From the editor's typewriter...

This issue will henceforth and foreveraftermore be known as the patchwork quilt issue. Last issue we promised standardized type and format. Instead, you've gotten FOUR type faces. FOUR different formats, (as compared with two each, last time) and TWO types of paper. This was the result of the most acute financial crisis yours truly has seen in seven years, the aquisition of an unpredictable linotype (all items in this issue were handset, save one), and the necessity of getting this issue into the November FAPA mailing to meet Walt Willis' requirements.

We're most pleased to welcome Walt as co-editor. As most of you already know, Walt is the freshest talent to lighten the dreary scene of fan humor since Bob Tucker. In addition Walt is editor of what is easily today's best all-around fanzine. (Those unfamiliar with it will find SLANT listed right below SCIENCE FICTION NEWSLETTER in all the alphabetical reviews.)

So at one fell swoop WASTEBASKET has acquired both fandoms best current writer and its best current editor. Walt's influence has not really been felt as yet but we intend to take full advantage of both talents. Walt will be a frequent contributor, though it has been policy for the editor to remain in the background as much as possible in the past.

Our second issue showed tremendous improvement in appearance, none in quality of material. This issue, we feel, shows an even greater surge forward --- but on the contents side. Appearance is, if anything, a bit below our second issue.

Not that we're satisfied with our contents! For one thing, the issue is unbalanced. The Bill Morse article is the only one of its type. We'd like to run more like it. We did have a nicely complementary feature scheduled which we were forced to postpone due to the prohibitive cost. This is now scheduled for next issue. We expect it to be our most popular innovation.

Both the subject of this article and Ray Bradbury co-operated magnificently. But both are ex-fans with well developed senses of humor. What if I should be offered an article on August Derleth, as it becomes known that I'm using serious articles of literary criticism> August Derleth has gone on record as opposing levity when connected with the fantasy field. He would surely fight against having an article about him appear in any magazine titled WASTEBASKET. Now he couldn't stop us, not unless the article was libelous. But the subject's co-operation, while unnecessary, is highly desirable.

So, for the reasons outlined above, I am considering changing WASTEBASKET's title. This magazine is a far cry from the one I mentally formed when I conceived the title but it is established under this name now. I'd like to know what you think about this so let me know when you write.

For benefit of new readers, WASTEBASKET is a FAPAzine. If you're not a member of FAPA you can't subscribe. But a letter or postcard requesting it will bring you the next issue (but only the next issue) free. Your comments on this issue are avidly awaited by both editors and contributors.

The cover and illustration on page 27 are by Rosco Wright. The puffin on page 2 is by Shelby Vick.


will YOU be there?

Data entry by Judy Bemis