Contributions in the form of articles, art work and reviews are cheerfully, but not always quickly, accepted. No fiction or poetry even read, much less accepted.
We will exchange with regularly published amateur science fiction publications, even up, copy for copy.
The Rhodomagnetic Digest accepts advertising at the rate of $10.00 per page; $5.00 per half page. Color $2.50 extra. Classified advertising, 10 per line; maximum of 50 typewritten characters and spaces per line (elite).
The Publishers of the Rhodomagnetic Digest
The Elves', Gnomes' and Little Men's Science Fiction, Chowder and Marching Society is composed of people who are interested in reading, writing, or collecting science fiction and fantasy in any of its forms. For meeting dates and further information, contact any of the officers at the Garden Library, 2524 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley 4, Calif.
Chairman Les Cole
Vice-Chairman Eric Ely
Secretary George Finigan
Treasurer Maggy Garrison
Data entry by Judy Bemis