnall, Chris Dickinson, Paul Finch, Adam Ford, Anthony Fordham,
Cody Goodfellow, Richard Harland, , Trent Jamieson, Martin Livings,
Penelope Love, Rosaleen Love, Michelle Marquardt, Chuck McKenzie,
Garth Nix, Skip Peel, Stephen Mark Rainey, Eric Shapiro, J.M. Shiloh,
Petri Sina, Andrew Sullivan, Iain Triffitt, D.G. Valdron, Sean
Williams, Doug Wood, and Frank Wu and cover art by Bob Eggleton was
launched at Swancon over Easter.Published by Agog!Press, available
from or
ORB magazine is looking for an Australian review editor and a sales
and marketing manager. Neither position offers financial
remuneration, but both positions offer copies of magazine, industry
credit and copies of magazines. Contact the editor, Sarah Endacott by
TICONDEROGA 3, March 2005, features short stories by Martin Livings,
Ben Peek and Deborah Biancotti, as well as reviews See
CHARM, BEAUTY, STRANGENESS anthology. "At the Heart of Every Good
Story is a Relationship." Paying 5cents a word for stories up to
5,000 words. Stories over 5,000 words payed a flat $250. 1 submission
per author. Closing Date 15 June. Editor Zara Baxter.
VILE TEMPTRESS: Filthy Lucre is looking for submissions of art,
poetry, anecdotes on the theme of "money" as part of editor, Zara
Baxter's, NAFF fundraising activities. Submissions close on 10th
April. Send submissions to
MERV BINNS perzine, Out of the Bin is available from PO Box 315,
Carnegie, Vic, 3163.
FOLCC BOOK SALES. "Friends of Linda Cox Chan" aim to raise money to
donate to Juvenile Diabetes Research, Australia by selling donated
books. New Tally $28. Books looking for new homes: "Dr Who: The
Scripts, Galaxy 4" by William Emms. "Honor Harrington: The Honor of
the Queen," by David Weber, "Arthur" and "Merlin" by Stephen
Lawhead, Audio Books: "Star Trek: Time for Yesterday" by A.C.
Crispin, featuring Leonard Nimoy and James Doohan, "Star Trek:
Strangers From the Sky" by Margaret Wander Bonanno Featuring Leonard
Nimoy and George Takei, "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" by
Jules Verne featuring John de Lancie and Leonard Nimoy. To buy books
e-mail Edwina Harvey at or snail mail Edwina, c/-
12 Flinders St, Matraville, NSW 2036. *Make cheques payable to Edwina
Harvey please, FOLCC is an informal entity.) You can also pay via
direct deposit. Anyone wanting to donate directly to JDRF- Juvenile
Diabetes Research Foundation can do so via PO Box 2038, South
Melbourne, VIC 3205.Their web site is (Thanks to
Clare Timmerman for buying "The Magic and the Healing".)
TIN DUCKS, presented at Swancon XXX, were awarded to Stephen Dedman
for Professional Fiction ("The Facts in Dr Van Helsing's Case", ASIM
11); Gina Goddard for Non-fiction )"Loving the Vampire" Gynaezine
2); Lyn Triffits for Professional Production (ASIM 11), Fan
Production: Gynaezine 2, Fan Art, Sarah Xu for "Emotions", Gynaezine
2. The Margaret Hughes Award (WASFF) was won by Dale Verdi and Emma
competition. Two categories:under1000 words (flash) and 1000-8000
words.Cosing Date 31st May, 2006. Entries $5 for flash fiction, $10
for longer stories. All entry money will go to the prize pool.
Winning flash entries will be published in Shadowed Realms, winning
entries from the longer story category will be published in Dark
Animus. Full details at or e-mail
DITMAR NOMIATIONS: Voting is now open for the Ditmar awards, to be
presented at Thylacon on 11 June. Only attending and supporting
members of Thylacon only are eligible to vote. See
for membership and voting forms.
All votes must be received by midnight on Wednesday 8 June.
Nominees: Short Story: Deborah Biancotti: Number 3 Raw Place,
Agog! Smashing Stories; Rjurik Davidson: The Interminable Suffering
of Mysterious Mr Wu Aurealis #33; Margo Lanagan: Singing My Sister
Down, Black Juice
Ben Peek: R, Agog! Smashing Stories
Novella or Novelette: Simon Brown: Water Babies, Agog! Smashing
Stories; Stephen Dedman: The Whole of the Law, ASIM 13; Paul Haines:
The Last Days of Kali Yuga, NFG Magazine, Vol 2, Issue 4, August
2004; Richard Harland: Catabolic Magic, Aurealis #32, Cat Sparks:
Home by the Sea, Orb #6, July
Novel: Richard Harland: The Black Crusade; Maxine McArthur: Less
than Human; Sean Williams: The Crooked Letter;
Collected Works Agog! Smashing Stories: ed. Cat Sparks; Black
Juice: Margo Lanagan.
