Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society
07/05/02 -- Vol. 21, No. 1

El Presidente: Mark Leeper,
The Power Behind El Pres: Evelyn Leeper,
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	On "100 Best" Lists (comments by Mark R. Leeper)
	MINORITY REPORT (film review by Mark R. Leeper)
	AMERICAN GODS (book review by Joe Karpierz)
	WINDTALKERS (film review by Mark R. Leeper)


TOPIC: Delays

Our apologies for the delay in the June issues of the MT VOID.  We 
were on vacation, and there were some technical glitches in the 
backup plan.


TOPIC: On "100 Best" Lists (comments by Mark R. Leeper)

I attended the meeting of a book discussion group recently.  Those 
present wanted to choose their next book to be read and discussed.  
One of them pulled out the Random House Modern Library list of the 
"100 Best Novels."  Some of you may remember that in 1998 Modern 
Library made this list of the 100 best and then opened it up as a 
readers' poll.  The results can be found at 
Of course when you have any public poll you run the risk of people 
who have an interest in the outcome organizing other people to 
vote the way they want.  Actually even private polls for which you 
have a fixed set of respondents have the same problem.  But in 
this case it was obvious that many of the votes came from special 
interest groups.  Of their top ten best novels, four were by Ayn 
Rand and three were by L. Ron Hubbard.

In the readers' list one may note that to all appearances the 
people who believe in the virtue of selfishness have managed to 
arrange to have two Ayn Rand novels at the top of the list.  And 
the people whose claim is to the science of perfecting the mind 
have decided with those perfected minds that one of the three 
finest pieces of fiction in English is BATTLEFIELD EARTH by L. Ron 
Hubbard.  (And say, wouldn't it make an equally fine film?)

The reaction at the meeting seemed to be mild irritation and 
frustration that what were probably the so-called Objectivists and 
the Scientologists would corrupt the list out of what they saw as 
their self-interest.  But is that really true?  Is there any 
evidence that they did not vote sincerely?  My problem is not with 
the books they chose, it is with the judgment of the people 
themselves.  The problem I have is not with their tactics but with 
their taste.  It is not necessarily even that their taste is bad, 
but just that it varies from my own.  Organizing like-minded 
people to vote and voting ones own specialized taste is not a 
subversion of the intent of a poll, it is probably the intent 
itself.  The results are a perfectly good reflection of that 
population.  And it is that population that the readers' poll is 
really about.  The Modern Library has not given us a list of the 
best 100 novels, they have given us a view of two different 
If you think of their own list as "The 100 Best Books" (as chosen 
by the board of the Modern Library) you are bound to end up 
frustrated because you will assume either they are wrong in a lot 
of their choices or you are.  If you think of the list as "The 
Tastes of Board of the Modern Library Editors" (as demonstrated by 
their 100 favorite books) it is much easier to appreciate the list 
for what it is.

This goes well beyond that top 100 list.  I admit to having some 
small annoyance that for so long the film that won the Hugo for 
best dramatic presentation was the latest Harrison Ford 
extravaganza.  (Not that some did not deserve it.)  The choice of 
the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for Best Picture 
frequently irks me, but I am starting to understand the criteria 
they use.  While I do not always agree with their criteria I can 
accept it.  That is not a slam, it is only to be expected.  I 
would have picked KING KONG over CAVELCADE for 1933, but I can 
understand why they did not.

Film reviews go much the same way.  This is something I have to 
tell correspondents frequently about my reviews.  When I talk 
about whether a film is good or not I am talking about my tastes.  
The same is true for everybody who expresses an opinion of a film 
from Roger Ebert to the kid in the elevator who talks about his 
favorite Let's-See-'Em-Naked or Blow-'Em-Up-Real-Good film.

On most issues I am not such a relativist.  It may be hard to 
find, but there is only one accurate description of reality.  
Attitudes do not change reality, they only make it harder to find.  
But in matters of taste and preference, it is all relativism.  Bear 
in mind that every poll comes down to a popularity poll. That is 
the only kind they make.

