World Science Fiction Society
Resolutions and Rulings of Continuing Effect
2001 Business Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Donald E. Eastlake III, Chairman
Kevin Standlee, Parliamentarian & Deputy Presiding Officer
Bridget Boyle, Timekeeper,
Zanne Labonville, Emergency Holographic Timekeeper
Cheryl Morgan, Emergency Holographic Secretary
The Chair ruled that the Business Meeting could create standing committees
of the Business Meetingby standing rule, but could create standing
committees of WSFS only by constitutional amendment.
The Chair ruled that it is right and proper for the Business Meeting
to ask to know how excess funds remaining after a Worldcon are disbursed.
It is not sufficient for the Worldcon to simply report that the funds
have been transferred to another body for disbursement.
CH-2001-3 |
The Chairman ruled that the Standing Rules can only cover the conduct
of the Business Meeting and may not be used to impose requirements upon
BM-2001-1 |
Resolved, The Nitpicking & Flyspecking Committee is directed to remind
each future Worldcon, early and often, that the WSFS Business Meeting
believes that membership badges should be readable, with members' names
printing in no less than 24 point type.
2000 Business Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
Donald E. Eastlake III, Chairman
Kevin Standlee, Parliamentarian & Deputy Presiding Officer
Zanne Labonville, Timekeeper
Robert Sacks (standing in for Pat McMurray), Secretary
Cheryl Morgan, Emergency Holographic Secretary
CH-2000-1 |
The Chairman ruled that the definition of a "signature" (as per the Hugo
voting rules) was a matter for individual Hugo Award committees.
Resolved, that the proper formatting of the WSFS Constitution is as follows:
1. The WSFS Constitution is divided into a number of Articles, which
are numbered in Arabic numerals, thus: 1, 2, 3, 4Ö.
2. Each Article is divided into a number of Sections, which are numbered
with their Article and Section number in Legal format in Arabic numerals,
thus: 1.1, 1.2,Ö. Each Section has a title relevant to its contents.
3. Each Section may be divided into subsections, which are numbered with
their Article, Section and subsection number in Legal format in Arabic
numerals, thus: 1.5.1, 1.5.2,Ö. Subsections do not have titles.
4. Enumerated lists of items are numbered with their sequence number
in Arabic numerals enclosed in parentheses, thus: (1), (2),Ö.
5. Sections should be arranged in approximately chronological order within
articles, as should subsections within sections, and items within lists.
BM-2000-2 |
Moved, to encourage Worldcons who tape their sessions to make copies
available to the Worldcon history exhibit.
1999 Business Meeting, Melbourne, Victoria
Jack Herman, Chairman
`Zanne Labonville, Timekeeper.
Pat McMurray, Secretary
No Resolutions or Rulings of Continuing Effect were made at Aussiecon III
1998 Business Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland
Tim Illingworth, Chairman
Don Eastlake, Deputy Presiding Officer
Kevin Standlee (standing in for Kathy Westhead), Timekeeper
Pat McMurray, Secretary
Robbie Bourget, Master-at-Arms
The Chairman ruled that it was in order to nominate sitting [appointed]
members of the Mark Protection Committee for election to the Mark Protection
1997 Business Meeting, San Antonio, Texas
Donald E. Eastlake III, Presiding Officer
Kevin Standlee, Secretary
`Zanne Labonville, Timekeeper
The Chair ruled that the Business Meeting could create "recognized publications"
(as contemplated in the motion being debated) by resolution.
1996 Business Meeting, Anaheim, California
Donald E. Eastlake Ill, Presiding Officer
George Flynn, Secretary
Kevin Standlee, Parliamentarian and Deputy Presiding Officer
`Zanne Labonville, Timekeeper.
No Resolutions or Rulings of Continuing Effect were made at L.A.Con III
1995 Business Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland
Kevin Standlee, Presiding Officer
Tim Illingworth, Deputy Presiding Office
George Flynn, Secretary
Gary Feldbaum, Timekeeper
It is the sense of the WSFS that it is inappropriate for a Worldcon Committee
to gather additional demographic data on the site-selection and/or the
Hugo Award ballots beyond that which is required by the WSFS Constitution,
or useful for the efficient administration of the balloting.
Balloting is necessary, unless the rules are suspended, even if the number
of Mark Protection Committee nominees is the same as the number of seats
to fill, since write-ins are allowed.
It is out of order, unless the rules are suspended, to change an existing
working group to a committee.
