The purpose of the Fancyclopedia, not fully realized, is to define all expressions, except nonce-words, which have an esoteric meaning in fantasy fandom, and to supply other information, such as that on Esperanto, which may be needed to understand what fans say, write, and do.
The Rejected Canon by Dick Eney was published in 1962 as "a reprint of the parts of the original Fancyclopedia which were omitted from Fancyclopedia II."
Fancyclopedia II was published in 1959 -- the first copies were distributed at the Pittsburgh WorldCon, in fact -- and is now out of date, though many of the articles in it are still valid if you allow for the time difference.
Published in 1960, here are the additions and corrections that Dick Eney provided to improve the accuracy and completeness of Fancyclopedia II.
FANCYCLOPEDigest was published in 1968, as a short guide to some of the folkways of of science fiction and fantasy fandom.
Science fiction fandom began in the 1930s, when readers of the pulp magazines began to write to each other. While very loose, its members identify with fandom and with each other, and know many other fans.
We hope that Fancyclopedia III will be a collective enterprise of all of fandom. Based on the previous works by Jack Speer and Dick Eney, it is to be written by fans who want to contribute.
Unlike Wikipedia, Fancyclopedia is to be an edited encyclopedia. Your editors will impose their own iron whim on content, style and presentation. Nonetheless, like Wikipedia, fans are free to contribute and edit topics, suggest authors, and argue with the editors on matters of content, style or presentation
-- Mark Olson, Editor |
-- Joe Siclari, Chairman |
-- Edie Stern, Webmaster |
Updated May 26, 2008. If you have a comment or question about these Web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.
Copyright © 2008 by F.A.N.A.C. Inc.