
various editors

1944 - ???


Fandbooks are special publications of the National Fantasy Fan Federation, intended to provide pointers from veteran fans to new

fans. Several of the references mentioned in Fandbook 1 are:

New issues will be listed in bold.

Issue Whole Editor Year Pages Notes PDF
What is Science Fiction Fandom?
K. Martin Carlson 1944 17 from the 1971 reprint, scanned at Corflu 2019
Fandbook 1, A Key to the Terminology of S-F Fandom 1 Donald Franson 1962 20 scan by Joe Siclari PDF
Fandbook 2, The Amateur Press Associations in S-F Fandom 2 Bob Lichtman 1962 26 scan by Joe Siclari
Fandbook 3, Some Historical Facts About S-F Fandom 3 Donald Franson 1962 20 scan by Joe Siclari
Fandbook 4, The Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund 4 Len Moffatt / Ron Ellik 1963 16 scan by Joe Siclari
Fandbook 5, Pseudonyms of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Authors 5 Jon D. Swartz 2010 14
Fandbook 6, The Hugo Awards for Best Novel 6 Jon D. Swartz 2013 16
Fandbook 8, Founders of the National Fantasy Fan Federation 8 Jon D. Swartz / George Phillies 2020 29

Scan by Joe Siclari

Updated December 22, 2022. If you have a comment or question about these Web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.