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine: eds. Lyn Triffitt, Edwina
Harvey, Andrew Finch, Zara Baxter, Robbie Matthews & Tehani Croft;
Orb 6: ed. Sarah Endacott, Encounters: ed. Donna Hanson and Maxine
McArthur, CSFG Publishing
Professional Artwork: Les Petersen: cover of ASIM 12; Kerri
Valkova: cover of The Black Crusade, Chimaera Publications, Cat
Sparks: cover of Agog! Smashing Stories, Les Petersen: cover of
Les Petersen: cover and internal ASIM 16
Fan Artwork: Sarah Xu
William Atheling Jnr Award for Criticism or Review: Robert Hood:
review of Weight of Water at Hood Reviews, asking "is this film a
ghost story?"; Jason Nahrung: Why are publishers afraid of horror,
Courier Mail, 20 March 2004; Ben Peek: review of Haruki Murakami's
work in the Urban Sprawl Project
Professional Achievement: The Clarion South Team: negotiating
with the US Clarion people, then promoting and establishing Clarion
South which gives emerging writer the chance to work with the best in
the business; Cat Sparks: editing and writing including winning third
place in the writers of the future award; Margo Lanagan: for Black
Juice; Maloney, Geoff: Tales of the Crypto-System, his short story
publications ; Sean Williams for The Crooked Letter and efforts in
teaching ; Jonathan Strahan for work over the year in internationally
published reviews and in editing anthologies
Fan Achievement: Super Happy Robot Hour; Conflux convention
committee; Continuum 2 convention committee.
Fan Writer: Edwina Harvey; Bruce Gillespie.
Fan Website/Zine: Antipodean SF: ed Ion Newcomb; SF Bullsheet:
ed Edwina Harvey & Ted Scribner; Gynaezine: ed Emma Hawkes and Gina
New Talent: Chris Barnes; Stuart Barrow; Grace Dugan, Paul
Haines, Barbra Robson, Brian Smith
(Relayed by Robin Johnson through the Eidolist.)
(Thanks to everyone who nominated us! - Ted and Edwina.)
2005 HUGO AWARDS Shortlist Announced. Voting for the Hugo Awards is
open to all adult attending and supporting members of Interaction,
the 63rd World Science Fiction Convention,(q.v. conventions – Edwina)
Glasgow 4 - 8 August 2005. Eligible member will be able to vote
online and printable ballots will be made available from date for receipt of
ballots is 23:59 British Summer Time on 8 July 2005.The winners will
be announced at the convention on 7 August Best Novel: The
Algebraist by Iain M. Banks (Orbit); Iron Council by China Miéville
(Del Rey; Macmillan); Iron Sunrise by Charles Stross (Ace); Jonathan
Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke (Bloomsbury); River of Gods by
Ian McDonald (Simon & Schuster)
Best Novella:"The Concrete Jungle" by Charles Stross (The
Atrocity Archives; Golden Gryphon Press) "Elector" by Charles Stross
(Asimovs 09/04) "Sergeant Chip" by Bradley Denton (Fantasy & Science
Fiction 09/04); "Time Ablaze" by Michael A. Burstein (Analog
06/04); "Winterfair Gifts" by Lois McMaster Bujold (Irresistible
Forces NAL);
Best Novelette: "Biographical Notes to A Discourse on the Nature
of Causality, with
Air-Planes' by Benjamin Rosenbaum" by Benjamin Rosenbaum (All-Star
Zeppelin Adventure Stories Wheatland), "The Clapping Hands of God" by
Michael F. Flynn (Analog 07-08/04)
"The Faery Handbag" by Kelly Link (The Faery Reel Viking), The People
of Sand and Slag" by Paolo Bacigalupi (Fantasy & Science Fiction
02/04), "The Voluntary State" by Christopher Rowe (Sci Fiction, 5/5/04),
Best Short Story: "The Best Christmas Ever" by James Patrick
Kelly (Sci Fiction, 5/26/04),
"Decisions" by Michael A. Burstein (Analog 01-02/04), "A Princess of
Earth" by Mike Resnick (Asimovs 12/04), "Shed Skin" by Robert J.