What the two special interests did to the Modern Library poll, 
organizing like-minded people to vote in a way that suits their 
special interest, that has been a part of democracy so long nobody 
would even question it.  That is the way Democracy works.  [-mrl]


TOPIC: MINORITY REPORT (film review by Mark R. Leeper)

CAPSULE: Steven Spielberg adapts a story by Philip K. Dick to 
create a marvelously faceted and incredibly dark vision of the 
future.  Murder has been eliminated by use of mutants' psychic 
powers.  MINORITY REPORT is fast-paced, yet still full of ideas.  
This is probably a better science fiction film in a more complex 
society than was BLADERUNNER (also based on a story by Philip 
K. Dick).  Rating: 9 (0 to 10), +3 (-4 to +4)

When most science fiction films are set in the future the approach 
is simple.  You have funny suits for the men, revealing fashions 
for the women, throw in a funny-looking car here and there, and 
show as little of the world as possible.  That last part is 
desperately important.  Think how much explanation phrases like 
"dot-com failure" would require to make it understandable to a 
1950 audience.  Seeing an accurate view of the world fifty-two 
years from now would be confusing and demanding.  Steven Spielberg 
shows us a world just that far in the future and is not afraid to 
make the view confusing and demanding.

Spielberg has been accused of making manipulative and heavy-handed 
films that are just a bit simplistic and spell things out for the 
viewer.  Certainly nobody can accuse MINORITY REPORT of being 
simple.  In it Spielberg has told a story more than half a century 
in the future that is every bit as complicated and demanding as 
being dropped into the future would be.  This film is a genuine 
piece of future extrapolation.  Even written science fiction set 
in the future does not require this degree of thought about the 
future.  Written science fiction does not allow the reader to put 
his head into a scene and look around at the world the way a wide-
screen movie does.  While some of Spielberg's future seems 
altogether impossible (e.g. psychic elimination of crime), and 
some seem more than fifty-two years away (cars adapted to highways 
that that are vertical for long stretches), Spielberg had taken 
head-on questions of where computing is going.  What will 
advertising be like in fifty-two years?  What will language be 

The year is 2054.  It has been six years since a murder has been 
successfully committed in the Washington DC area.  Why?  Because 
three mutant psychics, "pre-cogs" they are called, are kept in a 
state of constant sleep as their minds are probed see all 
potential murders before they happen.  The police get this 
information in time to avert the killings.  But apart from the 
constitutional issue of prior restraint, there is always the 
question of how one knows for sure the averted crime really would 
have happened.  Tom Cruise plays John Alderton in the police 
Department of Precrime and a firm believer in the system he 
enforces.  He will soon have reason to doubt the system.

Philip K. Dick raised these issues in his novelette "Minority 
Report."  The point of Dick's story was that knowledge of the 
future changes the future so that multiple pre-cogs might see 
multiple alternate futures.  Apparently even Spielberg thought 
that would be a tough notion to transfer to the screen so he 
simplified the concept and the importance of the "minority report" 
from which the film takes its name.

MINORITY REPORT is not just a summer fluff film.  It is hard work 
to follow everything that is going on and to pick up all the 
interesting details in a world where the cartoon characters on a 
cereal box actually dance and sing and store ads recognize 
customers and know their purchase record on sight.  MINORITY 
REPORT is the most detailed creation of a future society since 
BLADERUNNER, which incidentally was also based on the writings of 
Dick.  Here Spielberg uses the ideas of Dick, the pacing of an 
Alfred Bester story, and the cynicism of Frederic Pohl and Cyril 
Kornbluth.  The intelligence flags only near the end with Dick's 
ideas being replaced by a more cliched plotline.  The payoff is 
not the end of the film but a shank that is so dense with ideas.

Spielberg greatly controls the images on the screen.  Scenes are 
intentionally too complex to be understood on one viewing.  To 
create a distancing effect he turns way down the color values so 
the visuals are halfway between color and monochrome.  It is a 
mood device and works to reasonable effect.

