Published for Lee Hoffinan's 70th birthday, August 14, 2002
This one-shot was done as a surprise birthday present. We even put the table of contents in the back so she couldn't see what was coming. The plan was that as she went through the zine, it would slowly dawn on her that it was all for her!
We arranged to have it Fedexed to Aaron and Rose Rennert, just in time for Lee's birthday. They had invited Lee over for dinner, and the package was sitting in an armchair. Aaron waved her over to sit down, and she tried to pass him the package. He told her it was for her. ("For me? How can I be getting mail at your house?") She opened it, and started to page through. It turned out to be a successful, complete, thorough surprise! Many thanks to Aaron and Rose for such skillful execution.
Lee later told us that it was a complete and utter surprise! I think she was gobsmacked.
– Edie Stern
Layout & PageMaker - Joe Siclari
Address Assistance - Geri Sullivan
Special Thanks to Tim Marion for calligraphy and Andy Porter for photos
Updated February 25, 2007. If you have a comment or question about these Web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.