Sawyer (Analog 01-02/04), "Travels with My Cats" by Mike Resnick
(Asimov's 02/04).
Best Related Book : "The Best of Xero" by Pat and Dick Lupoff
(Tachyon Publications), The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction
ed. by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn (Cambridge University
Press), Dancing Naked: The Unexpurgated William Tenn, Volume 3 by
William Tenn, (NESFA Press) Futures: 50 Years in Space: The Challenge
of the Stars by David A.Hardy and Patrick Moore (AAPPL; Harper
Design International), With Stars in My Eyes: My Adventures in
British Fandom by Peter Weston (NESFA Press)
Best Dramatic Presentation - Long Form Eternal Sunshine of the
Spotless Mind (Focus Features) Story by Charlie Kaufman & Michael
Gondry & Pierre Bismuth; Screenplay by Charlie Kaufman; Directed by
Michael Gondry. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Warner
Brothers) Written by
Steve Kloves; Based on the novel by J.K. Rowling; Directed by
Alfonso Cuarón, The Incredibles (Walt Disney Pictures / Pixar
Animation Studios) Written & Directed by Brad Bird, Sky Captain and
The World of Tomorrow (Paramount Pictures) Written & Directed by
Kerry Conran, Spider-Man 2 (Sony Pictures Entertainment / Columbia
Pictures) Screen Story by Alfred Gough & Miles Millar and Michael
Chabon; Screenplay by Alvin Sargent; Based on the comic book by Stan
Lee & Steve Ditko; Directed by Sam Rmi
Best Dramatic Presentation - Short Form: Heroes Part 1 & 2 -
Stargate SG-1 (MGM Television / The Sci Fi Channel) Written by Robert
C. Cooper; Directed by Andy Mikita, Not Fade Away - Angel (20th
Century Fox Television / Mutant Enemy) Written by Jeffrey Bell & Joss
Whedon; Directed by Jeffrey Bell Pilot Episode - Lost (Touchstone
Television / Bad Robot) Story by Jeffrey Lieber and J.J. Abrams &
Damon Lindelof; Teleplay by J.J.Abrams & Damon Lindelof; Directed
by: J.J. Abrams, Smile Time - Angel (20th Century Fox Television /
Mutant Enemy) Story by Joss Whedon & Ben Edlund; Teleplay by Ben
Edlund; Directed by Ben Edlund, 33 - Battlestar Galactica (NBC
Universal Television / The Sci Fi Channel) Written by Ronald D.
Moore; Directed by Michael Rymer
Best Professional Editor: Ellen Datlow, Gardner Dozois, David G.
Hartwell, Stanley Schmidt Gordon Van Gelder.
Best Professional Artist: Jim Burns, Bob Eggleton, Frank Kelly
Freas, Donato Giancola
John Picacio
Best Semiprozine:Ansible ed. by David Langford, Interzone ed. by
David Pringle and Andy Cox, Locus ed. by Charles N. Brown, The New
York Review of Science Fiction ed. by Kathryn Cramer, David G.
Hartwell and Kevin J. Maroney, The Third Alternative ed. by Andy Cox
Best Fan Writer Claire Brialey, Bob Devney, David Langford,
Cheryl Morgan, Steven H Silver
Best Fanzine:Banana Wings ed. by Claire Brialey and Mark
Plummer, Challenger ed. by Guy H. Lillian III, Chunga ed. by Randy
Byers, Andy Hooper and Carl Juarez, Emerald City ed. by Cheryl
Morgan, Plokta ed. by Alison Scott, Steve Davies and Mike Scott
Best Fan Artist: Brad Foster, Teddy Harvia, Sue Mason, Steve
Stiles, Frank Wu.
Best Web Site: eFanzines ( ed. by Bill Burns,
Emerald City ( ed. by Cheryl Morgan, Locus Online
( ed. by Mark R. Kelly, SciFiction
( ed. by Ellen Datlow, Craig Engler, general
manager, Strange Horizons ( Susan Marie
Groppi, editor-in-chief.
