The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet 48 – March 2006
The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet 48
March 2006
ISSN 1445-4319 (print version), ISSN 1445-4327 (online version)
AUREALIS AWARDS: The Golden Aurealis Award was won by Isobelle
Carmody for the novel "Alyzon Whitestarr", Penguin Books..(YA
section), Short story: Garth Nix, "Nicholas Sayre and the Creature in
the Case Across the Wall." A & U (Children's short fiction). Peter
McNamara Convenors Award: Grant Stone. SF Novel: K.A.
Bedford, "Eclipse". SF Short story: Trent Jamieson, "Slow and Ache"
Aurealis 36. Fantasy Novel: Juliet Marillier, "Blade of Fortiu: Book
2. The Bridei Chronicles, Pan Madmillan. Fantasy Short Story:
Rosaleen Love, "Once Giants Roamed the Earth", Daikaju! (tied with?
Edwina) Richard Harland, "The Greater Death of Saito Saku"
Daikaju! . Horror Short Story: Lee Battersby, "Pater Familias"
Shadow Realms 3. YA novel: Isobelle Carmody "Alyzon Whitestarr", YA
Short Story: Garth Nix, "Nicholas Sayer and the Creature in the Case
Across the Wall:", Children's Novel: Garth Nix, "Drowned Wednesday",
A&U, Children's Short Story: Stephen Zlexson, "Piccolo & Annabel 2:
The Disastrous Party, Random House.
DITMAR NOMINEES ANNOUNCED. Attending and supporting members of
Conjure (q.v.) can vote for the Ditmars.
Best Novel: Magic or Madness, Justine Larbalestier, Razorbill;
Drowned Wednsday, Garth Nix, Harper Collins; Midnight 2: Touching
Darkness, Scott Westerfield, Eos; Peeps, Scott Westerfield,
Razorbill; Uglies, Scott Westerfield, Simon Pulse; Geodesica Ascent,
Sean Williams & Shane Dix, Ace;
Best Novella or Novelette: Passing of the Minotaurs, Rjurik Davidson,; The Red Priest's Homecoming, Dirk Flinhart, Andromeda
Spaceways Inflight Magazine 17; Countless Screaming Argonauts, Chris
Lawson, Realms of Fantasy: The Memory of Breathing, Lynn Triffitt
(Battersby), Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine 17; The Grinding
House, Kaaron Warren, The Grinding House, CSFG Publishing.
Best Short Story: Summa Seltzer Missive, Deborah Biancotti,
Ticonderoga Online 6; Leviathan, Simon Brown, Eidolon SF: Online:
Once Giants Roamed the Earth, Rosaleen Love, Daikaju!, Agog Press;
Matricide, Lucy Sussex, SciFiction. Fresh Young Widow, Kaaron
Warren, The Grinding House, CSFG Publishing.
Best Collected Works: Shadowed Realms, Angela Challis & Shane Jiraiya
Cummings,; Year's Best Australian SF &
Fantasy, Bill Congreve & Michelle Marquardt, MirrorDanse; Daikaiju!
Giant Monster Tales, Robert Hood & Robin Penn, Agog! Press; A Tour
Guide in Utopia, Lucy Sussex, MirrorDanse Books; The Grinding House,
Kaaron Warren, ed. Donna Maree Hanson, CSFG Publishing.
Best Artwork: The Blood Debt (cover), Greg Bridges, The Blood Debt,
Sean Williams (HarperCollins Australia); The Grinding House (cover)
Robin Evans, The Grinding House, Kaaron Warren, ed. Donna Maree
Hanson, CSFG, Australian Speculative Fiction: A Genre Overview
(Cover) Nick Stathopoulos, Australian Speculative Fiction - A Genre
Overview; Donna Hanson; Fell 3, Ben Templesmith, Image Comics, Warren
Ellis, Ben Templesmith.
Best Fan Writer: Shane Jiraiya Cummings, Writer/reviewer, Horror
Scope, Bruce Gillespie Writer/reviewer, Steam Engine Time and Science
Fiction Commentary; *brg*, Earl Kemp's ezines; Stephanie
Gunn,Writer/reviewer, Horror Scope; Martin Livings, Skeletor_Hordak,
LiveJournal web comic; Bill Wright, Interstellar Ramjet Scoop,
Published by Bill Wright.
