This may look like the end, but really it's more like the beginning. In this issue we have merely covered a few of our own adventures at the con. Next month we will have some accounts of the actual con proceedings, and accounts of the adventures of others. Already the accounts are beginning to come in.

Besides we have on hand an interesting pair of articles by Russ Watkins and Bill Veneble, not to mention letters of comment on the Quannish. Then there will be That Column, and (we hope) an essay on Avoidism and the MYOB by Hats. Tucker has promised us one of his con adventures, Max Keasler has promised an article, various other conventioneers have made notes to send us their adventures for print, and we have the fascinating story of Bill Morse's escapades in The Big City,and natural Avoidism, including an account of one of the few times the technique for Avoiding Women has been practiced to perfection.

We've squeezed in as many of the drawings made at the con as possible this ish. The reason being that you fellows at the con were in such a hurry to see them in print. They've taken up a lot of room, so there's not too much written material herein. Be a mess of it in the next issue tho. And puffins too.

Well, Guthrie, we didn't mention your name in connection with that drawing of you. Okay?

Max Keasler was unofficial official camera-man at the con. He took, we believe, 40 photos, and not all of the official proceedings, either. Other people expended their film getting photos of Moskowitz and Evans behind the speakers' rostrum. Not Max. He took his camera to 770. Now he is selling negatives to the highest bidders and prints to all comers who want them. Write him for further info: W. Max Keasler, 420 So. 11th St. - Poplar Bluff, Mo. We've already ordered a complete set to be airmailed to us as soon as Max gets them.

Concerning photos, we purchased a print of Bob Tucker, at the con. Both Max Keasler and Fred Hatfield plan to run it in their fmz. (Need we say, it is not the customary portrait-type photo?) Be sure to get a copy of it.

We beg you to bear with us, with the mimeoing in this ish. We got problems. Namely our new mimeo. We've wasted about a ream of paper so far, because of our lack of a nack with the Speed-O-Print. Slowly but surely we are learning. Until we do, we hope you'll forgive and overlook technical slip-ups. Of course if you're not willing to, how about sending along suficient cash for us to buy a nice new electric ABDick machine ... ?

(These li'l faces mecilessly swiped from Walt Liebscher and Chanticleer ... and slightly battered in the swiping


Oh, well, we'll see y'next ish ...

Data entry by Judy Bemis

Updated September 27, 2015. If you have a comment about these web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.