The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet 40 – July 2005
The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet 40
July 2005
ISSN 1445-4319 (print version), ISSN 1445-4327 (online version)
WAR OF THE WORLDS, the new movie by Steven Spielberg opened in
cinemas around Australia on June 29th.
WALTER KOENIG reprises his role of Chekov on STAR TREK, New Voyages,
a downloadable series produced by a group of Star Trek devotees. D.C.
Fontana, a writer from the original series, has been drafted to write
the script for the episode Koenig will be in. The episode will be
filmed in September, and will be available to download in January.
(reported to the Vision Writers list by Kate Eltham)
SLAYERCON BITES THE HAND THAT FEEDS IT. Police are searching for the
convention organizer of Slayercon (q.v.) after South Australia's
Office of Consumer and Business Affairs (OCBA) received 10 complaints
from people who had paid to attend the convention, but hadn't been
able to contact the organizer since late April. (Article by Mark
Phillips from on 15/6/05)
ROBERT SHECKLEY is unable to attend Interaction due to health reasons
requiring surgery. His wife and daughter will be representing him at
the con.
BRIAN W. ALDISS, well known British SF author, was honoured with the
Order of the British Empire as part of the Queen's Birthday Honours
list on June 11. (Relayed by Julie Townsend, reported on Sci-fi
BOUNCING BULLSHEETERS: We're trying to contact the following Bull
subscribers because their e-subs are bouncing each month: Adam
Weiland, Bryn Sparks, Benjamin Kimberley, Derek Screen, Steve W, and
knetrider 2004. Can you contact ? If we don't
hear from you, we'll presume you no longer wish to receive the
Bullsheet by e-mail. Edwina
"Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog it's too
dark to read"- Groucho Marx
SEAN WILLIAMS has recently sold the ASTROPOLIS TRILOGY, "a pan-
galactic, gothic, space adventure framed by a single murder mystery
set in the far future." (Reported on the Vision writers list.)
KYLIE CHAN has sold Xuan Wu Dark Lord Trillogy to Harper Collins.
(Reported on the Vision writers list.)
WAR OF THE WORLDS has been re-released by Cosimo classics as a trade
paperback (ISBN 1596051671 for US $9.95 available from
GREY GOO, a new kids adventure book by Sue Bursztynski, has just been
published and is available through educational bookshops and school
library suppliers around Australia
SHELBY AND THE SHIFTING RING is a new time-travel adventure novel by
A.M. Veillon, featuring the adventures of 12 year-old Shelby
Shodworth. Available for US $9.95 through Parity Press, Nevada, ISBN
0-9762015-5-0. Check for more details.
COSMOS MAGAZINE: Australian author, Damien Broderick was recently
appointed as fiction editor for new magazine, Cosmos. The magazine is
on sale now for $8.95 from newsagents, and offering a special DVD
offer to subscribers. In conjunction with the launch of the magaziue,
Cosmos is holding "Science on Tap: A Beginners Guide to Immortality"
featuring Stephen Leeder, Mark Jones, and Ian Woolf, chaired by
Wilson Da Silva, at the Forresters Hotel, 336 Riley St, Surry Hills,
Sydney on Thursday 7July. They're also planning a similar event in
Canberra - no details available at time of publication. See their
website: for more details. (Reported to the
Eidolist by Garry Dalrymple.)
ANTIPODEAN SF No. 85 featuring short,short stories (500 words) from
Shaun A. Saunders, Arnout Brokking, Chris Cheetah, Patty Jansen,
Martin Livings, Patrick Ball, David Shanahan, Tanya Moncrieff, Peter
Holz and Cedric Popa can be viewed at or
AUSTRALIAN SPECULATIVE FICTION issue 3, Tony Plank's web site
detailing local markets can be viewed at
SHADOW BOX is an e-anthology of macabre flash fiction lashed together
with dark art, designed and edited by Angela Challis and Shane
Jiraiya Cummings. Reading from 1 July - 30 September, Short,
sinister, strange stories to 120 words Full details at (reported by Shane Jiraiya
Cummings on the Visions list.)
VISIONS magazine is evolving into Specusphere (
and is now open for submissions, as well as recruiting fiction
editors, review editors etc. (Reported by Stephen Thompson on the
INTERPLANETARY EMMISSIONS is a new anthology looking for erotic
male/male SF stories. Stories must have a sexual element, be well
written and engage the reader. To 2,500 words. Submission date
recently extended to 31st July. Exclusive electronic rights for 1
year pays a one-off fee of US $50, and 1 month membership to the paid
section of " website (on request.)
