1960s One Shots


1960 - 1969
Country: Multinational

Scans by Rich Lynch, Perry Middlemiss, Rob Hansen and Joe Siclari

Issue Country Editor Whole Month Day Year Pages Mailing Notes
(untitled) US Ted Johnstone January 1960 22 SAPS 50
2-acetylbenzoic acid US Joanne Burger March 1969 6 N'APA 40
Adderkop 1 US Roy Tackett 1 March 1965 2 N'APA 25
Afrogiwood AU John Foyster July 1962 4 SAPS 60
The Alexandria Trio US Dick Eney 1963 60 with Target:FAPA and an Open Letter to Lee Hoffman
Ampersand 1 US Karen Anderson 1 1960 6 FAPA 91 for SAPS
Anduril 1 US Marion Zimmer Bradley 1 Summer 1962 32
APA D 1 US Andrew Porter 1 October 30 1965 16
Amnesia 1 US Robert Lichtman July 1961 4 FAPA 98
Arkham Sampler US Ed Meskys 1963 10
Bathtub Gin US Richard Lupoff / rich brown / Steve Stiles 1965 14
Baycon 1968 US Bob Vardeman 1968 16
Beauty and the Beast US Ray Nelson / John Trimble February 1962 12 N'APA 16
Birth of a Project UK George Locke February 1966 11
Bitch Goddess US Andy Main 1965 2 date approximate
Blush: a fanzine for Dick Ellington and far too many others AU John Foyster August 1969 4 FAPA 128
BNF of Iz - an exegesis US Terry Carr 1965 4 refers to this
Burgess's Lights 1 UK Brian Burgess 1 September 1960 16 OMPA 25
Canto One AU Lee Harding December 1964 44
Carr-con II flyer US Terry Carr / Miriam Carr 1960 1 Party invite
Concordance to the Lord of the Rings part 1 US Edwin Joseph Baker 1965 10 sometime in 60s - this date approximate
Cutty Fapazine US Lee Hoffman 1965 6 Date is unknown, this was a 60s one shot title
Dark As A Dungeon 1 US Buck Coulson / Juanita Coulson 1 December 19 1961 2 FAPA 97
Defenestration 1 US Terry Carr / Miri Carr 1 February 1961 16 for OMPA
Dianoura 1 US Phillip Harrell 1 May 1963 63
Dodderng Report UK Alan Dodd 1964 10
Double Double US Richard Schultz November 1965 14 FAPA 113, MASSIF 19, STAB 9
Dream Girl 1 US Richard Mann 1 October 1964 9 APA45 1
E.C. Tubb - An evaluation UK Philip Harbottle March 1964 24
Eclipse 1 US Greg Bear / Dan Garrett 1 Summer 1967 31 scan by Astrid Bear
Ergo Ego UK Michael Moorcock September 1962 12 scan by Rob Hansen
Entropy 1 US Terry Carr 1 November 1964 26 OMPA 42
Equal Time 1A US Bjo Trimble / John Trimble / Al Lewis / Stan Woolston February 1965 10 TAFF support for Jock Root, scan by Joe Siclari
Equal Time 1B US Bjo Trimble / John Trimble / Al Lewis / Stan Woolston February 1965 10 TAFF support for Terry Carr, scan by Joe Siclari
Everyone Needs a Kitten US Bjo Trimble 1969 2
Fan Activity Poll US Ed Robinson 1960 1 Date approximate
Fanalog US Shelby Vick 4 undated and may belong in a different decade, scan by Joe Siclari
Fankle 1 UK Ivor Latte 1 June 1965 28
Fannish IN and OUT Book US Bill Sarill / Larry Stark 1960 52
Fans and Ethics UK Vince Clarke 1960 11
Fanzine 1 US Sylvia White 1 1960 4
Fanzine for Atom-Rotsler US Ted Johnstone November 1964 12 for FAPA and OMPA
Fanzine for Bjohn US Bruce Pelz July 1960 58
Females in Fact, Fab le, Fiction, Fantasy & Fairy-Tale UK John Rackham / Alan Dodd 1965 30 date approximate
