Aug. 29 to
Sept. 2, 2002
San José
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Presented at ConJosČ
September 1, 2002 in San JosČ, Calfornia , USA

  • Best Novel: American Gods by Neil Gaiman (Morrow) (Vote Breakdown)
  • Best Novella: "Fast Times at Fairmont High" by Vernor Vinge (The Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge, Tor) (Vote Breakdown)
  • Best Novelette: "Hell Is the Absence of God" by Ted Chiang (Starlight 3, Tor) (Vote Breakdown)
  • Best Short Story: "The Dog Said Bow-Wow" by Michael Swanwick (Asimov's 10-11/01) (Vote Breakdown)
  • Best Related Book: The Art of Chesley Bonestell by Ron Miller & Frederick C. Durant III, with Melvin H. Schuetz (Paper Tiger) (Vote Breakdown)
  • Best Dramatic Presentation: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (New Line Cinema/The Saul Zaentz Company/WingNut Films) Directed by Peter Jackson; Screenplay by Fran Walsh & Phillipa Boyens & Peter Jackson; Peter Jackson, Barrie M. Osborne and Tim Sanders, Producers; Michael Lynne, Mark Ordesky, Robert Shaye, Bob Weinstein and Harvey Weinstein, Executive Producers. (Vote Breakdown)
  • Best Professional Editor: Ellen Datlow (SciFiction) (Vote Breakdown)
  • Best Pro Artist: Michael Whelan (Vote Breakdown)
  • Best Semiprozine: Locus, edited by Charles N. Brown (Vote Breakdown)
  • Best Fanzine: Ansible, edited by Dave Langford (Vote Breakdown)
  • Best Fan Writer: Dave Langford (Vote Breakdown)
  • Best Fan Artist: Teddy Harvia (Vote Breakdown)
  • Best Web Site: Locus Online, Mark R. Kelly editor/webmaster (Vote Breakdown)
  • John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer of 2000 or 2001: Jo Walton (Vote Breakdown)

The John W. Campbell Award, sponsored by Dell Magazines, is not a Hugo Award, but appears on the same ballot as the Hugo Awards and is administered in the same way as the Hugo Awards.

Full nomination details




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"ConJosé" is a service mark of San Francisco Science Fiction Conventions, Inc. (SFSFC), a California non-profit corporation recognized as tax-exempt under IRC 501(c)(3). The ConJosé logo was created by and is © 2001 David Cherry, and is a service mark of SFSFC. This web site is © 2002 SFSFC except where otherwise noted. "Worldcon," "World Science Fiction Convention," "WSFS," "World Science Fiction Society," "NASFiC," and "Hugo Award" are registered service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.    ConJosé Privacy Policy