Some members of FAPA were around ten years ago ... many are newcomers to Fandom. With the hope that this information will bring back memories to the Old Guard and inform the New Ranks, we reprint here some of the results of Widner's First Poll (1941) as supplied by Gerry de la Ree, and with them the corresponding results of the NFFF Laureate Poll of 1950.

Pro Authors ('41) ('50) Pro Artists ('41) ('50)
1. Campbell-Stuart Bradbury 1. Finlay Cartier
2. Weinbaum Sturgeon 2. Paul Finlay
3. EE Smith Shiras 3. Wesso Bonestell
4. de Camp Anderson 4. Cartier Bok
5. H.G.Wells Schmitz 5. Bok Vincent
6. Williamson Knight    
7. Merritt McDonald    
8. Lovecraft Reynolds    
9. Taine Simak    
10.Keller Heinlein    

Fans ('41) ('50) Fanzine ('41) ('50)
1. Ackerman R. Lavender 1. Spaceways Fanscient
2. Tucker Firestone 2. Le Zombie S-F Newsletter
3. Moskowitz Higgs 3. Stardust Nekromantikon
4. Lowndes Winne 4. Alchemist TNFF
5. Warner Slater 5. V.O.M. Fantasy Times
6. Wollheim Rapp 6. Fantasy News Shangri-La
7. Madle Moskowitz 7. Pluto Futurist
8. Fortier Venable 8. Snide Slant
9. Sykora Austin 9. Comet Operation Fantast
10.Widner Ackerman 10.Fanfare Spacewarp

Data entry by Judy Bemis
Hard copy provided by Geri Sullivan

Data entry by Judy Bemis

Updated September 29, 2015. If you have a comment about these web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.