John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer (Not a Hugo Award –
an award for best new science fiction writer of the past two years,
sponsored by Dell Magazines and administered by the current Worldcon
committee.): Elizabeth Bear (second year of eligibility), K.J. Bishop
(second year of eligibility), David Moles (second year of
eligibility), Chris Roberson (second year of eligibility), Steph
Swainston (first year of eligibility)
NAFF (National Australian Fan Fund) The two candidates to send one
Aussie fan to the National convention, Thylacon, in Hobart in June,
are Zara Baxter and Robin Pen. To read their platforms and download a
voting form see: Any questions can
be directed to Voting closes April 29th,
good luck to them both! (Reported by Alison Barton.)
DUFF AWARDS: (Down Under Fan Fund) Irwin Hirsh recently announced
that nominations for DUFF 2005 are now open. The winner will travel
from North America to attend the Australian National SF Convention,
June 10-13, Hobart, Tasmania.(q.v.) To appear on the DUFF ballot, a
candidate must submit nominations from 3 North American nominators
and two Australian and/or New Zealand nominators. A $25 bond and a
100-word platform statement is also needed. Nominations close
February 15, 2005. Ballots will be downloadable from the DUFF
website, Or from P.O. Box 53092 NOLA
70153-3092, USA Ballots will be accepted until April 15th and must
include a voting fee of at least $4US or $6Aus.
FFANZ: (Fan Fund for Australia and New Zealand) has recently set up
pages on their web site where Aus fans travelling to NZ can contact
and meet NZ fans, and where NZ fans can contact Australian fans if
travelling to Aus. Aus fans check out the FFANZ website at NZ fans check out: This is a great way to meet
other fans visiting your city as well as start long distance
friendships or to finally meet people who you know only by name from
fanzines, webzines or email lists. (Reorted by Rose Mitchell, FFANZ
GUFF (Get Up and Over Fan Fund) will take an Australian fan to
Interaction, the 63rd Worldcon in Glasgow, Scotland, August 2005.
Candidates are Sue Ann Barber, Alison Barton, David Cake and Damien
Warman and Juliette Woods (as a pair). Ballots are available from Voting ends nudnight
April 29 (Reported by Jean Webb.)
ANDRE NORTON, SF author, editor and poet with a publishing career
that spanned 7 decades, passed away in her sleep in the early morning
of 17th March. She was 93. (Reported by Joyce Scrivner and Ted Scribner.)
KAREN LEA WYNN FONSTAD: uthor and illustrator of the Atlas of Middle
Earth, died on 11th March from complications of breast cancer.
(Reported by Michael Kennedy.)
Melbourne fan, JOHN BANGSUND is still recovering from a stroke, but
is much improved. Latest reports (14th March) state he is progressing
well, and would welcome visitors. (John's forgotten he was a smoker,
so don't remind him!) He is in the rehab ward, Bolte Wing, 3rd Floor,
Rm 3, St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne For up to date information
contact Sally Yeoland, Anyone wanting
to send a card can send them c/- Sally Yeoland 151, Cramer Street,
Preston Vic 3072 Australia. (reported by Bruce Gillespie via
Sydney fan WOMBLE (aka Karen Warnock) finished chemotherapy on 14th
March.. (Reported by Gerald Smith)
FRED PATTEN, US Fan who co-founded the DUFF award had a stroke that
has paralysed his right side He can read and is mentally alert, but
still having trouble speaking and swallowing. (Reported by Lee Gold
via Bruce Gillespie on the Eidolist on 14th /28th March. E-mail
Lee Gold if you want to send get well wishes to Fred Patten)
MELBOURNE SCIENCE FICTION CLUB, Meet most Friday nights at 74
Melville Road, West Brunswick 3055.Annual membership to the MSFC is
$25 single, or $35 for a family For further details on the MSFC see Meetings 1st April Food Night Pasta. April
8th: Lifetime Member Presentatioin Ceremony, Apr 15th Stargate, Apr
22nd Author and Editor Paul Collins is guest speaker, Apr 29, Video
night: Galaxy Quest.
SPACED OUT: a science fiction club for gays, lesbians and associated
communities. $5 joining fee, then $20 annual membership. ($15
concession.) to Space Out Inc. PO Box 363, Preston, Vic. 3072.Non-
profit SF club offering monthly meetings, "Diverse Universe"
newsletter and "Solar Spectrum" annual anthology.
SFSA (South Australian Dr Who fan club) Two regular meetings each
month. Annual membership $15. The regular club meeting is held at the
Adelaide High School from 3pm-10pm on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
See for full details or write to PO Box 3227,
Rundle Mall, SA 5000.(Reported by Martin Dunne.)
