A consistent crowd pleaser for Tropicon has always been the Art Show which promises to be bigger and better this year. In addition to the display by our Artist Guest of Honor, we will have works from a variety of artists from around the country! Remember the gift giving season will be just around the corner and what better gift for a loved one, or for yourself for that matter, than a unique example of Science Fiction or Fantasy art from this great collection.
If you are an artist interested in displaying your works for purchase, the prices are as follows:
For more information or to sign up for space, please contact Deanna Lyman via Tropicon XVIII's maililng address (see Registration) or send e-mail to her at
Live ballroom dance music will be provided by Doyle Green on his fabulous keyboard.
This is a formal affair, so pull out that suit and tie, evening gown, Klingon Battle Armor, your favorite superhero costume, and get dressed to a tee!
Take off early from work on Friday if you have to, but don't miss The Velvet Comet.
It will be November and those gift-giving holidays will be just around the corner. What better time and place to look for those unique items to give your family, friends, current and former lovers!
Dealer's tables are priced at $45.00 each which includes one Tropicon membership. Tropicon membership for a Dealer's Assistant is $15.00.
Please contact the Tropicon Cahirman, George Peterson, at tropicon@sfsfs.org or write to him at Tropicon XVIII's maililng address (see Registration) for further information.
Keeping with tradition, we will once again sponsor the Robert A. Heinlein Memorial Blood Drive on at Tropicon. Virginia Heinlein has authorized the use of her husband's name in memory of the importance he placed on donating blood. Members are urged to donate year round but our special time will be at Tropicon XVII in November. (Tropicon account codes for later donations can be obtained at the convention.) The bloodmobile will be parked outside and there will be special goodies for those who contribute.
The blood supply in our country is becoming an endangered species as it is so dangerously low. Pints check out but they don't check in the way they used to. This is especially needed in South Florida in November as we enter the winter season and the many visitors increase the need for blood in local hospitals. Giving blood is safe and easy. Donate a pint at Tropicon (or even afterwards) and give the gift of life.
The Blood Mobile will be outside the hotel much of Saturday. Give Blood, Get Books. (Not to mention that thing about helping to save lives.)
You don't want to miss our Annual Tropicon Banquet. We've got some very special things planned. Not the least of which is the menu.
We are having a buffet this year: Your choices will include:*
*Note: menu subject to change.
The price for this lavish buffet will be $29.00 per person and it includes the service charge and tax. Please purchase tickets in advance as seating will be limited.
Even if you can't make it to the Banquet itself, be sure to drop by immediately afterward for the Guest of Honor speeches.
In addition, we have an after dinner Special planned. This is an event never before held at Tropicon
What is it?
Well, it's a secret. But I don't think you'll be disappointed. We will even have a surprise or two. So make sure you're available Saturday Night, otherwise the morning may find you kicking yourself for not being there.
We're lining up a group of interesting games, including demos of new games and tournaments. And there will be open gaming as well.
This is the tentitive game schedule:
Advance sign-up for the tournaments is advisable.
Game demos of Immortal;Millenium by Precedence Publishing and Power Struggle by New Demension will be run all weekend.
A game of Fusion Champions will be run.
Open gaming tables will be avalible all weekend.
Please contact David Guillot if you have any questions or to sign-up for any of the tournaments.
We're trying something new this year. We've had several requests for Anime to be shown, so we're planning to host the All-Purpose Super Terrific Anime Overnight! If you're a fan of anime, this will be your chance to OD. Plus, there'll be other interesting and unusual fare. Hopefully we'll have a few things you won't find at your local video store.
Please visit The 1999 Last Chance for Humanity (Save the Watto) Tropicon 18 Video Experience! web page for further details.
This year's auction is supporting both the South Florida Science Fiction Society Building Fund, and The Friends of Literacy, a nonprofit organization which helps fund various adult literacy programs.
So please bring books, memorabilia, and anything else you think will sell at our auction. Try to let us know what you are bringing in advance; there will be a display in the Dealer's Room.
And don't forget to bring your check book for that special item you know you won't be able to live without.
Not that filking ever really left. Tropicon has always prided itself on being a filk-friendly convention, but it's been a few years since we had a Filk Guest.
Now the wait is over, for RoboFilker comes to Tropicon!
Known in the Real World as Joe Ellis, RoboFilker hails from the Orlando area and is best known for his songs about the space program. He has a couple of CD's out, The Dream is Alive - Music Of The Space Shuttles, and The Synthetic Filker, which sports songs such as, Enterprise ¤Columbia's Children ¤On The Middeck ¤No Strings Attached ¤The Challenge of Space ¤Dawn of Discovery ¤A Vision of Tomorrow ¤Atlantis Rising ¤Endeavor: Dreamlifter ¤RoboFilker ¤Vanguard ¤Harbors. He has also written The Dream is Alive, which is a four movement instrumental suite based on a typical space shuttle mission.
Joe plans to do his famous, Sing-A-Long with the Oldies concert, so it's time for all you closet filkers to come out and join the rest of us.
Our Filk Guests expenses are paid by donations from interested parties. Please support the Filk Fund.
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