It is out of order to amend a motion so as to simply undo an amendment
previous[ly] adopted at the same session; however, the motion to Reconsider
may be available.
In response to an inquiry as to the meaning of "published in advance"
in rules related to the Business Meeting published in advance by the Worldcon
Committee, the Chair ruled that such rules would have to be printed with
the official documents, and not included by reference, although a reference
could be made to an existing parliamentary manual.
The Chair ruled that the Standing Rules do bind the Worldcon Committee.
Persons casting site-selection ballots by mail may change their vote
as long as practical until the tallying begins. [It was pointed out at
the 1996 Business Meeting that 1995-R-6 meant it was appropriate to allow
a change, not that it was required.]
1994 Business Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Donald Eastlake, Presiding Officer
George Flynn, Secretary
Kevin Standlee, Parliamentarian
Rick Katze, Timekeeper
WSFS Electronic Archives
RESOLVED, the Committee on Motions of Continuing Effect is hereby requested
to maintain a list of sites that volunteer to keep public electronic archives
of WSFS-related material. Worldcons are requested to transmit to such
sites a copy of the current WSFS Constitution, Standing Rules, Business
Passed On, and Business Meeting Minutes whenever new versions are available
for distribution. The Committee on Motions of Continuing Effect is also
requested to transmit to those same sites a copy of its report on such
motions and any other reports deemed appropriate for general distribution.
Materials made available electronically are not to contain personal information
such as mail address or phone number without the express consent of the
individual whose information is to be contained therein.
RESOLVED, that WSFS strongly encourages prospective Hugo categories to
be tested before being submitted to the WSFS Business Meeting.
1993 Business Meeting, San Francisco, California
John Lorentz, Presiding Officer
David Levine, Secretary
Kevin Standlee, Parliamentarian
Rick Katze / Jeff Canfield, Timekeepers
It was ruled that the Secretary has the authority to correct typographical
and grammatical errors in the Constitution, Standing Rules, and Business
Passed On.
A motion to take the vote on an Objection to Consideration by written
ballot was ruled to be in order.
A motion which referred to the place of residence of a named individual
was ruled to be in order.
A suggestion of 50 years as the debate limit for a motion was ruled to
be dilatory.
The Chair ruled that a Constitutional provision beginning with the word
"Provided" and effecting [sic] only one year would automatically disappear
from the Constitution after that year.
1992 Business Meeting, Orlando, Florida
Bruce Pelz, Presiding Officer
Ben Yalow, Parliamentarian
George Flynn, Secretary
Kevin Standlee, Timekeeper
The Mark Protection Committee is directed to investigate the possibility
of protecting the Hugo rocket symbol and, if in its judgement the protection
is worthwhile, to begin the process of protecting it.
The Mark Protection Committee is directed to use its judgement in selecting
which marks to protect in which countries to achieve maximum protection
with available resources.
The Mark Protection Committee is authorized to negotiate royalties for
commercial use of WSFS marks.
It was the sense of the meeting that all (unofficial) site-selection
results should be posted as soon as they are known. It was noted that
future Worldcons could not be bound in this respect.
Ruled that if "None of the Above" wins the NASFiC balloting and the decision
goes to the Business Meeting, the Business Meeting can not choose "None
of the Above".
Ruled in connection with use of the WSFS marks that
(I) use by Worldcon and bidding committees is not commercial use,
(2) a blurb of "Hugo Winner" on a book's cover would not count as commercial
use but a book like The Hugo Award Winners would be, and
(3) T-shirts produced for a Worldcon by an outside vendor would be commercial
1991 Business Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
Ross Pavlac, Presiding Officer
Bruce Pelz, Assistant Presiding Officer
Yale F. Edeiken, Parliamentarian
Theresa Renner, Staff Sergeant-at-Arms
Richard S. Russell, Secretary
Kevin Standlee, Timekeeper
(right after the Vote Count from Hell) Resolved, That the Business Meeting
recommends that all future Worldcons adopt the practice of validating
site-selection ballots as they are received, rather than after site- selection
balloting closes.
Ruled that an Objection to Consideration is still in order, after debate
on the time set for a motion, if debate has not touched on the substance
of the motion.
After a tie vote which did not include the podium staff, an attempt was
made to add the podium staff votes. A point of order was raised that all
who wish to vote must do so at the same time (except that the chair should
generally refrain from voting but may then add their single vote if it
affects the outcome). This point of order was found to be well taken.