The Doctor Who Club of Australia (DWCA) Membership $16 within Aust.
provides 6 issues of Data Extract, membership pack, access to the
club's member-only internet mailing list, discount prices on a range
of merchandise, admission prices to club functions (including
Whovention, discounts at selected retail outlets for Doctor Who
merchandise. For more information contact Dwayne Bunney - or 0416 269 726 or check
QUEST Queensland Star Trek club. Contact the club at PO BOX 2084,
Brisbane, QLD. 4001, or check (Reported by
Kevin Sheehan.)
The Brisbane Babylon 5ers website is at
(Reported by Erica Sharp, president of the Brisbane Babylon5ers )
INFINITAS GROUP meet on the third Saturday of the month at Infinitas
Bookshop/Blokey Stuff, Parramatta, Sydney. Infinitas also has a book
review group that meets regularly. Details available from (Reported by Bill Congreve.)
SYDNEY SOUTHERN SF&F GROUP Meetings 9th April Lunch meeting, Venue
undecided. 14 May "Are we Alone?", 11th June, BBQ at local park, 9
July, Annual soup and video afternoon. Contact Brad Row ph 9580-4369
or e-mail for full details.
SYDNEY FUTURIANS: Meetings in room 1615 (floor 16) of the Tower
Block, The University of Technology, Broadway, Sydney, at 7 pm 21.
Upcoming meetings: 15 April, 20 May, 17 June, 15 July, 19 August, 16
September, 21 October, 18 November, 16 December. Check or phone Garry
Dalrymple after 7 pm on (02) 9718 5827 for updates.
STARWALKING: holds meetings af the
Lidcombe Catholic Workers Club, 24 John St, Lidcombe, opposite
Lidcombe Railway station on the third Sunday of some months.
Attendance costs $8 members, $10 nonmembers. (Starwalking Melbourne
has Force 4 convention in May. q.v. conventions.)
VORTEX: SF Events happening in Brisbane, can be found at
ENVISION WRITERS WORKSHOP. Thursday 23rd June - Tuesday 28th June.
Brisbane city. Cost $660 for the 5 days which includes 100 pages of
manuscript. For more details see
GoH = Guest of Honour, OCP = Other Commitments Permitting, tba= to be
CONFLUX 2: Fri 22 April- Sun 24th April, 2005. Rydges Hotel,
Canberra. Membership $133 (as from 1st April) Student/concession:
$88. GoH Jennifer Fallon, Special Guests Terry Dowling and Maxine
McArthur, and Jackie French (Saturday only). Artist GoH, Bob
Eggleton. See for full details, or e-mail GPO Box 903 Belconnen, ACT 2616
Star Trek con with GoH's Walter Koenig, Connor Trinneer and John
Billingsley.(OCP) Sunday 24.April. Dooley's Lidcombe Catholic Club,
24 John St, Lidcombe, NSW. Members (of FSF) $80, non-members $100.
Phone bookings 02 9523 8385, Online booking Make
cheques money orders payable to Friends of Science Fiction , post to
P.O. Box 106, Caringbah. NSW 1495.
FORCE IV, May 21-22, Cato conference Centre, Hotel Y, 489 Elizabeth
St, Melbourne. GoH's: Sean Williams, Matt Sloan, Nicola Scott and
Justin Dix. Membership: Starwalking members $120 (or $60 a day) non-
members $140 (or $70 a day) Concession: $80. See
jttp:// for full details.
THYLACON IV. National SF con for 2005. Hobart, Tasmania. 10-13 June,
2005 (Queens Birthday Long weekend in many states.) Attendance rates
$120. GoH fantasy author, Anne Bishop. Australian GoH Marianne de
Pierres, Fan GoH Merv Binns. Wrestpoint Casino convention complex.
For full details see or write to Thylacon PO Box 345
Kingston TAS, 7051 To join the Thylacon e-mail list send a subscribe
message to:
PHENOMENON: 10-13 June. (West Australia? I'd appreciate more info
from anyone! Edwina)
CONTINUUM 3.15-17 July 2005. Hilton on the Park Hotel, 198 Wellington
pde, East Melbourne, Vic. GoH's Richard Harland, Neil Gaiman, Poppy
Z. Brite and Robin Hobb. Fan GoH James Allen. Membership $110
(Rising on 1/1/2005.) Concession/Student/First convention
$80.Children 5-16 Accompanied by an adult $25. To reserve special
accommodation rates ($170 twin/double) e-mail GPO Box 603, Melbourne, Vic 3001. or e-mail
First Contact Conventions present A Trip Through the Slipstream, An
Andromeda Event
Sunday August 21st, 2005. GoH: Laura Bertram - Trance Gemini VIP -
Limited to 20 people, General - $110 (Earlybird special $88 until
April 30) Venue - TBA Melbourne, Victoria
CONCLAVE: 30 Sept- 3 October, 2005. Holiday Inn, 65 Hindley St,
Adelaide, SA. GoH's: Jack Dann, Ian Irvine, Fiona McIntosh, Karen
Miller, Tony Shillitoe, Sean Williams. Attending m/ship $100.
