relieved to discover that the pros at BUBONICON were not so obsessed. Buz liked fandom a lot and we talked about both it and the writing side of stf. It is hard to say which side of the conversation I enjoyed the most because while fandom is my main interest it is always interesting to hear people talking about the things that they love doing. On the registration table of the convention there had been a great stack of Buz' "Cage A Man" which were being given away and 1 was beginning to look forward considerably to reading it. Not that I wouldn't have anyhow, the act was simply hastened. At about three an expedition was mounted to the Pancake Inn once again. 'The others wanted me to eat those ghastly pigs-in-a- blanket again but I refrained. And that was about the end of the convention. We retired to bed and slept soundly. The following morning we checked our things out of the Holiday Inn and spent the afternoon watching an SCA tournamenC. It was interesting but noC the sort of thing that I would want to do for fun. As far as conventions go I would have to rate BUgONICON as one of the most enjoyable I have attended. DISCON a week later was more exciting but just too much, the small package and the small attendance at BUBONICON made it possible to meet almost everybody and get Co know quite a few well. After two days it was sad to have to say goodbye to George & Lana Proctor and saying farewell to Buz & Elinor was only lightened by knowing that we'd be seeing them again in a couple of weeks when we visited Seattle... 26 |