1944 Fanzines and the Retro Hugos
This is a list of fanzines from the year 1944, primarily from the Pavlat-Evans Index with supplemental research from Joe Siclari's collection, other bibliographies, and reviews. It is probably not complete but does include most, if not all of the major zines.
The zines provided here can be used as reading material for nominations in the Retro-Hugo Award categories. Zines that qualify for Best Fanzine will be marked with red letters as (Eligible). The fanzine title is linked to the fanzine's FANAC.ORG index page if we have one, even if there are no 1944 issues available on FANAC.ORG. The individual issue links will take you to the individual issues, both on FANAC.ORG and on several other websites. If the link takes you to FAPA One-Shots, look to the bottom of the index where the 1944 entries are listed. If you know of other sites with relevant fanzines, please let us know.
Software for this integrated list by Mark Olson. Thanks Mark!
Indexed as of 2020-02-01 15:23:58 EST
- 1943 Fanzine Yearbook (Tucker)
- AAGH! (Schwartz)
- The Acolyte (Laney & Rimel) (Eligible)
#6, #7, #8
- Ad Infinitum (Weisnstein)
#1, #2, #3
- Adulux Beskan (Wollheim)
- Agenbite of Inwit (Lowndes) (Eligible)
#4, #5, #6, #7
- Alpha (Baker)
- anidea (Ryder)
- Announcing Another Poll (Kreuger)
- An Anonymous Civilian (Watson)
- Apollo (Hensley)
- Arcadia (Harry Honig) (Eligible)
- Arcana (Harry Honig)
- Arcturian: Sisfa Annual 1943-44 (Elsner)
- Around the World in ??? Days (Moffatt)
- Astra (Chidsey)
- Banshee (Shaw) (Eligible)
#4, #5, #6
- Bay Area Le'Fout (Ebey)
- Bay Area Pullova (Watson, Ebey)
- Bedside Fassbeinder, The (Yerke)
- Beowulf (de la Ree)
- Beowulf Poll (de la Ree)
- Beulah's Scrapbook (Shaw)
#1, #2
- Beyond (Wright)
#2, #3
- Bixel Bunk (Doro)
- Black & White (Nova Press)
- Black Star (Elsner) (Eligible)
#5, #6, #7, #8, #9
- Blitherings (Davis)
#1, #2, #3
- Bonfire (Varies) (Eligible)
V3#1, V3#2, V3#3, V3#4, V3#5, V3#6, V3#7, V3#8
- Booklist (Rosenblum)
- British Fantasy Society Bulletin (Smith) {Fido} (Eligible)
#14, #16, #17, #18
- British Fantasy Society Library List (FIDO)
- British-American Bulletin (Rogers)
- Bronsonia (Bronson)
- Browsing (Rosenblum) (Eligible)
#6, #7
- Buap! (Watson)
- Buffalocon Autographed Postcard (Kreuger)
- Buffalocon Booklet (Kreuger) {unnumbered}
- By an Anonymous Civilian (Watson)
- Caliban (Shaw)
#5, #6
- Canadian Fandom (Taylor) (Eligible)
#6, #7
- Celephais (Evans)
- Centauri (Anderson)
#2, #3
- Chanticleer (Leibscher) (Eligible)
#3, #4
- Chaos (Watson)
- Chartreuse and Shocking Pink (Lowndes)
- Claude Degler and the FAPA (Shaw)
- Convention Extra (uncredited)
- Cosmian World (Matthews)
- Cosmic Booklet (Taurasi)
- Cosmic Circle Commentator (Rogers) {a Cosmic Circle publication} (Eligible)
#17, #20, #21
- Cosmic Circle Monthly (Washington - Rogers) {a Cosmic Circle publication} {Rogers is Degler}
- Cosmic Circle Monthly (Degler) {a Cosmic Circle publication} {These are different}
- Cosmic Circle White Paper (Rogers) {a Cosmic Circle publication}
- Cosmic Cuts (Holbrow) (Eligible)
V2#6, V2#7, V3#1, V3#2, V3#3, V3#4
- Cosmic Dust (Kessel) (Eligible)
#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8
- Cosmique (Rogers) {a Cosmic Circle publication}
- Cosmos Club News (uncredited)
- Curved Space (Tucker?)