THE OUTCAST: is a new planned anthology from CSFG Publishing to be
edited by Nicole R. Murphy. Open to submissions on the subject
of "The Outcast" from June 1 to August 31 Full details available on
CROWSWING Books (UK) is seeking submissions for "When Graveyards
Yawn" anthology. Deadline 1st September. See for full details. (Reported by Robin
Thomas via the Visions list.)
THE MENTOR: Ron Clarke has two almost complete sets of his acclaimed,
long-running fanzine, The Mentor, for sale. E-mail for prices.
MERV BINNS perzine, Out of the Bin is available from PO Box 315,
Carnegie, Vic, 3163.
FRIENDS OF LINDA COX CHAN (FOLCC) raise money to donate to Juvenile
Diabetes Research, Australia by selling donated books etc.(Old tally,
$76 paid to JDFR on 6/6/05 New Tally $6.60 ) Thanks to the Bullsheet
reader who bought the Star Trek audio tapes. Books looking for new
homes: "Dr Who: The Scripts, Galaxy 4" by William Emms. "Honor
Harrington: The Honor of the Queen," by David Weber, "Arthur"
and "Merlin" by Stephen Lawhead. Audiobook: "Journey to the Centre
of the Earth" by Jules Verne featuring John de Lancie and Leonard
Nimoy. Art cards autographed by Marianne Plumridge and Bob Eggleton
are also for sale. See images of the available cards on the Bullsheet
website. To buy items e-mail Edwina Harvey at or
snail mail Edwina, c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville, NSW 2036. *Make
cheques payable to Edwina Harvey please, FOLCC is an informal
entity.) You can also pay via direct deposit and paypal.
HUGO AWARDS. Short stories nominated for Hugo Awards this year can be
viewed via
Voting is only open to attendees or supporting members of Interaction
(q.v.), Voting for the Hugo Awards closes on 8th July.
DITMAR AWARDS: Best short fiction: Singing My Sister Down, Margo
Lanagan, Best Novella: Paul Haines, Last Days of Kali Yuga, Best
Collected Work: Black Juice, Margo Lanagan, Best Novel: The Crooked
Letter by Sean Williams, Best Artwork: Kerri Valkova for the cover of
Black Crusade. Best Professional Achievement: Clarioin South, Best
Fan Achievement: Conflux, Best Fan Artists: Sarah Xu, Best Fanzine:
Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet (Thank you! Ted & Edwina.) Best
Fan Writer: Bruce Gillespie, The William Atheling Award was jointly
won by Rob Hood and Jason Nahrung, Best New Talent: Paul Haines. The
Peter MacNamara Achievement Award was won by Jonathan Strahan.
(Reported on the Eidolist by David Cake.)
QUEENSLAND YOUNG WRITERS AWARD now open for writers under 25 yrs. See (Reported by Kris Hembury
on the Visions list.)
MICHAEL BILLINGTON, who played Colonel Paul Foster in Gerry
Anderson's TV series UFO, passed away on 6th June. He was 63 years
ED BISHOP, who played SHADO Commander Ed Straker in UFO as well as
the voice of Captain Blue in the Captain Scarlet TV series, passed
away on 8th June, (3 days before his 73rd birthday.) from a virus
contracted while undergoing hospital treatment. (Ed Bishop visited
Australia as GoH of the National Media Convention, Huttcon, in 1990,
and was one of the nicest, most generous men you could ever hope to
meet - Edwina)
Thanks to John Tipper for relaying the above. Full details can be
found on
MELBOURNE SCIENCE FICTION CLUB, Meet most Friday nights at 74
Melville Road, West Brunswick 3055.Membership to the MSFC is $25
single, or $35 family p.a. For further details on the MSFC see July meetings: July 8th. Book Club
discusses `Use of Weapons' by Iain M. Banks, and `The Forever War' by
Joe Haldeman, July 15th Coffee, cake and conversation for those not
at Continuum, July 22nd Annual General Meeting, July 29th Free
Enterprise film. Damian Christie, the new editor of Ethel the
Aardvark is now inviting contributors for the August issue. You can e-
mail contributions to, or snail mail to PO
Box 212 World Trade Centre, Melbourne, 3005.
CANBERRA SCIENCE FICTION SOCIETY meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays
of the month. It's a relaxed social society for the discussion of SF
and fantasy. Membership $24 p.a. For more info write to CSFS PO Box
47, Civic Square, ACT 2608, or e-mail
SPACED OUT: a science fiction club for gays, lesbians and associated
communities. $5 joining fee, then $20 annual membership. ($15
concession.) to Spaced Out Inc. PO Box 363, Preston, Vic. 3072.Non-
profit SF club offering monthly meetings, "Diverse Universe"
newsletter and "Solar Spectrum" annual anthology.