Best Fan Artist: Dick Jenssen, Artwork in American fan Earl Kemp's
ezines eI20 (June 2005) and eI23 (Dec 2005), Published via; Ditmar Graphics (Cover illustrations) IRS (5 issues
2005) published by Bill Wright; Elaine Kemp ConSensual a Trois
interior artwork; Shane Parker, Conflux convention poster.
Best Fan Production: Edwina Harvey (and Ted Scribner!) The Australian
Science Fiction Bullsheet (Thank-you!); King Kong vs Godzilla, Robert
Hood King Kong is Back: Benbella Books, Body Parts, Chris Lawson,
Borderlands, PK Dick: The Exhilaration and the Terror, Rosaleen Love,
Borderlands; The 2005 Snapshot Australian Speculative Fiction
Writers, editors, publishers - Ben Peek,
(Thanks to Tony Plan and his Ditspillers site for
the above information)
GARFIELD BARNARD and TIM NEWSON's TV show, "Anthology of Interest" is
aired on community station TVS at 9.30pm on Thursday nights, Fridays
at 2 am and Saturdays at 4am..
Congratulations to ANNA TAMBOUR who has had her novel, Spotted Lily,
short listed in the 2005 William L. Crawford Award. This award is
given to a fantasy novelist who has had their first novel published
in the previous 18 months.(Reported by Stuart Bishop on the Vision-
writers list..)
be seen at Any Aus or NZ
horror/dark fictioin website is welcome to join the ring. There is
also a short story competition being run by this web site.
See for details.
NAFF (National Australian Fan Fund) Nominations closed on 24th Feb.
Voting opens of 1 March and closes 26th March. The winning candidate
goes to ConJure q.v.)
CONSYDER, a proposed SF convention in Sydney in October, 06 has been
postponed. (Reported to Ted Scribner by co-convenor, Chris Barnes.)
MAGIC CASEMENTS: SF specialty day at the NSW Writers Centre (q.v.
events) are charging $20 for attendance. ($15 concession).
EYE OP RAFFLE.GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS: The raffle was drawn at the Sydney
Mechanical School of Arts Meeting on Sat 11th February. Thanks to
Belinda and Winsome for allowing me to draw the raffle at the end of
their SF reading group meeting.) Congratulations to David L. Russell
who won the $30 Dymocks gift card. We raised a total of $710, which
would have covered the gap between the medicare payment and the
surgeon's fees for the operation, and probably would have paid for
the anaesthetist's bill, and might have even paid for some of the
post-op eye drops etc. Linda phoned me on 16th Feb to let me know the
opthalmic surgeon had cancelled the operation. In light of Linda's
heart condition and asthma, he considered her unsuitable for the
operation. She has since seen another opthalmologist, and after
examining her eyes he was of the opinion that if she had the
operation her sight would have deteriorated rather than improved.
Unfortunately, thinking I was preserving everyone's privacy, I burned
the ticket butts after the raffle was drawn. While I know who many of
the ticket purchasers are, and am slowly in the process of contacting
them to refund their money, there were a few people who I either
don't know how to contact, or am not sure how many tickets they
bought. If you're one of these people could you please contact me Any remaining funds will roll into the
FOLCC fund and donated to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation,
From a letter I received on 27th Feb Linda wrote: "...I'm grateful that
everyone has been so kind to me & that you were prepared to put
yourself out for me. Words cannot express my appreciation for all (?)
the generosity shown to me. All I can say is thank you from the
bottom of my heart for all the trouble you took on my behalf...".
"Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog it's too
dark to read"- Groucho Marx
GARTH NIX's new novel, "Sir Thursday", the 4th book in the "Keys to
the Kingdom" series is due to be released in March.
SEAN MCMULLEN is worried that the humour in his new novel, Voidfarer:
A Tale of the Moonworlds, may cause readers to miss the underlying
theme. (Reported on Sci-fi Wire. Relayed by Julie Townsend.)
SIMON HAYNE'S HAL SPACEJOCK 2 is available in bookshops around
Australia from 1st March. Full details are available on
ADRIAN BEDFORD's new novel, Hydrogen Steele, published by Edge SF &
Fantasy publishing will be launched at LA con IV.' (q.v.) (See for further details.)