An objection was raised that the chair should not try to influence the
vote while voting is taking place. The chair agreed.
1990 Business Meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands
Bruce Pelz, Presiding Officer
George Flynn, Secretary
Ben Yalow, Parliamentarian
Rick Katze, Timekeeper
A point of order was raised against a motion because the seconder was
eleven years old. The chair ruled that the point of order was not well
taken as there are no age limits on membership in the society.
1989 Business Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
Donald Eastlake, Presiding Officer
Bruce Pelz, Deputy Presiding Officer
Kent Bloom, Secretary
Rick Katze, Timekeeper
Theresa Renner, Sergeant-at-Arms
The chair ruled that any amendment to the Constitution imposing additional
financial reporting requirements would not apply to a Worldcon held before
the requirement went into effect.
1988 Business Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana
Bruce E. Pelz, Presiding Officer
Elayne F. Pelz, Secretary
Ben Yalow, Parliamentarian
Every Worldcon Committee is requested to include the following additional
notice in each of its publications:
The World Science Fiction Society and the World Science Fiction Convention
are not related to "World SF, The International Association of Science
Fiction Professionals."
1987 Business Meeting, Brighton, England
Tim Stannard, Presiding Officer
Tim lllingworth, Secretary
Ben Yalow, Parliamentarian
The chair ruled that a quorum need not be present to hear reports.
1986 Business Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia
Bruce E. Pelz, Presiding Officer
Elayne F. Pelz, Secretary
Ben Yalow, Parliamentarian
The Mark Registration and Protection Committee is authorized to appoint
a representative to engage in discussion with "World SF, The International
Organization of Science Fiction Professionals", aimed at minimizing name
All Worldcon and NASFiC Committees are encouraged to financially support
the Mark Registration and Protection Committee.
1985 Business Meeting, Melbourne, Victoria
Jack Herman, Presiding Officer
Kent Bloom, Secretary
Donald Eastlake, Parliamentarian
It is the sense of the Business Meeting that the name of "World SF, The
International Association of Science Fiction Professionals", does not
infringe on any proper trademark of WSFS.
The chair directed that the Mark Registration and Protection Committee
should respond to requests for lists of Hugo winners provided that the
use of service marks is noted.
1984 Business Meeting, Anaheim, California
Ross Pavlac, Presiding Officer
George Flynn, Secretary
George Scithers, Parliamentarian
Bob Hillis, Timekeeper
The Mark Registration and Protection Committee should be directed concerning
pursuit of registration for particular marks only by resolution of the
Business Meeting.
NOTE: BM-84-I was passed after CH-84-I and CH-84-2 were made
(a) The current Worldcon Committee should be neutral between committees
bidding for future Worldcons. It should not request or accept money or
supplies from any one bidding committee without making equivalent opportunity
available to any competing committee(s).
(b) This resolution shall not preclude any individual member of a Worldcon
Committee from offering his or her services, funds, or supplies to a bidding
(c) This resolution shall not preclude the current Worldcon Committee
from accepting the services of a bidding committee or its members, nor
shall it preclude a bidding committee from offering services or merchandise
to members of a Worldcon.
The chair directed that if the present appeal of the refusal of the US
Patent and Trademark Office to register "Science Fiction Achievement Award"
fails, no further attempts should be made to register that mark.
The chair directed that the Mark Registration and Protection Committee
should pursue registration of the mark "NASFiC" if the NASFiC continues
in existence.
A motion to refer a site-selection rotation zone plan to the United Nations
was ruled out of order.
The chair ruled that the convention where the voting would take place
should be taken as the deadline for the presentation of documents by write-in
site selection bidders.
1983 Business Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland
Kent Bloom, Presiding Officer
Mary Morman, Secretary
A Constitutional amendment was up for ratification which divided a Hugo
category into two new categories. A motion was made to delete one of the
new categories. The chair ruled that this was permissible at the ratification
stage and that further ratification the following year would not be needed
if the change were adopted. The ruling of the chair was appealed and the
assembly overruled the chair, deciding that such a deletion was out of
order at the ratification stage in this case.
A Constitutional amendment up for ratification was reworded with more
neutral language but with no change in meaning. A point of order was raised
that this would require it to be ratified again in changed form the following
year. The chair ruled this point of order was not well taken.
