Volume Seven - No. 1

APRIL, 1950

(Issue Number 37)

Fandom's Top Monthly
since April 47


Combined w/UNIVERSE

Subscription Rates:
9 for $1.00. Ten
for a buck if you be-
long to NFFF. 15¢ per
single copy; 2/25; 4/50



TIMBER! .................................................................................................................. Arthur H. Rapp ........... 2
Konner's Korner ........................................................................................................ Wilkie Conner ............. 5
Gateway .................................................................................................................... Michael DeAngelis ....... 7
In Which We Solve A Mystery .................................................................................. W. E. Bullard ............... 8
Forgetfulness .............................................................................................................. Michael DeAngelis ...... 8
A Manual Of Fan Education ....................................................................................... Bill Venable ................ 9
The Kan Kan Kabitzer ............................................................................................... T. E. Watkins ........... 13
Revelation .................................................................................................................. Bill Warren ............... 18
The Purple Dawn (2 of 2) .......................................................................................... Redd Boggs .............. 19
Quien Sabe? ................................................................................................................................................. 23
Fanzine Scope ........................................................................................................... F. Towner Laney ....... 28
Bas-Relief Seascape ................................................................................................. Michael DeAngelis ...... 30
Book Review: Asimov's "Pebble In The Sky" ............................................................ Don McConnell .......... 31

COVER ....................................................................................................................... Ralph Fluette
Interior Artwork by ...................................................................................................... Wm. Rotsler & Bill Venable


2120 Bay Street
Saginaw, Michigan


Return Postage Guaranteed

The occasion's momentous, the mo-
ment is solemn
With a banging of staplers, WARP
starts a new volemn
The readers they weep, peeling on-
ions they cry
As Volume VI becomes VI & I

In the box where I keep 'em, back
issues are mounting
(Since I ran out of fingers, I've
given up counting)
So away with your wailing' let sad-
ness be over --
Volume Seven it is, and will be
till Octover.

(Awright, you write verse on stencil
sometime and see if your rhymes are
any more perfect!)

/__/ Your subscription's finished!
/__/ Hah, a contributor!
/__/ Review, exchange, or perhaps
an attempt to persuade you to sub.

Text versions and page scans Judy Bemis

Data entry by Judy Bemis

Updated June 19, 2015. If you have a comment about these web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.