Timebinders - FanHistoriCon V - Minneapolis, MN Easter 1996

Notes from FanHistoriCon V by Joyce Scrivner

Schedule of Events

Friday night: general socializing co-sponsored by Australia in 1999,
9pm (after Opening Ceremonies) Fan Fund & Charities auction, Joe Siclari auctioneer

11am: Panel - History of Minicon

Don Bailey, Don Blyly, DDB, Margie Lessinger, Frank Stodolka

Noon: Workshop/Roundtable discussion - Early MinnStf & the social climate of the 1960s

Ruth Berman, Margie Lessinger, Frank Stodolka, Floyd Henderson, Dick Tatge, Linda Lounsbury, Caryl Eschweiler, Blue Petal, Nate Bucklin & others

2pm: Panel - Fanzines & Apas in Minneapolis

Garth Danielson, Dean Gahlon, Jeff Schalles, Blue Petal & others

3pm : Workshop/Roundtable discussion - Bozo Bus & Slan Shacks in Minneapolis

DDB, David Emerson, Margie Lessinger, Frank Stodolka, Dick Tatge, Linda Lounsbury, Mark Digre, Scott Imes, Susan Ryan, Garth Danielson & others 5pm : Interview - Bob Tucker

6pm: Timebinders meeting -
Peggy Rae Pavlat, Don Fitch, Art Widner, Bruce Pelz, Joe Siclari, Edie Stern, Joyce Scrivner

(later) General Party co-sponsored by LACON III

11pm: Filking - Elise Matthesen

Sunday Noon: Workshop/Roundtable discussion - Performances/Musicals

Dave Emerson, Susan Ryan, Denny Lien, Jerry Stearns, Linda Lounsbury, Nate Bucklin & others

2pm: Panel/Presentation - Whither Timebinderes: preserving fanzines, artifacts and new projects.

Linda Lounsbury, Denny Lien, Joe Siclari, Edie Stern, Bruce Pelz


Linda Lounsbury displayed t shirts, artifacts, fanzines in the Fanhistoricon suite (2214).

A TV ran MinnStf videos and other older Worldcon videos. Videos presented may have included a series of 'commercials' done for MidAmericon by MinnStf at that time used as masquerade filler.

Since Minicon budget had problems, Minicon couldn't cover the cost of videotaping. Jeff Berry volunteered to cover the costs of audio/video taping all panels and stuff.