Figment of a Dream US David H. Keller / Jack Chalker December 1962 52
A Folio of Philby John Baxter / Bob Smith 1962 10
FORRY! (50th birthday zine) US Fred Patten 1966 80
Go Westercon Young Man US Dwain Kaiser July 1965 22
Gondor US uncredited 1965 16 date is unknown, this was a 60s one shot title
Gradus ad Parnassum US Don Fitch May 1963 1 FAPA 103, Shadow-FAPA 12
Great White Also US Fred Patten 1969 19
Grendel AU John Foyster April 1962 19 SAPS 59 postmailing
The Hannes Bok Sketchbook Folio US Bjo Trimble / et al August 1967 16 N3F
Harlequin UK John Berry / Arthur Thompson May 1964 62
Hickey...That It Is...Hickey, Rosemary US Rosemary Hickey 1968 2 FAPA 98
Hillside US John Trimble / Bjo Trimble / Bob Lichtman / Jack Harness / Fred Patten / Steve Tolliver February 1962 14
How We Won US Bill Donaho September 1967 6 and for LILAPA 54
Htpptc Atonic #? US Ted Johnstone March 10 1964 7 N'APA 20
Hurrah for Our Side US Redd Boggs June 1964 4 for FAPA
Hyborian Times 1 US George R. Heap 1 August 1967 8
Influence of Science Fiction on Modern American Folk Music US Lee Jacobs 1961 12 originally published in early 50s, slightly different reprint for SAPS
In Part Scal'd - 1963 Fan Poll Results US Dick Eney 1963 38
Interim UK Gray Boak June 1969 11
The Insurgent Manner US Karen Anderson / Poul Anderson / Miri Knight / Jerry Knight / Calvin Demmon / Ed Clinton / Jessie Clinton 1962 2
Is California Secure US Dick Eney August 1968 2 FAPA 124
Jargon 1 US Dave Van Arnam 1 August 1963 36
Journal of the Henry James Appreciation Society AU John Foyster May 30 1968 10 SAPS 84
Keeping Posted UK Alan Burns November 1960 16 "A Sort of Apology for Northlight"
A Letter from Jean Linard FR Jean Linard August 1962 10 FAPA 100
Lettersville US Sylvia White 1960 18 This goes with Fanzine 1 (on this index page)
Logarithmic V1#1 US Bob Silverberg February 1961 4 FAPA 94
Markstein for President!!! US George Wells 1968 2 NFFF
Meadows of Fantasy (pt 2 and last) UK Archie Mercer June 1965 96 OMPA 44
MITSFS Mitigatorer US Mike Ward July 15 1966 2 uncredited but edited by Mike Ward
Mobius Strip 1 R. Buckmaster / D. Buckmaster / Chris Miller September 1960 2 OMPA 25
Myrtle Rebecca Douglas - an Appreciation US Elmer Perdue February 11 1965 15 FAPA 110
The New Necronomicon US Joseph Sarno 1969 58
New Year's Tale US Dannie Platcha / Dick Schultz 1963 12
Next 70,000 Years of Society US Norm Metcalf March 1966 20 OMPA 47
non-con non-fanzine US Harvey Forman/Andy Porter 1965 2 no year listed but sometime in the 60s
Not Quite a Teapot US Bill Donaho June 1965 4 OMPA 44
N'apacon US Ed Meskys June 18 1960 2 N'APA 5
OMPAlog: Fiction (Fan & Faan) US Alan Lewis / Robert Lambeck September 1960 17 OMPA 25
One Hundred Percent US Miriam Knight / Bob Lichtman May 1965 26 FAPA 111
Open Season on Elephants US rich brown 1964 2 SAPS 69
Outstanding US Ed Cox / Anne Cox / Redd Boggs / Lee Jacobs / Ron Parker / Lynn Parker / Michele Parker July 1963 28 FAPA 104