CHRIS McMAHON's fantasy novel, The Calvanni" will be published by Sid
Harta Press in the next few months.
ANDROMEDA SPACEWAYS are currently redesigning the fleet. Keep
watching for more details.
ANTIPODEAN SF No. 93 featuring short, short stories (500 words) by
Ross Murray, Catriona Hoy, Joan Malpass, Julie Brylow, Shaun A
Saunders, Ashley Arnold, Damien Palmer, Robin Hillard, Natalie J E
Potts, Paul Campbell, can be seen at or
BORDERLANDS 6 has been released. Issues can be bought on-line at for $10, or through select retailers.
Borderlans is also open to submissions from 1st March. Submissions
can be e-mailed to
COSMOS (Australia's popular science magazine) has launched a web
site,, to display short stories already
published by the magazine. Featured authors include Robert Hood, ,
Joe Haldeman and Paul Di Filipppo.(Reported by Damien Broderick,
fiction editor, Cosmos magazine.)
SEED MAGAZINE: calling for submissions for its 2nd annual fiction
supplement. Looking for fiction "that reflects the significant role
science plays in our culture..." (or science-in-fiction rather than SF)
Send stories to Seed Magazine 12 West 21st St, 7th Floor, New York,
NY 10010. or e-mail by 15th March.
SHADOWED REALMS REDBACK Special, issue 9 features 9 "femme fatales"
of Australian dark fiction, and can be viewed at Shadowed Realms is also now open for
THE WORKERS' PARADISE is a new spec-fic anthology with the theme of
work/workplace relations, to be edited by Russell B. Farr and Nick
Evans. Open to submissions of original stories of 1-7,000 words from
Australian residents until 1 Aug 2006. E-mail subs to with the words "Submission
Workers" in the subject line. Pays 2 copies and Aus 1.5 c/word on
publication. See for full
Angela Challis and Marty Young are seeking submissions of "the
darkest, most disturbing horror story...". anthology. Reading until 31
March.. Open to Australian citizens and residents only. Full details
on how to submit can be found at
CLARION SOUTH 2007, an intensive 6 week spec-fic workshop held at
Brisbane's Griffith Uni in Jan/Feb 07 will have Lee Battersby, Simon
Brown, Gardiner Dozois, Rob Hood, Kelly Link & Janeen Webb as tutors.
See for full details. Applications close June
06. (Reported by Robert Hoge on the Vision Writers list)
LOUISE CUSACK offers a Manuscript Development Service specialising in
Romance, Fantasy, Erotica and Horror novels. 30 day turnaround. See or e-mail
SARAH MURRAY WHITE is now offering an editing and proofreading
service specialising in SF and Fantasy. Affordable rates e-mail: Ph: 0412 300 242
The Speculative Fiction Foundation (USA) is launching a pilot
MENTORSHIP PROGRAM . Mentors will offer advice and answer questions
about the writing craft, but will not read or comment on individual
writing. The mentorship will run from 15th March – 15th May. To apply
send a 1 page bio attached as a word.doc to an e-mail addressed to by Wed 8th March.
GRAHAM STONE has a catalogue of books (including Niven & Barnes,
Vance ) and pulp SF magazines (Amazing Stories, Analog, Galaxy SF)
for sale. For a copy of the catalogue send a sase to 205/24 Victoria
St, Burwood, NSW, 2134.
LEIGH BLACKMORE's Raven books, specialising in dark and horror
fiction also includes Sequence comics. For the February catalogue e-
MERV BINNS perzine, Out of the Bin is available from PO Box 315,
Carnegie, Vic, 3163.
FRIENDS OF LINDA COX CHAN (FOLCC) raise money to donate to Juvenile
Diabetes Research, Australia by selling donated books etc. (Tally
$21.60 ) Books looking for new homes: "Dr Who: The Scripts, Galaxy 4"
by William Emms. "Licence Denied: Rumblings from the Dr Who
Underground" (new) edited by Paul Cornell, "The Truth About Magic" by
Dave Luckett (new), "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" (new)
and "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", JK Rowling.
