Time | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
10AM | CCFL Setup | CCFL Opens Milt Rothman Hour, CCFL |
CCFL Opens Intro to Fandom, CC336 |
CCFL Opens |
CCFL Opens Are Fanzines Obsolete?, CC344 |
11AM | Fanspeak, CC332 | Aussiecon III, CC330 | |||
Noon | CCFL Opens Welcome to SF Community, CC336 |
History of Philadelphia Worldcons, CCFL First Fandom Crisis? CC332 Enjoy First Worldcon, CC347 |
Joe, Gay & Rusty's Excellent Adventure, CCFL | Local Fan Clubs, CC332 | |
1PM | Suppose they Gave a Worldcon..., CC336 | Timebinders General Meeting, CCFL | My Favorite Fanzines, CCFL | Hoax Bids | |
2PM | History of Baltimore Fandom, CC336 | Worldcon Bid Q&A, CC336 | Guided Tour of the Fan Exhibits, CCFL | Should There Be a NASFiC?, CC330 What Pros Should Know..., CC343 |
Fannish Feud, CC336 |
3PM | Milt Rothman GoH Speech, CC337 | Combined Fannish Charity Auction, CC339 Early Fandom Slide Show, CC345 |
Conrunning 101, CC344 | CCFL Closes | |
4PM | Virtual SF Museum, CCFL | When I Was a Young Fan..., CC330 | Con closes please help with teardown. |
5PM | History of Boston Worldcons, CCFL Introduction to Fanzines, CC336 |
'60s Fandom Project | Religion & SF Fandom, CC332 SF Collectible Preservation, CC347 |
6PM | Introduction to Business Meetings, CC331 | SciFi Channel & Fandom, CC332 | Fandom Around the World, CC327 | Who Should be Worldcon GoH?, CC332 | |
7PM | CCFL Closes | CCFL Closes | CCFL Closes | CCFL Closes | |
8PM | HIFL Opens Bob Madle Interview, HIFL One-hour Worldcon, Carroll |
9PM | HIFL Opens | HIFL Opens | HIFL Opens | ||
10PM | Con-running Horror Stories, Carroll | OldiWeds Game, Mencken | |||
11PM | I Remember Lee Smoire, Carroll | Joys & Sorrows of Fanzine Publishing, Carroll | |||
Mid. | Fandom on the Internet, Carroll HIFL Open Until 2AM |
HIFL Open Until 2AM | HIFL Open Until 2AM | HIFL Open Until 2AM |
CCFL: FanHistoriCon items in the Convention Center Fan Lounge ** HIFL: FanHistoriCon items in the Hilton Fan Lounge
CC: Convention Center ** Carroll: Omni Carroll ** Mencken: Omni Mencken