This is a long film that that is hard work for the viewer.  It 
makes few concessions to explanations.  At one point a character 
says "I'm tired of the future."  The casual viewer may feel the 
same way.  Or he may just ignore the details and see this as an 
action film.  But action films are many and extrapolations like 
this one few.  I rate MINORITY REPORT a 9 on the 0 to 10 scale and 
a +3 on the -4 to +4 scale.

Minor spoiler....Minor spoiler....
Dick assumes that psychic powers are not perfectly precise and as 
a result three psychics are used and what at least two see is 
assumed to be true.  By saying that there is a lead psychic and by 
assuming she is right even when the other two disagree Spielberg 
is saying it is really unimportant to have the other two.  It is a 
betrayal of the original concept.

Another problem, with all the effort put into detail in this film, 
one very simple check was not done.  There is a reference to a 
poll on Tuesday, April 22, 2054.  That will be a Wednesday.  [-mrl]


TOPIC: AMERICAN GODS by Neil Gaiman (William Morrow, 2001, Science 
Fiction Book Club edition, 461 pp., ISBN 0-380-97365-0) (a book 
review by Joe Karpierz)

There is a particular chant that is heard at numerous college 
sports arenas and stadia when a supposedly superior team comes to 
town only to get easily handled by the inferior home team:  
Overrated.  It's a one word chant, that usually sounds something 
like O-ver-ra-ted.

So, what do I think of AMERICAN GODS?


As most of the folks who read my reviews know, every year when I 
read and review the current crop of Hugo nominees I bemoan the 
fact that my tastes and the current tastes of the section of sf 
fandom that actually reads novels these days are never the same. 
Sometimes I've actually read one or two of the nominees by the 
time the ballot comes out, but this year I'd read a grand total of 
zero of them.  I actually had American Gods on my to-read stack, 
so I figured that counted, sort of.  I had American Gods on that 
stack because of numerous highly positive reviews that I'd read 
plus the recommendation of at least one fellow fan whose opinions 
in these things I highly respect.

I'm going to have to have a talk with him.

I spent the entire novel wondering when something interesting was 
going to happen - it never did.  So now I'm asking anyone out 
there who will write to me (, "What's all the 
fuss about?"

Shadow has just spent the last few years in prison, and while on 
his way home to his wife's funeral (she died just as he was 
getting released), he meets a name who calls himself Wednesday.  
Wednesday offers Shadow a job, and Shadow accepts because there's 
nothing left in his life to go back to - he might as well do 
something with his  newly found freedom.  But of course, Shadow 
has stepped into something that is much more than he thought it 
would be.

There's a war brewing - a war between the gods of old and the old 
country, and the new American gods, the gods of technology, 
advertising, credit, entertainment, etc. For you see, the old gods 
are dying out all over the world.  We've all heard the story that 
gods only exist because they are worshipped, have sacrifices made 
to them, etc.  The old gods don't want to slip away, and the new 
gods want them out of the way.  Wednesday and Shadow travel all 
over the country recruiting reluctant old gods to the cause.  
While they're busy recruiting, the new gods are out there standing 
in their way, trying to sabotage their effort, and mocking them 
all the way.  The story builds to a climax, as both sets of gods 
race to the place of battle, anticipating bloodshed and slaughter.

But the climactic battle, such as it is, cheats the reader.  There 
is no tension or suspense along the way, nothing to hold the 
reader's attention.  Well, *my* attention, anyway.  I'm not going 
to say I was bored by this book, because it certainly was 
intricate and complex enough.  I'll have to admit that Gaiman tied 
everything up very nicely, leaving no loose ends by the time the 
novel ended.  However, this book just wasn't interesting to me at 
all.  Shadow was not a compelling and interesting character, and 
since we find out who Wednesday really is early on the book, that 
mystery is not there for much of the book at all.

