w89-040.jpeg[16KB] Isaac Asimov always draws a crowd when he made his too rare convention appearances. |
w89-050.jpeg[22KB] Rusty Hevelin and Forrest J. Ackerman together are closing in on 100 Worldcons. |
w89-090.jpeg[16KB] Susan Casper & Joe Haldeman at the social; Rick Katze is to their left. |
w89-125.jpeg[17KB] John De Chancie talking with editor Susan Allison. |
w89-130.jpeg[31KB] Topher Cooper, Beth Cohen, and Frank Balaz |
w89-135.jpeg[22KB] (Definitely not Sue Hammond) |
w89-140.jpeg[29KB] Krsto Mazuranic (The old Zagreb bidder)1942 - 2012 |
w89-145.jpeg[29KB] James Turner |