The Fanac Fan History Project

Information Update #3
8 July 1999
For more information or to help, contact
Joe Siclari,
FANAC Fan History Project Coordinator

Each month only seems to get busier. Here's our third update on the FANAC Fan History Project. You can quickly check the latest WHAT'S NEW on the site at

FanHistoricon 9: The past month also encompassed FanHistoricon 9 which was hosted at Midwestcon 5. We held a entire day's program at the famous relaxicon. Due to Ted White's accident, Joe Siclari developed the program with Pat and Roger Sims. We hope you recover quickly Ted.

Programs were on Cinvention, MWC & CFG History, legendary MWC stories and Preservation. See for the complete FanHistoricon 9 program. I did record the entire program. Unfortunately it was on a portable cassette machine when the video recorder would not run but we do have a record. Information on upcoming FanHistoricons will be posted soon.

PHOTOGRAPHS: We have added even more photos. We now have over 2,00 photos from conventions and other fan gatherings includng photos from 32 Worldcons. Still looking for more.

New Worldcon photos ( BucCONeer, Chicon II, IV & V, LAcon II & III, Nolacon 1 & 2, Noreascon 2 & 3, ConStellation, Conspiracy '87, Cinvention, MagiCon, Clevention, ConFiction, NorWesCon, NewYorCon (NYcon II), Seacon '79, and Solacon.

New photos for Other Convention albums ( Midwestcon 1, 2, 3, 4, 43, 48 & 49, WorldFantasyCon 198, 1983 & 1987, Soonercon 1996, Westercon 16, Loncon 1951, Mancon 1952, Conference on the Fantastic 198 & 1981, Omnicon 1988, Traveling FĂȘtes at Key West 1996, Naples 1998 & Gainesville 1989, ASFiCon 1982, ConClave 1981, 1982 & 1983, EarthCon 1982, IllwisCon 1958, MarCon 1983, PhilCon 1983, SciCon 1991, Disclave 1958, Jophan Family Reunion 1992, and TallyCon 1982.

We also added photos to these Fan Photo Albums ( DUFF 1981, Detroit Fandom, Midwest Fandom, South Florida Fandom.

We have 185 new scans to process into the appropriate areas and have over 3,00 photos on loan from generous and trusting photographers. Please be assured that we are keeping very good care of them and scanning as quickly as possible.

Thank you. I apologize in advance to those I might miss but I need to thank the many photographers working with us to make this a visual history: Phylis Brown, John Coker, Joni Dashoff, Peggy Ann Dolan, Howard DeVore for his own photos plus pix from Martin Alger, Ben Jason & George Young, Bob Ewart, Mike Glicksohn, Lee Hoffman, Margaret Ford Keifer for her and Don Ford's photos, Sam Long, Bob Madle for many old photos, Charles Mohapel, Frank Olynyk, Derek Pickles, Carol Porter, Lenny Provenzano, Joyce Scrivner, Edie Stern, Thom Wells, Madeline Willis and Ben Yalow. Please let me know if I have left anyone out.

Great thanks to those who scanned and added their own photos (as well as other people's pix): Avedon Carol, Debbie King, Richard Lynch, Laurie Mann, Joe Siclari (yeah, me too), Robert Sneddon, Steve Towsley, Jack Weaver, Bob Webber. Thank you all.

FANZINES: Over 20 fanzines are now accessible from our site. The newest addition is: Plokta 13 in the Modern Fanzines Index ( Soon to be added are the Cinvention Program Book and the Cinvention Memory Book (thanks to scanning by Scott Street) in the Classic Fanzines Index ( We have added links to several more zines.

FAN ARTISTS: Started a folio of Mae Strelkov's hectograph art --

ACCESSIBILITY: We changed the Fan Photo Album to eliminate the "Miscellaneous" index. All collections of Fan Photos can now be accessed directly from the Fan Photo Album Index.

CONVENTIONS: The FANAC Fan History Project will be at conventions to collect and scan your photos and accept donations to the Fan History Archives. Check our home page to see where we will be next.


When you want to find out something about an S-F fan or professional, don't forget to check our Cross Reference list ( We now have 8,916 names of people mentioned on our web site. It's a virtual Who's Who of Science Fiction. "If you're not listed. Why not?" Help us document your fandom. We add more material all the time. Bookmark the Fan History Project at Keep checking back.

Phone: 561-392-6462