x04h001.jpeg[28KB] A pair of N4 Hugos at the Hugo-Losers' party |
x04h002.jpeg[27KB] Elaine Brennan models a 2004 RetroHugo |
x04h003.jpeg[26KB] 1970 Hugo Award for F&SF, given out at Heicon |
x04h004.jpeg[20KB] 1965 Hugo for Yandro, awarded by LonCon II. |
x04h005.jpeg[43KB] RetroHugo Awarded by Noreascon IV |
x04h006.jpeg[28KB] Hugos from the '60s; Harlan Ellison's Hugo for "Repent Harlequin! Said the Ticktockman", awarded at the Cleveland Worldcon |
x04h007.jpeg[16KB] Noreascon IV Hugo |
x04h008.jpeg[30KB] Deconstructing the Noreascon IV Hugo by its designer, Scott Lefton |
x04h009.jpeg[17KB] RetroHugo for 1953 given out by Noreascon IV |
x04h010.jpeg[18KB] LACon Hugo, 1984 |