- Cushlamochree (Daugherty)
#1, #2
- Cygni (Perry)
- Decimal Classification (Speer)
- Delerium Tremens (Tucker, D.) (Eligible)
#13, #14
- Detroit Slanewscard (Elsner - Bone) (Eligible)
#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
- Devil Take the Hindmost (Searles)
- Diablerie (Watson) (Eligible)
#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
- Directory of Fandom (Daugherty)
- Dixie Phoenix (Bradleigh)
- Doctor Ashley and Mr. Lowndes (Lowndes)
- Dovention (Felix)
- Eastercon Booklet (Gaffron)
- Eccentric's Orbit (Fern)
#1, #2
- Elmurmurings (Perdue)
#2, #3
- Emergency Flare (Daniel)
- En Garde (Ashley) (Eligible)
#9, #10, #11, #12
- Ephemeron (Chauvenet)
- Erebus (Marlow) (Eligible)
- Fan (Daugherty)
- Fan Journalist (Wilimczyk)
- Fan News Weekly (Washington)
- Fan Slants (Brown)
#2, #3
- Fan-Tods (Stanley) (Eligible)
#6, #7, #8, #9
- Fancyclopedia (Speer) {published as by John Bristol}
- Fandango (Laney) (Eligible)
#4, #5, #6, #7, #7a
- Fanews (Tucker, Connor & Robinson) {multipage issues of Fanewscard}
#52, #53, #54
- Fanewscard (Tucker, Connor & Robinson) (Eligible)
#25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #32, #33, #34, #35, #36, #37, #38, #39, #40, #41, #42, #43, #44, #45, #46, #47, #48, #49, #50, #51, #55, #56, #57, #58, #59, #60, #61, #62, #63, #64, #65, #66, #67, #68, #69, #70, #71, #72, #73, #74, #75, #76, #77, #78, #79, #80, #81, #82, #83, #84, #85, #86, #87, #88, #89, #90, #91, #92, #93, #94, #95, #96, #97
- Fanewscard Service Department (Dunkelberger - Kay)
- Fantasians (Psmith)
- Fantasite (Bronson) (Eligible)
- Fantast's Folly (Youd)
- Fantasticonglomeration (Ackerman)
- Fantasy Amateur (Swisher - Shaw) (Eligible)
V7#3, V7#4, V8#1, V8#2
- Fantasy Commentator (Searles) (Eligible)
#2, #3, #4, #5
- Fantasy Fiction Field (Unger) {Newszine} (Eligible)
#153, #154, #155, #156, #157, #158, #159, #160, #161, #162, #163, #164, #165, #166, #167, #168, #169, #170, #171, #172, #173, #174, #175, #176, #177, #178, #179, #180, #181, #182, #183, #184, #185, #186, #187, #188, #189, #190, #191, #192, #193, #194, #195, #196, #197, #198, #199, #200, #201, #202, #203, #204
- Fantasy Forum (Bradleigh)
#1, #2, #3
- Fantasy News (Sykora) {Newszine} {Precise issues not known} (Eligible)
#167, #168, #169, #170, #171, #172, #173, #173A
- Fanzine Reader's Review (Sneary)
- FAPA Blotter (Perdue)
- FAPA Bulletin (Shaw)
- FAPA Fan, The (Wollheim) (Eligible)
#13, #14, #15
- FAPA Index, The (Shaw)
- FAPA Variety (Tucker) {formerly Sci-Fic Variety} (Eligible)
#9, #10, #11
- Felix (Wilsey) (Eligible)
#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
- Fen (Kepner)
- Fido (Weinstein)
- Fleeting Moments (Farasci)
- Freehafter Memorial Letter (Yerke - Outsiders)
- Future Fandom Stories (Degler)
- FutuREsearch (Joquel)
- Futuria (Wollheim)
- Futurian Advance (Bradleigh)
#1, #2, #3
- Futurian Concept (Sinn)
- Futurian Letters (Bradleigh)
#1, #2
- Futurian War Digest (Rosenblum) {UK} {FIDO} (Eligible)
V4#3, V4#4, V4#5, V4#6, V5#1, V5#2
- Gemini (Lane) (Eligible)
#1, #2, #3, #4, #5
- Gemini Special (Lane)
#1, #2
- Ghost (Cook)
- Guteto (Morojo [Myrtle Douglas]) {FAPA} (Eligible)
V3#4, V4#2, V4#3
- History of the Future Cards (uncredited)
- Horizons (Warner) (Eligible)
#18, #19, #20, #21
- Inconnu, L' (Roberts)
- Inspiration (Bridges) (Eligible)
V3#1, V3#2
- Intelligence Quotient (Doro) {Supplement issued between}
#1, #2
- Investigation in Newcastle (Speer - Shaw) {report on Degler}
- Invictus (Bradleigh)
- Irregular Comet (Homles)
- Jack Speer and Fandom (Degler)
- Jack Speer and the Anti-CC Campaign (Rogers)
- Janus (Spencer - Whitman)
- Jody's Comic Courier (Fear)
- Knanve, The (Yerke)
#1, #2, #3
- La Vie Arisienne (Wollheim)
- Lamppost (Parker)
#2, #3
- Le Zombie (Tucker) (Eligible)
#56, #57, #58, #59
- Let's Swap (Croutch) (Eligible)
#6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11
- Lethe (Smith - Riggs)
- Light (Croutch) (Eligible)
#130, #131, #132, #133
- Little Chicon (Dunkelberger)
- Luna Pono (Warth) (Eligible)
#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9
