Fanthologies, Collections and Festschrifts


Country: Multinational

Scanned by Joe Siclari

Issue Editor Month Day Year Pages Mailing Notes PDF
1948 Fantasy Annual Redd Boggs / Don Wilson Summer 1949 123 published by Forry Ackerman, scan by Mark Olson
1986 Science Fiction Fanthology Mike Glyer 1987 62 published by Dennis Virzi PDF
"6 in 60" - An Incomplete Look at 60 Years of Science Fiction Fandom in Chicago ..and beyond Marcy Lyn-Waitsman 2000 44 done for Chicon 2000 PDF
The 1945-1946 Fantasy Review Joe Kennedy 1946 48 scan by Mark Olson
The 1946-1947 Fantasy Review Joe Kennedy 1947 78 scan by Mark Olson
The Adventures of Hemlock Soames Ken Cheslin scan by Joe Siclari PDF
After Ten Years - A Tribute to Stanley G. Weinbaum (1902-1935) Gerry de la Ree / Sam Moskowitz November 1945 PDF
Afterworlds - An Eclectic Bill Bowers Appreciation… and Fanthology… Pat Virzi / Jeanne Bowman / Rich Coad / Alan Rosenthal November 24 2020 provided by Pat Virzi PDF
ATom, a Tribute Vince Clarke April 1990 67 provided by Geri Sullivan, scanned at Boskone 2019, note that blank pages have been removed PDF
ATom 2000 Announcement Ken Cheslin April 1999 2 scan by Rich Lynch PDF
Battle of the Titans Ray Fisher 1969 28 later reprinting by the University of Illinois Science Fiction Society, copy provided by Geri Sullivan, scanned at Boskone 2019 PDF
Best of Entmoot Greg Shaw March 1970 43 Tolkien related, scan by Joe Siclari PDF
Best of Fandom - 1957 Guy Terwilliger 1958 98 scan by Mark Olson PDF
Best of Fandom - 1958 Guy Terwilliger 1959 123 volume 2, scan by Mark Olson PDF
Best of Fandom Questionnaire Guy Terwilleger 1959 2 PDF
Best of Susan Wood Jerry Kaufman October 31 1982 84 PDF
BoSH Goes South Bob Shaw / Charlotte Proctor August 1994 44 scan by Rich Lynch PDF
A Bright Particular Star - Words and deeds of Lucy Huntzinger Kim Huett 2002 34 PDF
Button-Tack, The Rick Sneary Memorial Fanzine Len Moffatt / June Moffatt / John Hertz 1991 63 scanned at Corflu 2019 PDF
Califania Tales - the Fannish Autobiography of Len Moffatt Len Moffatt / Marty Cantor January 2011 40 scanned at Boskone 2020 PDF
A Canticle for P. Schuyler Miller Sam Moskowitz 1975 14 scan by Joe Siclari PDF
Complete BoSh - Vol 1: The Best of the Bushel Bob Shaw / Robert Jackson 1979 scanned by Joe Siclari PDF
Complete BoSh - Vol 2: The Eastercon Speeches Bob Shaw / Robert Jackson 1979 scanned at Dublin 2019 PDF
Chuch Harris Appreciation Society Magazine Spike / Peter Larsen / Andy Hooper 1989 42 PDF
Curt Phillips for TAFF! Randy Byers / Claire Brialey April 2014 50 scan by Joe Siclari PDF
Dancing and Joking John Hertz November 2005 39 Westercon 57 PDF
A Dave English Sketchbook Larry Stark June 1958 58 scanned by Joe Siclari PDF
Denventioneer Combozine Forrest J Ackerman / Morojo Summer 1941 30 missing page 27, marked as edited by 4e, scanned by Joe Siclari
Discount Hoaxarama Elst Weinstein / Mike Glyer 1985 PDF
Entropy Booklet 1 - Crime Stalks the Fan World F. Lee Baldwin 1964 26 published by Terry Carr, illos by Ray Nelson, scan by Joe Siclari PDF
The Expurgated Boob Stewart Terry Carr August 1960 48 scan by Mark Olson
A Fan's Christmas in Ireland Walt Willis / Tom Whitmore 1961 scanned at Dublin 2019 PDF
Fantasy Collectors Annual 1974 Gerry de la Ree 1974 PDF
Fanthology 64 Mike Domina / Terry Carr November 1972 61 scan by Mark Olson
Fanthology 75 Bruce D. Arthurs 1977 99 scan by Eli Cohen PDF
Fanthology 76 Victoria Vayne 1977 99 scan by Mark Olson PDF
Fanthology 1981 Patrick Nielsen Hayden Summer 1982 70 scan by Joe Siclari PDF
Fanthology '89 Andy Hooper May 1993 61 scan by Mark Olson PDF
Fanthology Index 1986 - 1990 Don Fitch November 1994 8 scan by Joe Siclari PDF
Fanzines in Theory and Practice D. West 1984 PDF
Festzine Yvonne Rousseau / Juliette Woods / Damien Warman 2001 72 for John Foyster's sexagesimal anniversary, scan by Rich Lynch PDF
Fourteen Bob the Bushel Bruce Pelz November 1995 64 scan by Mark Olson PDF
Happy Birthday, LeeH! Edie Stern / Joe Siclari August 2002 48 PDF
