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                        Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society
                    Club Notice - 05/29/98 -- Vol. 16, No. 48

       MT Chair/Librarian:
                     Mark Leeper   MT 3E-433  732-957-5619 mleeper@lucent.com
       HO Chair:     John Jetzt    MT 2E-530  732-957-5087 jetzt@lucent.com
       HO Librarian: Nick Sauer    HO 4F-427  732-949-7076 njs@lucent.com
       Distinguished Heinlein Apologist:
                     Rob Mitchell  MT 2E-537  732-957-6330 robmitchell@lucent.com
       Factotum:     Evelyn Leeper MT 3E-433  732-957-2070 eleeper@lucent.com
       Back issues at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/4824
       All material copyright by author unless otherwise noted.

       The Science Fiction Association of Bergen County meets on the
       second Saturday of every month in Upper Saddle River; call
       201-447-3652 for details.  The New Jersey Science Fiction Society
       meets irregularly; call 201-652-0534 for details, or check
       http://www.interactive.net/~kat/njsfs.html.  The Denver Area
       Science Fiction Association meets 7:30 PM on the third Saturday of
       every month at Southwest State Bank, 1380 S. Federal Blvd.

       1. URL of the week: http://www.locusmag.com.   On-line  edition  of
       LOCUS, the leading newszine in the science fiction field.  [-ecl]


       2. Hold on to your seats, this may be going to be one  of  my  more
       controversial pieces.  I could get a lot of people angry with me on
       this one.  This would be particularly true if I leave just  a  tiny
       hole open to be misinterpreted.  So let me just ease up on it.

       There is a story about a mathematics  professor  who  is  giving  a
       particularly  abstract  lecture.  One of his students stops him and
       asks for some justification for the last step of a proof.  "What do
       you  mean?  It's obvious."  The student is just as puzzled.  "Is it
       obvious?"  The professor stares at the board for a minute.  Then he
       sits  at  his  desk, never taking his eyes off the board.  He turns
       around and starts violently writing on paper.  After a few  minutes
       he  crosses  out everything he has written and moves on to a second
       piece of paper.  Suddenly he jumps up and runs  out  of  the  room.
       Ten  minutes later he comes running back into the room.  "Yup, it's

       The student in the story was perhaps not so convinced.   The  thing
       is  that  it  is  one  of  the  weakest forms of argument to simply
       declare victory.  Nobody is going to find you  very  convincing  on
       some  controversial  issue if you say simply, "My beliefs are self-
       evident and so do not  need  any  sort  of  defending."    This  is
       particularly  true if there is controversy and there are people who
       sincerely disagree with the point of view.  Basically instead of  a
       convincing argument it belittles the other side saying they are too
       stupid to see the most obvious.  Now this may be  intentional,  but
       it  is  also  high-handed.   One  is effectively calling anyone who
       disagrees an idiot.  It is like saying one holds truth in the  palm
       of  ones hand.  If there is any basis for disagreement, people will
       jump on it and ride the original speaker into the ground.  It is  a
       strategy  that  infuriates  ones  enemies  and  even alienates ones
       allies.  Hopefully all this is obvious.

       Now, what kind of country takes  some  of  the  most  controversial
       issues  not  only  of  its  time  but of all time and starts out by
       saying its point of view is obvious?  And I mean  literally  starts
       out.   The  very  first official words of the country are a pompous
       "We hold these truths to be self-evident."  And then what are these
       so-  called  truths?   "That  all men are created equal."  That was
       slaveholder Thomas Jefferson saying that.  "Equal" really is a very
       strong  word.   It  goes  beyond  what  government has the power to
       mandate.  Even identical twins are not created  equal.   There  are
       discernible differences.  Equal means precisely the same, a promise
       that no government could ever deliver or would want  to.   What  he
       really  meant  was,  first  of  all, that all people that count are
       created equal.  But does he actually mean even that?   What  he  is
       really  saying  is that the laws should apply equally to all people
       who count.  They should all have equal rights.  But  that  was  not
       what  he  said.  Even in 1776 politicians were not saying what they
       meant and not meaning what they said.