1982 Business Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
Donald Eastlake, Presiding Officer
George Flynn, Secretary
Rick Katze, Counsel
Leslie Turek, Timekeeper
Paula Lieberman, Sergeant-at-Arms
Whereas recent Worldcons have had, and future Worldcons can expect
to have, significant excess funds following the close of the convention;
And whereas there has been considerable debate and discussion
in the past about the appropriate uses for these funds;
And whereas there are many organizations that would be worthy
recipients of such funds;
And whereas it is difficult to choose which of the many worthy
organizations should receive said funds;
Be it resolved that the following organizations are considered
by the World Science Fiction Society to he among those worthy to receive
a. recognized fan charities, such as TAFF, DUFF, CUFF, TOFF and the FAAn
b. established national fan organizations, such as the NFFF and the Fantasy
Artists Network;
c. PBS, NPR, and their local affiliates, for the production and/or sponsorship
of science fiction programming;
d. future Worldcon committees.
NOTE: The above motion as originally proposed also listed "Small, established
regional conventions;", "Established local fan organizations, especially
IRS code 50I(c)3-recognized not-for-profit organizations;'", and
"Local public libraries, for improvements to their science fiction collections;".
These were specifically deleted from the list of acceptable recipients
by vote of the Business Meeting.
The chair ruled that an amendment up for ratification may be changed
so as to decrease the scope of the amendment and such a change does not
require farther ratification at the next Business Meeting.
The chair ruled that when the procedure of filling a blank is used to
determine debate time limits at a Business Meeting, voting should start
with the longest time period and proceed to shorter time periods until
one obtains a majority.
The chair ruled that the opinions of the Business Meeting chair as to
the meaning of Hugo category definitions are not binding on future Worldcons.
A motion was introduced that would direct future Worldcons supervising
site selection to disqualify any bid that used hotels from a particular
chain as the main convention hotel until certain conditions were met.
The chair ruled the motion out of order on the grounds that requirements
for bidding are specified in the WSFS Constitution and additional criteria
cannot be imposed without amending the Constitution.
A motion to amend the Standing Rules to impose additional criteria for
NASFiC bidders to appear on the ballot was ruled out of order by the chair
on the grounds that bidding criteria are specified by the Constitution
and any additional criteria can only be imposed by Constitutional amendment.
(The ruling of the chair was appealed and the chair was sustained by vote
of the assembly.)
The chair ruled that actual personal signatures are not required on motions
submitted in writing as long as the makers of the motion are identified.
The chair ruled that "generally available" means you can get it if you
want it, not that there have to be copies for everyone who might want
1981 Business Meeting, Denver, Colorado
Donald Eastlake, Presiding Officer
George Flynn, Secretary
Rick Katze, Sergeant-at-Arms
Bob Hillis, Timekeeper
The chair ruled that the term "publications" includes everything sent
to all members, and also flyers, etc.
1980 Business Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
Donald Eastlake, Presiding Officer
George Flynn, Secretary
Mike Lalor, Sergeant-at-Arms
Bob Hillis, Timekeeper
The chair ruled that in the Standing Rules the phrase "the same Business
Meeting" includes all sessions at a given Worldcon.
The chair ruled that in the case of the adoption of an entire new Constitution
for WSFS, general amendments would be in order at the time of ratification.
The chair ruled that Section 2.6 of the WSFS Constitution requires that
at least three nominees in each Hugo category appear on the final ballot
provided that there are at least three nominees. (The ruling of the chair
was appealed and the chair was sustained by a vote of 19-3.)
A motion was introduced to authorize a named individual to select and
publish a series of "retrospective Hugos" for the years 1926 through 1951.
A point of order was raised that, in light of the WSFS Constitution provisions
prohibiting extending the name to any award other than that awarded
by the mechanism provided in the Constitution, this would require a Constitutional
amendment The chair ruled that this point of order was well taken.
The chair ruled that allegations of misconduct involving a non-Hugo award
administered by a Worldcon are not WSFS Business. (The ruling of the chair
was appealed and the chair was sustained by a vote of 20-1.)
NOTE: 1980 was the first Business Meeting at which a special committee to register
and protect the WSFS marks was created This committee was continued from year
to year until a constitutional amendment was adopted in 1982 and ratified in
1983 giving these duties to the Standing Committee. The composition of the Standing
Committee was identical to that of the Board of Directors in a new Constitution
being considered in those years (see note after BM-78-01). A further constitutional
amendment passed in 1985 and ratified in 1986 changed the name of the committee
to the Mark Registration and Protection Committee. A further amendment passed
in 1990 and ratified in 1991 simplified the name to the Mark Protection Committee.
