A Few Stills from the Ploktacam
The main lounge
at <plokta.con>: (l-r) Brian Ameringen, Roger Robinson, Tobes, Austin
Benson, Robert Sneddon, Steven Cain, Alison Scott, Mike Scott, John Dallman,
Tom Womack
"We should use this shot of Tom - it's got more computers in it"
Beth Friedman turned up late on Sunday, having spent the weekend at a small, select, slash convention somewhere in the Midlands. She's depicted below checking out the state of the art facilities in the <plokta.con> Internet lounge.
Just gotta fire off a quick email to J*lly R**d
One major programme item was Style Challenge, which Dave Hicks compered wearing the least pleasant football strip of all time, the famed Dukla Prague Away Kit.
Hicks prepares for his live-action body piercing
This is your brain… and this is your brain on Tobes
Sunday night at <plokta.con> was Cleavage Night. Most of the cleavages on display would be familiar to regular Plokta readers; but we did get this rare shot of Jo Walton:
Once again, strange things were auctioned for the fan funds. Dave Clements bought the right to put his head between Sue Dawson's tits and go Flobbleobbleobble; watch out at Novacon for the right to put your head in Tobes' cleavage and go Flobbleyeuccch! A von Däniken book was sold to Bridget Bradshaw so that her gerbils would have comfy nesting material. They devoured it in about a week, and we have the photographic evidence to prove it.
But the piece de resistance was the right to appear as a political or religious faction in a future Ken MacLeod novel. Sadly, strong support for the Square Bear Tendency was outbid by Guy Dawson. Expect to see the Little Sisters of the Cleavage turning up any time now.