SFSA (South Australian Dr Who fan club) Two regular meetings each
month. Annual membership $15. The regular club meeting is held at the
Adelaide High School from 3pm-10pm on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
See for full details or write to PO Box 3227,
Rundle Mall, SA 5000.(Reported by Martin Dunne.)
The Doctor Who Club of Australia (DWCA) Membership $16 within Aust.
provides 6 issues of Data Extract, membership pack, access to the
club's member-only internet mailing list, discount prices on a range
of merchandise, admission prices to club functions (including
Whovention, discounts at selected retail outlets for Doctor Who
merchandise. For more information contact Dwayne Bunney - or 0416 269 726 or check
QUEST Queensland Star Trek club. Contact the club at PO BOX 2084,
Brisbane, QLD. 4001, or check (Reported by
Kevin Sheehan.)
The Brisbane Babylon 5ers website is at
(Reported by Erica Sharp, president of the Brisbane Babylon5ers )
INFINITAS GROUP meet on the third Saturday of the month at Infinitas
Bookshop/Blokey Stuff, Parramatta, Sydney. Infinitas also has a book
review group that meets regularly. Details available from (Reported by Bill Congreve.)
SYDNEY SOUTHERN SF&F GROUP Meetings 9 July, Annual soup and video
afternoon. Contact Brad Row ph 9580-4369 or e-mail for full details.
SYDNEY FUTURIANS: Meetings in room 1615 (floor 16) of the Tower
Block, The University of Technology, Broadway, Sydney, at 7 pm.
Upcoming meetings:15 July, 19 August, 16 September, 21 October, 18
November, 16 December. Check or phone Garry
Dalrymple after 7 pm on (02) 9718 5827 for updates.
STARWALKING: holds meetings af the
Lidcombe Catholic Workers Club, 24 John St, Lidcombe, opposite
Lidcombe Railway station on the third Sunday of some months.
Attendance costs $8 members, $10 nonmembers. (Starwalking Melbourne
has Force 4 convention in May. q.v. conventions.)
"Science on Tap: A Beginners Guide to Immortality" featuring Stephen
Leeder, Mark Jones, and Ian Woolf, chaired by Wilson Da Silva, at the
Forresters Hotel, 336 Riley St, Surry Hills, Sydney on Thursday 7July
to launch Cosmos magazine.
DR WHO INSIDE THE TARDIS. Starring Colin Baker, Katy Manning and
Sylvester McCoy, hosted by Tim Ferguson, and brought to Australia by
McPherson Touring and BBC Worldwide. Tour dates: July 15, Robert
Blackwood Hall, Monash Uni, Melbourne, Jul 16, Palais Theatre,
Melbourne; July 17 Geelong Performing Arts Centre; July 21, Burswood
Theatre, Perth; July 23rd Festival Theatre, Adelaide; July 26th
Canberra Theatre; July 29 & 30, Theatre Royal, Sydney; August 1,
Brisbane Convention Centre. Book through Ticketek (Sydney only?
Edwina) or see or the Sunday papers for more
details. (I also heard via Kate Orman that there will be shows in New
Zealand, but haven't had time to track down exact dates or venues
yet. I'm guessing it's early August - Edwina) (Thanks to John
Gibbins for letting us know this event was also in other states of Aus.)
DYMOCKS Macarthur Central, Brisbane, are hosting a special function
with writer ROBIN HOBB, who will be introducing her new book,
Shaman's Crossing. Monday July 18, 6 for 6.30pm, Hilton Hotel, 190
Elizabeth St, Brisbane. $29.50 includes drinks and canapes. (Reported
on the Visions list by Kate Eltham.)
GALAXY BOOKSHOP (York St, Sydney) AUTHOR SIGNINGS: Anne Bishop, Wed,
8th June, 5pm; Kate Forsyth, Thurs 23 June, 6pm; Neil Gaiman,
Wednesday 20th July, 12.30pm; Robin Hobb Thurs 21st July 6pm, Jeff
Vandermeer, Thurs 6 Oct, 6pm. (Reported by David Lynton.)
Sat, 23 July 1pm. Karen Miller, September 11th.
VORTEX: SF Events happening in Brisbane, can be found at
GoH = Guest of Honour, OCP = Other Commitments Permitting, tba= to be
BUFFY DOWNUNDER Melbourne. Crown Promenade, Southbank, 2-3 July.
GoHs: Anthony Stewart Head, James Marsters & David Fury. Attendance
rates $250 See for more details (Reported by
Thomas Bull.)
