Fanews Analyzer

Don Rogers
Jimmy Rogers
Raym Washington
Helen Bradleigh



This publication is by and about those that were involved with Claude Degler's (infamous) Cosmic Circle.

You can find more publications related to the Cosmic Circle here.

New issues will be listed in bold.

Issue Editor Month Day Year Pages Mailing Notes PDF
Fanews Analyzer 1
October 9 1943 2 FAPA 26, CAPA 1 bundled with CAPA Mailing 1 APA
Fanews Analyzer 1 (sic)
October 9 1943 2 FAPA 26, CAPA 1 also marked as issue 1, bundled with CAPA Mailing 1 APA
Fanews Analyzer 2 Don Rogers

1943 2 FAPA 26, CAPA 1 also bundled with CAPA Mailing 1 APA PDF
Fanews Analyzer 10 Helen Bradleigh

1943 2
also Cosmic Circle Commentator 10

Scans by Joe Siclari

Updated May 6, 2020. If you have a comment or question about these Web pages please send a note to the Fanac Webmaster. Thank you.