       It continues saying that they-men--are  endowed  by  their  Creator
       with certain inalienable rights.  This presupposes that they have a
       Creator.  Now Jefferson may well be right that there is  a  Creator
       but  is  it  self-evident?  That among these are Life, Liberty, and
       the Pursuit of Happiness.  No government  and  certainly  not  ours
       treats  Life  and  Liberty to be inalienable.  On the other hand no
       government that has ever existed has ever been able to prevent  the
       Pursuit  of  Happiness  in anybody.  It is not clear even what that
       would mean.  Nobody has unrestricted right to pursue happiness, but
       nobody  can  prevent  anyone from at least trying to be happy.  The
       person may be a miserable failure at it, but nobody  can  stop  him
       from trying to be happy.  Nobody I have asked has ever been able to
       give a very good explanation of what a  right  to  the  pursuit  of
       happiness is.

       Well, you get the point.  The Declaration  of  Independence  has  a
       reputation for being a superbly well-written document.  But that is
       mostly because it is interpreted as verbalizing some  high  ideals.
       But  it  may  be  the ideals that are high and fine and not the way
       they are expressed.  Luckily the Supreme Court  does  not  have  to
       interpret  the  words  of the Declaration of Independence nearly as
       closely  as  they  do  the  Constitution.   The   Constitution   is
       considerably  drier,  and not nearly so elegant and concise, but it
       is a much better written document.  At least  it  works.   I  think
       that  the  Declaration  of  Independence still needs work.  Luckily
       there is still time since I take it that it never actually got sent
       to  King  George.   I  know  we  still have it here in the National
       Archives.  I seriously doubt that King George read it and  returned
       it.  I can only conclude that something went wrong and it never got
       sent.  I think that Jefferson decided he liked it so much  that  he
       couldn't part with it.  [-mrl]


       3. GODZILLA (a film review by Mark R. Leeper):

                 Capsule: This film has little to  do  with  the
                 Japanese  monster  Godzilla.   A mutated iguana
                 grown to giant proportions gets  loose  in  New
                 York  City.   Most  of  the  thrills are really
                 warmed-over JURASSIC PARK.   Matthew  Broderick
                 is wasted, but Jean Reno has some nice moments.
                 The comic approach too  often  falls  flat  and
                 does  little  for  the  story.  Rating: 4 (0 to
                 10), low 0 (-4 to +4)

       In 1954 there was an anti-American uproar  in  Japan.   A  Japanese
       fishing  boat  had  unknowingly  caught  fish  contaminated  by  an
       American nuclear test.  The fishermen had been sickened but not  in
       time  to  stop  the  fish from going to market. Japanese newspapers
       called the incident another American atomic attack on  Japan.   The
       Toho  film  company took outrage from this incident as inspiration.
       That combined with the recent successes of the film THE BEAST  FROM
       20,000  FATHOMS  and  the  re-release of KING KONG inspired them to
       make their own monster movie.  This was the bleak  and  very  angry
       film  GOJIRA.   In the story Gojira was a mythical beast identified
       with a 200-foot radioactive dinosaur who comes out of the  Pacific.
       Made on a very small post-war budget, it very ingeniously stretched
       some inexpensive special effects to massive effect.   Some  of  the
       sets  initially  used  wax  miniatures  of large structures to save
       money.  Under harsh studio lights these props  wilted  and  melted.
       As  an  inspiration  an  aerosol spray was added to the hand puppet
       that was Gojira's head together with the wilt  effect  combined  so
       Gojira had breath that would fry chicken.

