FAPA Mailing #28 |
June 1944 |
OE: R. D. Swisher |
Contribution | Editor | Pages |
Agenbite of Inwit #5 | Robert W. Lowndes | 7 |
Arcadia | Harry Honig | 10 |
Banshee #4 | Larry Shaw | 20 |
Black & White | Nova Press | 8 |
Blitherings 2 | Chan Davis | 14 |
Browsing #6 | J. Michael Rosenblum | 4 |
Caliban 5 | Larry Shaw | 4 |
Cosmic Circle Monthly 1 (3rd version?) | Claude Degler | 19 |
Eccentric's Orbit 1 | Mike Fern | 6 |
Elmurmurings 2 | Elmer Perdue | 10 |
Emergency Flare | Dik Daniels | 1 |
En Garde 10 | Al Ashley, Abby Lu Ashley | 12 |
Ephemeron 2 | L. R. Chauvenet | 1 |
Fan Slants #3 | Mel Brown | 38 |
Fan-Tods 7 | Norman Francis Stanley | 22 |
Fandango 5 | Francis T. Laney | 15 |
Fantasy Amateur V7#4 | R. D. Swisher | 12 |
The FAPA Fan 14 | Donald Wollheim | 1 |
FAPA Variety 9 | Bob Tucker | 4 |
Futuria 2 | Elsie Wollheim | 8 |
Futurian Advance 2 | Helen Bradleigh | 6 |
History of the Future Cards | various | 5 |
Horizons 19 | Harry Warner, Jr | 12 |
Inspiration V3#1 | Lynn Bridges | 12 |
Intelligence Quotient 2 | Doro (Don Rogers aka Degler) | 2 |
Investigation in Newcastle | Jack Speer | 4 |
Jupiter | Ronald Maddox | 1 |
Light 131 | Leslie A. Croutch | 18 |
Membership Report | Claude Degler | 2 |
Memoirs of a Superfluous Fan | T. Bruce Yerke | 26 |
Milty's Mag 15 | Milton A. Rothman | 4 |
National Futurian Wkly 22 | Claude Degler | 2 |
New Hieroglyph 1 | Donald Wollheim | 7 |
Phanny V3#2 | Donald B. Thompson | 16 |
The Phantagraph 48 | Donald Wollheim | 6 |
Reader and Collector V3#3 | H. C. Koenig | 16 |
So Saari 1 | Oliver Saari | 6 |
Star-Stung 1 | George Ebey | 18 |
The Stump 1 | Al Ashley | 6 |
Sustaining Program 22 | Jack Speer | 14 |
Take-Off! 1 | Raymond Washington | 10 |
A Tale of the 'Evans 7 | E. Everett Evans | 12 |
Toward Tomorrow 2 | James Kepner | 28 |
Troy | Helen Bradleigh | 2 |
Venus-Con | Francis T. Laney / Mel Brown | 2 |
Walt's Wramblings 10 | Walt Liebscher | 8 |
The Works | John B. Michel | 8 |
YHOS 10 | Art Widner | 2 |