(Supporting m/ship $20) E-mail, or see PO Box 7225 Cloisters Sq, WA 6580
WHOVENTION 7, 14-16 October, The Rydges Hotel, 54 Maclarn St, North
Sydney (Short walk from Norh Sydney railway station. GOHs Louise
Jameson (Leela) and David Warwick Membership rises incrementally
until "at door" price of $170 (Pay $50, non-refundable, to lock in
your membership at the current price. DWCA and Friends of SF members
get a $20 discount. Family rates and day rates available on request )
Friday night trivia, and banquet on Sat. night available to
convention attendees at extra cost. Make cheques and money orders
payable to WHOVENTION, and post to PO Box 148, Gladesville, NSW
2111. See for full details.
(Reported by Dwayne Bunny)
FANDOMEDIA: 19-20 Nov, 2005. Acacia Hotel, (or Emerald Hotel? Seen
both venues listed, sorry, Edwina) Perth. Simon Haynes and Chuck
McKenzie and Erika Pearson GoH's. see for correct details.
STARGATE SG1/STARGARTE ATLANTIS 5 November.Sydney - Lidcombe Catholic
Club. GoH's Torri Higginson and Chris Judge. (OCP) Membership $80 for
friends of Science Fiction members, $100 non-members. Limited number
VIP tickets $350 see for full details, or write to PO
Box 106 Caringbah NSW 1495 or phone 02 9523 8385
NULLUS ANXIETAS The First Australian Discworld Convention. Jan 20-22,
2006. Melbourne. Attending $120, concession $100, supporting $50.
(Gala dinner to cost an extra $90) see for further
Interaction, the 2005 Worldcon will be held at the Scottish
Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow over the weekend of 4-8
August 2005.GoHs Christopher Priest, Robert Sheckley and Jane Yolen,
critic and fanzine editor Greg Pickersgill and veteran Scandinavian
fan Lars-Olov Strandberg. Special Guest Alan Lee who won an Oscar as
conceptual artist on Lord of the Rings. Australian Agents Zara
Baxter, PO Box 616 Marrickville, NSW 2204. Voicemail: 0423121, and
Ted Scribner 12 Richmount St, Cronulla, 2230:
CASCADIA con is the Nasfic (North American SF) con for 2005. (Nasfics
are held in the USA in years when the Worldocn is held outside the
USA). 1 - 5 September, 2005, Seattle, Washington. Goh's Fred
Saberhagen, Liz Danford, Kevin Standlee, Toni Weisskopf. Full
information on
CONJURE. National SF convention, Brisbane, Easter 2006. More details
to follow, or check
CONCUSSION: 57th British National SF convention. 14-17 April, 2006,
To be held at The Moat House, Congress Rd, Glasgow. See for full details.
LA CON IV, the 64th Worldcon. 23-27 August, 2006. Anaheim Convention
Centre, Hilton & Marriott hotels, Anaheim. GoH's Connie Willis, James
Gurney, Howard De Vore, Frankie Thoman. e-mail,
Postal address LA Con c/- S.C.I.F.I. inc, PO Box 8442, Van Nuys, CA,
91409. USA.
Yokohama Worldcon 2007. Details at .
Geneva Convention a civilised worldcon bid for Switzerland in 2008.
Australia 2010. A Worldcon bid. See
Ted Scribner's Australian SF&F home page is:
and his list of SF oriented groups in NSW is at
Coode St Review lists Australian publishing news and achievements by
Australian writers
updated by Tony Plank.
For links to books, movies and television shows see John Tippers
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Visit Celestial Cobbler for custom made ceramic craft with a SF &
Fantasy bent. Special events: Birthdays, New Babies, Anniversaries,
Special messages, etc commemorated on a hand crafted mug or plate.
For no sufficiently explained reason this fanzine supports the
Minneapolis in 73 Worldcon bid.