Audiobook: "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" by Jules Verne
featuring John de Lancie and Leonard Nimoy., also a Dukes of Hazard
Play and Read record, and A-Team colouring and activity books: Art
cards autographed by Marianne Plumridge and Bob Eggleton are also for
sale. See images of the available cards on the Bullsheet website. To
buy items e-mail Edwina Harvey at or snail min
poor health for some timeail Edwina, c/- 12 Flinders St, Matraville,
NSW 2036. *Make cheques payable to Edwina Harvey please, FOLCC is an
informal entity.) You can also pay via direct deposit and paypal.
MARCUS DULLEMOND, born 15TH Feb, weighing 3.45kg. Mother and baby
doing well. A son for Tom Dullemond and his (unnamed) partner, and a
little brother for Page.. (Reported by proud dad on the Visionslist)
OCTAVIA E BUTLER, author of "Kindred" and "Fledgling" among other
novels and short stories, and the first African-American woman to
gain popularity and critical acclaim as a SF writer passed away on
25th Feb, aged 58. Unconfirmed reports say she had a fall outside her
house and died from bleeding on the brain. (Reported by Terry Frost
on the Eidolist, also reported on www.sfwa/members.butler/)
Writer Kurt Von Trojan, author of The Atrocity Shop and the Transing
novels, as well as many short stories, suffering from bone and kidney
MELBOURNE SCIENCE FICTION CLUB, Meet most Friday nights at 74
Melville Road, West Brunswick 3055.Membership to the MSFC is $25
single, or $35 family p.a. For further details on the MSFC see Meetings: 3 Mar, Food & Trivia: Pancakes!,
10 March author Cameron Rodgers speaks, 17th March Bruce Gillespie
speaks on the life and times of George Turner, Mar 24th, Irish SF &
fantasy, belated St Patrick's Day tribute. 31st Mar. Video: Salute of
the Jugger. The MSFC is also looking for members to volunteer to help
man the MSFC stall at the Sydney Road Street Fair from 9-5 on Sun
March 5th.
AUSTREK, the Star Trek fan club in Victoria will be,celebrating its
30th anniversary this year and is still going strong.
SPACED OUT: a science fiction club for gays, lesbians and associated
communities. $5 joining fee, then $20 annual membership. ($15
concession.) to Spaced Out Inc. PO Box 363, Preston, Vic. 3072.Non-
profit SF club offering monthly meetings, "Diverse Universe"
newsletter and "Solar Spectrum" annual anthology.
CANBERRA SCIENCE FICTION SOCIETY meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays
of the month. It's a relaxed social society for the discussion of SF
and fantasy. Membership $24 p.a. For more info write to CSFS PO Box
47, Civic Square, ACT 2608, or e-mail
SFSA (South Australian Dr Who fan club) Two regular meetings each
month. Annual membership $15. The regular club meeting is held at the
Adelaide High School from 3pm-10pm on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
See for full details or write to PO Box 3227,
Rundle Mall, SA 5000.(Reported by Martin Dunne.)
The Doctor Who Club of Australia (DWCA) Membership $16 within Aust.
provides 6 issues of Data Extract, membership pack, access to the
club's member-only internet mailing list, discount prices on a range
of merchandise, admission prices to club functions (including
Whovention, discounts at selected retail outlets for Doctor Who
merchandise. For more information contact Dwayne Bunney - or 0416 269 726 or check
QUEST Queensland Star Trek club. Contact the club at PO BOX 2084,
Brisbane, QLD. 4001, or check (Reported by
Kevin Sheehan.)
The Brisbane Babylon 5ers website is at
(Reported by Erica Sharp, president of the Brisbane Babylon5ers )
INFINITAS BOOKSHOP/Blokey Stuff, Shop 22 Civic Arcade, 48 - 50 George
Street Parramatta NSW. has 2 groups regularly meeting at its
premises. The SF Discussion Group meets at 6:30pm on the first
Thursday of each month except January. A SF Writers Group also meets
at the shop once a month on Saturdays See for 2006 meeting dates.
(Reported by Tim Martin via Ted Scribner).
SYDNEY MECHANICS' SCHOOL OF ARTS at 280 Pitt St, Sydney, regularly
holds a members reading group for Mystery and Crime, Romance and
Science Fiction and Fantasy. The groups start with Mystery and Crime
at 10am and meander into SF (and sometimes Romance, depending on
demand) from 12 noon. Attendance at the first meeting is free, but if
you're interested in attending more meetings, you are asked to join
the Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts. (Annual fee $15.50 ?) This also
entitles you to borrowing rights at the School of Arts library.