Hektograph! Geri Sullivan April 1989 10 Corflu 6, scanned at Boskone 2020 PDF
Henry Kuttner, A Memorial Symposium Karen Anderson August 1958 36 scanned at Boskone 2020 PDF
Homage a Burbee Bill Rotsler 1956 20 scan by Joe Siclari PDF
Howard Phillips Lovecraft - Memoirs, Critiques and Bibliographies George Wetzel 1955 84 scanned at Corlu 2019 PDF
The Incompleat Bruce Gillespie Irwin Hirsh June 2004 40 provided by Bruce Gillespie PDF
The Incompleat Terry Carr rich brown / Arnie Katz March 1988 61 this scan is taken from the 2nd edition published by Jerry Kaufman, scan by Mark Olson PDF
The Incompleat Burbee, Volume 1 Pete Graham / Ron Ellik / Terry Carr / Dave Rike / Carl Brandon April 1958 104 for Burbees birthday party on Apr 26, 1958, scan by Joe Siclari PDF
The Incomplete Burbee, Volume 2 Terry Carr 1996 97 published by Jeff Schalles 20 years after the stencils were cut by Terry Carr PDF
John Foyster: The Continuum Tribute Bruce Gillespie October 2003 16 transcript of the John Foyster tribute panel at Continuum (Melbourne SF Convention) on Friday, 11 July 2003 PDF
John W. Campbell, An Australian Tribute John Bangsund 1974 112 scan by Joe Siclari PDF
John W. Campbell Symposium Programme John Bangsund 1974 1 scan by Irwin Hirsh and Perry Middlemiss PDF
In Memoriam: H.G. Wells Forrest J Ackerman / Arthur Louis Joquel, II 1946 19 scanned by Rob Hansen PDF
The Mota Reader Dan Steffan 1996 202 collection from Terry Hughes's Mota PDF
LienZine Karen Schaffer / Geri Sullivan / Denny Lien June 2 2023 32 Memorial zine for Denny Lien, sampler of his writing PDF
Now Read On Rob Hansen August 1987 36 Recent Britsh Fanwriting PDF
Of Such Are Legends Made, Vol 1 Linda Bushyager / Tim Marion / Joyce Scrivner August 1978 55 PDF
Ole Chavela! John Trimble / Bjo Trimble 1960 42 for Isabel Burbee PDF
Out of Reitsch? John Berry March 2002 60 first pubbed in 4 consecutive copies of ORBIT, a journal specialising in space related mail paraphenalia, scan by Rich Lynch PDF
Pacificon Combozine July 1946 133 for the 4th World Science Fiction Convention PDF
Peace and Olaf Stapledon - An Editorialized Report Sam Moskowitz Spring 1950 16 scan by Joe Siclari PDF
The Portable Carl Brandon Terry Carr April 18 1988 26 edited by Terry Carr and published by Jerry Kaufman1, for Corflu 5 PDF
Quo Davis Moshe Feder February 1974 37 a fanzine to honor Hank Davis on his 30th birthday PDF
The Really Incomplete Bob Tucker October 1974 60 edited by Dave Locke and published by Robert and Juanita Coulson PDF
Remember When Karen Cooper 1990 24 a perspective on Art Widner, Guest of Honor at Minicon 25 PDF
Remembrance of Things Past Bill Evans 1958 scan by Joe Siclari PDF
Roadtripping With the Wheels of IF Geri Sullivan December 2018 74
Rotsler's Rocks Bill Rotsler 1972 PDF
Selected Writings of Lee Jacobs Bruce Pelz 1968 31 scan by Irwin Hirsh PDF
Selected Writings of Rick Sneary Len Moffatt June 1957 31 "a south gate in 58 publication" PDF
A Sense of FAPA Dick Eney 1962 376 FAPA 100 PDF
SH-sf Fanthology Ruth Berman Collection of writing on Sherlock Holmes in fanzines, for the Professor Challenger Society PDF
Sol Reader Thomas Schlueck April 1962 30 English language collection, from West Germany PDF
The Stormy Petrel, a collection of articles about Francis Towner Laney Terry Carr May 1959 29 FAPA 87 distributed
Susan Wood, about and by John D. Berry August 2016 16 provided by John D. Berry PDF
Sweetmeats Sandra Miesel 1980 38 published by Jerry Kaufman, scan by Joe Siclari PDF
The Ted White Sampler Ted White / Arnie Katz April 1994 46 scan by Mark Olson PDF
Travlin' Jiant - The Adventures of Art Widner in Frontierland Kim Huett 2001 28 scan by Mark Olson PDF
When Yngvi Was a Louse Eric Bentcliffe 1982 52 PDF
The Willis Papers George Field August 1961 scanned version, published by Ted Johnstone, illustrated by ATom PDF
The Willis Papers George Field August 1961 retyped articles, published by Ted Johnstone, illustrated by ATom

Updated March 10, 2025. If you have a comment or question about these Web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.