Each month from the newsstands they leer,
And through twisted fangs madly peer
Red-eyed, but showing fear
Lest the poor stricken HERO should lammy,
Each BEM delivers a double whammy

Knocking the guy on his union suit fanny

Before crawling back in some nook or cranny.

Each BABE not quite dressed, with an innocent gaze
Reveals all her charms by the light of the rays
Given off by a super destructo-gun .....
Each HERO comes equipped with one .....
Yet everyone knows it can only stun

all they who are not called Bergey fen
but dare to raise their heads as men
and look the covers in the face,
deigning not at each disgrace
to rip them off. I must coonfess
to them, I dedicate this mess.


Text versions by Judy Bemis, page scans by Judy Bemis and Kim Huett

Data entry by Judy Bemis

Updated June 19, 2015. If you have a comment about these web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.