Stories are rated as follows:
*** Good to excellent
** Fair to good
X May be considered an additional (*) for the intelligentsia. Not for light reading.
* A fantastic, but not good. Collectors and students only, Read at your peril!
- Not fantastics; masqueraders; too bad even for collectors.
() Not fantastics; marginal
C Not in the Checklist
s Short story collections. Total number of stories given.
Chamberlain, Elinor
C. Snare for Witches. (Dodd, Mead N.Y. 1948) A novel about New England witchcraft scares. Not fantastic.
Chamberlain, George Agnew
C. White Man. (Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis 1919) Not fantastic.
Chamberlain, H.H.
**6000 Tons of Gold Flord & Vincent, Meadville, Pa. 1919) What to do?
Chambers, Dana
*** The Last Secret. (Dial, N.Y. 1943) Sci-fict. Just written soon enough. Good problem.
Chambers, Julius
** Missing. A Tale of the Sargasso Sea. (Transatlantic, N.Y. 1896) Fantastic enough, but poorly written. A questionable "fair."
Chambers, Robert W.
s The King in Yellow. (Harper, N.Y. 1902) Shorts (9) (see issues No. 17 and No. 18
The Maker of Moons (Putnam, N.Y. 1896) Shorts (8)
*** The Maker of Moons. - Chinese demon lore. Sci-fict.
* The Silent Land
* In the Name of the Most High
* A Pleasant Evening
* The Man at the Next Table
(Doran, N.Y. 1920) Weird, horror
s The Mystery of Choice (Appleton, N.Y. 1897) Shorts (8)
** The Purple Emperor. - Murder, mild horror**s In Search of the Unknown (Harper, N.Y. 1904) Shorts (6)
* Pompe Funebre - Mild horror
*** The Messenger - Horror, Monk's curse
* The White Shadow - Fantasy
* Passeur - Fantasy
*** A Matter of Interest - sci-fict. Extinct lizard
* The Key to Grief
All sci-fiction, humor
**s The Tracer of Lost Persons (Appleton, N.Y. 1906) Shorts (5)
**s The Tree of Heaven (Appleton, N.Y. 1907) Shorts (10)
**s Police!!! - Shorts (6)
***s The Green Mouse (Appleton, N.Y. 1910) Shorts (16) - Sci-fiction fantasy with humor
**s The Gay Rebellion (Macauley, N. Y. ) Humorous fantasies on theme suffragettes
** Athalie (Appleton, N.Y. 1915) A novel with large element of clairvoyance.
-s Quick Action (Appleton, N.Y. 1914) Short love stories with a bit of interlinkage in that they were seen in a crystal. Not truly fantastic.
** The Talkers (Doran, N.Y. 1923) Hypnotism, dual personality.
- The Dark Star (Burt) Good spy story. Not fantastic.
- In the Quarter (Constable, London 1919) Novel. Not fantastic.
C- The Crimson Tide (Appleton, N.Y. 1920) Novel of bolshevism.Chambers, W. Jerome
C- The Opal Matrix (Salisbury Hill, Worcester, Mass. 1937) Occult, poor.Chambers, Whitman
**Invasion! (Dutton, N.Y. 1943) Los Angeles invaded by Japanese. A very good story except for several chapters of preaching.Chamisso, Adelbert von
** The Shadowless Man. Peter Schlemihl. (Chatto & Windus, London 1910) another copy (Altemus, Phila) Rather good "Faust" tale.Chancellor, John
- The Dark God (Century, N.Y. 1928) Pretty good detective story.Chancellor, J. N.
**Through the Visograph (Christopher, Boston 1928) Some very good sci-fict & fantasy ideas, largely spoiled by poor writing.Chaney, J. M.
C* Poliopolis and Polioland - A Trip to the North Pole. (Chaney, Kansas City 1900) A "mild" lost-race story. some utopian ramblings, mostly astronomy, little story.Channing, Blanche M.
C-s Zodiac Stories (Griffith, Farran, Browne, London N.D.) For childrenChanning, Mark
** King Cobra (Lippincott, Phila. 1934) Fantastic adv. Imitation Mundy
* White Python(Lippincott, Phila. 1934) Fantastic adv
* The Poisoned Mountain (Lippincott, Phila. 1936) Fantastic adv
- Nine Lives (Lippincott, Phila. 1937) advChapin, Maud Hudnut
Cs The Lost Star and Other Stories (Falmouth, Portland 1948) Shorts (12)
* The Lost Star - Fantasy
* The Prior - Animal fantasy
** The Diet of Worms - Animal fantasy
- The Bag-Pipes
* Ad Astra - Animal fantasy
* The Dryad - Fantasy
* All Souls - Fantasy
** The Rivals - Bug fantasy
** The Leech - Bug fantasy
- The Iconoclast
- The Last Hansom
* The Shadow - FantasyChappel, George S.
* Through the Alimentary Canal with Gun and Camera (Stokes, N.Y. 1930) Mildly amusing.Charlton, Lionel E.
- The Menace of the Clouds (Hodge, London 1937) Non-fictionCharrington, Charles
C- Lady Bramber's Ghost (Stone & Kimball, N.Y. 1896) - Ghost writer.Charteris, Leslie
*** The Last Hero (Sundial, N.Y. 1941) "Saint" story
C** Also see "Dawn" in "Saint Errant"Chase, James Eadley
** Miss Shumley Waves a Wand (Jarrolds, London, N.D.) Fair fantasy a la Thorne SmithCheiro
C* True Ghost Stories (London Publ. N.D.) Some good ideas.Cheney, David
(**) Son of Minos (McBride, N.Y. 1930) Good historical novel of labyrinth of Crete.Cher, Marie
** The Immortal Gymnasts (Doran, N.Y. 1915) Pantaloon, Harlequin & Columbine mix in love affairs and end up human.Chester, George Randolph
*** The Jingo (G & D) Amusing lost-race
***The Cash Intrigue (Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis 1909) Rather good Emperor of America story.
- The Ball of Fire (Hearsts, N.Y. 1914) Very borderline; business and religion.Chesterton, Gilbert Keith - I don't like him.
Cuild, Frank Samuel
- A Colonial Witch (Baker & Taylor, N.Y. 1897) About New England witchcraft trials.
Child, Richard Washburn
C* The Hands of Nara (Dutton, N.Y. 1922) Faith healing.
Childers, Erskine
*** The Riddle of the Sands (Nelson & Sons, London & Edin.) Good secret service adventure. Some prediction but very borderline fantastic.
Data entry and page scans provided by Judy Bemis
Data entry by Judy Bemis
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