So I really don't recommend this book at all.  I felt like it 
wasted my time.  Hopefully the rest of this year's crop of 
nominees will be better.  [-jak] 


TOPIC: WINDTALKERS (film review by Mark R. Leeper)

CAPSULE: John Woo's WINDTALKERS is inspired by the true story of 
Navaho code talkers in World War II.  It is an attempt to make a 
standard "minority in the military" war film with Woo's brand of 
violence.  The real code talkers deserved a better tribute.  This 
disappointing film is a perfect example of a good history story 
avoided.  Rating: 5 (0 to 10), high 0 (-4 to +4)

Adam Beach plays Ben Yahzee, a Navaho Marine who was trained to be 
a code talker.  Nicholas Cage plays John Enders a Marine with a 
badly and painfully injured ear and survivors' guilt.  Enders is 
assigned to guard Yahzee's code.  His highest priority is to keep 
the code out of Japanese hands even if it means killing Yahzee.  
His fear of the possibility of having to kill Yahzee he hides with 
a blanket of affected distaste for Yahzee.  Together they go 
through the battle of Saipan and each discovers the other's 

OK.  First things first.

1) The Navaho code talkers are heroes.  In addition they really 
were cheated of much of the honor they deserved.  I am not arguing 

2) I would like for them and for all Navaho to like this picture.

3) I would like there to be a good film about the Navaho code 
talkers contribution to the Pacific war.

4) This is not that film.

There is a very standard "minority in the military" plot.  The 
members of the minority join the unit.  They are mistrusted a 
little by all, but especially by one particular bigot.  In the 
heat of battle they go beyond the call of duty to protect even the 
bigot.  In the end they have won the respect of their doubters and 
have proven themselves.  In the 1950s it was a very moving plot.  
More recently we have seen it in THE TUSKEEGEE AIRMEN and MEN OF 
HONOR.  When WINDTALKERS claims to be based on a true story they 
mean that there were really Navaho code talkers.  And they really 
made an important contribution.  The filmmakers have told the 
standard plot with code talkers as the minority.  WINDTALKERS is 
an attempt to use John Woo's stylized violence in a standard 
"object lesson" war film plot.  The code talkers were the chosen 
by the filmmaker as the fungible minority.

SAVING PRIVATE RYAN opened the way to show battle more 
realistically in film including that it be more violent.  It seems 
to make sense to have John Woo direct since his films are known 
for their melodramatic plots and their staccato violence episodes.  
The problem is that his films are the wrong sort of violence for a 
realistic war film.  For example it is dramatic to have an 
explosion with an actor spring-boarding in the foreground to look 
like he was caught in the explosion.  A soldier may have even seen 
it happening once in his career.  In this film it is used many 
times to dress up explosions.  Merely making a battle scene more 
violent does not make it more realistic.

The story is based on historical fact.  During World War II the 
most useful encryption technique for tactical use in the field was 
Navaho Code Talk.  It was a double code, one level of which used 
the Navaho language, one of the most difficult languages in the 
world to learn.  There were in the world only about 24 non-Navahos 
who knew the language and none of them were fighting for the 
Japanese.  Navahos developed the code and could be taught it 
quickly.  For anyone else it was useless gibberish.  The Japanese 
could (and did) capture Navahos, but if they didn't know the other 
half of the code, even under torture they could not decode it.  
Messages in the code could be sent over open radio channels 
without the possibility of eavesdropping or forging.  The story of 
Navaho code talking is fascinating, but unfortunately it still 
remains to be told in a film.

There are some notable inaccuracies in the film.  The pairing of a 
Navaho with a particular Marine partner, central to the plot of 
WINDTALKERS, is a fiction according to the actual Navaho veterans.  
Certainly there was nobody who acted as a bodyguard.  While 
"windtalkers" may sound better than "code talkers" there was a lot 
more wind talkers than code talkers.  "Wind talk" is a literal 
translation of the Navaho word for radio.  If the word "wind 
talkers" was used it would merely be any radio operator.

John Woo superficially glosses over what should have been the most 
interesting parts of his story to get to cliched drama and 
stylized violence.  He was the wrong director to tell the story of 
these heroes.  I give his film a 5 on the 0 to 10 scale and a high 
+0 on the -4 to +4 scale.  (Much of the historical information in 
this review is based on the History Channel program "History vs. 
Hollywood: Windtalkers".)  [-mrl]


                                          Mark Leeper

           It's useful that there should be Gods, so let's 
           believe there are.
                                          -- Ovid

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