Information Update #5 1 September 1999 |
For more information or to help, contact Joe Siclari, FANAC Fan History Project Coordinator |
Here is our fifth update on the FANAC Fan History Project.
The BIG NEWS is that we have moved to a new commercial server. The web site has been popular enough that FANAC authorized the funds to move to a server where we will have even more capabilities. Anyone out there want to digitize some fans or pros talking at a convention?
Don't forget: you can quickly check the latest WHAT'S NEW on the site at
PHOTOGRAPHS: Still more photos -- over 2,50 now -- from conventions and other fan gatherings including photos from 33 Worldcons so far. Please help us put more online.
New Worldcon photos ( from 1939 to 1998 have been added to: BucCONeer, Chicon V, Conspiracy '87, Denvention Two, LAcon I, Noreascon 3, Cinvention, LoneStarCon 2, MagiCon, NorWesCon, NYcon I, NewYorCon (NYcon II), Pittcon, Seacon '79, and SFCon.
New photos for Other Convention albums ( from 195 to 1999: Midwestcon 1, 2, 3, 40, & 49, Traveling FĂȘte at Cocoa Beach 1999, Philcon 1997 & 1998, Disclave 1974 & 1975, Arisia 1998 & 1999, ConText 1998, DeepSouthCon 1998, Lunacon 1994 & 1997, SMOFcon 1997, Wiscon 1998, Balticon 1977 & 1994, Autoclave 1977 and Nebula Awards Weekend 1999.
We also added photos to these Fan Photo Albums ( Baltimore Fandom, East Coast Fandom, English Fandom, Midwest Fandom, New Jersey Fandom, New York Fandom, and Washington D. C. Fandom.
THANKS FOR YOUR MEMORIES. I want to thank the photographers who provided photos: Avedon Carol, Joni Dashoff, Howard DeVore's collection, Dick Eney, Don Ford, Mike Glicksohn, Lee Hoffman's collection, Ben Jason, Margaret Ford Keifer's collection, Debbie King, Bob Madle's collection, Laurie Mann, Gordon McGregor, Frank Olynyk, Carol Porter, Lenny Provenzano, Dick Schultz, and Joel Zakem.
FANZINES: Over 25 fanzines are now accessible from our site. The newest additions are: Tails of Fandom in the Modern Fanzines Index ( and TommyWorld 47 in the Electronic Fanzines Index ( We also continue to add links to fanzines elsewhere on the web.
CONVENTIONS: The FANAC Fan History Project will be at conventions to collect and scan your photos and accept donations to the Fan History Archives. Representatives of the Fan History Project will be at the following science fiction conventions. 1999: Tropicon 18, Nov. 19-21, Hollywood, FL; Loscon 26, Nov. 26-28; Los Angeles; SMOFcon 17, Dec. 1-12, New Orleans. 200: Boskone 37, Feb. 18-20, Boston; Confluence, Feb. 25-27, Mars, PA; Oasis 13, May 26-28, Orlando; Midwestcon 51, June 24-27, Cincinnati; Chicon 200, Aug. 31-Sept. 4, Chicago Worldcon; Tropicon 19/FanHistoricon 1, Nov., Hollywood, FL.
Any fans who have photos, publications, or other memorabilia that they might be interested in donating to the Fan History Project collection are asked to contact Joe Siclari at jsiclari@gate.netor talk with our representative at one of these conventions. Thank you. Remember, your donations are tax-deductible. Check our home page to see where we will be next.
We have gone over ten thousand names in our people index -- 1,231 to be exact. When you want to find out something about an S-F fan or professional, don't forget to check our Cross Reference list ( It's a virtual Who's Who of Science Fiction. "If you're not listed. Why not?"
Help us document your fandom. We are adding more material all the time.
Bookmark the Fan History Project at Keep checking back with us.
Phone: 561-392-6462