Panelzine - The Fear Element in Science Fiction US Hal Lynch / George Heap 1961 22
A Partial Exegesis of the Thoughts of Mao Tse*Tung US Dick Eney August 1968 16 FAPA 124
Pleiades Pimples 1 US Bob Tucker 1 January 1960 16 FAPA 90
Project Report 1 US Lee Hoffman 1 May 1965 12 and APA-F
Proxyboo 1 US Ted White / Walter Breen 1 November 1963 10 Allerlei 8 and 9
The Quatt Wunkery US Charles Wells February 1965 2 FAPA 110
Quotecards Anyone? UK Lang Jones May 1964 24
Announcing the Reader's Guide to Barsoom & Amtor US Richard Lupoff 1963 2
Reader's Guide to Barsoom & Amtor US Dave Van Arnam / Richard Lupoff 1963 95
Rejected Scene US Ted Johnstone 1968 2
The Review 1 US Larry Stark 1963 17 date approximate, undated
Richard E. Nixon, Man of Destiny US Bob Silverberg 1 November 1960 4 FAPA 93
Roscoe Will Save US Ted Johnstone May 1960 8
Rox 1 US Tom Perry 1 1964 2
The Rumble US Walter Breen / Pat Lupoff / Richard Lupoff 1960 4
Running, Jumping and Standing Still Magazine 1 UK Mal Ashworth 1 May 1961 18 OMPA 28, FAPA 96
Salvo UK Eric Bentcliffe Spring 1960 2 TAFF thank you
Sarandipity 1 US Dean Grennell / Ron Ellik 1 July 18 1967 8 FAPA 120
Science Fiction Age 1 US James Taurasi 1 September 1960 14 for FAPA
Science-Fiction Fan Club Questionaire UK Pete Campbell 1965 4 the first Hydra League project
SFBE (Science Fiction Played by Ear) US Ray Beam June 17 1962 5
Share the Rapp US John Trimble / Bjo Trimble March 1961 38
Share the Rapp invitation US John Trimble / Bjo Trimble January 1961 1
Short Title US Dave Hulan / Dave Locke 1 August 1968 10 SFPA 29
So You Want to Be a Fan US John Boardman July 1966 8
Sold Down the River, a true account of the new N'APA Regime US Jack Harness June 1961 8 N'APA 9 dated by apa mailing
Son of the Fanalitic Eye Squints Sideways at OMPA UK Jhim Linwood March 1962 8 OMPA 31
Some Notes on Xi Bootis US Hal Clement September 1960 13
Swamp Gas, Weather Balloons and Venus in the Daytime US Jack Speer / Leon Hale February 1967 11 FAPA 118 Albuquerque SF Club for members, FAPA, and others
bhob stewart and John Benson Talk with B. Krigstein US bhob stewart / John Benson 1963 32
The Tattered Dragonette US Nancy J. Rapp October 1961 12 spoof of Bill Rotsler zines
Thirdmancon Combozine UK March 1968 22
Tomchats in the Dark GE Thomas Schluck September 1964 10 OMPA 41
Tower Comics 1 US Bruce Pelz / Dian Pelz 1 March 1964 44
Trivia 1 US Lynn Hickman 1 Summer 1966 24 for SFPA
Two Shot US Gordon Bonson August 1968 19 FAPA 124 dated by FAPA mailing, a publication of the Albuquerque Science Fiction Society
Void V1#1 US C.A. Cook / Lew A. Gaff 1 Winter 1960 60 Date is an estimate
We Live in a Fanzine Factory US Al Lewis / Ron Ellik June 1962 1
Where Have All the Misfits Gone? US 1966 4
White Stencil 62 US Bob Silverberg 62 February 1964 8 FAPA 106
The Wizard and Us US Bill Rotsler 1966 12 poetry not art
Xerozine 00 US William Desmond November 26 1969 8 triangular
The Zinephobic Eye CA Mike Glicksohn 1965 9 date approximate, undated

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