Why "THE BLACK CHALICE?" The reason is rather obvious. When was the last time you read four different stories in the same fanzine? with the title of all of them the same? Actually, the Chalice started out to be a round robin. (For the benefit of you who do not know what a round robin is, it is a story written by two or more authors. One writes the first part, another writes the second and so on. -JM) Norm suggested it last year, while still in college. I liked the idea and Tom, Norman's brother, agreed to write a part, too. It never got out of the planning stages. Next, we decided to write two stories with the same title and the same character, Adual. I wrote mine and buried it in my piles of stories. It wasn't very good. Then my beloved Bi-editor said that you, the readers might not like it. I still have not seen his Chalice. Anyways, we finally decided to write a story called "The Black Chalice," get someone else to write one, and feature it in the NEM UX?. --John Merkel [pg. 3, THE UNKNOWN (UX?) #1, Spring 1965] {John was a senior in high school, not quite graduated, at this time. -- norman 7.April.2001}
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