1979 Business Meeting, Brighton, England
Donald Eastlake, Presiding Officer
Rick Katze, Secretary
NOTE: The written notes of the Secretary and a tape recording of the Business
Meeting were both destroyed in an apartment fire before they could be transcribed
or distributed Thus no minutes exist for this Business Meeting. A note of actions
has however been prepared based on Ben Yalow's surviving copy of the Agenda
for the Main Meeting together with his notes.
1978 Business Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona
Bob Hillis, Presiding Officer
Donald Eastlake, Secretary
Jack Speer, Parliamentarian
Mike Lalor, Timekeeper
A permanent body, the World Science Fiction Society, Incorporated (WSFS,
Inc.) should be established, independent of any Worldcon Committee, whose
members will be the members of the current and upcoming Worldcons. The
Board of Directors of WSFS, Inc. should be selected by the members of
the Society and by current and recent Worldcon Committees.
WSFS, Inc. should be responsible for the administering of voting for
selection of the Hugos and the sites of future Worldcons. No change should
be made in either Hugos or site selection as a result of the establishment
of WSFS, Inc. except as necessary to administer the voting.
In cases of a Worldcon Committee becoming unable to properly manage its
designated Convention, either because of internal collapse or misconduct,
then, after investigations and due process, the Board of Directors should
have the right to remove the name "World Science Fiction Convention" and
the awarding of the Hugos, site selection and the holding of the Society's
Business Meeting from the control of the guilty Committee and to award
them to another responsible group.
NOTE: As initially passed this resolution also continued a WSFS Constitution
Drafting Committee that had been set up even earlier This committee existed
for a number of years, being chaired by various fans at various times. Ultimately
it came up with a full Draft Constitution, a large part of which were debated
and perfected at a WSFS Business Meeting Finally, at the 1983 (??1982) WSFS
Business Meeting a report of the committee was received and the committee dismissed
with thanks but no further steps were taken to perfect or adopt the new Constitution.
While no steps are being taken to put the above resolution into effect, nothing
has ever been done to repeal or contradict it either
NOTE: At the 1988 Business Meeting a motion to repeal resolution BM-78-1 was
introduced and defeated
NOTE: The 1978 Business Meeting was the one at which the first set of permanent
Standing Rules for the Governance of the WSFS Business Meeting as provided in
the Constitution, were adopted.
1977 Business Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida
Bob Hillis, Presiding Officer
Larry Smith, Secretary
The Convention Chairman asserted a right to co-preside at the Business
Meeting without replacing the Presiding Officer.
The chair ruled that an Objection to Consideration could not be made
unless good reasons for the objection were given. The ruling of the chair
was appealed and the chair was overruled.
NOTE: Minutes are not available for the 1977 Business Meeting The above is
based on notes made by Bob Hillis after consultation with Larry Smith
1976 Business Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri
Bob Hillis, Presiding Officer
Larry Smith, Secretary
George Scithers, Parliamentarian
Immediately after calling the meeting to order, the Presiding Officer
asked for and received a unanimous vote to the effect that the Constitution
printed in program book was invalid and that a document distributed to
the Business Meeting was the valid current Constitution with a set of
pending amendments as passed in 1975 at Aussiecon. (A minor correction
was later made, after researching the original language passed in 1972
at LACon I, in the wording of the separate eligibility of the English
language translation of a work originally published in a language other
than English.)
NOTE: Previous practice was to in corporate all changes in the text with
the understanding that the change was not binding on the next Worldcon
unless it wished to observe this. Considerable confusion resulted. In
addition there had been attempts to adopt major changes at DisCon II in
1974 and Aussiecon in 1975 while bypassing the one year delay. Bill Brown
had ruled that changes made at DisCon II needed to be ratified but changes
at Aussiecon went into effect immediately.
The chair ruled that amendments could be offered to constitutional amendments
pending ratification provided that the proposed change would constitute
a lesser change from the existing Constitution than the original language
passed the previous year.
NOTE: This Business Meeting adopted a set of Standing Rules, asserting its
authority over its own procedures, but these were not yet provided for in the
NOTE: Minutes are not available for the 1976 Business Meeting The above is
based on notes made by Bob Hillis after consultation with Larry Smith.