Noreascon 3 – 1989 WorldCon

Part 11 – Masquerades and Costumes 1

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Hi - I don't know the individual in the photo in question, but the costume is surely "Lilly" from Ridley Scott's "Legend".
"Tribute" - Tim Smith as a Starship Trooper
"Tribute" - Suzanne Tees as Patty the Tattooed Lady from "Stranger in a Strange Land".
"Tribute" - Animal X as "Star, the Empress of 20 Universes" (or "Empress of worlds across twenty dimensions" if you want to get technical...) Concept, design & construction by Animal X with the help of Richard Hill who worked on the 4 banner's structural integrity as well as Animal's own "Glory Road" which split apart to reveal her dazzling majesty to the audience.
"Tribute" - Another angle of Suzanne Tees' Patty the Tattooed Lady
"Tribute" - Dorsey Flynn as Maureen Johnson-Smith-Long and her son Delian as the infant Lazarus Long
"And now a word from our sponsor (Barbarian Express)".
Drew & Kathy Sanders, Court of the Peacock King, winner, Best Master.
Lord Poseidon and Lady Tsunami.
Martin Miller, Barb Schofield, and Mr. Schofield (Barb's father) in the "Court of the Peacock King".

Updated March 25, 2019. Please send any comments regarding this Web page to the to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.

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