Meetings held every 3 weeks. Upcoming meetings: Sat March 4th, Sat
Mar 25th, Sat 22nd April, Sat 13th May, Sat June 3, Sat June 24th.
SYDNEY FANS IN THE PUB. Meet on the first Tuesday of the month at the
Civic Hotel, Saloon Bar, Crn Pitt & Goulburn Sts, Sydney. From
6.30pm. (Reported by Zara Baxter.)
SYDNEY FUTURIANS now affiliated with the Student Assoc of UTS.
Meetings in room 510C (5th floor) of The University of Technology,
Broadway, Sydney, at 7 pm on Mar 17th, April 21st, May 19, June
16th, July 21, Aug 18th, Sept 15th, Oct 20th, Nov 17th, Dec 20th.
Check, or e-mail for full details.
STARWALKING: holds meetings af the
Lidcombe Catholic Workers Club, 24 John St, Lidcombe, opposite
Lidcombe Railway station on the third Sunday of some months.
Attendance costs $8 members, $10 nonmembers. (Starwalking Melbourne
has Force 4 convention in May. q.v. conventions.)
VORTEX: SF Events happening in Brisbane, can be found at
Centre, Rozelle. Saturday 25 March 2006. NB. Admission fee $20 for
the day ($15 concession) Chris Barnes, director.
GoH = Guest of Honour, OCP = Other Commitments Permitting, tba= to be
SWANCON RENAISSANCE: 10-13 March, 2006. Acacia Hotel, Perth, WA.
Gohs: Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon & Danny Oz. Cost $100 (supporting
$35) see for full details.
The International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (ICFA)
March 15-19, 2006, Wyndham Fort Lauderdale Airport Hotel. USA. GoH's:
Charles Vess, M. Thomas Inge, Kathleen Ann Goonan. Currently calling
for papers for their program. Please submit proposals by 30th
November. Themes covered include SF, Fantasy, Horror, Comics,
including Children's and YA lit.llustration. Look for Conference
Information and Updates at the IAFA website:
(Originally announced by Dale Knickerbocker, relayed by Ted Scribner.)
FIRST CONTACT Melbourne. Sat 8th April. Nick Tate (Space 1999), Jane
Badler ("V"), and Herb Jefferson Jr (Original Battlestar Galactica
series.). (Central Melbourne venue which eludes me at the moment.
Sorry! - Edwina). Tickets $77 general or $66 with fan club
membership. See, e-mail:, or phone 0439 444 901
FRIENDS OF SCIENCE FICTION: Sydney. Sun, 9th April Nick Tate (Space
1999), Jane Badler ("V"), and Herb Jefferson Jr (Original Battlestar
Galactica series.). At Dooleys Lidcombe Catholic Club, Sydney.
Tickets $66 for FSF members, $99 non-members and $250 VIP tickets. E-
mail,, see, or phone 02 9523 8385
CONJURE. National SF convention, Brisbane, Easter, 14-17 April,
2006.GoHs Cory Doctrow, Bruce Sterling, Sean Williams, Jonathan
Strahan. Membership $200 until 27th February 2006. Student/Concession
and High School student discounts available. Children 12 and younger
free. Check their website
CONCUSSION: 57th British National SF convention. 14-17 April, 2006,
To be held at The Moat House, Congress Rd, Glasgow. See for full details.
SUPANOVA Brisbane. 21-23 April. RNA Showgrounds. See:
ARMAGEDDON (NZ ) 29-30 April. Wellington Event Centre, Wellington NZ.
GoHs Clare Kramer (Glory:Buffy), Roger Bumpass (Spongebob), Geoff
Jogns. NZ$15 per day. Bookings through ticketek. See
Terra Nova. 6th May. Adelaide. (No venue announced) GoH Nana Visitor,
Clare Kramer, Arlene Martel. Ph 08 9396 2517 or see
CONCLAVE: NZ National SF & Fantasy con. 2-5 June, 2006. Mount
Richmond Lodge, 576 Mt Wellington Hw, Mt Wellington, Auckland,
NZ.GoH's Joan Vinge, Jim Fenkel, Steve Jackson. Han GoH Kevin
MacLean. See for full details. (Thanks to
Andrienne Losin for passing on this information.)