SLAYERCON. Originally to be held 2-3 July, now supposedly in October?
Adelaide Convention Centre. GoH's Julie Benz, Claire Kramer, Mark
Lutz and Camden Toy. Membership $320 both days, or $175 1 day. Dinner
$235. More info possibly on (N.B This
convention was recently in the news as police sought to contact the
convention organizer following complaints from 10 fans to the SA
Office of Consumer and Business Affairs. Reported on and on WSFM 101.7, Sydney.)
CONTINUUM 3.15-17 July 2005. Hilton on the Park Hotel, 198 Wellington
Pde, East Melbourne, Vic. GoH's Richard Harland, Neil Gaiman, Poppy
Z. Brite and Robin Hobb. Fan GoH James Allen. Membership $110
(Rising on 1/1/2005.) Concession/Student/First convention
$80.Children 5-16 Accompanied by an adult $25. To reserve special
accommodation rates ($170 twin/double) e-mail
GPO Box 603, Melbourne, Vic 3001. or e-mail
ACCIO 2005, 29-31 July, Harry Potter con. Reading University, Reading
UK.Guest speakers: Elizabeth Kay and Steve Vander Ark. See for full details.
Interaction, the 2005 Worldcon will be held at the Scottish
Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow over the weekend of 4-8
August 2005.GoHs Christopher Priest, Jane Yolen, critic and fanzine
editor Greg Pickersgill and veteran Scandinavian fan Lars-Olov
Strandberg. Special Guest Alan Lee who won an Oscar as conceptual
artist on Lord of the Rings. The Chesley Awards will be presented on
Friday 5th August. Day rates recently announced, available in advance
or at the door. Australian Agents Zara Baxter, PO Box 616
Marrickville, NSW 2204. Voicemail: 0423121, and Ted Scribner 12
Richmount St, Cronulla, 2230:
** Interaction recently announced 3 new books celebrating their GoH's
will be launched at the con. "The Masque of MaUana" featuring 40
short stories from Robert Sheckley, with cover art by Bob Eggleton,
(ISBN 1-886778-60-4) "Once Upon A Time (She Said)" featuring 40
short stories, plus poems and essays by Jane Yolen with cover by Ruth
Sanderson, (ISBN 1-886778-61-2) and "Christopher Priest: The
Interaction", 10 essays on Priest's fiction, edited by Andrew M.
Butler with a cover by Colin Odell. These can be purchased from
TOLKIEN 2005. The Ring Goes Ever On. 11-15 August, Aston Uni,
Birmingham, UK. M/ship 65 pounds.
See for full details.
A Trip Through the Slipstream, An Andromeda Event. New Date now 11th
September (Was previously scheduled for 21 August) 2005. GoHs: Kevin
Sorbo, Laura Bertram. State Library of Victoria, Melbourne. VIP
memberships: $330(Limited to 20 people) General - $110 See for full details.
CASCADIA con is the Nasfic (North American SF) con for 2005. (Nasfics
are held in the USA in years when the Worldocn is held outside the
USA). 1 – 5 September, 2005, Seattle, Washington. Goh's Fred
Saberhagen, Liz Danford, Kevin Standlee, Toni Weisskopf. Full
information on
SCI-NUT Star Trek convention. 16-18 September. Union Hall, La Trobe
University, Bundoora, Vic. GoH's Eugene Rodenberry Jnr, Vaughan
Armstrong, Steve Bacio, Anita La Selva. Mmebership $60 for 1 day,
$100 for both days. Autographs available for extra cost. Full details
CONCLAVE: 30 Sept- 3 October, 2005. Holiday Inn, 65 Hindley St,
Adelaide, SA. GoH's: Jack Dann, Ian Irvine, Fiona McIntosh, Karen
Miller, Tony Shillitoe, Sean Williams. Attending m/ship $100.
(Supporting m/ship $20) E-mail, or see PO Box 7225 Cloisters Sq, WA 6580
WHOVENTION 7, 14-16 October, The Rydges Hotel, 54 Maclarn St, North
Sydney (Short walk from North Sydney railway station. GOHs Louise
Jameson (Leela) and David Warwick Membership rises incrementally
until "at door" price of $170 (Pay $50, non-refundable, to lock in
your membership at the current price. DWCA and Friends of SF members
get a $20 discount. Family rates and day rates available on request )
Friday night trivia, and banquet on Sat. night available to
convention attendees at extra cost. Make cheques and money orders
payable to WHOVENTION, and post to PO Box 148, Gladesville, NSW
2111. See for full details.
(Reported by Dwayne Bunny)
TERRA NOVA. 15-16 October, Holiday Inn on Hindley, Adelaide. GoH's:
Marina Sirtis, Dominic Keating, Robin Atkins, Gates McFadden, John
Billingsley. Earlybird membership until 31st May, $99 per day. See for full details.