       American film entrepreneur Joseph E. Levine saw GOJIRA  and  seemed
       oblivious to the anti-American tenor of the film.  He crudely added
       additional footage with American  actor  Raymond  Burr.   The  name
       "GOJIRA"  probably  sounded  too Japanese for a country that had so
       recently been fought a vicious war with Japan, so the name  of  the
       monster  was  slightly modified to be less Japanese sounding but to
       still fit the same lip movements.  The resulting film was  redubbed
       GODZILLA,  KING  OF THE MONSTERS.  The Americans turned this little
       anti-American film into a big international success, the first such
       success  that  there  had  ever been in the Japanese film industry.
       Godzilla has remained an enduring character in Japanese film,  even
       as  the  character  has  been  repeatedly  modified.  Two series of
       monster films have been built around him.  Finally it  was  decided
       little more could be milked from the character, and Toho killed him
       off and licensed the copyright to be used by other studios.  Roland
       Emmerich   who   made  the  films  STARGATE  and  INDEPENDENCE  DAY
       apparently wanted to do his own giant monster film.  No  name  they
       could  give  their creature would have the marquee value of calling
       their beast Godzilla.

       While the new Godzilla may indeed  have  been  inspired  by  Toho's
       monster,   the  thing  that  they  have  ended  up  with  has  more
       differences than similarities.  The new Godzilla is a mutant marine
       iguana  owing  its  unusual  genetics  to French nuclear testing in
       French Polynesia.  (Incidentally, there are no  marine  lizards  in
       French  Polynesia.   The  only  marine  lizard  in the world is the
       marine iguana, and it is found only in the Galapagos Islands.)  The
       creature,  who  would  appear to be about a hundred feet high, with
       powerful enough hind legs that  it  walks  bipedally,  though  bent
       over.   The  massive creature destroys a number of boats on its way
       from Polynesia to New York City, fulfilling a mission of his own.

       Called  in  to  investigate  is  Dr.   Nick   Tatopoulos   (Matthew
       Broderick),  an  expert in atomic mutation called from a three-year
       study of earthworm mutation at Chernobyl.  Nick follows in the wake
       of  destruction  left  by  the  never-seen titanic beast destroying
       ships.  Also following in the wake seems to be  a  sort  of  French
       secret  agent,  Philippe Roche played Jean Reno of LEON (in the US:

       A full scale Godzilla  movie  with  the  sort  of  quality  special
       effects  that  the  Japanese could not afford to lavish on the film
       was, at least for me, an exciting idea.   Unfortunately,  this  was
       not  the  film  I  was  hoping  for.   The  approach of GODZILLA is
       intended to be in large part comic, but only Jean Reno  manages  to
       make  the  humor  really funny.  Michael Lerner plays New York City
       Mayor Ebert and is made up to look like Roger Ebert.  His assistant
       is  Gene  and  looks just enough like Gene Siskel for us to realize
       that that is the point of the joke.  But the joke just  falls  flat
       as often as it is used.  As with INDEPENDENCE DAY there are several
       scenes that are homage  to  previous  films,  also  just  not  very
       amusing.   The  film painfully lacks logic.  People do some totally
       unmotivated actions to keep the plot going, though it  often  slows
       to  a  snail's pace.  Or the plot will move forward by contrivance.
       Nico suddenly get the urge to do a very specialized  chemical  test
       on  Godzilla's  blood.   It turns out he is looking for a result he
       apparently had no reason to suspect and which on  the  face  of  it
       seems  impossible.   But  of course it turns out to be just the key
       chemical test to move the plot forward.  Many of  the  effects  and
       the  thrill  scenes  are borrowed directly from JURASSIC PARK.  The
       love story awkwardly thrown into the mix  is  totally  superfluous.
       The  empty plotting and failed humor attempts are certainly not new
       to Godzilla films, but it was hoped that they would be left  behind
       with the low-budget special effects flaws.

       The Japanese I have  talked  to  have  been  anxious  to  see  what
       GODZILLA was to be like with good effects and a serious plot.  I am
       sorry to say that I expect that they will be disappointed.  I  rate
       this  one a disappointing 4 on the 0 to 10 scale and a low 0 on the
       -4 to +4 scale.  [-mrl]

                                          Mark Leeper
                                          MT 3E-433 732-957-5619

            Television is a medium of entertainment which permits
            millions of people to listen to the same joke at the
            same time, and yet remain lonesome.
                                          -- T. S. Eliot