Diane Dawe, Brian Mix, Natalie Quirk, Diamonds Turner, Kelly Turner, Doug Brown, Bren Gibble, Angelique Trouvere
w83m068.jpeg [86KB]: "Turn of a Friendly Card" Diane Dawe as the Queen of Clubs, Brian Mix as the King of Diamonds, Natalie Quirk as the Queen of Diamonds and Kelly Turner as the King of Spades. Karen remembered, "We did all our stage blocking at the convention. We didn't know the MC podium was going to be on the stage until it appeared the night of the masquerade, so we had to "squish in" quite a bit. The podium was where I was supposed to be, hence Marty's continuing quip about the'Karen Turner Memorial Podium."

Photo by Brengibble
Provided by Doug Brown from Bren Gibble's website
Information provided by Angelique Trouvere

Updated October 10, 2008. If you have a comment about these Web pages, please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster.

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