Star Trek/Star Gate SG-1/ Babylon 5 con. 15-16 October. Melbourne
Town Hall, Melbourne, GoH's Marina Sirtis, Dominic Keating, Ronny
Cox, Robin Atkin Downes, Gates McFadden & John Billingsley. This
convention is being held in conjunction with the Terra Nova event
(above) in Adelaide the same weekend. Book tickets through Full information available under "Not just
another Trek event." (Reported by Iain McKenzie.)
STARGATE SG1/STARGARTE ATLANTIS 5 November.Sydney - Lidcombe Catholic
Club. GoH's Torri Higginson and Chris Judge. (OCP) Membership $80 for
friends of Science Fiction members, $100 non-members. Limited number
VIP tickets $350 see for full details, or write to PO
Box 106 Caringbah NSW 1495 or phone 02 9523 8385
FANDOMEDIA: 19-20 Nov, 2005. Acacia Hotel, (or Emerald Hotel? Seen
both venues listed, sorry, Edwina) Perth. Simon Haynes and Chuck
McKenzie and Erika Pearson GoH's. see for correct details.
CONJURE. National SF convention, Brisbane, Easter, 14-17 April,
2006.GoHs Cory Doctrow, Sean Williams, Jonathan Strahan. Membership
$200 until 27th February 2006. (Student/Concession and High School
student discounts available. Children 12 and younger free. Check
their website www,conjure,
CONCUSSION: 57th British National SF convention. 14-17 April, 2006,
To be held at The Moat House, Congress Rd, Glasgow. See for full details
CONCLAVE: NZ National SF & Fantasy con. 2-5 June, 2006. Mount
Richmond Lodge, 576 Mt Wellington Hw, Mt Wellington, Auckland,
NZ.GoH's Joan Vinge, Jim Fenkel, Steve Jackson. Han GoH Kevin
MacLean. Membership. NZ $70 until end of 2005. See for full details. (Thanks to Andrienne
Losin for passing on this information.)
CONFLUX 3: Queens Birthday Weekend, 9-12 June 2006. National Museum
(Convention motel, Rydges, is quite some distance away if you're on
foot!) Earlybird membership $110 (until 30 July 05), then $145.
PO Box 903 Belconnen, ACT 2616
LA CON IV, the 64th Worldcon. 23-27 August, 2006. Anaheim Convention
Centre, Hilton & Marriott hotels, Anaheim. GoH's Connie Willis, James
Gurney, Howard De Vore, Frankie Thoman. e-mail,
Postal address LA Con c/- S.C.I.F.I. inc, PO Box 8442, Van Nuys, CA,
91409. USA.
CONSYDER: Sydney. 30 Sept - 2 October 2006. Venue. Guests, membership
etc to be announced. Supporting membership $20. Join their mailing
list at
NULLUS ANXIETAS The First Australian Discworld Convention. New dates
Feb 9-11, 2007. Melbourne. Attending $120, concession $100,
supporting $50. (Gala dinner to cost an extra $90) see for further details.
Yokohama Worldcon 2007. Aug 30-Sept 3 2007. Pacifico Yokohama
convention centre, Japan. Gohs: David Brin and Sakyo Komatsu. Artist
Gohs: Yoshitaka Amano and Michael Whelan. Details at .
Geneva Convention a civilised worldcon bid for Switzerland in 2008.
Australia 2010. A Worldcon bid. See
Ted Scribner's Australian SF&F home page is:
and his list of SF oriented groups in NSW is at
Coode St Review lists Australian publishing news and achievements by
Australian writers
updated by Tony Plank.
For links to books, movies and television shows see John Tipper's
homepage: http://www.collecting books
The Bullsheet is available as a FREE monthly e-mail through the
AUSSFBULL mailing list. To join send a blank e-mail to AUSSFBULL- ( Alternatively, if you'd prefer to talk
to a human, send an e-mail to The Bullsheet web
page, which is updated throughout the month can be found at The Bullsheet is also
available as a snail-mail subscription for 20x50 cent stamps (or $10)
sent to Edwina Harvey c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville, 2036. Send your
news e-mail to,
Visit Celestial Cobbler for ceramic craft with a SF & Fantasy bent.
For no sufficiently explained reason this Fanzine still supports The
Minneapolis in '73 Worldcon Bid