Pierre Pettinger, Sandy Pettinger, John Blaker, Les Roth, Sam Abba, Byron Connell, Kate Morgenstern, Greg Sardo, Arabella Davis, John O'Halloran, Chris O'Halloran, Andy Trembley, Elaine Mami, Kevin Roche, Julie Zetterberg, Marci Malinowycz, Joni Dashoff, Heather Buck, Charles Mohapel
x03m133.jpeg [39KB]: #18 "Trumps of Amber" (Master) (Pierre & Sandy Pettinger, John Blaker, Les Roth, Sam Abba, Byron Connell, Kate Morgenstern, Greg Sardo, Arabella Davis, John & Chris O'Halloran, Andy Trembley, Elaine Mami, Kevin Roche, Julie Zetterberg, Marci Malinowycz, Joni Dashoff, and Heather Buck) Awards: Best in Show, Best in Class, Master Workmanship

Photo by Charles Mohapel

Updated November 8, 2007. If you have a comment about these Web pages, please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster.

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