(On this page we plan to review each month as many fan magazines and publications as space permits. If you have recently published any type of booklet, pamphlet, or magazine send us a copy and we will review it in our next issue.)
FANTASCIENCE DIGEST: Sept-Oct, 1938. One of the better grade hektographed publications. The current issue consists of 16 large sized pages; but the next issue which will be the first anniversary of the magazine will probably be nearly double this size. The hektographing throughout is excellent; very even and very few words even difficult to read. Typography fairly good, average but one or two errors to the page. The current issue contains, as the feature, Skylark Versus Thought, by Milton A. Rothman, and very good. It is a sequel to the Skylark stories and Invaders from the Infinite. Also included is a department by Willis Conover which is usually excellent; two excellent articles in the Dale Hart style (by Hart, of course); poetry by Farsaci and Cloukey; informative and excellent news about AMAZING STORIES by Mark Reinsburg; and the customary readers' department. The cover and full-page illustrated feature are excellently done by Rothman, despite a juvenilistic scene for the feature, and inner illustrations are by Rothman and Giunta. Editor is Robert A. Madle; associate and contributing editors are Agnew, Baltadonis, and Conover. Price is ten cents; see ad on page 20 of SPACEWAYS for address.
FANTASY NEWS. Usually a two page weekly publication, selling for three copies for a dime. Often, however, the number of pages is increased, and more material included. Contains mainly news items; also news departments of Moskowtiz, Our Overflow. Mimeographed, and on the whole a good job, despite occasional unevenesses. Editor is James V. Taurasi; address at 137-07 32nd Avenue, Flushing, Long Island, New York. For further details see advertisement in this issue of SPACEWAYS.
NEW FANDOM: Sept., 1938. The newest of the fan magazines (until SPACEWAYS came along). Very fine silk screen cover by Taurasi on a good grade of heavy paper. Make-up similar to SPACEWAYS: 20 large size, mimeoed pages, no illustrations. Inner material could stand to be more interesting; and occasional patches of "Van Houten Says" become annoying at times, not because of their contents, but the style in which they are presented. Best feature of the current issue is a very comprehensive review of the fan magazines. The magazine can only be obtained by belonging to the organization of the same name as the magazine, NEW FANDOM. For full details write to Sam Moskowitz, 603 South 11 St., Newark, N. J. Mailed flat in envelope; and mimeographing excellent.
IMAGINATION: Oct., 1938. Unfortunately the last issue (at least for the time being) of one of the best fan magazines, and certainly the best humorous one, that have ever been published. Usually consisted of 20 pages, with the exception of the final issue, which was only 12, and sold for ten cents. According to last reports the last issue is still for sale, and it is well worth the money, despite its comparative thinness. Only cont ents are Way Out West and the readers' department except for one other short article and the ads. Very well mimeographed in the large size format, same as SPACEWAYS. If you want to try to obtain a copy of the last issue, write to Box 6475 Met Station, Los Angeles, California. Earlier issues still available, and at fairly low price with the exception of the earliest ones. Was formerly The Fan Mag of the Future With a Future --- is now The Fan Mag of the Future With a PAST!
(Several other magazines, which should have been reviewed this issue, will have to wait until next time, due to lack of space. Among these are the fall issue of SCIENTI-SNAPS, which was received too late for review in this issue.)
Data entry by Judy Bemis
Updated June 23, 2015. If you have a comment about these web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.