Like just about all fannish endeavors, conventions also produce many publications. The most common are flyers, Progress Reports, and Program Books. There are many other types as well: newsletters (with frequencies from 1 to 1 a day to 1 an hour), program schedules, souvenir books, Guest of Honor collections, Memory Books, and all sorts of one-time publications. Along with the photos we have from many conventions, these convention pubs can provide a better understanding of the fannish and professional activities at conventions. We'll try to provide as many as we can here. Note to Conrunners: please send us electronic copies of your conventions publications so we can make them available permanently.
-- Joe Siclari
Fan History Project Coordinator
Entries marked with a
in this table have one or more publications on-line at this site.
Entries marked with a
in this table are links to other sites.
To sort the index just click on a column header (Default: Worldcon #).
# | Con | Title | Sponsor/Chairman/Editor | Date[s] | Type | Flag |
Updated January 3, 2023. If you have a comment or question about these Web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.
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