- Mac's GI Journal (McPhail)
#1, #2
- Mad Muse, The (James Russell Gray Watson)
- Mars (Van Splawn) {1 undated}
#1, #2
- Matters of Opinion (Speer) (Eligible)
- McSnoyd's Bulletin (Shaw)
- Membership Report (Cosmic Circle) (Degler)
- Memoirs of a Superflous Fan (Yerke)
- Michicon (Ashley)
- Microcosmos (Held - Krueger) {3 is undated}
#1, #2, #3
- Midge (Kepner)
- Milty's Mag (Rothman) (Eligible)
#14, #15, #16, #17
- Modern Michelist (uncredited)
- Moloch (Marlow)
- National Futurian Wkly (Degler) {formerly Cosmic Circle Commentator}
#22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27
- Nebula (Shaw) {Newszine} (Eligible)
#21, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27
- New Concept (Sinn)
#1, #2, #3
- New Heiroglyph, The (Wollheim)
- Norcon (uncredited)
- Nucleus (Kuslan) (Eligible)
V5#1, V5#2
- Oakventioneer, The (uncredited)
- Open Letter re Pha (Watson)
- Open Letter to All Members of the FAPA (Lowndes)
- Organization of Fandom, The (Daugherty)
- Outlandi (Ackerman)
- Pan (Wilsey - Shaw)
- Panty Raiser, The (Kepner - Laney)
- Paradox (Wilimczyk) (Eligible)
#7, #8
- Parnassus (Lane)
- Paul Freehafer 1916-1944 (uncredited)
- Personality Pamphlet (Sehnert)
- Phan (Watson) (Eligible)
#1, #2, #3, #4
- Phanny (Thompson) (Eligible)
V3#1, V3#2, V3#3
- The Phantagraph (Wollheim) {V11#3-4, V12#1-4} (Eligible)
#47, #48, #49, #50, #51, #52
- Polaris Memorial (Ackerman) {memorial for Paul Freehafer, editor Polaris}
- Presenting Adam Singlesheet (Ackerman)
- PSFS News (Train) (Eligible)
- QX (Kennedy - Krueger) (Eligible)
#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23
- Reader and Collector (Koenig) (Eligible)
- Report of the Midventionette (uncredited)
- Report to Science Fiction Fandom: Jack Speer and the anti-C.C. Campaign (Rogers)
- Review Section (Holmes) {Fido} (Eligible)
- Rosebud (Wheeler) (Eligible)
#1, #2, #3, #4
- Roubaiyat (Lane - Youd)
- Rouzine, A (Rouze)
- Sands of Time (Carnell) (Eligible)
- Sappho (Watson & Ebey) (Eligible)
#4, #5, #6
- Sardonyx (Chauvenet) (Eligible)
#11, #12, #13
- Saturnalia (Sehnert)
- SF Democrat, The (Speer)
- Shangri-L'Affaires (Burbee) {series B} {issue 13 by Joquel and Laney} (Eligible)
#13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21
- Shottle Bop Card (Daugherty)
#1, #2, #3
- Slan Shack Bookshop Catalog (Ashley)
- So Saari (Saari)
- Songs for Sorrow and Beauty (Kepner - Joquel)
- Space=Time (Sinn)
- Spicy Tellus (Riggs - Psmith)
- Spur-of-the-Moment-Con (Dunkelberger)
- Star Stung (Watson)
- Star-Bound (Farsaci)
- Star-Studded Square Soothsayer (Tucker)
- Stellar (Hamel) {Eligible}
#1, #2, #3, #4
- Stellarian (Daniel)
- Stf Comment (Saari)
- Stinking Sudsy Stories (Stein)
- Stump, The (Ashley)
- Sun Spots (de la Ree - Gaetz - Plotkin) (Eligible)
- Sustaining Program (Speer) (Eligible)
#21, #22, #23, #24
- Tag-Line Musings? (Ebey - Watson)
- Take-Off! (Washington)
- A Tale of the 'Evans (Evans) (Eligible)
#6, #7, #8, #9
- Tellus (Smith) (Eligible)
- Terrifying Test Tube Tales (Kennedy)
- These Amazing Amendments (Ashley)
- Thoth (James)
#1, #2, #3
- Timebinder, The (Evans)
- Toward Tomorrow (Kepner)
#1, #2
- Transactions of the Cosmos Club (Holbrow - Gaffron)
#1, #2
- Troy (Bradleigh)
- Twenty-First Century, The (Wollheim)
- Twilight Echoes (Fortier)
#1, #2
- Ty-Dings (uncredited)
- V...- (Bradleigh)
- Venus (Crozetti)
- Venus-Con (Laney - Brown)
- Vertigo (Wollheim)
- Vie Arisienne, La (uncredited)
- Vision (Wright)
- Voice of the Imagi-Nation (Ackerman) (Eligible)
#29, #30, #31, #32, #33, #34, #35, #36, #37
- Vomaidens Portfolio (Ackerman)
- Vulcan (Inman)
#5, #6, #7
- Wallace Smith Portfolio (Clyne)
- Walt's Wramblings (Liebscher) (Eligible)
#9, #10, #11
- Wee Tome Tipper (Liebscher) (Eligible)
#1, #2, #3, #4, #5
- What is Science Fiction Fandom? (Ashley)
- Works, The (Michel)
- Xenon (Rouze)
#1, #2, #3
- YHOS (Widner) (Eligible)
#9, #10, #11, #12
- Yngvi - 1944 (Ackerman)
- Zizzle-Pop (Chauvenet) {really issue 3 but marked as 2}
Scanning by Joe Siclari and Mark Olson