CONFLUX 3: Queens Birthday Weekend, 9-12 June 2006. National Museum.
GoHs Ellen Datlow, Kate Forsyth, Sara Douglass and Jackie French.
Also offering communication links with Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Ray
Bradbury, and Lloyd Alexander. Conflux will also feature a film
festival, a medieval feast and a gaming stream as well as an art show
offering $6,000 in prizes. If you refer someone who hasn't been to a
Conflux before, you will receive a $25 voucher to spend in the
dealers room. Attending m/ship $190, $130 concession and $35
supporting.. See or e-mail .PO Box 903 Belconnen, ACT 2616 or phone
Continuum. 4-6 August, Victoria Hotel, Lt Collins St, Melbourne.
GoHs Shaun Tan, Charles Stross, Margo Lanagan, Bruce Gillespie.
LA CON IV, the 64th Worldcon. 23-27 August, 2006. Anaheim Convention
Centre, Hilton & Marriott hotels, Anaheim. GoH's Connie Willis, James
Gurney, Howard De Vore, Frankie Thoman. Attending m/ship $225 ($au)
Conversion from supporting membership to attending, $165 (au)
Kids/supporting memberships $65. e-mail, Postal
address LA Con c/- S.C.I.F.I. inc, PO Box 8442, Van Nuys, CA, 91409.
USA. Australians can buy memberships to LaCon by sending a cheque or
money order made payable to their Australian Agent, Edwin A. Scribner
c/- 12 Richmount St, Cronulla NSW 2230, preferably with a printout of with personal details
filled in. Alternatively send your full name, address and email
address. Attending membership is currently $225 and supporting or
child (5 - 11) $65.
29th Oct Brisbane. Venue TBA) GoH Rachel Luttrell. Membership $120
FSF members, $130 non-members, $400 VIP. See www.fsf., or phone 02 9523 8385
NULLUS ANXIETAS The First Australian Discworld Convention. New dates
Feb 9-11, 2007. Melbourne. Attending $160, (Gala dinner to cost an
extra $90) see for further details. (NB their web
site seems to want you to sign in. Be prepared to fossick to find the
information you're after. Edwina.)
CONVERGENCE 2. Aus Natcon. Rydges Hotel, Melbourne. Queens Birthday
weekend, 8-11 June, 07. Theme:YA genre fiction. GoH Isobelle
Carmody. See (Reported by Rose
XIVAMC, Medieval re-enactment group. Easter 2007. Meeting at the
Danelaw property, Charley's Forest Rd, Wog Wog, NSW. (35 min drive
north of Braidwood, 3 hrs south of Sydney, 1.5 hrs east of Canberra.
Registration $150 fully catered for 4 days. See
for more details. (Reported by J. Gibbins.)
NIPPON 2007. Worldcon. Aug 30-Sept 3 2007. Pacifico Yokohama
convention centre, Japan. Gohs: David Brin and Sakyo Komatsu. Artist
Gohs: Yoshitaka Amano and Michael Whelan. Details at . Australian agent Craig McBride. Membership A$210
until Sept 30 2005. You can also join
Geneva Convention a civilised worldcon bid for Switzerland in 2008.
Australia 2010. A Worldcon bid. See
Ted Scribner's Australian SF&F home page is:
and his list of SF oriented groups in NSW is at
Coode St Review lists Australian publishing news and achievements by
Australian writers
The Inkspillers web site, is a great
source of market information that is always being updated by Tony
For links to books, movies and television shows see John Tipper's
homepage: http://www.collecting books
The Bullsheet is available as a FREE monthly e-mail through the
AUSSFBULL mailing list. To join send a blank e-mail to AUSSFBULL- ( Alternatively, if you'd prefer to talk
to a human, send an e-mail to The latest
Bullsheet web page, updated and with any corrections can be found at or
The Bullsheet is also available as a snail-mail subscription for
20x50 cent stamps (or $10) sent to Edwina Harvey c/- 12 Flinders St,
Matraville, 2036. Send your news e-mail to,
Visit Celestial Cobbler for ceramic craft with a SF & Fantasy bent.
For no sufficiently explained reason this Fanzine still supports The
Minneapolis in '73 Worldcon Bid