Sean Thomson, Walter Willis, Bob Shaw, Bob Silverberg, Lee Hoffman, Carol Porter
w92c005.jpeg [33KB]: Sean Thomson and others prepare to test the beginning of The Enchanted Duplicator Golf Course. The entire miniature golf course was built inside the convention center. Each hole was themed to a scene from the Enchanted Duplicator, the most famous piece by Fan Guest of Honor Walter Willis (co-authored and illustrated by Bob Shaw.) Each hole was built by a different fannish club or worldcon bidder. The first hole was built and tested in the NESFA clubhouse, the last hole was built by the South Florida Science Fiction Society when they should have been preparing for Hurricane Andrew which hit South Florida the day after SFSFS constructed the Tower of Trufandom, only one week before the worldcon. The Tower really had an enchanted duplicator on top. It was the hand-crank mimeo used by Bob Silverberg to publish his fanzine Spacehip and later used by Lee Hoffman.

Photo by Carol Porter

Updated November 8, 2007. If you have a comment about these Web pages, please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster.

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