The Ideas By John and Norm

Said John to Norman one fine day,
"I feel the urge to write a play;
and then to put it on the stage.
Yes, sir, Norm, I think I may."

Said Norm to John in gay reply,
"Why don't you go and make a try?
Tho' really I think 'twould be best
For you to let this urge go by.

"So stick instead to something gory,
Like, perhaps, a Catin story.
Don't go to yet another field,
I hate to think what you would yield."

"Okay, I'll try it your way, Prt;
I'll keep on drawing, my new art."
"Oh, John," says Norm in mock dismay,
"Have you ever thought of writing a 

It was just for fun.  Norm seems to have let up on teasing me about my last
one, so I thought I'd give him some fressh materieal.  (Like, for example, my
lousy typing.)

Well, Monsters, I've finally rebuttled.  Your turn at bat.

               [pg. 18, MERK-MAG #2, Spring 1966]                               

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